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Posts posted by ink

  1. Eh..I had no idea... it doesn't sound very pleasant at all. I never knew much about UAE. However, I don't think the situation will get any better by burning the place down eh? ;p Where do all those mosquitos and flies come from btw? o_o Is the sand everywhere so bad? Anyhow, try to get the best out of it. Somehow you'll be able to return to Canada, I hope for you ^__^

  2. No candy, don't buy them anymore, instead, use the money you saved, by not buying candy, to buy lots of fruits instead. Drink a lot of water to give yourself a 'full' feeling. Try to dance around a bit :P not on slow music, put on loud, fast music and dance as if it were to save your life ;D Use the stairs a lot. On random moments, just grab your coat and shoes and take a walk in the neighborhood. You don't have to walk till you get exhausted, just try go get your body moving a bit, instead of hanging on the couch in front of the tv, or pc. Before you take a shower, do some simple exercises after you wake up.

  3. I like reading the posts in this thread :P nice one. Hmm..the story about my name isn't so interesting. I remember that the fun ones I wanted were already taken, and I wanted something very short. One of my email addresses and domain names which I like very much also has the word 'ink...blablabla' in it, so I extracted it from that. And mbacarra, you sig!! O__O Soooo much Death Note love!!! ^O^ I adooore it! :P

  4. 1. Draw more2. Learn how to use certain software, music making programs, macromedia flash, adobe illustrator3. Lose additional weight, the prettiest clothes seem to be available in really small sizes only. I wouldn't mind looking scrawny for a little while xD4. Learn to sew maybe, it could become useful, at the moment I hate sewing though o_o5. Speak more in foreign languages, to train my accent in the latter O-O6. No last-minute studying, stop studying at night and stressing over exams while I should be peacefully sleepingI'm not too serious about these resolutions of mine though :lol: I should stick to quitting the procrastinating regarding my studying, but I won't go too far on the dieting, I don't want to develop anorexia in the new year.

  5. You people all seem to take this topic title a bit too seriously ^_^ I think the topic starter is well aware that it's not the worst of the worst, since his house didn't get burned down, he hasn't been sent to prison for the rest of his life, he didn't lose one of his (perhaps non-existing) children and such. He just wrote it like that because he was in a bad mood, and when people feel like that they simply do use exclamations like 'I'm so dead!!" :lol: A little bit of a dramaqueen can be quite amusing, this sounds mean... ;p , but people tend to be interested in other people's failures. And for the topic starter himself, he might be asking for a little bit of sympathy, and imo he can have some of mine :D ~ That's quite a series of bad luck, but don't worry...I'm pretty sure you've lots of good days coming up aswell ^___^d Maybe it would be nice if you'd post a happy event sometime too n__n

  6. I like your intro too Dan, welcome here! :lol: You make me jealous with the number of pets you have ;p There's nothing wrong with Star Trek. Perhaps you could create a blog, or a picture journal, a fan site for something or someone, a messageboard and ah..there really are so many possibilities, I just can't think of so many right now ;p Well, regardless whether you do or don't make a website, I hope you atleast make good friends over here ^_^ Have fun!

  7. Interesting ^_^When I first read Hadi's comment I fully agreed, but after reading Murda Warrior's comment I'm thinking that I agree with him (or her) a bit aswell. On the other hand, non-Wow life is not only about earning money eh? :D Some Wow-players lose all their friends and I think in Korea (don't know whether he was WoW-ing, or playing a different game) died after gaming non-stop for 10 days in an internet cafe, and another one died after exhausting himself by playing for 50 hours non-stop. But these are exceptions I guess, and one must admit that atleast they did doing something they loved. The same goes for skaters, mountain-climbers, Steve Erwin and such. So yeah, if he enjoys it, then we should be happy for him I think :lol: Just make sure you don't forget to eat, sleep and (all that sitting is not so good for your legs' blood circulation) to exercise a bit Murda Warrior ^__^//

  8. jhaslip, her deviantart account's userinfo shows that she lives in Canada :DETCZ, your artworks are lovely. You make such good use of facial expressions :lol: You draw a lot btw. I used to love oekaki too, but nowadays I find it a bit of a hassle, because it has so many restrictions when it comes to layers and line-art, so the applet frustrated me a little, compared to Open Canvas. Anyway, good to see another oekaki user over here :D Welcome and I hope you have a wonderful time ^_^

  9. I can't really decide. Religion has created some hate and wars in the past. But on the other hand I think religion is something good aswell, as long as it forbids wars, terrorism, suicide attacks and stuff like that. Religion is sometimes what the people need, it gives them strength and it withholds them from doing stupid things. Lying or being greedy is one example: even though it's not forbidden by law, not everybody does it, since they might have actual inner norms and values, often inspired by the 'lessons' given through religion, and the knowledge that god or angels are watching. (In combination with the risk of being sent to hell, even though nobody discovers or punishes you for lying or greediness during your life.)

  10. I have the feeling one will be just thinking in circles when attempting to answer that question. I understand that people are curious, but personally I'm not really looking for the answer on such questions :lol: It doesn't seem to make much sense when you first say the he is the creator of everything. It would mean that he created himself aswell, and that doesn't sound 100% logical either. I'm rather wondering why it's a he instead of a she? Why does a gender have to be applied? And if it has to be one of either gender, why specifically male instead of female?

  11. I'm not sure how useful I find it for myself, as in....I don't think I'll feel the need to chat with other visitors of a random website, and start another blog and stuff, but I most certainly love the idea. Especially for websites, of which you'd like to get to know co-visitors better, and which don't have a forum or shoutbox themselves, it would be totally neat. I'm not yet going to use it myself, but I find it awesome. Thank you for sharing. I really like the idea of 'the human side of the internet'.

  12. I dont say hello to strangers either, whether they have a disability or not. Lots of people are just not in the mood to be greeted by me or any other stranger.I do however, *not* ignore blind people at all! Same goes for people with any other disability. Instead, I actually pay more attention when I someone walking around with a cane of a dog. Once there was a blind man, with cane and dog, who want to take, walk off, the stairs in a very crowded place. Everybody around us was in such a hurry to reach their office and classes on time, nobody cared about that man. I was in a hurry too, because I had an appointment at university, but I did wonder: "what if I aswell, would not help that man, and he would fall off the stairs?" so instead I walked up to him and took his hand while he was standing on top of the stairs, his dog was creating a barri?re for him, and I saw him touching in the air, trying to get some grip, which would help him walk off the stairs. I asked him 'sir, where would you like to go?' and he said he had to wait at .... for someone to pick him up. I told him that the stairs were not leading to that place and if he would like me to bring him back to the entrance, where he was supposed to sit down. So I just held his hand and guided him through the running crowd of people, and brought him back safely to the place where he could sit down. I thought it was so sad that nobody stopped for him to offer him a little help. If I'd be blind, I'd be so happy if people would just take 1 minute to prevent me from falling off the stairs, instead of just rushing off egoistically and caring about theirselves only. Btw, what I am wondering though, is how you read forum posts? :) I'm honestly very interested in the sort of tools disabled people to adjust themselves to the world. I guess a computer program reads it aloud? Converts text to speech? Anyhow, I just want to say that people are not necessarily ignoring you, they probably just want to stay neutral, so they decide it would be weird if they would not say hello to any random passerby, except for disabled people, so they figure it would be better to just act cool instead of nosy or exaggeratedly warm or friendly towards a person with a disability, and that 'acting neutral' might look like 'ignoring you' to you. I have to mention that English is not my native tongue either, so I hope my choice of words doesn't sound rude or anything. I'm just not familiar with alterative words for disabled people and such, that's why use of words might be a bit repetetive or blunt or something, my sincere apologies if so. Now that I think of it, maybe instead of blind blind blind..there might be the word 'visually handicapped' or visually disabled? I'm not sure... *pouts*

  13. Whoa..I experienced stuff like that aswell. You know what livejournal is, right? There's this friend list which connects you to others and lets you read their journal. One can make offline friends join you, but you can also meet new people ofcourse. And..lately I've been seeing my LJ friends walking around me in real life too. I had no idea that they visited this place aswell, some of them were actually sitting in front of me in the metro, standing in the queue in a shop or taking classes with me! O_O I don't post my personal pictures up on the internet, but they do. So they didn't recognize me ofcourse, but instead I w?s thinking 'Oh my gosh...he is my online friend...O__O/' but in real life I've been way too shy to actually walk up to those people, say hi and tell them I'm ink, and that we have talked online and stuff x3

  14. I don't see why it's so bad :) I like your addiction better than smoking or something, it doesn't have that many of direct health consequences. How hard exactly do you try to get rid of it? What happens when you skip shopping at walmart for a few days? Would you feel terribly awkward? I don't think your addiction is that horrible, you see.. once you get rid of this addiction, I am afraid that you will get dangerously addicted to something else. Binge eating, alcohol, stuffs like that. Somehow Walmart for you should become associated with something bad, you're supposed to get a slight aversion for it, in order to want avoiding going there.

  15. First of all: don't feel too bad about it eh? :) All that competetiveness (dunno if my English is correct) is not good for your heart. But alright, you want an opinion. I honestly don't like both of them, yours and his, that much ^^; they're a bit too blue, too monochrome, and it just doesn't grab my attention. There's no playful aspect in them, and they look like they were made really quickly. A sig has to be interesting you know? It shouldn't be just some cluttering of abstract images, it has to show something.

  16. Hehehe, that did put a smile on my face :) But aww..the daddy is a nerd and the child is a whoops ..mistake made by his parents ;__; that's sad... I personally would hate it if my son or daughter would realize that he or she was not planned and simply..basically an accident caused by two horny grown-ups o__o Atleast keep it silent right? Otherwise the kid will be walking around his whole life, thinking 'I am an accident..I am a mistake..' .____. Sadness would prevail ;__;

  17. I like the first and the yellow-ish ones the best. You applied a sort of image effect which makes faces look rather distorted or burned or something like that, on the other sigs. The last one looks quite cool for example, but it's almost as if that person's skin melted and everything, since it's dripping off the face, and that makes it look a bit like some monster o.o That yellow thing holding a quitar is wonderful! :) Who or what is it? The colors and the image are original!

  18. I don't see why she wouldn't go out with a freshman? What's wrong with the latter? Do you happen to know more girls who apply the same 'rule' when choosing a date? Maybe ask them for the reason? I guess if they'd say something like that freshman act so immature, make sure you act the opposite :) Personally I would not hesitate at all, go for it, and if she still doesn't want to, just start a discussion about how pityful it is not to date with someone just because he is a freshman. Take a chance and don't listen too much to her friends ;p

  19. Argh, what an annoying problem... Why does she *have* to drive? I'm very glad you are worrying, instead of supporting the idea of her becoming a potential danger on the road. Hmm...it might not be the most loveliest solution.. but what I'm thinking is the following. You know those Oprah Winfrey episodes in which she invites over guests who are awfully mutilated after some addicent? Well, I once saw an episode of a girl. She was in a car, on her way to a bday party with her friends, when some guy who either drove too fast or too drunk, hit the car she was in. The guy survived, but the car she was in turned into a fireball, and she was severly injured. She has many really hideous scars, and her face is burned. She wore a hat I believe, and the skin of her face has melted and attached partly to her neck and such. She doesn't really have a nose anymore, and I believe she has a fake eye. She has no hair or eyebrows either, she had to go through many surgeries to fix her up somewhat. Even though she is mentally strong and such, her life must be a hell and she must be in pain rather often. It's mean perhaps.. but I suggest that you gather this sort of materials, pictures, video's (on Youtube perhaps) and stories, related to people who saw their children burn alive in their car after being hit by car of which the driver fell asleep and such, and show these to her. Make sure she understands the consequences, make sure the material leaves a deep impact on her. Make sure that the realizes that having a seizure in a car can be just as bad as driving when drunk! It all makes you lose control over your car, which can have devastating effects for both her own life and the life of innocent others!!

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