I really can not stand when people abuse their animals. It makes me sick. Animals do not deserve that kind of treatment. They're helpless animals, and should be treated with kindness. If I had my way I would just lock up all the people who abused their animals forever. There is no reason why they should do it. I've also watched shows like that, I can't stand to watch it. I'm also part of ASPCA mailing list. They have such sad stories and pictures of abused animals. And then in Korea they are beating dogs and burning them. How sick can you get!? How would they feel if they were being beaten and burned alive? I'm not saying that all Korean people eat dog, I have a friend who is from there and she's never eaten dog and also has strong feelings regarding animal abuse. I just wish that things weren't this way with sick people running around beating animals. I'm in complete agreement with you, I think they should have been put away longer.