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Posts posted by Voidless_Shadows

  1. None of us would be here right now if Web 2.0 never came about :)And, we'd all loose a valuable part of our vocabulary...the world google (in a verb sense)Seriously though, Web 2.0 is a big improvement, I remember when everything on the internet was so useless...and yet back then I didn't really even think so...but now.....

  2. wow i'm more interested by your global warming pics, i knew it was serious but i never realised how fast everything is melting... if i see one big tidal wave off the in the distance the first thing i'm doing is grabbing my surf board! rofl, i wish it was funny matter, makes me kinda scared. not really too worked about 2038 thing, because if it's as big as an issue as 2000 was well, then i'll be talking in the forum posting something here the day after it hits 2038 and seeing everyone say what a croc it was :). i dunno i don't expect anything to happen, if i hear more about it i might look into it though! keep it us updated if it does look real!
    eh i have to add on to what i said a minute ago. i never understood why programs and all that wouldn't work if the date got screwed up..it's not like it's a time warp. i don't understand how anything else can happen besides there being a wrong date, i don't see how that would affect anything. i guess maybe if i understood why it could cause problems i might be worried, but really, i guess i don't know enough. i know there's more to it, but in my brain in 2038 from what i read all that could happen is the date change. i don't understand what else could go wrong from that. aaaahhhh maybe i should do some more research, er, i would if had the patience or understood half that computer/math/time calculations your link you had. it's all another language to me! har har

    It' probably because there are still people who think global warming is "just a theory" or something like that (not understanding a true theory is the best explanation the most qualified and inelligent people on the planet can come up with for something (until it gets to the point where it's a law)) Anywho, there's almost no legitimate question in the majority of anyone in the climatology field's minds if it is happening...

    I don't really understand 100% what Y2K was about (I think alot of people don't) I didn't pay alot of attention to it, but from what I understand, it was more of a matter of human's being lazy to update before that point that would have caused any issues (which is how it would be if 2038 bug was about to hit in a few weeks/days a couple years back...) technology to totally fix this through-and-through is definately there, just difficult/not fun to change the way things have been done for so long...

  3. I got confused by some of the references to Hinduism, and being REALLY late here, and me highly sleep-deprived (I like to learn about other cultures, religions, histories, but never come by many books or websites with info on them and they're hardly covered in world history classes) but I think I get the basic point. It's "sorta" (kinda...ish) like what I posted in that thread about the 4th, 5th, etc dimensions, that it's sort of (for lack of better words at least) like an overlap...grr, I dunno how to explain what I was thinking...I will edit this post in the morning when I have slept :)

  4. Definately City of Heroes or City of Villains, I would just LOVE super powers, and saving, or moreso RULING the world :)I would have trouble picking what powers I would have if it where real life though, unless my power was having multiple lives/selves all with different powers, most of the population of the game has several characters, why should it be any different in a real life situation? = D

  5. I like how serious the subject was taken in that...lolFor me it depends on the ads, sometimes, they really do look too trashy for me to think it's a trustworthy site...I think the best chance somebody'd have at tricking me is having a very similiar URL, similar webpage and similar ads, in other words, I'm only going to REALLY think its legit if it looks and feels legit, not JUST because it has ads.

  6. I remember on MythBusters they once tried to make a jetpack, but it was unsuccessful. IMO a jetpack is unpractical, it would be kind of hard to have a working engine on your back, and it would probably get very hot :)

    I remember that, yeah, you have to think of this in terms of weight of the rig (w/ fuel), weight of the person, and thrust, I just don't think we posses the technology to SAFELY make something light enough that has enough thrust to lift somebody and has enough manueverability to be of any practical use.

  7. i remember watching some doco on the string theory and that the theory opened alot of speculation to how many dimensions there actually are. they do believe there is a fourth dimension, and they also believe that there may be more. teh foruth dimension is a non-physical dimnsion in which we ccan't see or realise. its the energy or such which creates things.. i think haha i can't really remember. i just know that its beyond us to actually see this dimension as it doesnt exist physically. it may just be what yiu guys wre talking about, time and space that is. although i find these sorts of things really interseting, i lack the knowledge to understand most of it hehe. it just doesnt make ne sense to mearrr, how can there be a dimension beyond the third. i mean what does it look like, just seems strange. ;x

    I was watching something like that on PBS, at the time I knew little about anything revolving around physics or any branch of science, so I retained very little, I've wanted to see it again ever since. Though your post is helping me remember, but the most vivid thing is like a picture of a guy in like greyscale, and a bunch of other color tones all next to each other (i.e. diff dimensions?)
    I dunno :) now you made me very, very sad and now I need to mess with the 4th dimension and go back in time and watch it!!! :)

  8. Well, I think your post successfully beat a dead horse and showed a lack of reading anything (or maybe I'm just being harsh).But yeah, Y2K was more of a theory that couldn't be tested on the really dangerous things. This is not the same situation as omg 00 bombs go off at 00!!! It has to do with the way networking programs are structured and the way we tell time, it has been fixed on some programs but not others...But at least read the rest of the thread before you go all crazy...

  9. I hate EQ2, bleh :)I used to love WoW...But now...really I think Pong was better..., the problem is alot of people get distracted by the first few levels going kinda slow and boring and the grind some of the ranges can be, but in my opinion if you work your missions and efforts right and have a bit of luck in teaming...It works out all the better.And it's PvP is really better than anything I've ever seen, most people seem to *hate* it, but not many give it a chance/suck at it because the missions system teaches them one 'right' way to play because the most common AI types are so repetive, hang around with some of the top PvP groups and well...

  10. I voted yes. But I think it depends on your perception of what in your mind is the universe, I think of it as an ever growing and expanding...everything in entirety, including what one might see as multiple universes or dimensions, but that they're all on different levels and frequencies, sort of like a radio (the kind you talk into, not the kind you listen to music on)

  11. There isn't such a thing as free, for that to be possible there would have to be nothing anywhere (think about it), but there's more reasonable, safer, and if we can harness it, less expensive ways of doing things.We can harness the sun and wind (in America we can actually become indepenant on this, but there's no funding for it, it's all in the oil industry) water and waste products. It's just a matter of time before technology can take the leap where it's on a cost-friendly scale.

  12. Humans have become a scourge on this planet. I shall not resort to the cliché of the cockroach comparison, though it may well be apt. In truth we are more akin to the locust, we descend upon and devour, destroying all we come into contact with. We destroy entire ecosystems for resources to build frivolous things. We hunt and kill other animals for our own amusement. When we do not needlessly devour the flesh of these things we display them as trophies, cruel mockeries of nature. When not inflicting misery on all the other living species that surround us, we torture each other. We murder our own far more than any other animal on the planet. When shooting or beating or strangling isnt enough, we build weapons that inflict horrifying plagues, or worse, nuclear weapons capable of destroying our planet many times over. Despite our self-destructive nature we breed far into excess, building harmful habitats that pollute and sprawl like vast scar tissue on the planets face. What then must be done? What can we as a population do to save our world. The answer, my friends is all to clear. Humanity must be destroyed. We must be destroyed before our cruelty and destructiveness destroy the rest of the life on this planet. We have had our chance on this planet and have proved infallibly our unfitness and our degeneracy. We are a plague, and I fear that perhaps ironically it is the virus that is the cure.

    lol...Yes and no...
    I don't think we need to destroy all of humanity, but I agree with you in saying that we are a wasteful and terrible species, but there's one other thing I realize at times...
    Out of everything in the animal kingdon humans DO respect other species more than any other, yes there are some who are wasteful and careless, but is it fair to sum us up by this? I don't think so.
    We have warefar within our own, but doesn't every species? Maybe it's the technology or scale that makes it so much more grand...I don't know.

  13. Yes, yes, you are entirely right, as is almost every other religion that participated in the crusade, as for your reasoning, I think I might disagree, to generalize ANYONE in that way is entirely wrong and a horrible thing to do.In any religion people have religious convictions, but to say anyone who practices a faith loves to go around ramming planes intop buildings is pretty harsh...And on an unrelated side-note, I thought Coran was the French interpretation of the word? Qur'an?EDIT: Just to clarify the crusade thingy I mean people participating in it, not the current day members of those religions.

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