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Posts posted by Voidless_Shadows

  1. After you buy the game you play a monthly fee (I believe there's like a two-month free trial or something)Monthly fee is 14.99Bi-Monthly is 27.98Tri-monthly is 38.97So if you pay in three month increments rather than one-month you save 6 dollars for that time-period, or 24 a year, but depends on if you're gonna stay that long, its one way online game publishers keep people from leaving and staying more long-term.

  2. Developers of Massively Multiplayer Online games take alot of heat from the playerbase on design and balance issues, so...I was wonder how would everyone structure their perfect MMO/what do YOU want to see?Just give some basics:Level Cap - Mine would be 1-70Content - Enough mission/quest content to go to levels 1-70 15 times over, in addition to several raid and trial scenarios, enough to go 1-70 three times over, in addition to a costum quest/mission editor for levels 60-70 at level 70 you should be able to play through any of the 'lower' level quests or raids/trials, but some of it will have level caps.PvP - Based on level, each PvP area has a minimum level and level cap that lowers all items/abilities to the max level for the zone.Endgame - Endgame ranges from doing countless quests, to hunting, to crafting and earning items, to raiding, PvP, and Trials.Quests/missions - Different types, some will require and item to be saved from destruction, some need to be destroyed, stolen, or recovered, some may include hostage taking, rescue, etc. Most will have some sort of boss (some final quests on long story lines may include an 'ultimate' boss that requires the help of large teams to finish) some will just be regular open-ended zone hunts, some will require an area to be cleared of enemies, some will have ambushes, etc, any combo of them to keep things unique.Raids and such - Like I said, enough raid scenarios to get to level 70 w/o repeating any of them, this should include several hundred enemies that can take anywhere from 20-160 people to take down, and maybe a few 'ultimate' raid scenarios with REALLY powerful monsters, or several monsters that take 160+ to do.Great graphics, story, etc all needed too :)

  3. Hehe, one day I will discover something cool and call it "The Neil Effect" (that's my name) or something...Of course first I have to work on my amazing discoveries... :DAnyways, there's a distinct difference between, black holes, black dwarfs, white dwarfs, neutron stars, the theoretical white holes, singularities, etc...etc...They're related...in ways, but the same no, I think we've established that, other than that, anyone else have anything else they know/found out about Black holes today?

  4. City of Heroes and City of Villains is a MMOG that's been out more than two years now, you can create your own super hero or villain, choosing their powers, costumes, name, write information about their backstory etc.
    It's mainly centered around teamed PvE (player versus enemy/enviroment) play, but has everything from Solo'ing, to PvP.
    The websites are cityofheroes.com and cityofvillains.com
    There are litterally like millions if not billions with color options added in, costume possibilities, and hundreds of power combos right off the bat, not including power pools and epic power pools, going into that it's thousands.

    I play on the Triumph server (coined as 'the friendly server') it's one of the smaller ones, but not the smallest. It has some of the best players around, such as well known players and groups like Old School Legends/Shadow Empire (first to complete the lord recluse sf and one of the leaders of Triumph's first sucessful Hamidon raids, yes, unless you play you don't know what they are, but those are big things) and Catwhoorg, who's solo'ed tons of monsters and archvillains (enemies that usually take lots of heroes/villains to take down, about 4 or up, usually 6 for arch-villains and monsters like 8+) It doesn't have the 'best' PvP, but if you're really into it, you'll find arena matches most night with some of the best around.

  5. Y2k didn't have much of a solid base as it was, alot of it was theory, though the government did have to patch alot of computers.the 2038 bug is pretty much patched and it's got a such a headstart by now I doubt ANYTHING will be affected then...Kinda sad really would be cool, doom and all :D

  6. There was another thread like this from some time back, I posted someting about negative energy, not entirely relative, but sorta, I'll find it an quote it.

    There's a theory in quantum physics that a black hole can be destroyed by doses of negative energy.Negative energy is essentially a space with less than nothing... Hard to explain and while most of what I learned in physics and quantum physics largely escapes me, density can be a negative number, therefore creating negative energy.
    Negative energy is suppose to be highly versatile, allowing for traversable wormholes, warp drives, time machines, perpetual-motion machines, or destroy black holes.
    The laws in quantum physics that allow for negative energy also limit it.
    So I guess why I'm mentioning this is that so many things related in the study of these cosmic forces are...such paradoxes unto themselves...We know they exist and yet we also know some of them couldn't because the laws that make them work make them not work? Yet we do know they exsist, isn't it perplexing? Or are our definitions of how things work screwed and wrong? Are there really any limits as to what can happen?
    When you think about this it really proves and disproves everything we know about science...

  7. That's why this is a plan to be implemented over several years, let the car developers all create cars that run off e85 ethanol (right now they really aren't much more expensive than a car that does not, I drive one)by making all cars from the time the law was passed run off e85 ethanol and setting the date of outlawing traditional gasoline sale at a time when a car in the pre-law period would be generally to old to dirve.See, this date wouldn't be within just a few years after the law was passed, it would be several. Also supply and demand would not be at all different than your current non-e85 running car because factories would puch out the same supply, but of a different kind... By the time the law to outlaw sale of galosine and require people to drive an e85 ethanol running car most car makers would likely have simplified and made the product more efficient and ecenomic.

  8. Why must the "War on Terror" be SUCH a major issue in this world, I'm not trying to be anti-American, it's just with the war in Irag reaching a landmark in funding it really makes me angry, when Global Warming a much more serious issue, recieves so much less attention from the world's governments...At least I know the U.S. Is not doing all they could...For instance, Brazil can produce enough ethanol to help with the massive consumption of crude oil in cars, yet ethanol has a 100% terrif on it while crude oil has a 0% terrif on it...My idea for at least slowing down Global Warming is a major concerted government effort to move the country over from regular gasoline to e85 Ethanol is a 3 step process:1. Government mandate requiring car manufacturers to produce cars that run off e85 Ethanol2. By the year 'x' (leave this up to the government, hopefully it will be something sensible) require all street-legal cars to meet much high emissions quality and run off e85 ethanol.3. By the year 'x' (leave this up to the government, hopefully it will be something sensible, pretty much at the same time as the above date) force gasoline retailers to sell only e85 ethanol for cars and vehicles.And as another step government funding in wind-generated power (which really does have the capability to cover most of our energy needs) needs to be set-up to reduce emissions from power-plants. And if at all possible government aid in researching the hydrogen fuel cell and making it more effective and less costly would be WONDERFUL as its only by-product is water. <_<

  9. Hmm, well then I'm just gonna have to use every space that they give you for your name in it... I'm thinking 1234567890987654321@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.comLOLOr *Voidless^_._^Shadows*@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijk.comReally though, what's the point of this again? lol

  10. Yeah, by the year 2038 we won't have anything to worry about (until somebody comes across another appolypse year :ph34r:) programming and computers in general will have a much more efficient and complex structure and be immune to this if not all year/date related failures. <_<

  11. Posted Image

    An experimental inflatable spacecraft that blasted into space on Wednesday has successfully expanded.


    Bigelow Aerospace, the commercial firm behind the Genesis 1 module, confirmed that the ship was in orbit and was beaming pictures back to Earth.


    "All systems are operating within expected parameters," the company founder, hotel tycoon Robert Bigelow, said in a statement.


    The water-melon shaped craft could form the basis of a future space hotel.


    The craft will remain in orbit for the next five years while engineers test the durability of the design.


    One of the key tests for the craft is whether it can maintain a constant temperature and pressure, suitable to support life, inside the inflatable hull.

    Read More of This Article Here

    That's cool, it's apparently not the first time it's been done, NASA built a inflatable satalite too.

    This design is better for two main reasons:

    1. I takes up less space on launch vehicle

    2. Leaves less space debris

    It's cool how this material, which is essentially no more than a plastic polymer can withstand the pressures and temerature extremes of space, it's also very durable and puncture resistant. So no, it's not very likely it'll pop and end up on Mars <_<

  12. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/The Israelis concentrated on the southern suburbs of the city, known to be a stronghold of Hezbollah militants.

    The offensive, which has killed more than 50 Lebanese civilians since Wednesday, follows the capture of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah.

    The escalation has sparked international calls for restraint.

    See More of This Article Here
    Wow, just wow, so much violence in the Middle East, and I'm shamed to admit it, but... I'm so oblivious I really had no idea of this particular conflict until a few days ago... <_<
    It's sad that a country's leaders might feel one day and attack another nation, then if that nation strikes back, such in this case, there are certainly citizens caught in the cross-hairs that didn't believe in the cause that fueled the event...

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