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Posts posted by ProtoMan

  1. Which three security programs you are currntly using ? If you don't understand , let me explain a little , I mean three programs which include Firwall , Anti-virus and Anti-spyware. I really want to know because that way we can find a better program for our Computer and Network. Mine are :

    Anti-Virus : Bit Defender 9 Internet Security
    Anti-Spyware : Webroot Spy Sweeper 5.0
    Firewall : Agnitum Outpost Firewall

    Please post yours here , thank you.

  2. I really like Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate no matter what version it is because it was made by the most trusted company Microsoft and further more , it is very good even contains some bugs. But those bug are nothing for me , I really like it , I have tried Firefox before but it sucked , too slow. What in the world do I have to use it ? So I go for Internet Explorer 7 Release Candidate , it is the best Internet Explorer ever.

  3. I have a question about Wireless Adapter and need to ask. If I and my friend live in another side of the earth from each other , can we Net Battle using a Wireless Adapter with A Gameboy Advance and a MegaMan Battle Network 6 game ?What is a wireless adapter ?Hard to explain , but a Wireless Adapter is one thing that allows you to play Gameboy Advance game even if you aren't near each other. Sorry , that is the best I can explain and example , you can stay at home and use a wireless adapter to Net Battle against your friend even if he is staying at his home , tooPlease help me. Thank you.

  4. I still think Xisto is better , Xisto 's admins I think are lazy , you can say by take a look at their Hosting Request board (About 3 page have NO reply). Only the moderator named " pyost " is diligent , he did a lot for Xisto and one more , when you use Xisto 's subdomain , it is better than Xisto's because something.trap17.com is easier to remember than something.astahost.com :D

  5. Area A-1Relatively straightforward - head to the right and destroy the enemies. If you prefer to just sneak past, change back into Humanoid form - as the others explain later, Serpan's mechs in the Inner Areas will not attack human beings, so these will just flutter about or walk about aimlessly. They can still harm you if you touch them, however, and since you can't dash in Humanoid form, it may just be easier to blast your way through the enemies. It's probably better to just fight your way through, if only to make sure you're used to the control scheme and to warm-up on your reaction timings. You'll probably notice a series of upward ledges near the end of this area, but you can ignore those for now - they just lead up to a door you can't open just yet. Head through the shutters to A-2.Area A-2Pretty much more of the same, with a couple slightly stronger enemies here, like the Cutting Gyros (little guntanks with propellors) and the Beyond 44s (spinning wheels). Just blast or dodge your way past to fight the boss, the big snake Mechaniloid that attacked earlier.Boss Fight: Giga Aspis (ギガアスピス)HP: 2 BarsElement: NoneWeak Point: N/A (Head is only part of the body susceptible to attacks)Attacks:Acid Ring - Giga Aspis spits a small ring of four green balls at you. This attack is signalled by the lights along his body lighting up sequentially. Aspis spits at the location you were standing when he opens his mouth, so stay on one side until he fires, then dash to the other.Rock Fling - Giga Aspis turns around and slithers off-screen. A second later, his tail will reappear and smash the ground, causing three boulders, randomly small or larger, to fly out at you. The boulders can be destroyed.Lunge - Giga Aspis will rear back a bit and lunge forward, covering most of the ground except the area right in front of where he was "standing" before he lunged. Standing here and ducking is the only way to dodge this attack.Strategy: Generic opening stage boss - if you've played almost any other Rockman game from the SF/SNES generation on, you know what you're up against here. His body is armored, and thus immune to all forms of attack, but the head is not so well-protected. Fire charge shots and dodge his well-telegraphed attacks.After defeating Giga Aspis, head right and enter the door, and you'll find your first Save Point. A short story scene will follow, and Fluub will ask if you want to save your game. Regardless of your choice, more talking will follow, and you will now be able to access the TransServer. As of right now, this is your only TransServer, and thus you can't teleport to another one. You can, however, save your game and accept Missions, and it will of course refill your Life Energy and restore your extra lives should you have lost any. The following two Missions are available at this time:1) ジルウェのそうさく2) ガーディアンのテストIt's easiest to do the two missions in order, so let's start with the first mission. Accept the Mission and head to the right.Area A-2You're in the second section of A-2 now, and you should notice that it's relatively small. You should also notice the large giraffe-like enemies. Near as I can tell these are immortal (even if you destroy the heads, they regenerate), so just ignore them. Head to the left to find the ledge low enough for you to jump up and reach, go up and follow the ascending slope. Eventually you should find a cave door, which you should enter. The cave leads to Area B-1.Mission 01: ジルウェのそうさくObjective: Pick up the four Computer Chips, and find Jirue.Area B-1Upon entering this area, a short dialogue will ensue, but it's nothing significant. Another straightforward area, just keep heading right, destroying enemies as they appear. Along the way you'll see strange items - these are Computer Chips, and there are four of them along the path in this area. They're story items, so just collect them, as you'll give them to Prairie later. They're all right on the path forward, so you would almost have to actively try to not see them. Just pick them up as you go. Ignore the ledges upward and the doors, as they either cannot be opened, lead to doors that cannot be opened, or are dead-ends. The first door on the path, however, does have a full life-refill tank in it, so if you desperately need health, stop there for it. Otherwise, proceed to the shutters, and Area B-2. You should have two of the four Computer Chips before proceeding.Area B-2And now we have ladders. Just keep going, picking up the computer chip near the second Beyond 44. Eventually you'll see a ladder going down at the lowest point between two slopes. At the bottom is a door that leads to another TransServer room - stop here if you need a health/life refill, or want to save your progress. Whether or not you stop here now though, remember this location, since you'll be going through it relatively soon. At any rate, keep heading right, picking up the last Computer Chip and going down one last, enemy-free downward slope. You should find yourself on a flat plane, until you are interrupted by the passing of an airship. This airship is the boss of the Mission.Boss Fight: War Raia (ウォーライア)HP: 2 BarsElement: NoneWeak Point: N/AAttacks:Crate Drop - War Raia will drop three crates in a stack. Two of the crates will shoot small energy balls at you.Strategy: You can't directly attack War Raia, as your Buster can't shoot upward. However, this boss's own attack strategy provides his downfall - when he drops the crates, one of them will not attack you. Shoot this one until it explodes, and it will cause the pile of crates to explode and shoot up into the air. The pile of crates being launched into the air, should they connect with the War Raia, deal a significant amount of damage to it. The easiest way to take advantage of this is to fully charge the X-Buster, then waste the first shot. The second, stronger shot can destroy the weak crate in one shot if it connects. Wait for War Raia to drop the crates, then as soon as the third crate is dropped, fire your second shot at the weak crate. It should destroy the pile before it can even fire a shot, and should connect with War Raia, as it doesn't have the time to move out of the way. After 4 hits, your portion of the fight is over.The War Raia doesn't seem to be ready to go down just yet, but a red flash leaps by, and with a fierce slash cuts down the War Raia. The red character reveals himself to be the one chosen by Model Zet, and is none other than your senpai, Jirue! Dialogue ensues, and your Mission is now complete. The closest TransServer is the one on the bottom of the ladder you passed, so head back that way. Use the top option on the TransServer to report your Mission as complete - you'll get your EC reward of 250 Crystals. Accept the one remaining Mission, and head right into Area C-1.Mission 02: ガーディアンのテストObjective: Locate the four Guardian members hiding in the city, and get the Proof of passing the test.Area C-1Head right and down the ladder. Talk to the Guardian member here, who will brief you on your mission. Head to the right, and enter the first door-style entrance you see. The first Guardian member will be right in front of you, so talk to her. She'll teleport out, so leave the room and head right, entering the next door you see. You should see a small passage that will require you to crawl through - switch back to Humanoid form if you weren't already in it, and crawl through. Chat up the kid, who will then teleport out. Jump up on the ledge and crawl through and head back out. You've got a bit of a walk from here to the next Guardian member, so just head right. Head past the van stalled on top of a ladder, and past the building it's situated in front of. The next door-style entrance you can enter should lead to a wide open room with two Metools and a cowardly Guardian member. However, if you enter in a combat form, he'll run away scared from the now active Mets. Enter the room in Humanoid form and jump over the Mets, and talk to him to get him to teleport out safely. Leave and head to the right, crawling under the overpass, and head through the shutters to Area C-2.Area C-2Another straightforward run, just head straight right, crawling under trucks as necessary. Alternatively, you could go through in battle form, triggering the Mechaniloids in the background to attack, but it doesn't make that big a difference. Eventually you should reach a building with holes in the walls requiring you to crawl after passing the second truck. Crawl through, as in one of the areas between the walls is the fourth Guardian member. Keep heading right to find the Guardian member who briefed you initially, who will give you the Plush Toy, the proof of passing the test. Behind him, in the room marked "DATA", you will find a red save point - at these save points, you can accept/quit/report Missions, as well as save your game, but cannot teleport you. You can use this one to report your Mission and save your game, but whether or not you do, you'll need to return to the TransServer between B-2 and C-1 to continue the game. Head back that way and access the TransServer, and choose to warp to a different TransServer. A new destination should have opened up - Area X-1, the Guardian Base. Warp there.Area X-1A short dialogue scene will occur here, where you hand over the Computer Chips and Plush Toy to Prairie, proving your accomplishment of the two Missions. After the scene, head out the door and head left to the Bridge. Another long cut scene will occur, wherein Prairie formally introduces herself. After the scene, head right into the hallway, entering the first door (the one between the Bridge and the TransServer room). Another short dialogue scene will occur where you hand over Model X to Fluub the mechanic, who analyzes and returns it. However, alarms go off, and you return to the bridge. Basically, Irregulars have made it into the city somehow and are causing havoc in Area D. Your character, having his/her grudge against the Irregulars, storms off to Area D to fight them and to protect the innocents.Area D-1Upon your arrival in Area D, there will be another short dialogue. Afterward, press forward, and shoot the control panel at the end of the road - a bridge will lower. Keep going right until you find the wounded Guardian member, then head through the shutter to D-2.Area D-2More of the same broken road and new enemies. Keep progressing. Eventually, you'll run into a scene familiar to X series fans - you'll be attacked by a floating bee-like helicopter, the King Flyer, which you must fire on to force to move forward, until it ends up in the middle of the bridge, at which point it will explode and bring the bridge down with its remains. Of course, going past it leads to the second one, which floats a little bit higher up, but is otherwise identical. The only other thing along the path that might throw you off is another X1 homage - some of the ledges, which are easily identified by the myriad cracks, will fall should you stand on them. Just keep moving and eventually you'll hit another story scene with a group of mysterious strangers surrounding Jirue. They'll teleport away, and you'll be forced to fight Jirue in Model Zet form.Boss Fight: Jirue - Model Zet (ジルウェ - モデルZ)HP: (2 bars)Element: NoneWeak Point: N/AAttacks:Piercing Strike - Jirue will dash forward, stabbing with the Zet-Saber.Wide Slash - Jirue's eye will flash, and he will leap forward and strike with a rather wide Zet-Saber strike.Charge Slash - Jirue will slash at the ground with a charged Zet-Saber slash, causing two boulders to crash out of the ground. He seems to only use this attack when his HP dips below half.Rising Wave - Jirue will draw the Zet-Saber and drive it into the ground and stand still, causing thin waves of energy to rise out from the ground for a second. After the first waves go off, two new waves will appear slightly farther away from him, repeating two more times. The waves are telegraphed by a split-second flash of light where they will strike.Zet Strike - Jirue will jump up in the air and perform three dashing strikes to make the shape of a letter Z. He can start this attack from either side, and if he starts from the right, it will be a backwards Z.Strategy: Jirue is a relatively easy fight, as he is not only telegraphs most of his attacks, he has relatively long rest periods. Furthermore, most of his attacks are only effective at melee range, and while the battlefield IS small, it's easy to keep a safe distance and to blast away at him with charged shots. Keep your distance, and the fight is yours.After your victory, Jirue will get struck down by a purple bolt of lightning, and the mysterious trio shows their presence. A long dialogue scene ensues, with the end result being that Van/Eeru borrows the power of Model Zet and combines the power of the two Live Metals, thus giving birth to Rockman Model Zeks (ZX). Head a bit to the right for more dialogue, and your character pledging to help Guardian in their fight against Serpan Company.Chapter 2: Recover The Live Metals!You'll find yourself on the bridge of Guardian Base again, being briefed by Prairie. Basically, this is where you figure out what your main objective is - to destroy the Live Metal Model V, a mysterious Live Metal that not only is controlling the Irregulars, but is being desperately sought after by Serpan. While it's exact location is unknown, it was sealed away behind a door by the six Live Metals and their passcodes. Unfortunately, Serpan's group recovered the passcode data from Models X and Zet after the previous fight, and they already have the other four Live Metals. To break the seal, the other four passcodes will be needed - in other words, the other Live Metals must be recovered. Serpan has split each of the Live Metals in his possession in two, creating two powerful Repliroids, called Forceroids, from each. The Missions from here on out will be to head to Outer Areas to hunt down and terminate the Forceroids, and recover the Live Metals in the process.Although there are eight Forceroids, you can only access four of the Missions at a time, as you must acquire the first half of a Live Metal before you can challenge the Forceroid with the second half - in other words, you'll need to defeat HighBolt the Raptoroid before you can challenge Hurricane the Wolveroid's Mission. Beyond this restriction, you may take on the Missions in any order. However, be advised that after your fourth Mission is complete, regardless of which Mission it is, you will be temporarily unable to take on new Missions, due to an emergency situation type stage (see Chapter 3 for details), so if there's a Live Metal you definitely must have or one you need at full power before then, make sure to challenge those Missions immediately, giving yourself time to accumulate the Crystals necessary to repair the Live Metals if necessary. Also be advised that Fluub won't do Live Metal repair while you're mid-Mission, so be sure that whatever Live Metal you get from your fourth Mission won't be in immediate need of repair.Alright, I will list the Missions here in the order you'll see them initially on the Take a Mission screen, and cover each in turn. You most certainly do not have to do the Missions in this order, so make sure to skip around this guide to reach the section you need.発電所の調査 (はつでんしょのちょうさ - Power Plant Investigation)ソウナンシャのたんさく (Search for Survivors)イレギュラーのげきたい (Repel the Irregulars!)ライブメタルのついせき (Pursue the Live Metal!)Mission: 発電所の調査Objective: Investigate the Power Plant's secret.Reward: 200 ECTarget Area: Area EHow to Reach: Area E connects from Area C-2, the second half of the town. Simply head all the way to the right, past the fountain, and enter the door to E-1.Area E-1Prairie will brief you, and you can proceed with the mission. Another simple area, just keep going forward, destroying the enemies as you go. Proceed through the shutter to Area E-2.Area E-2The first thing you'll notice upon entering this area is that there are paths along the ground along which electric sparks travel. As you've probably guessed, these hurt quite a bit. Do your best to not step in those areas, or only go through right after the spark passes. The other main obstacles in this area are spinning wheels of four electrified rods that will be rotating. Obviously, these also hurt, and you should time your run through to go in between rods, as if you were trying to go through a set of automatically rotating doors. The first two are fairly self-explanatory, but the third is rotating in the opposite direction you need to proceed. However, this is also pretty simple, as all you need to do is hit the nearby switch to reverse the direction. The fourth and final wheel is already rotating in the direction you need it to go thanks to your prior switch-hitting, but there is another switch you can use here too. Sneak past to reach Area E-4.Area E-4Another straightforward run, until you hit the wheels. Basically, the turning wheels lower you until you fall to the ground below. This is not deadly, as there IS ground below. However, if you want to make the rest of the level a LOT easier, you should jump across the wheels to reach the area on the opposite side. If you don't care and/or want to challenge yourself, go ahead and fall down the wheels, and move a little to the right.After crossing the wheels, destroy the Face Electric monster, and walk through the covered paths to the right. Enter the door to Area E-3.Area E-3The main attraction here is conveyor belts, some of which drop enemies. Kill them and get to the end to find a ladder leading to a dead end with a strange, glowing machine. Smash it, and you should hear machines powering down. Head on up to find the conveyors all stopped, and every other moving/electrical obstacle in the level disabled. Head back to the wheel section of E-4 and drop down to continue.Area E-4Whether or not you disabled the obstacles, keep moving past the wheel section. Eventually you'll reach a downward sloping staircase of sorts. There is a ledge to the upper-right with another Face Electric enemy and a Sub-Tank, which there's really no reason not to get, but is not necessary. Continue onward, climbing up the ladder to the door to Area E-6 and the mid-boss.Area E-6Mid-Boss Fight: Crash ImpactHP: ?Element: N/AAttacks:Charge - The mid-boss will charge forward and attempt to ram you with it's spiked roller.Energy Beam - The mid-boss will charge up the cannon at it's front and unleash a large, powerful blast of energy. If you hit the boss enough while it charges this attack, it may lose the charge and fail to initialize.Strategy: This is not at all a hard fight, and is probably just there to make you realize that just because you're now using Zero's body doesn't mean you should only rely on the Saber. The boss spends the battle attempting to ram into you or use it's beam cannon on you. If you're on the wall when it rams into it, you'll get temporarily stunned. Other than that, just keep blasting it with the Buster and it should fall fast.Continue past the mid-boss to find yourself back in E-4, in that little previously unreachable area between the Sub-Tank and the mid-boss door. Go through the other door here to Area E-5.Area E-5Notice the huge amount of Cyber Elves in the background? That's what Prairie is talking to you about (Eeru notes that it's the same thing that Jirue turned into when he died). Basically, you now have discovered the secret of this power plant - using Cyber Elves to generate energy. Now all you gotta do is stop it. Get going.If you didn't destroy the generator earlier, this area is full of those spark lines, only many are vertical now. Time your runs through if you didn't bother with the generator. You'll also notice some very irritating cannons that fire every so often. These can be "aimed" by hitting them to change the angle, and they can destroy each other, as well as enemies. Keep going until you hit the last obstacle of the area, falling platforms. Each of these platforms has a base, which is the lowest point it will fall to. However, if you missed the generator, they are electrocuted. Cross the platforms and go through the shutter at the end of the bottom passage for Area E-7, and the boss.Area E-7A short walk to the right, and a flashy, lens-flare causing entrance from HighBolt the Raptoroid. Get ready for a fight!Boss: HighBolt the Raptoroid (ハイボルト・ザ・ラプタロイド)HP: (2 bars)Element: WindWeak Point: WingsAttacks:Charge - HighBolt drops, then charges forward.Laser Rain - HighBolt streaks across the screen diagonally, leaving his claws in the corners. The claws float and fire bolts, slowly changing directions.Swing Shockwave - HighBolt swings his wings in a three-hit pattern, and on the third swing shoots a small shockwave at you.Spin Formation - HighBolt descends, detaches his claws, electrifies them, and causes them to circle him. They then fire out bolts of electricity, first high and low, then two middle, then high and low again. He then charges forward. Easiest way to dodge would be to switch to Humanoid and duck in the low part of the battlefield.Lightning Rain - HighBolt flies across the battlefield, raining a lightning bolt on you. It takes time to recharge, and so it will be off for a split second during the run.Reflection Laser - HighBolt goes to the top middle of the screen and aims six targetting lasers at the ground. After a second, these lasers are replaced by energy beams that hurt quite a bit. Stand in between.Strategy: HighBolt's a relatively easy boss, whether or not you're going for a high level finish. Making the fight even easier is the fact that he's weak to Ice, and thus you can take advantage of LX's OIS to finish him even faster. All his attacks are relatively easy to dodge, and by the third or so time you fight him, you should be able to beat him without a scratch. Defeating HighBolt gets you the first half of the Model H Live Metal.With HighBolt's defeat, you now have the air-dash capable Model H, as well as access to Area I, site of the Mission to get the second half of Model H. Head right and enter the door to access the TransServer as well as Area I.Mission: ソウナンシャのたんさくObjective: Locate the source of the distress signal.Reward: 200 ECTarget Area: Area FHow to Reach: Area F connects from Area B-3, which is reached from B-1. At the cliffside with multiple doors, ascend the ledges and enter the cave at the top. Use an attack that can hit up to hit the red switch, opening up the path, and follow the path up to a shutter that leads to Area F-1.Area F-1Upon arrival, Prairie will brief you on the mission. Proceed forward through the level until you find an area with three Face Freezes and three paths above them. Go up the middle one and continue on to Area F-2.Area F-2You'll be going for a bit of a swim here, and unfortunately, your responses will be a little lagged in the water. Thankfully, this is a pretty simple area without any tricky jumps, and your path does NOT take you through that scary looking tunnel lined with spikes. Blast your way through the blocks and anemone robots, going right and up to find the shutter. You'll find yourself in Area F-3.Area F-3Upon entering the area, a short dialogue will ensue. Afterwards, you'll need to start going upwards, so head right to start the path. Near the beginning of this area, you'll notice a door with red bars across - you cannot enter this room just yet, but remember where it is, as you'll be coming back very soon. At the end of your ascent, you'll see a door blocked off by some blocks. Blast through and enter to fight the mid-boss.Mid-Boss Fight: Crash ImpactHP: ?Element: N/AAttacks:Spike Smash - If you get dragged too close to the mid-boss's front, it will attempt to crush you with the spiked rollers on the front.Energy Beam - The mid-boss will charge up the cannon at it's front and unleash a large, powerful blast of energy. If you hit the boss enough while it charges this attack, it may lose the charge and fail to initialize.Strategy: This is not at all a hard fight, and is probably just there to make you realize that just because you're now using Zero's body doesn't mean you should only rely on the Saber. The boss will be moving in place, which might seem stupid, but it's doing it to make the conveyor-belt like ground pull you forward so it can run you over or smash you. Just cling to the wall or jump to deal with this, all the while charging the Buster and letting loose on the front cannon. About halfway through the cannon will become dented, and the mid-boss will soon start driving even faster in a desperate attempt to pull you in. Continue until the truck explodes.After destroying the mid-boss, head right and into the door. You'll have found the source of the signal, but there's no one there - just a plot-significant data disk. A long scene will ensue, and you'll try to find the rest of the data disk. The lock on the door on the bottom of Area F-3 is now released, so go down the path until you arrive at the door and enter to Area F-4.Area F-4Another water area follows, but it's quite short. Just watch your jumps, as there are quite a few spike traps. You'll soon find the boss shutters, leading into Area F-5.Area F-5In the antechamber, charge any weapons you want to charge, and/or switch to an appropriate Live Metal - it's boss time! Head through the shutter to meet the misleadingly small and cute-appearing Luaarl, and get ready for a fight.Boss: Luaarl the Abyssroid (ルアール・ザ・アビスロイド)HP: (2 bars)Element: IceWeak Point: Head (smaller body)Attacks:Ice Slasher - Luaarl will shoot off small icicles at you as s/he goes up and down. The icicles are fired in sets of two, with one going forward, the other at a 45 degree angle downwards. The easiest way to dodge would be to go close to her position for the first three shots, then jump and stay up until she fires off the bottom and second from the bottom shots before landing underneath in the blindspot again.Snowflake - Luaarl fires a snowflake along the top of the area, dropping smaller flakes that turn into ice crystals if they hit the ground. Being hit by these will freeze you. The icicle always leaves a single safe spot, so use that and use a charge shot to break the rest.Torpedo - Luaarl will attempt to suck you in, and draw up it's main body to fire a torpedo at you. It will also continue to fire it's smaller icicles while doing so.Abyssal Charge - When Luaarl takes too much damage or sometimes when Van/Eeru gets too close, Luaarl's main body charges forward and attempts to bite them.Chill Beam - Luaarl descends to the ocean floor and charges up to create a large icicle, then propels it by an energy beam. The icicle can be pushed back by your own attacks.Strategy: OK, schizo much? Luaarl is a total headjob, but that doesn't mean s/he is going to be a pushover. Luaarl's got a variety of attacks, a good number of which are tricky to completely dodge, and all do decent damage, some even freezing you. Also, be advised that there's a reason it's on a line - the Luaarl you attack and see for the most part is only a smaller part of a much larger body. In fact, Luaarl is an anglerfish-like Repliroid, and the personality and such seem stored in the small body located where the light would be on such a fish. Some of Luaarl's attacks invoke the main body, and as such, one should be sure to be aware of it's presence.One strategy could be to charge in and Saber away at it, taking advantage of it's weak point to do more damage, while at the same time temporarily destroying it and interrupting any attack it might have been performing for the main body's charge. Those going for the high Level finish might find it easier, however, to play a distance game, sniping Luaarl with the Buster to keep from hitting the weak point. At any rate, do your best to dodge Luaarl's attacks, but don't relent on the offensive either - this is a fight you want to end fast, before Luaarl's attacks add up. Keep up a constant barrage on the smaller body, and victory should be yours, along with the Model L Live Metal.After Luaarl's defeat, it will go through one more schizo speech before exploding, leaving behind Model L, the Live Metal based on Leviathan of the Shitenou. A dialogue will ensue, and you'll gain the use of the Model L. Head right to find a TransServer, from which you can report the Mission and leave the area.Mission: イレギュラーのげきたいObjective: Rescue the civilians from the burning building.Reward: 400 ECTarget Area: Area GHow to Reach: Area G is reached from the far right end of Area D-3.Area G-1No opening briefing, as it's pretty obvious what's going on as soon as you arrive. The place is on fire, but the fires can be dispelled by HX's charge shots. Not that they need to be. Keep pressing onward, and you should meet a Guardian member. Press on to G-2.Area G-2Here's where the rescue mission really starts. Basically, you'll need to chat up the people here to teleport them to safety. Of course, as you've already seen, the townsfolk don't trust cosplayers, so you'll need to switch to Humanoid form. Luckily, they're all BLIND AS HELL, so you can transform right before their eyes and they'll never realize it. The Guardian members, of course, can be chatted up in any form. After saving enough people, the top door will open up allowing you to proceed, but why not save everyone? Check every door, and don't forget to jump on the windowsills and press Up - you'll enter them like doorways, often finding trapped civilians or Guardians. It's pretty straightforward, so after you're done, just go all the way up and through the door.Area G-4Kill stuff, keep moving. Go through the windowsill area to get across the gap. Keep going through the shutter to G-5.Area G-5Not much new here. Just keep moving, and when the path is blocked by fire, slide down the building and destroy a Face Flame and you can move through there if you want to conserve HX's OIS energy (which is the boss' weakness). Head through the shutter for a fight.Boss: Fistleo the Predatoroid (フィストレオ・ザ・プレデトロイド)HP: (2 bars)Element: BlazeWeak Point: HeadAttacks:Healing Charge - Before Fistleo attacks, he usually charges up, healing himself.White Flame - Fistleo glows white and creates balls of energy that appear where you're standing.Fall Ceiling - Fistleo will leap up and strike the two flaming blocks of ceiling, causing them to fall. He then dashes through all of them to attack you.Flame Dash - Fistleo charges forward, leaving a burning trail, and the wall he strikes will have flames travel up it.Five Fires - Fistleo turns into a flame and lunges across half the screen, generating four fireballs, two above and two below him. He will come down, and these continue.Strategy: This guy is a ranker's nightmare - not only is his body horribly hard to hit without hitting his weak point, he heals himself quite often. Beyond that, not terribly remarkable - moves a bit, decently fast, and he'll be all over the place if you let him... but he's elementally weak to HX, so just zap the crap out of him.After you've extinguished Fistleo, Model F will grant his services to you. Head right to find a TransServer.Mission: ライブメタルのついせきObjective: Recover the Live Metal from the Forceroid.Reward: 200 ECTarget Area: Area HHow to Reach: Area H connects to Area A-3. Head to Area A-1 and ascend the ledges near the shutter to A-2, and go through the yellow door to find A-3. Move right and go up the ledges, then pass through the door to reach H-1.Area H-1Prairie briefs you, while your character spaces out. Head forward. Jump on the train if you want it to get going, though it doesn't really matter. Just go forward until you find the shutter.Area H-2Mid-boss!Mid-Boss Fight: Metool PoweredHP: ?Element: N/AAttacks:Met Defense - Metool Powered will retract into it's helmet. Like any good Met, it's immune to most any form of attack while in this state, and certainly to any you can muster.Hover Tackle - While in Met Defense, Metool Powered may start to hover, then move to your current position before setting down. Switch to Humanoid form and crawl under it.Mini Mets - Metool Powered will release small, mini-Mets, which take a single hit to fell. It tends to jump from side to side while doing so.Strategy: Holy deja vu, Batman! It's a giant Metool!....Just blast it. Dodge the Hover Tackle, shoot the little Mets. This guy's not hard at all.Van/Eeru will freak out when they fail to find the Live Metal on the Metool Powered. Prairie asks what's wrong, and s/he freaks out on her. Prairie tells him/her to calm down, and wonders what's up. Van/Eeru straightens up and spills the beans - this very amusement park is where their mother was killed in that Irregular attack ten years ago. Some platonic WAFF cheering up later, you resume the mission. Head right, past the purple door (this leads to L-1, the next PX Mission area), and to H-3.Area H-3This place is formatted like one of those crane games, only whoever's operating it is actually good at it, as they almost always manage to get a prize into the hole. Unfortunately, that prize COULD be you - the cranes will pick you up if they can, damaging you and possibly killing you if they drop you in the hole. Doesn't help that the dolls slow down your movement. Proceed quickly, killing bugs as you go. If you see a shiny candy get grabbed by a crane, pick it up - it's an Item A, a minor healing item. Keep moving forward, jumping carefully when you get to the blimp area (Model HX really helps out here). Head through the shutter to H-4 and the boss.Area H-4You're almost done with the Mission - just time to deal with an irritating little monkey.Boss: Purpril the Mandoroid (パープリル・ザ・マンドロイド)HP: (2 bars)Element: N/AWeak Point: ArmsAttacks:Iron Balls - Purpril hurls two metal balls, which bounce around a bit before exploding.Mine Toss - Purpril drops some mines, which explode shortly after landing.Sand Shield - Purpril tosses up some sand to block attacks and harm you.Disc Strike - Purpril spins into a disc and hurls himself at the wall, bouncing off and hitting the other side. He ascends in this way until he reaches the top, at which point he repeats the process downwards.Stone Barrage - During his Disc Strike, Purpril may lodge himself 3/4 the way up the wall. If he does, he's about to send a horde of stones your way. They can be destroyed.Strategy: Probably the most irritating Forceroid - not only are his attacks irritatingly placed, so is his weak point, which is a bit too easy to hit. This guy can end up anywhere on the field, and depending on his placement, his attacks can just get WAY too irritating. Add on top of that that he has no elemental weakness, and you've got probably the most irritating fight in the game. Just blast the hell out of him fast.Destroying this irritating little monkey nets you Model P, the ninja master of the Shitenou's Live Metal. Head right to find a red TransServer from which you can report your Mission, but cannot warp. For convenience's sake, I would recommend accepting the follow-up Mission, けんきゅうじょうのボウエイ, immediately and backtracking to H-2 to take on the Mission, but you also have the option of moving forward through the short area and emerging on the lower half of A-3, behind that growth of thorns.--More coming soon--

  6. Thanks for all the tips you guys gave me , I will try it out. Anyway , I am using Simple Machines Forum , what do you think about this : Should I try back up the database then creat another forum so that all the topics will be there OR just delete the old forum then announce all members about the problem that the old forum was deleted ? What do you think ? Thank you.

  7. Maybe I don't fully understand, but here's my advice.


    If I think I know what you're asking, this should be very easy for you to do.


    If you are using the same kind of forum, say SMF, back up your database in cpanel. Once you backup your database simply delete the forum and everything under it. Then create the new forum, upload the database, and you should be good to go.


    Everything can be done in cpanel you seem to be a new member and might be a newbie at things but take your time and look around.


    Sorry , but can you tell me where and how can I back up the files ? If I delete the old one after back up then install the new one , I think all the post will be deleted because I will run the new one or the posts will be there but in the back up then how to make it work ? Thank you

  8. Trap17 and Xisto , which site and free web host do you think is better ? I go for Xisto not because I'm posting here , Xisto 's rules are pretty serious and the most important thing , their Admins are very LAZY . I have requested free web hosting for more than a month but have no reply from them , not even say I'm approved or denied but I saw their names on the online list a lot of times , you can see a lot of requests are waiting for them by visiting their forum. Xisto is all opposite , the rules are easier for me to follow and Admin is very nice. I can see only BuffaloHELP approved/denied a lot of requests (nearly all) for hosting , upgrade , support and more. That is just what I think , Xisto is better than its brother a lot a lot. What do you think ? Post your words in your mind here :D

  9. I want to creat another Forum and delete the old one with the same Domain. But is there any way to transfer all the topics in the old one to the new one with proper sorting , date created , ..... ? Do I have to creat another MySQL Data base , Uername , ..... ? Please help me. Thank you.

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title modified. Please use complete sentences.

  10. So you are having web page problem links, because yo are using BBCode, not HTML!


    HTML Links

    <a href="yourlinkhere.com/forums">Click here ot visit my forums</a>
    <a href="yourlinkhere.com/forums"><img src="link_image.png"></a></a>


    Hopefully that helps.


    Sorry , but I don't know how to use the code. I tried to put a full Link instead of using BB Code like this :




    But then the link disappeared by itself. What should I do now , here is my forum URL :




    Thank you very much.


    EDIT : I tried to use your code but only the News Box is back to normal , what should I do now ?

  11. Software piracy can't be stopped . Like Webroot , you can only download the uncrackable of their softwares because they will die after 15 days free trial but then , crackers upload the CRACKED full version of Webroot's products to some stupid Warez pages.Even if they make that you can only buy their software , not any trials first , their software will be still free on the Warez pages.Microsoft tried to make the Windows Validation Program but some computers still can use Window Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3 or Window Media Player 11 Beta or Window Defender Beta 2 and more. So I think Piracy software can't be stopped unless there is no crackers <_<

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