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Everything posted by jumpenjuhosaphat

  1. Today during a search, I came across an extension that, when you query Google or Yahoo, it gives you a list of SEO specific stats, icluding PR, age of page, loads of links info, yahoo stats, alexis stats, dmoz stats, blogline and whois information. I hope those of you out there who are interested in or practice seo can put this invaluable free tool to some good use. SEO tool
  2. The longest dictionary term in the world goes to the swedish language. it is 130 letters long. here goes:nordostersjokustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranlaggningsmateriaelunderhallsuppfoljningssystemdiskussionsinlaggsforberedelse-arbetendid you get all of thatHere are some other interesting word factsLongest non-dictionary term: 1913 letters(Im not spelling it out)Longest without any of the 5 main vowells:twyndyllyngswith only one vowell: strengthsAll of that information from Guiness Book of World Records
  3. Nimrod in american culture is taken to be an insult. If I were to do something dumb, then I might be called a nimrod. In actuality, Nimrod was a name mentioned only once in the Bible. Nirod was known as the mighty hunter and a mention of him can be found in the book of Genesis. So next time someone calls you nimrod, smile, and say thankyou.
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