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Posts posted by grrlfromoz

  1. I don't watch sports on TV. (American) football is over, for the moment. *heavy sigh* Otherwise I'd be watching that. I love CSI, but only the Vegas original one. Warrick is dreamy. hehe I'm in love with Lost. Apparantly I look like Kate, so my friends are always like "*gasp* YOU kissed the cowboy last night!" Of course there is the X-Files reruns that I try to catch. Every once in awhile I see one I haven't seen before. For some reason I keep forgetting to watch the O.C. on Thursdays, but when I DO finally catch it, I can't get enough. An hour goes by so quickly on that show! I suppose at some point I should watch some news or something, but I prefer written drama to the real thing.

  2. I've never heard of "negative calorie" foods, but how you describe it, it makes so much sense! I did some more research on my own, and apparantly the difference between "negative calories" and "empty calories" has to do with the enzymes produced. The "empty" ones (like a box of Twinkies hehe) take more energy to break down because they don't have vitamins in them that negative calorie items have. They don't create their own enzymes, the body has to do it. The energy required to convert empty ones is greater than the energy produced. Negative calories inherently have their own enzymes which don't, I guess, "distract" your body from using energy in the right places (like to burn fat for example).

    I'm facinated by this! I'm going to print off that list as well. Thanks for sharing! Here's one link to more information I found:

  3. First of all, thank you everybody for being so nice when I SO needed it. It hurts a little less knowing people I've never even met have such warm hearts, and that I am not the only one to have experienced a broken heart. (HUGs back to MidnightDevil :) )I'm still trying to work out the details as to how this ever could have happened, but I don't know that I'll ever be able to decypher this one. To no9t9's suggestion, yep I'm 23 but this relationship didn't start in high school, but rather 6 months ago. Maybe it's not long, but feels like forever. You're right Cammy, I deserve respect. *high fives* :P I don't know that I'll ever be able to stop talking to him, but I don't have any hopes like I used to for a future together. *sigh* I swear it gets more complicated by the minute!

  4. My fav character is Moe. Everybody seems to think he's ugly, inside and out. Mostly I think he just wants to be loved. I think he's a sweetheart, as is evident by that ep where he spends so much time with Maggie calling her "Mags". Homer drives me nuts, as he's too close to a certain family member that I have already. *ahem* I'd be Lisa.My fav ep has to be the one with the "Shinning" where no tv and no beer make homer something something.

  5. On Sunday my boyfriend, my best friend, and I broke up. We are both altogether certain we are soulmates and are meant to be together forever. In fact, that was the plan. It is still the plan actually, even though we can never be truely "together" in the physical sense. See the thing is, he's getting back together with the mother of his daughter (who I only learned this weekend even existed). He still wants me to be his girlfriend and I want nothing more than to do just that, but we'll never be together because he'll never leave the mother for the sake of the daughter. The sort of pain I am experiencing is overwhelming and indescribable. We're still talking; we're going to get through this together, even as I'm supposed to meet someone else and fall in love. He's the other half of me. And suddenly he has a family that I'll never be a part of. I never thought this would happen. I just keep praying...

  6. Well said, Nickmealey. :) I think the natural order of things is chaos. What I mean to say is that humans on their own create that chaos. I believe in a higher 'establishment of order' I guess I could call it, which is God. I could be heading toward an eternity of chaos and complete despair if not for my relationship with God through Jesus Christ. I tell you what, if at times I let the world get to me and let panic seep in, which sometimes I admit I do stumble and this does happen, it's not because He has abandoned me. It's because I've glanced away from the light to my own feet as I'm tripping over rocks, if you follow my imagery.Guilt is an interesting installation into the human condition. It is important because it helps in the understanding and reception of Grace (by which I mean God's forgiveness for our sinning even though we don't deserve it). On the other hand it can be quite a hinderance for believers sometimes because we can get bogged down with, "yes I may be saved but I keep screwing up so I sooo don't deserve it." I think the important part is just to keep seeking and trying to grow and asking God where I need to be in my walk with him.

  7. I thought The Ring was really disappointing. Kept waiting for it to get scary but was too annoyed with the characters to care if they were going to even die or not. :) I won't be watching the second. I thought The Grudge was actually really frightening! It's like you KNOW it's coming, because of the noise, but I still screamed anyway! :) I would have liked more of "Why is this happening?" in the movie, but I guess if it was explained, maybe that would take away from the effect. The only horror movie I haven't been able to get through is the Exorsist. I'm just not a fan in a big way. Otherwise I can laugh at pretty much any horror movie. I like disecting them to try to figure out what "they" think *should* be terror-inducing to "us." It's a whole sociocultural thing. As one to check out, I say rent Young Frankenstein. It's a Mel Brooks film so it sort of pokes fun at the genre, but the mood and feel of it is very much there. Great stuff!

  8. turns out I've actually been ON a reality show, though didn't even know it at the time. Thought it was just a movie set, turns out they were doing the show about US as we were standing there like morons watching all the goings-on. It's called Invasion Iowa and should be on TV sometime this month. blehhh :) How embarassing!

  9. I don't think it's morally wrong since in the Bible it says that God gave us everything to enjoy (and so on). I can see how people would have a problem with the WAY that animals are killed and processed. Even I have issues with that. (Like I'd rather buy free range chicken eggs than the ones they've kept in cases to promote free range life for chickens.) I have a friend who is a vegan and she's totally cool with it. I personally wouldn't mind eating more soy. Infact sometimes I crave it. I'm not big on hunting either. I say if you kill it, you eat it. Don't mount it. That's just disrespectful to the animal. I think it may be part of my Native American culture to think that way though.

  10. LOL We get to go to a parade to day in town since it's spring break! And we get to visit the ducks at the petting zoo! I'm so excited! *crossing fingers that I'll be able to get one of those green milkshakes again like last year*What's the deal with wearing green again btw? Something about being pinched? Wonder where that came from...

  11. ha! it's funny because (from what I hear) it's true! I don't know if, for example, the knowing stuff about tanks one has anything to do with anything. Seems to me, kinda pointless info there... but other things like the wallet always getting to be the same color, that'd be nice! No need to color coordinate like we do with purses. (Unless you get a black one like me, which works with about everything.) I would like to ask, just you know, throwing the idea out there: do these points also work for gay men?

  12. This happens to me a LOT, when I stare at a blank screen and go, "Okay, brain, come up with something cool." And then nothing happens. The reverse is just as frustrating when I have an awesome idea to try out, and plan out exactly how I want to do it, when I'm nowhere near a computer. I find that if you do just the opposite, the creativity will flow again. Like if I want to work on a graphic and nothing is coming, then I work on text. If I need to do something textual, I stare at a picture until the words form. It's sort of like running the program somewhere in the background windows of your mind. If I don't think about it but just let it run, eventually it'll pop back up with some new idea my subconscious has figured out.That, or sleep helps. :angry:

  13. that's insane!! I mean it makes sense about all the chemicals and what they do (rat poison sheesh!!) But the crazy part is that who would come up with putting all that stuff into a product? I mean could it BE any more deadly?? "Yes, lets put a dash of rat poison, oh and some cleaning agent just for good measure. But we're still not being evil enough to our consumers. What else can we do to make this product more dangerous. Think people!!" And so on... :blink: I've never smoked, but at college there were a lot of kids who did. I think it's because it's so cold out, and walking around so far on campus, got to do something to keep warm maybe :angry:

  14. I live in Iowa. Middle of nowhere hickville USA. There's so much of nothing to do other than shoot potato guns and tip cows. Oh, and there's bowling, but if you have long nails, not such a good idea. I'd like to go somewhere warm. I've never seen the ocean. I'd like to go to Australia and pet some kangaroos and other cute (and HUGE) furry creatures. I'm not sure if they'll let you pet them, but it's worth a shot. It beats potato guns any day of the week! That's where my BF is right now and it sounds like positive paradise. I can't wait to put my feet in ocean water and see some real sun, not this partly cloudy stuff WE have all the time.

  15. Wow 10 years! That's insane isn't it? That webpage has the dancing baby on it. I'll agree that was pretty great, but what, no dancing hamsters!? It's truely amazing how the internet has infiltrated into every bit of pop culture today. I admit I don't use yahoo as much as I used to. In fact I only use it for maps now. I use google for everything else, especially email. "Google-it" has become a common verb in the house now. Crazyness!

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    Ha! My fav file extension! *shrugs - confused* If I'm not there, the whole thing could fall apart. I do like running around in the background, err dark, like dll files hehe


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    I have no idea what HPUX even is. Apparently it must be an old OS? It is true though. It's hard to break through my crazy exterior but when you do, my friends are the ones you have for life.

  17. I usually watch the Oscars every year, this is the first I can recall that I didn't. I did see Kate Blanchet do one award, from the seats. I don't know if I like that format. Oh and I think I saw them bring up all of the nominees onto the stage. Yikes that's got to make you feel like even MORE of a loser if you don't win! I saw Bionce sing a song in french. I don't think I liked it very much, made up lots of notes like she usually does :D I couldn't stop staring at her green eyeshadow! I would have liked to have seen that Neverland got something, but then again I haven't seen any of the other movies that DID win something so, congrats to all the winners. I think I must not have had much interest this year because Lord of the Rings wasn't up for anything. :D

  18. Thanks for all the great and helpful comments!! I took what you said and created some different pieces (3 more) using the same sort of "feel". Let me know what you think! I did thumbnails for each, click on them to see the full paper. The first is the 1024 res of the one I did earlier. The symbol at the right hand bottom corner is my signature. ;)


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  19. I can't believe I have another cold again! I just got over having one like two weeks ago! Unless maybe I wasn't so over it as I thought. I'm all conjested and my throat hurts so it sounds really funny when I talk. People just look at me like ;) *takes a step back* And it's not like I'm not doing what I should be doing! I'm a nut for washing my hands, prolly too many times during the winter because then I have to put on lotion, but my hands are then so dry that it stings. I'm sick of drinking soup too. Oh, and orange juice hurts my throat. I tired some Nyquil last night and that worked for a bit, but I'm still feeling just as nasty this morning! I'm just frustrated and want to feel well enough to go play in the snow!

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