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Everything posted by masterio

  1. Based on shadowx suggestion, I modified the script, so only one email than can send in 1 second. File mymail.php <?php$act = $_GET['act']; // get act from URLswitch ($act) { case default: // this case is for showing form?> <form action="mymail.php?act=process" method="post"> Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" size="75" /><br /> From: <input type="text" name="from" value="your@email.com" /> To: <br /> <textarea name="to" cols="55" rows="5"></textarea> Message: <br /> <textarea name="message" cols="55" rows="10"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="Send!" /> </form><?php break; case 'process': $subject = $_POST['subject']; $from = $_POST['from']; $to = $_POST['to']; $message = $_POST['message']; // check all the fields first if (empty($subject) || empty($from) || empty($to) || empty($message)) exit('Error: You didnt fill all the field.); else { // split the address separate by ";" $addr = explode(";", $to); // $addr now array // loop to send the email to all address foreach ($addr as $address) { // new code print "Sending mail to $address..." sleep(1); // sleep execution for 1 second if (mail($address, $subject, $message, $from)) print "done!<br />"; else print "failed!<br />"; flush(); // force the browser to print the output, even the HTML is incomplete } print "Finished processing ".count($addr)." address"; } break;}?> Does anyone have an idea to make some improvement?
  2. For me, PHP is the best programming tool even for enterprise solution. I know java is good. But for web programming, nothing is better than PHP.if you talk about OOP, just remember, PHP 5 now support OOP 99,5% not like PHP 3 or 4. BTW, there is no system 100% secure. It's depend on the programmer side. Is he understand about security or writing secure code?The most best market for java i think is for Mobile Application. I've learn java and it run so slow, than C or C++. Just an example, to open "open dialog box" java (I used JAVA 1.5) need at least 6 seconds. And C++ application only took 0.01 secs. Any one has some problem?
  3. Well, I think the besk java that i've read is "How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Using JAVA" by Allen B. Downey. Even if you never touch programming, this highly recommended to you!. I read the PDF version of this book.And the second book that i highly recommended to you is "Thinking in Java 3rd Edition" By Bruce Eckel. I've learn so much from his book!. The book that i read is on HTML format!.Sorry, but I forgot the download link, you may find it using GOOGLE!
  4. In my opinion, computer crash is often cause from bad allocation memory. I dont know, i'm not to expert on it. But i think something called "STACK" in memory that reference wrong address!. Am I correct?
  5. Well if you want to keep your computer performance stay at top, first you must know 1. how many RAM do you have?2. Did you Install too many programs on your PC?If you have only 128 MB of RAM and running windows XP, I recommend you to use Windows Classic style, it save much RAM as I know. And close your program in system tray that seem did not important programs!. you may also close some WIndows feature such as Automatic Updates if you didnt use it!.Finally, Install only program that you need!
  6. If you want to hide your HTML Source, giving some 'disabled right clicks function' is not enough. If user want to see your source, it means he knew HTML and trick like that will not stopping them.Just click View->Page Source, your source will come out!. So the better method you can use is to encrypt your HTML source using HTML encryptor. I think you've heard about it right?.Just go to uncle google, then type 'HTML Encryptor' or may be 'Free HTML Encryptor' (I'm poor men...! LOL)
  7. Well, i didnt know if Xisto.com disable some function like fsockopen(), shell_exec(), passthru(), and many other PHP function to communicate with filesystem. I think it may be disable for security reason...! . By the way fsockopen() is usefull for grabbing page, etc besid file_get_contents() function.
  8. Hi Guys, First of all, i dissagre with you if you said that alexia's script was PHP 3. Remember $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, etc. as I know is need register_global to turned off. And register_global is turned off by default since PHP 4.1.2. I think he was used PHP > 4.1.x or PHP 5. May be you unfamiliar with that scripts because you didnt understand much about EMAIL HEADERS. On that script he wrote some EMAIL HEADERS like X-Mailer, X-Priority, Content/type: text/html (for email account that support HTML email) etc.
  9. Hi wappy i use opera to browse it using my PC. Well it seems great if we have wap website!. 5 star from me!
  10. I suspect that Falgor script did'nt work for me, because the falgor script needs the 'register_global' to be 'On' in php.ini setting. for combatibility u can use code like this below. This page has two method showing form and processing it. With this page you not just can send email to one address, but as many address as you want. Every address separate by ';'.please dont use it for SPAM!. It just for education! File mymail.php <?php$act = $_GET['act']; // get act from URLswitch ($act) { case default: // this case is for showing form?> <form action="mymail.php?act=process" method="post"> Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" size="75" /><br /> From: <input type="text" name="from" value="your@email.com" /> To: <br /> <textarea name="to" cols="55" rows="5"></textarea> Message: <br /> <textarea name="message" cols="55" rows="10"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="Send!" /> </form><?php break; case 'process': $subject = $_POST['subject']; $from = $_POST['from']; $to = $_POST['to']; $message = $_POST['message']; // check all the fields first if (empty($subject) || empty($from) || empty($to) || empty($message)) exit('Error: You didnt fill all the field.); else { // split the address separate by ";" $addr = explode(";", $to); // $addr now array // loop to send the email to all address foreach ($addr as $address) { mail($address, $subject, $message, $from); } print "Email has been sent to ".count($addr)." address"; } break;}?> Better improvement is to place all the email address in flat file or database. It can be used for newsletter mailer.
  11. I think the best AntiVirus is Norton And Panda Titanium. For panda it had trueprevent technology that can detect unkown virus. To proove that I create my own virus that log the user keyboard and send it to some email!.Panda works very great!, other antiVirus didnt detect my virus. So If you want 5 star antivirus use panda!.
  12. I agree if we better to use CSS to manipulate the font in a web page. But I think <font> tag is always supported even on future. Here some tutorial about CSS <html><head><title>CSS for manipulating fonts</title> <style type="text/css"> .urgent{ font-family: arial; font-size: 14px; color: #c60000; font-weight: bold} </style></head><body> <h2>Below this is text that use CSS</h2> <span class="urgent">Urgent!, you have only 3 minutes to leave from this building</span></body></html>The output will looks somthing like this: Below this is text that use CSS Urgent!, you have only 3 minutes to leave from this building
  13. This method is for printing the array values using loop method: // declare the array$myarr = array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1);// use while loop and use end() to make the array start from behind$val = end($myarr);while ($val) { print $val.'<br />'; $val = prev($myarr);} It will print: 1 2 3 4 5 we can use prev(), next(), current(), end() to navigate through array element.
  14. Name -> the name of the column.Type -> Type of the column (Varchar for alphanumeric, char same, INT for numeric, text for large string, BLOB for binary data like sounds or images)Value -> the length of the column in integer (e.g: 5 for integer means INT(5) so this column can countain like 54321Attribut -> I never fill itNull -> wheter this column can be empty or not.Default -> the default value for this columnAlsoAUTO_INCREMENT -> the value of this column always increase by 1 if you add new record.PRIMARY_KEY -> no duplicate value for this columnUNIQUE -> no duplicate value
  15. very agree with rvalkass.For a page that password protected using .htacess it's better to make long character password. e.g using md5 or sha algotihm. It may still can be cracked by bruteforce. but the cracker may drunk 1000 glass of coffee until the process done.Also some can easly monitor your traffic packet using packet sniffer. All your password or whatever that transmiting can be capture using this tool. Because of that why SSL is so important when dealing with transaction. If the packet sent using SSL connection, all the packet is hidden and cannot be captured by packet sniffer software!.
  16. But now many browser such Internet Explorer 6 SP2 OR Firefox can we set not to enabled javascripts function.Also the syntax like WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") to create object that can manipulate system isnt supported by web browser. That syntax is the base part for vbs/js virus to take an action. So there is a little chans that infected by javascript/vbscript.Thing that we must take care is when some site is want to install software/ActiveX. If that site we didnt trust or the site has bad reputation, then dont install the software. It may contain a virus!.
  17. For AntiVirus I used Norton AntiVirus. It has simple automatic update and Intelgent Updater. I didnt find that norton consuming a lot of resource at start-up. I think McAfee is slower than norton!.
  18. well. sending 50.000 at a time will make server very busy.Some suggestion for me, if you want to send email to thousand address. It's better to send not at once. e.g: let say you want to send email to 1000 members. Try to send per 200 address, 200 x 5. To do so, you must design your scripts.Also use sleep() function in PHP, esspecially inside loop when use send email. So it will not make the server send all the email at once!. We not use this server alone guys!.Hope's help!
  19. Hi Everyone I think you miss one of great security/hacking site. The site is: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That was my favorite security site.
  20. Not all spyware remover do a good job. I think we can secure our computer manually. The first that we need to know is how operating system works. In windows(assume WinXP) open command prompt: type netstat -a from that we can knew what PORT that open and it status listening or established. We can also check what programs are running by pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL. In process TAB just look for files that may be a spyware. Most of spyware/virus will run on start-up so we can checkit in registry. Try click start>Run>msconfig [ENTER]. Switch to tab Service or Startup. For me it's easy to find the spyware or viruses. Understand the Operating System can make you fix the most error without having to buy some expensive software!. So, let's googling to find the tutorial!
  21. Nice tutorial. And for somebody who wants very good PHP/HTML/C#/JAVA etc. editor. Can use PHP DESIGNER 2006. It had vary nice GUI and syntax highlighting. Plus FTP Manager, Project Manager and many more. Very recommended! you can download it at http://www.mpsoftware.dk/
  22. I think it's better to use PHP SESSION than COOKIE. coz some user may disabled it. something like this: if ($do_login) {$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE login='$login' AND password='$password');if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) { $_SESSION['logged'] = $login; // some code here} else { print 'Username or password did not match'; exit;}} So, in every members page we can use: if (!isset($_SESSION['logged']) { // if not logged in} else { // member page goes here} Just an advice!
  23. Yeah, there is possible that virus can hurt hardware. The most dangerous attack i think is when the virus write the BIOS. So our computer can totally dead.if the virus not damage our hardware, and it may monitoring our activity. If the virus is created using Visual Basic, there is simple way to destroy it.1. go to e.g: C:\Windows\System32 and rename msvbvm60.dll to whatever you want like msvbvm60.dll.bak.2. restart your computer and the virus will error!.3. List the file, and delete manually.4. You can rename it back to msvbvm60.dllHope's help
  24. Just for remind, it's better that we understand the CHMOD command first by trying on our computer (*NIX based system of course). Personally I like using ubuntu linux.For Directory, the permission should be 755For PHP scripts, the permission should be 644For writeable file/directory, the permission must be 777Hope's help!
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