Teri Luketic
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About Teri Luketic
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Confessing To Someone You Like
Teri Luketic replied to fallenfirebanshi's topic in Dating And Relationships
I haven't actually told the person I like that I like him. But here's what's up currently.There's this guy in my class, but he's a year ahead of where he should be. He's wasn't exactly liked by anyone in the class as a person because of it, except a handful of us, mostly my closer friends in the various groups I hung out with. My school went on a mission trip last school year when hurricane Katrina happened, and that was when I got to know him and his girlfriend some. I was hanging out with his best friend really, and was kinda weirded out by Colton (the guy) until he almost spazzed because I got really dehydrated and almost passed out on the second day. He was really touch and stuff last year, which I still think. . .although his best friend, Anthony, says otherwise. . .is just how he is. He worked at the student center, and I could be helping him study for a biology test or something and have his head on a pillow in my lap, or his hand on my leg or something. . .wo ho big deal. Anyhow. I had a think for his room mate the whole year, and a good amount of this year. . .until I realized that I had more feelings for Colton than I was letting myself admit to. His girlfriend broke his heart, even though he won't admit it, before Thanksgiving, and instead of being there for him like he'd been there for me the year before, I stayed away because I didn't really know what to do because of things some of my friends were saying. He on the other hand, has been a lot cooler about talk than I was. I haven't discussed the issue with him, but when it was mentioned in front of him, it wasn't denied. He hasn't stopped hanging out with me, and hasn't really showed any sign of not wanting to lead me on, and Anthony told me he's not the type of guy to suddenly get freakish anyway, but that there was a possibility of reciprocated feelings that he had not discussed with him himself.I don't know exactly what the point is of this thread, other than what it says. I do think that there is more behind just a story line, so I'll say this: it all just depends on what type of person you're dealing with in these type of circumstances. They could like you back and still reject you because they either A. don't know how to handle the situation or B. don't want to get hurt or even C. get into a relationship at the time or D. get in a relationship with a friend for fear that if something goes wrong the friendship will be tarnished and unmendable. It's all a part of life though, so don't think you're life is over if you are rejected by someone. . .live your life how you want to, hope fully you want to live it to the fullest and enjoy it. -
Fantasy Lovers come and discuss your favourites
Teri Luketic replied to terminal2k's topic in General Discussion
I have to say those Dragon Riders books are good. Anne McAffry (spelled it sooo wrong!) is fantastic. I've only read the first one, but my aunt is still into them and has been telling me about things as I read and lack there of since I was really little! -
Daughters Of The Moon Its a series by Lynne Ewing
Teri Luketic replied to thecharmedglam's topic in General Discussion
It reminds me of that kids show on. . .Nick I think. . .Wynks or something. Don't remember. I only saw the first episode and some other episode with my half sister's niece. -
Which Classic Book Is Your Favorite?
Teri Luketic replied to james2002's topic in General Discussion
I was going to read David Copperfield, but the most I've done is watch the DVD of it in my Junior English Class this past year. Sad, I must say, but I liked it. I've read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but I didn't really like it all that well. My teacher would kill me if she knew I'd said that! LoL. I like a handful of Shakespeare's plays, like Much Ado About Nothing, and The Taming of the Shrew. Like others have said, I love to read, but, sadly, I'm haven't been a big reader in my academy years because of my busy lifestyle, except for breaks and summer time. Even then, classics aren't exactly things I've been reading either. -
I do agree, this conversation probably belongs in another topic, so I'll make this as short as possible. Though I don't believe in evolution, that does not mean that I can not believe that there are extraterrestrials out there. I'm not just talking to Thorned Rose on this, so anyone can answer, but I'll base it for them. Do you believe that there is one Divine Creator and God out there? If you do, do you believe that he is a loving, caring, and compassionate Creator? If God made us, knowing that we would sin, then there is no reason to think that he would not have created other beings out there. I would defend my religious stand point, but I'll leave it as is. I have actually been working on some things as of recently that, if you're interested in my ideas, I would love to send you the site for. . .(Not quite finished with some things, so it's not entirely up yet.) You're right, anything is possible. But I do have my reasons for believing what I believe, and they do not necessarily follow exactly what Christians believe entirely (though the majority is the same), as is because I am not just a Christian, I am a Seventh-Day Adventist Christian. My denomination does not believe that we are the only ones in the universe. We also do not believe that God and his angels are the only other beings out there. It is not said anywhere int he Bible that we are alone in the universe. If it did, then that would go against our belief in a God at all. Sorry for my digression. Either way, I believe there are extraterrestrials out there, though I do not necessarily believe that what we claim to have seen are them.
What Will Happen If Oil Ceases To Exist?
Teri Luketic replied to Matrixdudej's topic in Science and Technology
I don't think buying new vehicles would necessarily be as big a problem as some may think. You distribute the cars at high prices so only the rich will buy them first. And then you gradually make them less expensive so that the car dealerships aren't being bombarded with insane people needing those new cars. Gradually, you deminish the access to fuel so those left over have to buy the new cars. It would take time, of course, but it would be worth it to more than just the fact that we're loosing our fuel, but it would benifit us in the case of our climate changes. -
What Did Everyone Get Or Give For Christmas
Teri Luketic replied to TeeCee06's topic in General Discussion
ReceivedOne book - Eragon (Already had it so gave it to my cousin and was given something else instead)Cds - Creed's Greatest HitsHinderJosh Groban's AwakeNatalie Grant's AwakeningCars SoundtrackEragon SoundtrackDVDs - Zorros 1 and 2The Princess BrideSpidermans 1 and 2DaredevilClothsGaveSeveral things, main thing was a necklace I gave my sister that was her birthstone, georgous, that she loved and wore to our pictures we had taken the next day at this place called flash. . .I think. . .in the polaris mall in Ohio. Nifty place. Love our pictures. -
Evan Lysacek (Figure Skater)Chad M. Murray (Actor)The guy who plays Dean from Gilmore GirlsShawn and Jeremy (Guys I Know)Can't think of many more. . . .
If it would require cloning, I don't think it would be worth it. To step into something, and no longer exist, with some other creature acting like you walking around, does not sound that fantastic or handy. I am a pretty open minded person in most cases, but I do not like the idea of cloning, let alone dying so your clone can live out your life for you. It would have to have your memories in order to be you, and to do something like that, that would take even more technological advances, not just in the cloning, but in brains as well.
Which is the point being made. I do have to say, it is pretty neat to know what these things are mad of and all, but I would love to be able to visit these places myself (somehow, even those that we would not be able to live on with out specific altercations to the facilities we would live in without breathing toxic whatevers). You know, the whole crime thing is something I do not think a lot of people actually look at. Sure, things like Star Trek and whatever other shows out there have such things in them, but that is not a topic you hear a lot about. But would not that be what security and military people would be for. Have enough up there to assure that something would not go wrong, and if it did that's what the smart people who know how to run the thing would be there for. You have people who can maintain and keep the thing going. One would hope they would be smart enough to fix something a terrorist could come up with. If you want to worry about terrorist type actions though, we have that down here, and they are just as bad, look at 911. I have a friend talking about different propulsion ideas for space travel. One thing he'd come up with was that of some kind of "beam" that could be set up to sent a vessel with enough equipment to make a structure like the first wherever they were sent from to send them back, and to another planet as well. I'm not the technical brain on this though, so perhaps you could all hash out what he's talking about. In terms of the sails, would someone like to explain how space can be looked at like an ocean if you are surrounded by space, not having one substance you're floating on and another above you? Sails have to do with wind, if you're going to be pushed by whatever you are talking about with this space winds, you are surrounded by them they aren't just going to attack the sails right? While I've grown up with the idea of warp drive, I have to agree with doing something basic. What exactly is it we are using now though with the shuttles and such. Isn't it just fuel? Perhaps something basic is what's needed. Then again, those have probably already been tested. There's obviously something else out there. . .on this world. . .that could be used for better space travel. More distance in shorter periods of time. Then I'm brought to another question. I could just ask my friend, but that seems to be something we talk about a lot already, and I'm trying to branch conversations into other realms of communication. When he's talking about traveling and time, he ends up saying things about time being slower for those actually traveling, and those "watching" not even seeing them and all. But when the ship or whatever would return from their voyage, they may still be whatever age they should be to them, while their friends and loved ones could have aged many years and/or even died in the time they should have in their time. Anyone have any idea what he's going on about there? How would one fix that problem even, past taking everyone with you. . .which is a massive amount of people when you think about how people are all connected and all?
To Save Paper Without having to eat a beaver
Teri Luketic replied to Forbez's topic in Science and Technology
My private academy was talking about doing this very idea. Actually, I have no idea how thorough they were going to be in terms of not using so much paper and all. The teachers have the laptops that we are paying for instead in this "technology fee" as they are calling it on our bills. We pay extra money for this idea that we haven't even gotten to share in yet. The plan was to have the school get these laptops on some deal, and everyone was supposed to pay for them on their bill. Well, there was apparently enough fits thrown because the school did not want to let those who already have them use their own for whatever crazy reason, and now we're paying for the teachers computers instead of our own.The idea could technically work, so long as every aspect is looked into with great detail. For a school like mine, we'd be paying for our own computers as part of our bill. Public schools would not necessarily have that luxury. What about the students attending such schools because the can not afford to attend a private school or anything. Not everyone can afford a laptop. My family can not afford to pay for two laptops just out of the blue or anything, we can hardly pay for our Christian education the public schools are so openly loving towards. *Ahem* moving on. How would the government pay for those students to have such products and all the components that would have to come with them (books on disk, school wide email to not deal with emails of assignments not making it to the teacher's box or whatever else would be needed)? Taxes. Suddenly, everyone one, those without children, those old people who've sent their kids through school already, and those who've put their children in private schools, suddenly all have to pay more taxes because they were raised to pay for these technology fees most of the population would not be able to pay for normally. On top of that, they would not just be raised just one time, they would have to keep raising it and lowering according to the maintenance and renewal of broken computers and new students rising through these grades.Which grades would be getting these computers? Give them to the younger children you run the risk of having to buy them new laptops at least once a month! How often do they loose their homework already? Enough to worry about the maturity and responsibility to keep a laptop without having it stolen or broken after being dropped too many times. Obviously, we'd be talking about high-schools, right? Well, right there you have more possibilities of people stealing them, and the students' carelessness. High-school students do more things than younger children do, and they do not always go straight home to drop their bags off after class. There is a lot that needs to be looked into with these things. They cost money and it would not be the students, I can guarantee that. It would be everyone paying for these technological advances in school, and for the carelessness and irresponsibility of the students in them. And that's just a few aspects to look at. -
Note: I haven't read anyone else's views. . .so forgive me if I'm repeating anything. Evolution is not something I believe in. It is an interesting concept, but not a fact. These things being an alien is a lot easier for me to digest than it being us in the future. If God created us in His own image, then there is a possibility that these green things could actually be from another planet entirely. To me, people's imaginations, or some crafty and extra clever person tricking someone into believing that such things were taking place is not all that difficult to understand either. People have a way of coming up with extravagant ideas and "visions" so how difficult could it be to say that while someone was out they just imagined something happening. While some situations have evidence left behind, the others are all subject to scrutiny. In fact, they all are, the question is how willing to prove someone wrong in the open are the people (police and government involved) going to be. How far will they go to figure it out where the press can keep us posted on findings? Obviously not entirely far if there's places like area. . .31 or whatever it's called. If we could "replicate" these things that happened for shows like Unsolved Mysteries then why couldn't they have been fabricated in the first place? It isn't like the show had the best graphics or anything either. Someone with some kind of plan, connections, and a well developed brain could do something like that without even leaving a trace that it was them behind.
What Will Happen If Oil Ceases To Exist?
Teri Luketic replied to Matrixdudej's topic in Science and Technology
If the world were to actually run out of oil, that's when the government would most likely decide it was time to put out one or so of the inventions that the back country geniuses have been paid off not to sell to anyone other than them. They want oil to be the main thing and stay that way right now, but if it was to run out, they would be able to make the choice of which invention is the next best. . .originally best just unknown to the world. . .substitute for the oil, thus having control over the situation; which companies get the plans and thus stay in business for adapting their various products they sell. Their lower copy-cats or even some rivals would either be put out of business because of this, or they'd be forced to make similar, yet different products, to stay going. The world is not going to go completely to h*ll in a hand-basket if we run out of oil. We have plenty of smart people out there coming up with different ways to run cars and keep houses warm and all. The issue will be switching everything out. -
A geek who thinks he's a player and is really good at being the immature, rude, obnoxious, lying, and cheating skank girls like me dispise and don't want to deal with because it gives us trust issues. He does have his times where he's not bad, but I couldn't live going on not knowing whether he was going to be that way at a point in time or not. And he's been my only kiss. . .*sigh*
I wanted to thank you who said something for your advice for Autumn. I had her read some other stuff similar to this, and she's really thinking hard about some things and the like. She's working up the guts to say something to him, and she's really getting a good vibe without having said anything by the fact that she's hanging out with him a lot more and all that stuff, and he (in my opinion, but she still thinks I am crazy), is majorly flirting with her and all. Her New Year's resolution is to do something about it before Valentine's Day. . .I think it should be sooner, but she's just gotta do it in her own time. Again, thank you for all your ideas. . .although I think that's just one really. LoL.