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Posts posted by vhortex

  1. Mine do have a USB3 labeled ports but the manual confuse me, the Manual was talking about SS and was figuring out where they are.

    AS a note, my computer was assembled by me but the motherboard provides a back panel with "USB3" printed and etched. The casing version I have had a port labeled as USB3 but "Super Speed" on the other batch of the same model.


    Thanks for letting us know that USB3 = SS = Super Speed.

  2. Sometimes it is with the USB cord specially with Samsung, they might be Samsung only used lines that are missing on the Standard cables. I am using such Fuji USB cord to download files from one of my Samsung device and was frustated that I can copy the files from the Device and charge it but I cant use it as a webcam or a camera. Swapping the original Samsung USB make things work.There are also some toggles on the Samsung device console/panel that can disable the communication from the computer to the Samsung Device.************The only thing you are sure with standard cables are the following1. Device that supports charging can charge2. Device that supports "external" storage setting will add an extra drive on your computer3. Basic Video transmission for video supported devicesThe rest are non-standard like the built-in microphone on your webcam which is why webcams are mostly ship with a non detachable USB cord.

  3. There are a lot of ways to overcome that Bit Torrent blocking if ports are open. The wonderful portions of Bit torrents are port forwarding but you may get the trackers port blocked by the ISP if they found out you are trying to cheat them. Torrents eats up a lot of resources, on a non strict environment (like yours which you will say it is the opposite), the torrents will try to consume all bandwidth and once a file is partially downloaded on a torrent client, they automatically gets upload back as seeds effectively forcing the company to buy more bandwidth and equipment. This will force them to charge more. You are even lucky to have the torrent ports unblocked on that period, some don't. If you want a fast connection, cheap and stable with torrents, get the higher plans or get the expensive plans from other alternatives.

  4. Apple had to sue Samsung and bid for a large penalty, because Samsung is becoming a real competition... I think Samsung knew this was coming that's probably why their Galaxy S III isn't in violation of the Apple patents
    If Samsung will halve it's Galaxy S III prices in US... that will really disturb the Apple US Market

    Funny thing is that Samsung have the first patent of rounded corners but it is not worldwide patent, people are talking around the net on how stupid the ruling was when the original rounded corners and one button in iPhone was inspired by a Samsung phone.

    Companies using the original creators idea or work and then suing them for patents are not very rare, there are even tons of cases with Microsoft "borrowing" codes from other people on promise that they will use it for free products bundled with Windows and then after 1 year or 2, they will apply secretly a patent for that "borrowed" technology then later on sue the creator. There was a circulating news before on my "not so mainstream and legal" mailing list about how people gain access to windows 95, 98, win me and vista root kernels without changing any part of it by accessing the accessory programs. One them even produces watermarked contents when used put by the original programmer.

    Apple also sue Samsung in relation to Icons on the android phones resembling iPhone icons, as far as I know is that all Icons on a stock Samsung phone is part or a mask of the default sets of icons that android have. Here are a link of the few subset of the icons http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Apple also sue Samsung for copying iPhone like gestures on the android phones which they failed that they are copying the android OS itself with the swipe and other gestures. Should they sue all smartphones and Google for this too? I failed to track the development regarding this OS feature issues in the battle but I am sure that if Google will be sued, they will counter sue Apple causing major set backs in the iPhone OS functionality.

    It is also silly to sue a company running an OS that is free for use and have a free market for new software from a totally 3rd party source be sued for making iPhone like icons.

    As far as I see it, without Steve Jobs, the man who revive Apple from the grave of a great downfall, there will be no new innovations on their line. The consequence is a decline on iPhone sales and even Apple products.


    One of the basis of the Legal battle is that base on them, a Samsung android phone looks like an iPhone from a far. Funny, I never own an iPhone and have no plan on getting one but I own a Samsung phone. From a distance of 8 meters, I can easily spot which one is a Samsung and which one is an Apple. Samsung have 2 soft buttons, when the user is using the phone, they will lit up causing a huge difference. The button is also rectangular and the cameras are different. With an eye blind folded, I can tell which one is a Samsung and which one is an iPhone, Samsung bodies are made from light weight plastics.

    Just an added trivia, the smiley characters are also patented and copyrighted. Apple is also using them and they are built inside their OS. Are they paying the patent owner for using them?

  5. On your xisto control panel, add an "add on domain" and make that your co.cc domain.Remember "add on domain" since this will tell the server that this domain is another address for my website.On co.cc service, insert both nameservers given by Xisto, giving only one will mess up your DNS from time to time.It is not required to use 2 nameservers but 2means you have a backup connection.If the co.cc domain service can't find your webhost, then it can't display anything except an error of 404 or sometimes error 500 (server error)

  6. You can always extend wordpress libraries instead of writing new database connections. The task is both simple and complicated and depends on how much skill you have. If I can get some free time sitting in front of the computer and install a test copy, I will be happy to do it for you. I'll let you know in 2-3 days if I do have the spare time. The only concern that I have is that I can manipulate any software to extend them but I lack the creative side for online websites.

  7. If you mean sensitive stuff about your private life then it was not Google's problem. People are getting reckless on posting thousands of info on social networks about themselves then blame the world wide web if those info gets exposed to millions of people.For an example, I have seen more than 50 person in 3 months posting their real name, age, address, birth-date, home address, location and life style patterns. Some have posted candid and sensitive pictures of themselves shared to the public.If the search engines find this, it was not their fault since the user have started putting them up on the web. I even saw some funny civil cases where people tried to sue Google when their "naked" photos return as a result from Google's photo search. The images in question was shared to more than 500 people on facebook, some websites grabbed the photo and added it to their content. Surely that is not Google's fault.The REAL problem with Google is that it collect a lot of info about you including your website visiting habit.

  8. To make the guest listen to ANY IP on port 80 or http port, just add this on your configListen 80Instead of adding Listen xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80 which while only listen on the same exact IP that you provided.In order to make wordpress work, you need apache server, Php interpreter and lastly is a mySQL server.Forget one of them and the whole wordpress system wont work.Take note that in apache and all linux/unix base system, filenames are case sensitive making "folder" not equal to "Folder" hence producing "file not found" errors which in turn can hang the whole system.

  9. There is no penalty for slow pages. :P SE just devalues that site and puts at lesser rank on search results.

    This is a form of opposing ideas, if your site gets devalued by Search Engines, you are already penalized. Search Engine don't apply instant penalties, when sites loads slow, they will send bots on the same region with the hosting server. If the site still loads slow then that it the time you get the penalty. You also need to be constantly slow for a few days to get a penalty.

    Flash sites are not really slow to load, there are lots of good flash sites that loads the segments parallel to each other. They only load slow when you put them into 1 bulk flash file with no segmentation.

    Videos are not set to play automatically on most sites, this is to prevent bandwidth hogging on the end user. In fact, the only thing you can't speed up on the web is video loading however you can always optimize them for those who have a faster connection using streaming servers.

    Also, to check if a page is slow.. it will request for the header file.

    mydomain.com/slowpage.php.. in order to test if this page is really slow, bots will request will connect and request the HTTP header for slowpage.php throwing the rest of the packet away. This is still affected by DNS/domain resolutions, the more cross referenced domains that exist the slower the HTTP header will be returned. On a slow database setup (it was pretty easy to cause heavy slow downs on an improperly created database), the page will take a lot of time before it sends it response header of 200. It will wait for the database calls to complete before issuing the response.

    Injecting ads on a page won't have effect on the bot, this will be dealt with on the end user browser or when the bot request the full page content.


    The method that Google use on checking the loading time is almost the same method used by site monitors that tells you if your site went down or having heavy slow downs. Even if the site monitors keep on checking your site for 1min up to 5mins interval, there are no noticeable delays caused, no wrong tracking info recorded but just like the google bots and other bots out there, those visits and http header request will appear as actual visits on your server's log file.

    The sole reason why they are not messing your site trackers is merely the reason that those javascripts you add at the footer are not loaded nor even read. If you will check it, even google bot seldom appear as a visitor on your site's tracker except if they bounce on an error 404.

  10. For me, of course it's better to use Xisto's DNS manager because it's with my paid domain and it provide more control options. But then, where else can I add my web hosting site's nameserver?

    That is a risk with shared hosting on a templated account, no customization. On some shared hosting, you can have a customized local DNS or a customized pass through DNS. They call it differently but the bottomline was to allow the domain registrar to manage the DNS.

    Pointing the full domain control away from Xisto domains really means a big loss on the domain control.


    @the VPS
    It is not really a luxury but a wise choice, I never need more than 3GB of disk space and more than 20GB bandwidth but I do need 200mb of dedicated RAM and at least 500mhz of CPU power.

    Combining 4 person's varied needs for hosting solved the issue for all of us. The guy who needs 15GB of space and 200Gb of bandwidth got his required needs. The 2nd guy who needs 900mhz of of CPU power and 10mb of diskspace got his problem solved. The fourth guy who needs 3GB of space and 50GB regular bandwidth was also happy.

  11. That was a nice reply but I must say that you have left some questions unanswered. I asked you about the effects of placing ads (which increases the page loading time) on the ranking of a page in search results. I also asked you about the impact of placing CPM ads (which increases loading time much more as compared to google adsense ads) on the SERP. I am really worried about the SERP of my webpages and I really need to know these things.Please leave a reply to this @VHORTEX

    Ads only drive traffic away from your site, as long as the ads won't generate the time out errors, they will have minimal effects. What you need to worry about them is when the bots starts indexing and they follow the your ads links. The bots gets lost and won't bother to come back again until the next scheduled scan.

  12. Let me debunk some myths -
    1. Slow loading pages - What qualifies for slow loading pages ? Malicious scripts, sql injected pages. Google bots are not designed to read java, flash and video content. Video sitemaps crawler is entirely different and it only arrives if the previous bot finds the too many video content on your site. Think about it, if loading time is so rated as per human perspective then all those ffmpeg based video hosting sites and the people posting videos on wordpress sites are supposed to be penalized. In worst case it's not penalty but more of devaluation of links.It's not even related to hosting, bots are reading text content on your site and the frequency is dependent on their own criteria or you have to choose from webmaster guidelines. Also your browser loading, ISP loading has nothing to do with website loading speed. I use GPRS to access websites and all the sites in the world open for me in 3-5 minutes. So all sites need penalty from my own secret super-awesome pagerank algorithm :P

    Slow loading pages = Slow responding servers. Bots don't need to load the whole page, they only need to time how many seconds or even minutes a serve reply with error 200 (in short.. a servers way of telling that everything is fine). While reading headers, you are not loading any of the following (flash, video, images and injections).

  13. You can do all of this with xisto (Xisto - Web Hosting) services. I have not checked about the customized nameserver fees yet. I only get the VPS account on a different webhost since it is the agreed hosting service between 4 people.

    The space is 30GB and a bandwidth of 500GB, all 4 people can have a copy of the billing statements delivered to 4 email addresses. We only need the 1.13 GHZ dedicated CPU and he 500GB bandwidth. One of us is hosting his print samples on the VPS which have sizes of around 10MB each per file non compressed.


    This feature is available via Logic plan $1.95 per month if you will customize it.

    "Setup Custom Nameserver: Yes +$4.49 USD Setup Fee"

    The service cost $4.49 USD. Xisto also won't force you to have dedicated IP's to get customized nameservers.

  14. How do you host coderinthebox.com on vhortex.com? My guess is your vhortex.com is hosted on VPS which provide lots of posibilities, so you can host conderinthebox.com as addon domain on the VPS. But how to get the ns1.vhortex.com/ns2.vhortex.com ?

    Yes I am using a VPS hosting. NS1.vhortex.com and NS2.vhortex.com is called domain host branding. You don't need to be on a VPS to have this feature. In order to setup one, your hosting provider needs to setup this nameserver on their hosting (not all webhosting give this feature free). The important part here is the availability of having 2 dedicated IP.

    The trick part is the creation of the Name server records on the actual domain, this must be also created on the domain registrars end. In my case, vhortex.com's customized nameserver is created on the webhost as a VPN service (it is free if you have a VPS account and less problematic to configure than on shared hosting), a partner record was also created on the domain registrar such which is Godaddy in my case.

    Not all domain registrar will have the feature to create customized name records since not all of them gives full domain management. Xisto is one of the few company that offers this flexibility.

    Updating the domain takes maximum of 48 hours to propagate or be reflected on all DNS server around the globe, what happen is that this domain servers copies what was inserted on your domain record. Customized nameservers takes a few hours to setup, you can speed this up by restarting the server. If you are not transferring your domain and you only want to create a customized nameserver, it will take 30mins to resolve (this may take more time on some region).


    Dedicated IP may cost you from $15 - $88 but most VPS accounts allow you to have an extra IP for $1 with a few free dedicated IP. This payment is on monthly basis and you need to keep on paying them. You can already have a VPS account for $20 and at least 10GB space and 2 free IP with dedicated RAM. With this info, it is much better to be on VPS due to the huge savings on the part of IP rentals.

  15. Thanks so much for taking your time explaining those puzzles in details! I still need further advice on how to do it.


    Yes, I host my website somewhere else. The web hoste site gives 2 nameservers.

    There's not a word of "custom name server", nothing explain what it is for. Here's a pic:

    Posted Image

    remove that four name servers, take note of them and write them on a piece of paper. replace that with 2 name servers from your webhost on that screenshot that you got.



    So, I don't need to change the default nameservers in the NS record, instead, I can add web hosting site's nameserver below the 4 default?

    It will cause conflict, those nameservers must point to the same server, there will be problems when your name servers point to different physical servers. If you have 2 sets of nameservers from different companies, there is no sure way to tell what physical server your visitors will end up.








    Since ISP will pick 1 nameserver that they can connect, some ISP (visitors) will go to hostingdomain.com server and some will go to otherdomain.com. That will be a very terrible problem.


    You can use your webhost's email service if you will setup your mx record properly, some webhosting have an internal record of DNS and some just copy the content of your domain registar. This vary from hoster to hoster and domain registrar to domain registrar.


    Email service is always set to default which is to use your domain registrars MX record (mail exchange), this can be fix if your hosting provider have setup an MX record on their side and their hosting DNS is marked as primary (it get's complicated on this part about master and secondary DNS). You can skip hosting your email and instead point them to google services.


    There is no 100% sure guarantee how much DNS record your domain provider and you hosting provider have. You need to talk to both domain registrar and webhosting company to solve this.




    A little example is my domain coderinthebox.com, the pages are half complete and may not work well.

    You can click here to see the domain info and the nameserver.


    The domain is registered at xisto, it was linked to a third party domain privacy service and it was hosted on vhortex.com via ns1.vhortex.com and ns2.vhortex.com. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is my website and I have my own nameservers. Even if Xisto also hold a DNS record, both my Email and Hosting are at ns1.vhortex.com and ns2.vhortex.com where my Master DNS is hosted.


    coderinthebox.com. 86400 IN A

    coderinthebox.com. 86400 IN NS ns.coderinthebox.com.

    ns.coderinthebox.com. 86400 IN A

    coderinthebox.com. 86400 IN MX 10 mail.coderinthebox.com.

    coderinthebox.com. 86400 IN NS ns.coderinthebox.com.

    mail.coderinthebox.com. 86400 IN A

    ns.coderinthebox.com. 86400 IN A

    All this records are coming from my webhosting on exception to MX and the extra ns.coderinthebox.com and mail.coderinthebox.com record which are copied from Xisto.

  16. Slow loading pages are being measured by Google using their very own connection to rank you. This is not hard since Google have distributed servers around the globe. If your server is slow or over loaded, Google checking will also be slow and you will get penalties is this slow access go on for days. If your scripts are slow and your server is fast, you will only get smaller amount of indexed pages. It is rare to have a fast loading script or static pages on slow servers.


    SEO Doctor is not accurate but it is the best guess. You can't trust it's page load time calculation since it is limited on your current ISP and region. It's suggestion is pretty nice and gives you an instant insight that slow loading pages will rank lower in comparison to faster loading pages.


    What you need to worry is this type of error "503 - Service Unavailable" and "504 - Gateway Timeout", this signal google that your website is not a good place to ranked and to be visited. Error 503 means that the server is pretty busy to respond to new connection request and 504 most of the time means that the proxy or gateway have timed out or given up waiting for your webpage to load.

  17. Yes, you will be penalized on Google and Yandex (russian search engine), Bing, Yahoo and MSN have poorer algorithm and despite that I was reported appearing on page 3-10 on their webmaster tool (their version), I don't actually see my website on those pages. I guess that 3 search engine (which all belong to Microsoft) don't care for slow loading pages.

    It is also a point to be taken that Bing was doing a mirror of Google search results, what appears low on Google will now appear lower on Bing. Microsoftâs Bing uses Google search results, it is equally as bad as having lots of error 404 indexes as they are visited by Google Bot.

  18. I registered a domain with Xisto - Web Hosting. I appreciate the fast and convinient service. But I am too big a dummy to manage all the configurations. Need help!
    First puzzle--

    There are 2 places to input Nameservers--

    First, The DNS Manager/NS records;(4 default nameservers already there)

    if you want to be hosted at Xisto - Web Hosting, leave them as is or ask via customer support ticket for your hosting account's nameserver.
    Judging from your post, you are hosted somewhere else.. ask your hosting service provider for their name server that you can use to replace the 4 default records that you will find on this page.

    Second, Domain menue/ NameServer tab.

    If there is a word like "custom name server" then that is the wrong place to change your domain record. That will be where you will add your very own nameserver like ns1.mydomain.com / ns2.mydomain.com

    My webpage hosting site also provide a DNS manager. It says if I choose to host DNS somewhere else, I can disable their DNS manager and add A record in my DNS host place to redirect to my site.

    You can disable te DNS manager on your hosting and just change the nameserver on you domain control panel. Use the one provided by your hoster.

    I sure prefer DNS hosted by Xisto - Web Hosting. So, I disabled webpage host's DNS manager. When I go to Xisto - Web Hosting's DNS manager to add A record, the form provide the opion to add A record of "xxx.mydomain.com" . This is frustrating-- I want to add A record of "mydomain.com", not a subdomain.

    No need to create an A record of xxx.mydomain.com if you don't need a subdomain. adding one will create a subdomain or an Alias.

    Do I need to disable webpage's DNS manager? How can I add A record of "mydomain.com" in Xisto - Web Hosting's DNS manager ?

    The first "A" record is always "mydomain.com", "http://www.mydomain.com/; usually comes next.

    I read an article says better use more than one pairs of nameservers that from different hosts. Isn't it confusing the ISP? When somebody require a domain, it has to check 2 places to find the domain. I know I must be wrong on this, but really appriciate if somebody can explain this.

    ISP's will only look for 1 IP in random order from your DNS record (this can be changed on the ISP level), once the ISP found a working IP.. it connect on that IP alone until the DNS cache expire or the IP shuts down. Yahoo have more than 80 Nameservers working, normally your regional DNS server will only pick up 4.

    I have 4 Nameserver on my VPS, though I only use 2 but 4 are active.

  19. PR is not a good basis for popularity or even a sign of good rise of visitors. I have no idea how PR is computed but I know a few websites that have no PR simply because the PR calculators give them a very low score and yet have a high traffic (more than 50,000 unique visitors a day). A few websites with a high PR that was only visited by bots. On my best opinion, SEO and actual visitor count is still best than PR.

  20. @AhsaniqbalVisited your site and it improves a lot. ***********On the topic, natural back links usually fare better than other method of back links. I was aiming to get that and i guess it will be a few more steps for me as more contents are already available though i don't have enough time to write them on the web. One thing that can damage ranking even if you have a high seo and a high backlink rank is the loading time of your website. That is the reason why I push on getting a VPS. This step is optional though since the problem with loading time is highly connected on your hosting service. Hoster that oversell each server beyond it's capacity is a sure drag to end up on lower page ranking.I got mine ranking 3 on page 1 drop instanly in 2 days to page 10+, taking it back to page 5 have taken me 4months. :P

  21. The best way and fastest method to solve it is to append / on the CSS path. A mod_rewrite rule when properly written will ignore existing files and directories while HTML css will be search on the rewritten URL.

    Example: A mod rewritten URL like this


    Will have its CSS search at

    Appending a / on the CSS path like this
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/comments.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    or even putting the full URL like this
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://mynewserver.com/comments.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    always fixes the problem. For CSS images, do take note that they are being read relative to the stylesheet folder.

    Since you are doing some mod_rewrite and .htaccess modification, maybe this article can add some help in the future Essential .htaccess Commands, if the link is useful to you, I will appreciate dropping a comment. :blush:

  22. Recently there are glitches here which starts to get harder in support. The ticket system do work fast. The server glitches causes random 1-5minutes temporary shutdown on hosting that commonly occur once or twice a week. I got one of my domain hosted here before I moved to a VPS. In comparison to Byethost, your hosting wont fill up for no reason specially your MySQL database. I used to try Byethost and instantly got my database full 2 days after creating it. The fun part, it was never been used and I no longer able to use it. The database account got locked out and the only way to unlock it is to pay for an upgrade. Sounds pretty fun for some people but not for me. I will never ever pay for things that I never used in the first place.Byethost keeps on bugging me for years about that database demanding that I upgrade the hosting even if I cancelled the account 4 years ago. 37 emails of removing me from the list since I no longer have an account yields no result. I do get 7 confirmations that I was already removed and still get the mail a few days later bugging me about the upgrade. 1 of the 7 emails was pretty amusing. One of the email states that in order to cancel, I need to signup since I no longer have an account that they can cancel. The only way to cancel the email reminders is to create the same account name that I have 4 years ago. The best part, all accounts are automatically generated, I don't know how they came up with that answer since there is no way that I can create the same account credentials that I have way before even if I recall the username, password and account number. :P Putting the whole Byethost network on the spam filter and marking the whole network as spammer solves my issues of nagging database upgrade emails.

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