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Posts posted by Webber

  1. In response to the_aggie10's comment about being able to teach yourself martial arts, because the 'guy that made it up' had to, it isn't quite as simple as that. The martial arts were not developed primarily for fighting, it was devotion, and in time, they devolped. They only adapted after people actually physically fighting, and then playing around with what works best. Some for instance, a great of tibetan buddhist would have first formed an art as a way of relaxation, and devotion, but when the Chinese federals attacked they learnt that what they knew could be adapted to work. In time, after more conflict, and after full contact training, they learnt to fight, from scratch, and then passed it on and on, as it devolped further. In response to my first question, it is possible to teach yourself to fight, (wether effectively enough depends entirely on your experience), but it is not possible I don't think, to teach yourself a well known martial art (karate for example), from scratch, to an effective level without a good instructor and hands on training. Even at a club, it still takes many, many years to get it right, so it would be impossible to get it right from scratch...

  2. That's disgusting.. to have that much trouble.. the thing is - what do you do??? I mean - me, as a martial artist and boxer, I would still have to think twice before getting involved in a situation that is not my 'problem', especially when a knife is involved. I guess it's a society in which you say nothing, you see nothing, and you get along fine.. you stand out of line, then they'll kick you back into it.... Kinda unfair, but I think it's gotta be everyone for themselves. Getting involved in a situation like that can often get you and even maybe the other victim seriously injured or dead. And that's not the end of it, they'd probably come back and get you in a dark alley with a bat the next day or something.. probably just not worth going for it.... But the police! well.. shows how good they are!

  3. Hey, Well, first of all, I live in the UK, IN Brixham, Devon (South West)... It's not a perticular rough area of the country, so there is nothing like gun problems or drugs (well, that's arguable), but here's it's problems...The teachers don't give a s*** about your safety. One example: a kid was threatened to be stabbed by this known drop out in our school, and this kid was seen to have had a knife in school, so when the victim told one of the teachers, instead of keeping it quiet so they could catch him with it, they were very loud and clumsy with the information, and so the kid had time to pass it on, and when the victim finally told the head teacher, his reply was 'just ignore it!'... Just ignore it!! A knife threat, and he said just ignore it.. It's terrible, they spend more money on having a nice appearence, or fancy class room than worrying about our education. One example is they will send you hope for having the wrong coloured shoe laces on!! because it has a 'bad attitude towards uniform', but yet they do absoloutely nothing to stop bullying or fights. The teachers treat you like kids, and the school is a constant dump, until inspectors come in, then suddenly it becomes this really nice building. If you so much as sneeze out of line whilst there are visitors - your straight home (not that that is much of a punishment)... The whole damn place really sucks....

  4. Ok, well this is a little deep, and a little personal, but I'm gonna write it down, and see how it comes out...Until this day, close to no one knows of what I will speak of. It is the story of some of the most traumatic moments in my up bringing. I tell you them not for sympothy, or for pity. I tell you them in the hope that you will believe that you, reguardless of your past can make something of this life that they call nothing. There have been a few decisive moments in my younger life, that have shaped me into who I am today. The first is the death of my close friend, Steven. I had trained along side Steven for over 4 years, and known him for almost 11. He lost his life whilst fighting in a freestyle full contact knockout cup in France, 2003. Before this, the only real dealings with death that I had had was that of my grandparents some 3 years previous. It was the death of these people that first let me to question religion, and to start thinking about what was out there for us once were done here. Loosing Steve, someone that was so close to me, like a brother was such a crippling blow. I still remember getting that phone call, and I remember going to the top of a large hill that over looks Torbay and sitting there, in the freezing cold for hours just thinking. At this point in my life, I have to be honest, I did not have the most direction. I was somewhat lost. The matter of the death, that was highly stressful and very upsetting had to stay with me, and my closest friends. I did not dare talk about it inside my family home. I never really had a very good relationship with my mother. Mostly due to her frequent lies and her alcohol problems. It hasn't been until only recently, after my parents finally started divorce proceedings that she has moved out with her 'partner', and left my father to support us all, that's me, my two brothers and my sister. To loose a friend that you have shared so many memories with, and spent so many hours training along side is so tough. You feel completely stranded. You feel no sense of direction, and your not really quite sure whats happening, or what's going to happen next. It took a couple of days for me to come to terms with what had happened, and it was weeks until that sureal feeling finally began to pass. Having said that, the pain will never fade completely. It's always there, but in time, it does get better. Again, one year later I lost another very close friend of mine, Peter Urnest to a road accident. Once again I was projected back into a sureal spinoff, with no sense of direction, and no one to turn to. Still, it did not make me the man I am today.For what ever reason, the death of two close friends still did not kick start my life in the direction it is today. It took something much stronger to do that. In the summer of 2006 I suffered the most devostating and painful loss I have ever had to come to terms with. I lost my long term girl friend, Michelle Black through a Motorbike accident. This was much worse than anything I had ever experienced, and drove me to, and I'm ashamed to say it, but very nearly droove me to contemplate suicide. I lost the dearest person I ever had, and it hit me - hard. I took me months to come to terms with my loss, and even longer to finally accept what had happened. I can not find words to describe how it feels, and those of you out there reading this that have been in a similiar position will understand the pain and confusion. It's like hell. That's the only way to get close to describing what it feels like. As if this was not bad enough, I was also, at this time in the mix of a rough divorce. My mother had commited adultery, and was in the process of ripping our family to pieces, trying to leave us with absoloutely nothing, not even a roof over our heads. I do not want to go to deep into the conflict with my mother, but all I will say is that I have never before felt such deep anger, and still today I am trying to deal with that deep burning anger. Why am I telling you this? Well, the answer is simple, and it's clean cut - to show you that we all feel the same pain, and we all have to pick ourselves up, and we can all make it. It's you that makes it, no one else. ' You've gotta cry tough, out on the streets, to make your dreams happen. You've gotta cry out to the world to make them all come true, and when you get to the top, you've gotta get up and go right back down again.' Mainly - don't ever stop believing. The seemingly undescrible losses that I faced meant that my relationship with my father grew to such a massive exsent that I finally have that support that I have never had before, and the loss of such close friends, and in perticular, my girl friend has given me devotion and dedication to the martial arts. It's because of the past that I can enter the gym at 11:00 in the morning, and train right through until 06:00 and feed every single part of it from my heart. Still today music on the radio reminds me of my losses, and the cold rainy days spent lost and confused, but through it all I am still alive. We all feel the same pain, and we all bleed the same way. If you want something bad enough, then you can get it, I promise you this. The only problem is that you've got to want it more than anything else. Why should you listen to a 15 year old? Well, you don't. I'm not trying to convince you, but if you want to hear someone else say what you've always wanted to hear, it's here for you now.Everything comes from your heart. You do need people around to support you, but ultimatly it comes from you, and you've just got to hold, when you feel like giving up, and throwing in the towel, in any part of life, be it martial arts, relationships, schooling or even life it's self - just don't give in. You'll make it one day, it'll get better, and it's that burning desire that'll keep you at your game. Remember, 'hard days make you, hard nights shape you'. It makes you tough, it makes you immune, it makes you pure. In time, it does get better, and no matter what the pain be, believe in yourself. Fight pure, throw the punches from your heart, and be proud of what you do, because it is only you that can perform like you do. It's your game, you play it how you want.I believe that you have to face what it is that scares you more than anything.If you took me back to those telephone calls again, I would be able to bear my teeth and brace the news. I would be sronger, because through all the pain, it's made me into a rock, and I can be there for those around me. It's something you have to do. When you have no choice, the only option you don't have is the easy one. You've got to be able to lie awake on those lonely nights knowing that there is more to it than this, you've got to be out there in the cold rain, knowning that it will get better than this & finally you've got to bare the crap that get's chucked at you knowning that you can with stand anything that this life can throw at you. When you can do this, then you are complete.There is more to it than you could possibly imagine. There is more out there than you could ever know. You do not know what tommorow holds for you, it only takes a split second for your entire life to change. It does make you a better person, and it does make you strong, because you will be able to set your heart on something, and so long as you want to be capable of that, you will succeed. You've gotta believe that 'tommorow is always coming, and it's the one thing they can't take away.' Do what you do with pride, what ever it may be in life, what ever part of your life it may affect, do it with tonnes of heart, and you will succeed. 'There is no such thing as trying, you either do or your don't.' Make sure you do. Keep your head up, and keep on hoping and believe, taking every oppurtunity. Even when you are scared of what might come, even when you are afraid that it may be to much for you, just keep your head up and run at it with your guard up, and your spirit in your hands. You can do it, you can - if you believe. 'Remember, experience is a hard teacher, she gives the test first and the lesson afterwards.' You will get bad brakes, and you will screw up and make mistakes, but pick yourself up and start over, because you will succeed.On the 1st November 2006, I will begin one of the toughest training programs of my life, not so much physically, but mentally as I begin to take off were my girlfriend left it. I will begin down hill trail biking. If you want me to be honest, I am terrified, not of the fear of acatually down hill racing, but of the memories. I don't know how I'll react when I see the exact bike in front of me. Why am I doing this? Because if I don't, then I'll spend the rest of my life with it hanging over me. I will crack this, and see what my mind is capable of, so that I can go forwards in life, knowing that I am capable of anything. I truly believe that if I can make it to race downhill, then I will be capable of overcoming anything. You see- you have to believe. No matter how terrifed you are, don't use your past or present as an excuse. If you've had the crap piled onto you in previous years, make up for lost ground by taking control of your life, and doing something that you believe in. It comes from you, no one else... Believe! What do you guys think?

  5. Hey, well, I haven't seen it included often in this section as a sport, so I just want to quickly start a little debate between the bikers of Trap 17. I just wanted to know what style of biking you like, and why you do it. Also, what type of bike to you prefer. I myself am a down hill racer. I can't think of what is better to do than race off one big **bottom** mud slope down steep slopes over rocky ground and stiff banks. It's just so adreniline pased. It's so fast and explosive, and also so dangerous. I just love it. I love getting to the bottom, and sliding your bike to a stop, taking off your helmet and turning to the mountain you've just mastered and thinking ' I just came down that at 40 mph on 2 wheels. ' For me, nothing beats it. I also enjoy, and this is gonna sound crazy, but I really do enjoy coming off my bike. I don't mind (sometimes) sliding off my bike and bouncing across a muddy puddle, becoming soaking wet and slighty bruised. It gives it that little hardcore element, and reminds you just how dangerous it is. As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing better than coming home soaking in mud, aching and bruised, slighty cut after just spending an entire day conquering an extreme down hill trail. It's awesome, and I wouldn't change the types of bikes for my life... So what about you.. what do you guys prefer?Sean.

  6. Is It Really Possible To Teach Yourself Martial Arts?

    Well, it's a good question, and one which is often asked by those that want to master the skills of either sporting martial arts, or combat martial arts. The truth is simple, and the answer is quick : No. It is not possible to teach yourself martial arts from scratch to a good level, how ever, this does not mean that you can not teach yourself to fight. You can quite simply teach yourself to fight, but to fight to a martial arts standard without the help of self help dvd's, instructors or aid is almost impossible. The reason is that you can for instance (taking Judo as the example), learn to throw, using improvised techniques, and learn to swipe and pin down using made up techniques, but against the well engineered mechanics of hundreds of years of Judo, the little points, like maintaining balance, and the correct direction to swipe - those little things that is almost impossible to teach yourself - they are the most important techniques. It is, however possible to learn the basics of an art, and progress yourself, so long as you properly understand the under-laying principles of what you do.

    What do you guys think? Is it possible to master a martial art, from scratch, with no aid???

  7. Well, we all like to believe that we are really well developed, respecting creatures (try and conclude that when you go out on a friday night..), but the truth is, I think were all governed by our basic instincts and animal urges. Think about it, that urge, to be with someone you love, that's mating, it's instincts -- you can try and hide from instincts, but as soon as your in a situation that require immediate response or your in a new situation your instincts kick in, automatically. So.. can you change your instincts?? Think about it, you don't know how to fight - well, if we hadn't been so reliant upon people and products for the past hundreds of years, then we'd all be able to fight already, but if you take up martial arts training, then your instincts change. When once you would simply hide behind your arm, you keep your head up and punch straight automatically.... Why is this??? Has anybody else had any instinctive reactions?? I just wanted to get a little more intouch with who we really are, as creatures, naturally... I want people to react with how they feel when they have a fight, or get themselves into a dangerous situation........

  8. Well, I've added yet another new style to my collection of arts and styles of boxing, with the latest being MMA Cage Fighting. I joined when a friend showed me a new place that has opened in town that does it. I was just wondering what you all thought of it? Alot of people have the normal idea.. you know the -- ohh thats cool --- , but I think there is more to it. I've already attended a couple of sessions, but they have not yet allowed me in the cage (probably for the best :) ) and I can tell you that it is alot more indepth than you may think. It also seems to be a very mis-understood art. So what do you guys think about it????

  9. I think ultimatly, the best way to stay safe on the streets is to be wise as to how to react and respond in certain situations. I think the self discipline and judgement gathered from martial arts is most certainally life saving, and this can actually prevent a fight in the first place. I believe that learning weights alone is not effective. Perhaps against one common, simple, weak thug then yes, but against anybody with skill, or anygroup with numbers to simply be strong is not 100% effective. I think that it should be taken into a close balance. I think that strenght is 'vital' for the grappling side of fights that usually takes place, but ultimatly I would advise learning skills such as those taught in Shotokan Karate, enabling you to defend yourself from any position/direction against all sorts of attacks from attackers. Martial arts is the one to learn if you are only going to complete one, but most certainally a combination is vital, and also boxing. This is something that I strongly believe should be taken with martial arts. Although i believe martial arts fighting is more direct and effective, I believe to 'toughen' yourself up in a ring, and get use to contact is brilliant for the street, although as I said, most of it comes from the non-combat side of martial arts, ie: the wisdom to back down, the street sense, the presence that you pass off, this alone can keep you out of trouble, the confidence (this shows to people around you) and the self discipline.

  10. I think I should just refine what I meant by 'thugs game'. This is not my personal opinion. I simply meant it as a public standpoint. As I have said before, I am not baised towards the arts, although I do practice 5 arts, and am better at them, I am also a boxing, with training in Traditional Boxing, and Thai Boxing. I dont think by any means it is easy. I think it is physically demanding, probably more so that many martial arts. I think that it doesn't require as much skill, or more it does not allow space for alot of technical skill, but getting into the ring and winning is a lot harder than it looks, and being good in there is even harder still. It requires a lot of 'balls' and determination to suceed. I personally acknowledge the arts to be a more refined, technical, perhaps difficult type of fighting to master, but also understand that boxing (especially thai, being a more martial arts version of boxing) requires a lot of skill, and is not by any means simple. Sean.

  11. Hey there, well, this is something that is often overlooked as being something that doesn't work. Similiar to the martial arts, unless you've tried it you tend to be sceptical, and you can not describe how it feels unless you have actually taken part in it. Well, over the past year I have been incredibly stressed ,and the past 7/10 weeks have been the worse. My parents have seperated in a really nasty divorce, my final exam year has just started at school, I have personal relationship issues and desires (I'm 15 by the way),I have a job that is very time consuming and I train in 6 martial arts, so I have had very little time to my self, and over the last couple of weeks it's really overwelmed me. I was getting to the end of my tether.. I was starting to become aggressive and started loosing it over very petty things, so this morning, before school (something I find incredibly dull, physically taiming and frustrating, I don't get on with many of my teachers, It isn't the nicest of schools, the sort of place you have to look after yourself, because the staff will not help out, and I haven't done aswell as I hoped in my previous years exams), so I decided to meditate before school. I used a 20 minute meditation technique I had picked up about a year and a half earlier. I found when I used it orginally it didn't really work, but perhaps I didn't really need it then? All I know is that the process does all the usual steps, the relaxation and the deep sensation, and the healing etc, and I really felt as if I went deeper than ever, and after it had finished, when I opened my eyes, I felt nearly paraylised in the bliss sensation of being totally relaxed, it was so beauitful, and all day I have been so gentle, patient and calm. Nothing has overwelmed me, annoyed me to a great exstent, made me act immature, made me 'fly off the feeling' and so on. In short - it worked perfectly. I can't describe the process of meditation, the perfect relaxtion you feel as you hit your centre.. I can't describe it, but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what happens, either physically, mentally or spirtually. Has anyone else ever had this sort of experience, or does anybody else meditate regulary? Thanks, Sean.

  12. I think that weightlifting is something that is only suited for people with right types of frame's. I mean, I tried body building, and I really didn't enjoy it, and the bad thing for me was that if I was to have stopped, then all my muscle would just turn to flab. I advise people to take up one of the 'ultra sports' (martial arts, boxing, weight lifting etc), but don't force yourself to become good at them. Sure, it takes time to learn, and to become good, but if your body doesn't wanna do it, and you don't enjoy it, then is it really worth it? Find something your suited to, or that you passionatly enjoy. I think that's the way forwards. Personally all the little bits that go with weight lifting, well they dont take my fancy. I can keep very well toned, with larger muscles than most, with good cv (and overall muscle strenght, not just upper body) with my martial arts and boxing, so that's my choice, but I think it's always useful to perhaps do a little weight lifting on the side, just to give you a bit of a boost, but nothing to much. Well-- it's just my opinion... ! :D

  13. We ourselves, as freestyle artists, feel that it is important to question our very routes, and take a look at what we are.This is perhaps something that you never really thought about, as freestyle is a somewhat modern term, but the actual idea of combining different styles is something that has been going for many thousands of years. Freestyle is the study of a combination of martial arts, or an adapted style of fighting. It is not a 'new' martial art, nor is it an 'old' martial art. Freestyle's routes lie in the 80's, and the development of new age arts such as 'jeet kune do'. Although the arts routes are long and ancient, the new spin that was focused upon it was modern. From this day onwards, martial artists took it upon themselves to adapt styles that they felt could be better in their own opinions. Freestyle is the objective of improving previous styles and creating new ways of solving old problems, so it's a modern way of fighting. It adapts with society, aiming to tackle problems that are prominant in today's society. Some consider it to be a con, as they say that it is simply a rip off of already well disciplined, well aimed arts such as Karate or Judo. They believe that to simply dip in and out of different styles, without the overall discipline and practice of years of training in a perticular art means that the techniques will not work. Well, we agree with this.. To simply dip in and out of arts is not atall what our idea of freestyle is. Freestyle doesn't have to be practiced by black belts, you don't have skilled to do it, you don't have to know what your doing to achieve freestyle, effectively alot of freestyle artists are con's, as they do not practice in a profeshional way, yet there is also a percentage of freestyle artist that are practicing a well defined, well practiced, incredible well disciplined art. We consider freestyle to be an art, because it is the art of many martial arts, combined. To practice literally 9 styles of fighting is by no means an easy ride. It's like anything, it is a complete waste of time, if it's been used by the wrong people. The way in which we train is an art. We do not just dip slight odds and ends. For example, one of the arts we combine is Karate, well I have over 5 years of experience in this art, so to combine it isn't a face value attempt to use it. I have advanced, complex knowledge of the art, it's techniques and disciplines, so it's not just a half failed attempt. So, to answer the question, is Freestyle and art or a con, it is an art, if it is being practiced by skilled martial artist that have a passion for what they do, how ever it can be a con, if it is practiced by 'wanna be's' or fakes. But generally speaking, karate can be a con if it is taught by a fool, but yet Karate it's self is still an art. So in conclusion, freestyle is an art.

  14. It's a fairly new question that is becoming more and more common, and it is a question that can spark some quite interesting debates. I thought of it after I was finishing a piece for my website. Tell me what you think of the theory of martial science, leave your views plz... (By the way I really don't know much about it, so it might not make complete sense :) )Ok so science plays a big roll in everything that we do, see or hear. It's the physical proof of a certain theory. So can physical logic and proof be put to a form of art? Art is soemthing that is said to have no logic - a side product of our minds. To others it is the part of our soul that releases wild interpretations of life as we see it, so can human oppinion and expression combine with scientific proof and fact? Well that is the question that is being asked more and more. Wether your a sceptic of the arts or not, we all like to see them work, and although we see others making them work, why is it that we feel that what we know wouldn't stand in a real fight? Why is it that when you clearly understand that you are better than most do you still feel underconfident with your knowledge? Well the answer is in the question, it's confidence, but we don't want to tackle the mental products of the arts, because that is an entirely different topic. The point is that in the most basic and routine martial arts techniques right up to the most procise, complex combination techniques - there is a logic to it, a set pattern, a certain science. Some might say that the arts is something we express, it's the realm of the spirit, so there is no such thing as logic to it, but perhaps the logic is simply the side product of the realism that it involves? Perhaps the science in the arts can be the product of the fact that it does physically work, and even if you do believe that is comes from the spirit, it is still in it's most basic form a physical action, and so has the physical trends that are related to it's first movement.There are many reasons as to why it has taken so long to realise this, and for starters, we've perhaps only had the scientific knowledge or perseption to notice this type of science within perhaps the last two decades. As well as this point there is also the fact that until only very recently has martial arts been understood as a reliable way to learn to defend yourself and train your body, and having said that, the Western culture is still very under educated on martial arts as a sport, art or form of discipline.If we begin now to look at the actual physical actions of specific parts of the arts, rather than martial arts as an overview:From the most basic punch to the most complex kick - it comes from the spirit, the mind, the soul but it's physical side products are nothing but physics. It would be unfair to say that physics plays no roll in the technique, but it would also be unfair to say that the spirit plays no roll. As you know their is no such thing as a lucky guess to kicking but instead a set, logical pattern. Everything seems to run parrellel, or in time, or in weight ratio or speed ratio - it doesn't matter what combination this is, it's always done in a set pattern.How can it be possible for a reverse kick to produce a kicking force in such a direction away from the core of the main body? How can the kick be strong and supported if the body weight is brought backwards? But yet at the same time, the legs and head run in a set correlation to each other, and this is in correlation with the height ratio, so how is this? Well the physics again, and the force produced by the kicker as he rotates is what creates all that thrust and power. It's simply the force in which the kick is pused out at. Perhaps it could be possible that the leg, whilst being driven by the body's force is actually heavier than the core body, and maybe that is why the kicker does not loose his balance whilst leaning in the opposite direction. Perhaps it acts as an anchor, as a wall to lean on. Maybe it only comes down to the position of the two legs, and the rest of the body isn't important, so the upper core removes it's self? Perhaps as we mentioned earlier, the kicking force produced increases the weight to that of about the same as the upper body and head? We don't have any numerical theories or physical prediction, and neither are we likely to, but I think the idea that perhaps our martial arts training is actually nothing but logical physical actions, like kicking a football isn't quite right. To me my arts come from my spirit, my mind, my soul. It has nothing to do with physics.. So is the martial science just a by-product that just happens to be created after doing martial arts?? -- Well there you go... doesn't make sense, I was just trying to put across the idea of martial science.. What do you think? Do you think it is all physics? All from the mind? Or a bit of both? What do you think of more whilst your training? The spirit side of it or the physical side of things? Sorry to make you sit there and suffer through that, thanks for your time, Sean.

  15. Personally, i hold no person opinion on this matter. It's something that I wouldn't do myself, but altimatly it has to be her choice. There are a couple of issues that may cause a problem with other folks though... Firstly, the lads she's sleeping with - well do they know? Because if they don't then what she is doing is so wrong, and it's something that if I found out a partner was doing this to me, would really make me angry, but if they know and agree then hey! there is no problem. There is also always the problem of STI (HIV Etc), sleeping with so many different partners is very dangerous, and increases the chance of catching sti's or infections, which are not only uncomfortable, but can lead to other things more serious. I think it's ok if she does it for a bit of fun, so long as her guys know what is happening, so long as there in it for the same reason, then it doesn't matter I don't think. I mean some people may say why would you do that to your body, but to be honest I don't think it is such a big matter, it's done to the two individuals choice, it's something I wouldn't do myself, but like I said, so long as everyone knows, although it is frowned up, and is something I wouldn't do myself, it's her life, so it's her choice as far as I'm concerned. Sean.

  16. Why is it that everytime I walk down the street in my martial arts uniform I can feel everyone looking at me, and occasionally you'll get a wise crack from some one around your own age. I mean -- is it really that odd? You dont stare and put someone into a sureal state of mind because there wearing a football top, or a rugby kit, or holding a tennis racket, but as soon as you wear martial arts uniform you'll never hear the end of it. I mean -- people who take the p***... I mean.. how stupid can you get really?? Taking the p*** out of a black belt, I mean why do it? What is the need? I mean (sorry to use labels) but it's only chavs, most probably because they are so insecure all the time, and they spend all their time talking about fighting, and when someone that actually knows how to comes along they have to try and shout them down?? I mean, everyone watches you like your either a criminal or your naked.. I mean, I'd get less attention if I was walking around naked, I mean what is so odd, it's clothing for a martial art -- it's not that odd. Even the police stopped me the other day for wearing a standard martial arts uniform, and they were asking loads of questions like were I'd been, and why I was wearing it. I mean - I explained - I'm a martial artist, I've been training, it's only clothes but it took ages to get it into their heads. I mean... what is their problem?? It's not that bad surely? It doesn't look to out of line does it?? I mean - take a look, then carry on, it shouldn't effect you so much that you actually stop what your doing and stare, i mean literally stare... oo it makes me so angry, especially when you get wise cracks. The other day I was walking back in my ninjitsu uniform, and some one went come on then ninja boy then ran to their car and drove off, I mean - literally run.. I'm not a criminal for goodness sake. And what is the point in saying something like that and then running.. I mean what do they achieve??? ... few.. That's better.. Thanks for your time.

  17. I'm not really too sure what my goal in life is, I don't believe i have got that fare yet, but I do believe however that it will most probably be related to my martial arts training, as I live for the arts that I practice, they are so incredible, and I'd be nothing without them, so I believe that it'll be something to do with that. Sometimes this questions scares me a little, when I lie there some times thinking where will I be in 20 years after school, and it does worry me a little, the idea of being in a dead end job, or being single, and that is what my meaning life may be, I may just be to young to have understood it yet. Perhaps my meaning in life is to fall in love with someone that I can love until my dieing day, maybe it's my goal to have a wonderful family, a nice house, a good job -- (yeah.. right)... I dont want fame and glory, to have a beautiful wife, some kids (eventually) and a job that I enjoy would be all that I could ever ask for. I do believe thought that perhaps if you save someones life - that is your meaning in life - just to save that person.. and perhaps there is no massive difference that your supposed to make to the entire world... Alot of the time I believe that heroes walk besides us in the streets all the time. Contradicting what I said earlier, about martial arts (most probably that way because I'm so young, and it's a great way to discover yourself and the world around you), I would like to be a firefighter. I believe that that may be my meaning in life, because when you come home from work in the evening, you know that you have saved several lives, that may be my meaning in life, just to achieve that... to give overs a second chance. Anyway - sorry it's a bit of a crummy post... great topic by the way.. Sean.

  18. Hey. I think this was a nice idea for a post. It'd be nice to see what types of art's people are studying today.I myself am training in 6 different martial arts:Shotokan KarateKodokan JudoNinjitsuJujitsuFreestyle (A combination of several different arts)Thai BoxingAgain great post, and Escrima and Wing Tsun -- well that sounds impressive. I don't know much about them, but I do know that they are rare, and I'd like to say that it's great that people are stopping arts from dieing out by giving the more non convential arts a try. Sean.

  19. Hey you know what you are so right. I wear plain clothing, jeans and a normal shirt, I am not a so called emo, goth, chav or anything stupid like that, I'm me - end of... I get called a goth if I wear anything dark coloured, a chav if I wear anything light or go for a jog in tracksuits, an emo if I have a music related (rock/metal) shirt or hoodie, a trouble maker if I wear a hoody, I mean what am supposed to wear?? You know once I was down at the beach, I hate orange shorts on, and no top, and I have natural dark brown hair, short, no dies or anything, and this guy goes ' u f***** goth ' and I turned and said what?? me?? what do you mean I dont get it , and all I got was a load of swear words as he walked off? I mean why do that? It seems pointless... Anyway, that feels better.. thanks for your time and great topic..

  20. You know I'm so glad that I have had this response, I was exspecting to get shouted down by the boxing community, because I know that martial arts are usually considered fancy fighting and some people see it as a con, but as you said (in what was a very good point), martial arts are all about the history. As I study ninjitsu (one of my 5 chosen arts), I have learnt alot about it's heritage, and it is intregeing, to imagine that people did it in secrecy, to train away from the japense government etc, it just gives you a real sense of something, of almost, I guess pride and heritage. I like thinking about the people that stood before me, the great masters, it's a fantastic feeling. My main point against boxing and martial arts is this: Boxing anyone can do, you watch them and you think, ouch that must hurt, but anyone could climb into a ring and throw a right hook, but yet you watch an experienced martial artist with their impressive skills and think - how on earth do they manage that... that is my proof (if that is the right word to use) of the pure skill required for the arts, it's a way of life, it's about the spirit, and you never loose it. You look at retired boxers, there muscles go limp, and they loose their skills, after doing a martial art, it's always with you, it becomes part of you, and you carry that around with you in every part of your life. It's a life tool, not a sport. Thanks again for your time and great posts guys!

  21. I have mixed opinions. I guess I believe that we should have gone in, but now we should leave. I'm really a little confused about the whole affair to be honest. I mean - to be honest do we really know what goes on in Iraq? M16 & the FBI will make sure that we don't know all the motives for it, and we most certainally don't know what the full picture is at the moment, and the press are either biased against it or biased for it, anyway for them to make more money, so I this is just simply how I understand it, and isn't neccessarily how it really is... I believe we were right to go in, because we got rid of an evil dictator, which is obviously a good thing, because no one should live under supression like the Iraq people did for so long, but I think after the liberation of Iraq we should have drawn out, and that way the British, US and other operating forces would have been seen as heroes (which most probably would have cut down on terriost attacks) and we would middle eastern support and influence, a long with public support at home. I think to be honest, a majority of the country is being very unfair. We did, and still are helping to rebuild their country, we did a very risky job and helped them have the first democratic election, and we are still continuing to help them rebuild, supplying them with food, fuel, water and military hardware, and were also helping them defeat suicidal bombers, and they seem to repay us for all of that, plus their liberation by shooting at our lads or rioting. The fact is that our soliders gave their lives for those people, and they seem to be chucking it back in our faces, so I say we should draw out, and leave them to it. If they have no supplies - tough... If they get overthrown by rebels - tough... I dont see why we should loose the public support at home and loose our guys out there for people that dont even thank us for our efforts. Ofcourse I know that there are a number of grateful civilians out there, but no were near enough.

  22. Hey everyone.. I was just wondering if there was a code/script that I could insert into my html website to change viewers resolution from 1024x800 to 800x600 or something to that effect. It's just I use 800x600 at home, and I programme it around that, and it's fine, but on some public computers it's default to 1024x800 and can't be changed.. Is there a script to chance this??? Help plz anyone!!! Thanks in advance, Sean.

  23. Thanks everyone for your imput. I'm just going to improve on my previous argument as I have recently had a Karate lesson, and a debate with a boxer. Now firstly, just to show that i am not biased to this usual boxers Vs Martial Arts, I've done Kickboxing myself, so I'm speaking purely out of my own experience here:I was chatting to a friend of mine about fighting (self defence), and some of the defences that he has been taught in boxing would only work if your opponent is very tired (drunk), and wearing soft mitts. I was really quite suprised that this person that I was talking to had been learning at a 'pro' boxing club for a year. His punches weren't great, and his blocks - well he had been taught to swing his head out of the way. That's fine if your opponent does the classic 'yob' punch - and by that I mean build mementum in a visible way, and take a slow swing at you, but with the direct punches emphized in Karate - well - no chance... I ended up sparring with him afterwards, and it was immense - infact.. to my absoloutely suprise, I could beat the Boxing Sensei, and with ease! I'm only a brown belt in Karate, a Brown Belt in Shyrn Ryn Judo, and an Orange in Kodokan Judo, and this 12 year experienced Boxing Teacher - he punched like nothing I'd seen before. It just in my opinions shows the true nature of karate, and to that effect - martial arts. I found that because of the sparring in martial arts, my reaction speed had improved to the point that i knew what punch was coming before he raised his arm, and getting back in for a counter attack was so easy.... As I'd always believed the confidence, self belief, perfect concentration, dedication, speed, agility, strenght, skill and form brought the sloppy postured boxing 'master' to the floor very quickly.. I also tonight infact thought a Karate black belt that had been doing it for 12 years, and let me tell you that I was asstounded.. I really was, the absoloute perfection of his fighting, I had no chance! He was letting me block them to a certain exstent, and I was still struggling, and when he countered, his tap was enough to send me flying, and I'm no small guy, I'm 6'0 and a keen body builder... I just thought I'd add that in.. just to show that I'm not simply going on an assumption.. How ever, having said that, please dont think that i'm hammering the boxing community.. I know some very tough boxers, I just believe that martial arts excel them. And Come on boxers!! We've had no one battle your side of it!! Come on guys! lol.. Sean.

  24. That's a crazy idea.I guess, well think of it like this - when you say something to yourself in your head, you speak your lanuage, so I guess if you didn't know a lanuage, you wouldn't be able to, but having said that, every human being is capable of thinking, so you must be able to think, but how?? It's like saying, imagine being dead, and not being able to see or picture anything.. you cant do it, although I imagine that yeah your would create your own language. However, having said that, if you are on your own, what is the need to talk out loud, and perhaps if we dont need to talk out loud, we can communicate without ourselves, without the use of lanuage.. i really dont know.. thats a really good question mate... clever.. lol

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