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About Chrisseh
Newbie [Level 2]
- Birthday 02/02/1986
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I'm a big fan of computers (Linux newbie and lovin' it) art, writing, anime, reading, and of course, Role-playing, although I don't do it on fancy online-games, since I'm stuck on dial up- I do it pure text, IM to IM. Yes, you could say I'm quite the nerd. Possibly the nerdiest girl you'll ever meet.
Lessee... I could go on all day... my biggest pet peeves. People who interrupt when I'm talking People who make lots of noise when eating, lip smacking, chewing with their mouths open, talking with food in their mouths... I CAN'T STAND IT!!! People at fast food restaurants that can't get the orders more than 1/2 right! Forgot the ketchup? Okay..forgot the fries? No. Not okay. When a ton of rich people from out of town come into the place where I work, order a ton of food, are very picky about what they want, you get everything right, your service is prompt and polite... and yet they can't even leave a 1 dollar tip!!! Fruit flies... regular flies are bad enough...but fruit flies are disgusting. They can fit in tiny little places normal flies can't fit and they multiply like crazy! My younger brother, the way he seems to overexaggerate things, and make stuff up, and embarass me in front of people. Bill collectors.... I have caller ID, I know when it's them, I just don't pick up. Do they ever give up!? No. Car alarms. Enough said. Oh, believe me, there are many more. This is all I'm listing for now...
I actually started experimenting with HTML (and a little Javascript) in 2000 when I first got my webTV set up... just changing prewritten scripts slightly... in 2001 when I first got my computer, I went out and bought HTML for Dummies: Quick Guide. I read that book front to back and well, that's how I got started. But I haven't really written anything from scratch in a while, with all the "what you see is what you get" editors, I've gotten rusty, not to mention some things have changed since then, such as CSS, which has caused much of the HTML I learned to become depricated. In other words, I'm in a similar boat as you, I need to brush up and update myself a bit. As for websites I'd recommend Spoono ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) which has some neat CSS layout tutorials (Go to programming, a submenu appears, click on CSS) as well as graphic tutorials, and for something a bit simpler, try HTML Help ( http://www.htmlhelp.com/ ) is another good place to look up for references and such. Anywho, good luck, and I hope this helps! I had a bunch of other REALLY GOOD websites book marked on my computer. Unfortunatly, I'm not on either of my computers right now so I can't seem to remember them. If I come across them again, I'll be sure to share.
Sig Using Gimp tryed a new style
Chrisseh replied to beastjordan's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
The new version looks really cool! Nice job! I think the background effect, while simple, makes it look a whole lot better, and I like the text better, too. Keep it up, with a little practice, you can do some really neat stuff with GIMP. -
Sig Using Gimp tryed a new style
Chrisseh replied to beastjordan's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
It looks very good so far! I agree with the suggestions jlhaslip and tuddy made, and if I may make my own suggestion, it would look really cool with a random design in the background, a very subtle one, maybe as an overlay or something over the gradient.Keep up the good work! -
What Should I Do? A girl I really like...
Chrisseh replied to -bLiNd-'s topic in Dating And Relationships
Just keep patient and your time will come. Be the best friend you can be, that's the most importent thing. And... furious? Is the guy abusive to her or something? -
What Should I Do? A girl I really like...
Chrisseh replied to -bLiNd-'s topic in Dating And Relationships
Your situation seems pretty confusing, and I guess she is sending you mixed signals. And you don't want to say something that could jeprodize your friendship. First of all, you should probably take it slowly, a girl's emotions tend to be mixed for a while after something like an engagement breaking. Just be caring, supportive, let her know that you're there for her. She's probably confused right now, too. Sometimes strong emotions can blind a person from seeing the big picture. He's cheated on her, yet she still sees him, lets him hug and kiss her? If he "thinks" they're still together, he obviously thinks he has some hold over her, and he does because it seems she's allowing him to. I don't think she's ready to let go, but she should be. There's nothing worse than a cheater, and she needs to realize that no matter what she does to try and please him, she'll never be able to change him, once a cheater, usually always a cheater. But as I said, just take it slow. If she starts talking about him, just wait until she finishes her point, and in a very subtle manner, change the subject.After a while if things between them start to calm down or change, whenever you feel the time is right, tell her how you feel. If she says no, well then, you tried. You can still keep your friendship, and hey, after a while, her mind might just change. -
There aren't any really good free conversion programs out there yet, at least not any I've found, but this is a decent, light-weight player. It's the same one I use. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Supposidly, Riva FLV Encoder, which is meant to convert video files to flv, can also reverse-convert. I tried it once but it's very glitchy and tends to freeze up. If you'd like to give it a try, you can get it here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ With some websites, I've found even the flv snatching plug-ins don't seem to work, however... I have discovered another way through firefox... this is assuming you're using Windows XP, although it's very similar in win2k. I tried it with IE by going into Temporary Internet Files, but that doesn't always seem to work with all websites for some reason, but firefox usually does. Make sure you have your cache set to at least 100mb's otherwise this may not work. Download the video, keep firefox open to that page (minimize it if you like) and go to- C:\Documents and Settings\(Your user name here)\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(usually some random letters and numbers followed by.default)\Cache Next, right click - Arrange icons by size. This is the tricky part. Usually these video files are anywhere between 2.5MB to 50MB, more or less. The files are all extensionless with random letters and numbers for names. Find one that would be about the right size (and date) to the file you just viewed, copy it and place it on your desktop or wherever and name it filename.flv filename being whatever you want to name the file. Whatever you want, as long as it has the .flv extension at the end. Now just open the file with FLV player, if it won't open, then it's not the right file, go back and try again until you find the one you're looking for. When you're done, you can go ahead and close everything out. Enjoy your video!
Well I've had my share of accidents and injuries, but I must have a pretty good tolerance for that kind of pain because you'd think the time I got my arm mauled by my cousin's pyscho dog would be the most painful, but I honestly don't remember feeling any pain at all.Probably what was the worst I can remember was about 3 years ago... I was warming some left overs up in the microwave... it was pot roast, mashed 'taters and gravy. My grandma had this OOOOLD microwave that took forever to cook stuff. So I put the gravy in for a minute, took it out, and it was still cold and jello-like. So I stuck it back in for another minute, took it out, was still cold and jelloey. I repeated this about 4 or so times and finally the last time I took it out, figuring it would still have lumps in it, I pulled out the plastic container (One of those glad-ware type ones) and didn't realize how flimsy it was and that the gravy was now boiling hot. Container kinda flopped, gravy flew onto my wrist, scalding me... I started swearing and shouting, panicked, dropped to the ground and tried to wipe it off on the carpet (Pretty stupid, eh?) till my mom got me up off the ground and to the sink to run it under cool water. I didn't go to the hospital or anything, but the skin was all raw and red and just... painful for about two days until it dried up and started to peel. Now all I am left with is a dark yet fading scar on my wrist. And it just got a little bigger, because the other day at work I burned it on the pizza oven. Didn't hurt that bad though haha.
Not sure of all the exact percentages...but It's something like...1/4 Greek, 1/16th Chickasaw (Native American) probably at least 1/4 Polish ( I have it coming from both sides), and as for everything else English, Irish, French, German, not so sure about how much of those I have, but they're in there. There's probably more to the list, but all I know is I'm a mutt!Another intresting tidbit concerning my ancestry, I'm a relative of President John Adams!
See, it's not that my parent's won't let me have it. They want me to. Heck, I practiced the other day. It's just getting them to get off their butts to get me out and driving. I could probably review the rules of the road book and get it next week if I wanted to. Part of it is me I guess, it's not all my parents fault. I do have a little bit of a fear of driving, but not that much. The law up here is pretty basic... 15 1/2 to take drivers ed and get a permit, 16 and you get a probationary license where you can't have more than one or two non-related minors in your car, something like that, and you can't drive between certain hours unless you're coming/going from school or work. I believe even though I'm almost 21 (over 18 at least) I still get a probationary license but the conditions are different, you just have to be more careful or whatever or they'll rip up your license. It's the same though with the permit. A spouse or guardian 19 or older or a license holder 21 or older can be seated next to me when driving, which isn't a problem.The permits expire in exactly one year up here, which stinks, so mine expired last December. And I'd have my grandma take me out driving but she lives 2 hours away. -sigh- The only thing I need to work on is backing up, which I'm getting better at. I didn't mean to make it sound so much like it's all my parents fault. Sure, part of it is, but part of it's mine, too. I should've pushed them more to take me out driving. I just want to hurry up and get it before the snow falls (Which could be as soon as next month, it's not unheard of up here to have an October snowstorm) and they start freaking out about me sliding around on the ice, trying to avoid deer. I was just frustrated about them letting my younger brother drive when he isn't really even old enough to be practicing yet.But yeah, I was out the other night and my parents stopped by the bar while I finished painting a window for a local buisness for a contest, my dad was a little tipsy. I drove him home, perfectly fine, dropped him off at the store across the street so he could order a pizza, drove home, went back and got him...just fine. Hopefully that proved to them that I am almost ready enough to go ahead and get my license. Once I get that... it's onto car insurance and getting my own car. Thank goodness I have a job now, too.
I grew up in Northern Illinois... it was great, we had malls, fast food and 24 hour grocery stores... when I was 14 going into highschool, we moved to Northern Wisconsin. It was horrible, high school was a living heck for me, they don't openly accept new students, especially students from Illinois. I was tormented to the point where I started failing classes, and I was always obsessed with getting good grades. Well, I became a computer geek and survived high school... and yet something was still missing. Oh yeah, drivers ed! See, the school didn't exactly push the students to learn this crucial life skill, especially crucial since there's no public transportation up here and actual civilization is 30 miles or more away! An instructor from a private school would come, and you'd have to pay about 350 dollars to get in. Provided the class wasn't full. Which it was. Always, whenever I asked, guidance counslers were like "Sorry, it's full for this semester". Or my parents didn't have the money.So, come graduation day, I still hadn't taken drivers ed. So the following fall, I took it from a private instructor. I aced the first part, we were supposed to do drivers training, but the teacher never called me back when the next part started. No biggy, I had my permit. But it was winter. My stupid over-protective parents wouldn't take me out driving because the roads are so bad around here in the winter. Everyone kept telling them... "Take her out driving, winter is best, teaches good defensive driving" but nooo.... So when I was 19, I moved in with my grandma for a while, she took me out practicing, but my stupid permit expired in just one year. I'm 20, going on 21 now. Guess what? I still don't have my license! I'm lucky my job is across the street (conviniently placed buisness in the middle of the woods) because if it weren't, I'd be riding my bike to work every day. Which wouldn't do me much good in the winter, now would it?And what's even worse, I have a 14 year old brother, and my parents let him drive MORE THAN THEY LET ME DRIVE! I'm old enough to actually drive, though I don't have my license. He isn't... does anybody else think this is crazy? I think my parents need to quit being so overprotective. Do you know how humiliated I feel to watch all these 16 and 17 year olds say "I'm going shopping today... I just got a new car!" while I still have to use my parents to get around!? And they very rarely take me anywhere.Has anybody else experienced a similar problem? If so, please share.
I'm 20 (going on 21) and I just now got my first real job. I work at a small store that also makes homemade pizza, subs, and many other foods, sells basic groceries and convinience items, and even has gas. It was just built a few years ago, and my mom used to work there under the old owners. The new owners are pretty awesome, best of all, it's right across the street from my house, and since I don't have a license (so sad) and everything else is at least 5 miles away (I live in the woods) it's even better!I did have a good job at a private school up the road, making 8.50 an hour starting out (Which is good money for around here) when I was 19, but I became sick and had to quit after two days, so that doesn't really count. I also do on-the-side jobs for cash, I work for a woman I've known for years doing graphic design related work, and right now I'm painting a window for a fall celebration our tiny town has every year. Hopefully, I can start saving up enough money to get myself ready for college... a car, apartment, whatever.
I've been saying this for years! I totally agree... I lived in Northern Illinois for the first 15 years of my life, and it was always SUCH A PAIN to go anywhere, because every drive through fast food restaurant you'd go to... you'd get a Spanish speaking person taking your order in broken english on the other side. You could barely understand them with their accent, 85% of the time your order was messed up, something was forgotten or just wrong alltogether. Even after the digital displays came up, you'd spend 5 minutes correcting the things that came up. It's a pain!I understand that there are MANY Spanish speaking people in the area, but sheesh, working in a place where communication with the customer is important, you need to speak fluent English. My younger cousins go to school down there, and I guess they're just a couple out of a handful of English-speaking students there! I'm sure the staff speaks English, so why not the students? They have every right to speak Spanish to their friends, at home, whatever, but in the outside world (School, work, ect), they need to speak English. It's the national language... it SHOULD be required when they move over here! Their kids should be required to take special classes that teach english. The parents should be required to take english classes before becoming a full fledged citizen and getting a job that deals with working with customers. It might sound harsh, but that's just the way it should be.It's even worse now... I go down to visit my family and friends down in Illinois a few times a year, there have been times I've gone into McDonalds, and upon uttering your order in English, the cashier rolls their eyes and calls the manager to come translate. I have nothiing against Spanish speaking people, I've known many who could speak both English and Spanish very well, and others should follow in their footsteps.
It's a pain to download anything over dial up, but thanks for the offer. I can probably watch it on Keiichi Anime Forever or have a friend burn them for me.As for Powerpuff Girls Z... I've seen the opening for it on YouTube. Try looking it up on there, they have a couple episodes up (and fansubbed?) already. It's pretty new, I think it just came out last month in Japan. I dunno when or if they're going to bring it to the states.
What Would You Do If There Was No Internet? hmm...
Chrisseh replied to whyme's topic in Science and Technology
I didn't even have the internet until 2000 (webtv, actually) and I didn't even have an internet capable computer until 2001. Before that I read a lot of books, spent time relaxing outside, drew a lot of pictures, experimenting with different art mediums, wrote stories, listened to music, collected dolls and comic books, played SNES...Yeah. I'd probably be doing the same thing I did back then. Actually I probably would've went crazy in highschool, I was the new kid, everybody picked on me, I was miserable. The internet probably saved my sanity, or at least what was there to begin with! =D