Wow i never really thought about it all that much but that just shows that it had a long time to build up maybe somthing could have been done b4 or maybe not? who noes
I dont know why web sites ask for adresses probly some fat adult wanting to come over to you house if its anything serious i recond you use a postal adress and if you dont have one of those GET ONE
I play heaps of counter-strike but i cant change games now because css is so good it makes games like battle feild seem *BLEEP* the aming and stuff seem all roung i dont know if any of you guys agree with that but some games are just to realistic..and that pisses me off
Hay man sorry about your freind can you post again telling us if hes ok, and you must feel *BLEEP* for giving him your gum luckys hes ok.. now tell him we all said hi