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Posts posted by cgrim29588

  1. Types of computer viruses
    Adam and Eve virus: Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple.

    Airline virus: You're in Dallas, but your data is in Singapore.

    Anita Hill virus: Lies dormant for ten years.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger virus: Terminates and stays resident. It'll be back.

    AT&T virus: Every three minutes it tells you what great service you are getting.

    The MCI virus: Every three minutes it reminds you that you're paying too much for the AT&T virus.

    Bill Clinton virus: This virus mutates from region to region and we're not exactly sure what it does.

    Bill Clinton virus: Promises to give equal time to all processes: 50% to poor, slow processes; 50% to middle-class processes, and 50% to rich ones. This virus protests your computer's involvement in other computer's affairs, even though it has been having one of its own for 12 years.

    Congressional Virus: Overdraws your computer.

    Congressional Virus: The computer locks up, screen splits erratically with a message appearing on each half blaming the other side for the problem.

    Dan Quayle virus: Prevents your system from spawning any child processes without joining into a binary network.

    Dan Quayle virus: Simplye addse ane ee toe everye worde youe typee..

    David Duke virus: Makes your screen go completely white.

    Elvis virus: Your computer gets fat, slow, and lazy and then self destructs, only to resurface at shopping malls and service stations across rural America.

    Federal bureaucrat virus: Divides your hard disk into hundreds of little units, each of which do practically nothing, but all of which claim to be the most important part of the computer.

    Freudian virus: Your computer becomes obsessed with marrying its own motherboard.

    Gallup virus: Sixty percent of the PCs infected will lose 38 percent of their data 14 percent of the time (plus or minus a 3.5 percent margin of error).

    George Bush virus: Doesn't do anything, but you can't get rid of it until November.

    Government economist virus: Nothing works, but all your diagnostic software says everything is fine.

    Jerry Brown virus: Blanks your screen and begins flashing an 800 number.

    Madonna virus: If your computer gets this virus, lock up your dog!

    Mario Cuomo virus: It would be a great virus, but it refuses to run.

    Michael Jackson virus: Hard to identify because it is constantly altering its appearance. This virus won't harm your PC, but it will trash your car.

    New World Order virus: probably harmless, but it makes a lot of people really mad just thinking about it.

    Nike virus: Just Does It!

    Ollie North virus: Turns your printer into a document shredder.

    Oprah Winfrey virus: Your 200MB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 80MB, and then slowly expands back to 200MB.

    Pat Buchanan virus: Shifts all your output to the extreme right of your screen.

    Paul Revere virus: This revolutionary virus does not horse around. It warns you of impending hard disk attack---once if by LAN, twice if by C:.

    Paul Tsongas virus: Pops up on December 25 and says, "I'm not Santa Claus."

    PBS virus: Your PC stops every few minutes to ask for money.

    Politically correct virus: Never calls itself a "virus", but instead refers to itself as an "electronic microorganism".

    Richard Nixon virus: Also known as the "Tricky *BLEEP* Virus", you can wipe it out but it always makes a comeback.

    Right To Life virus: Won't allow you to delete a file, regardless of how old it is. If you attempt to erase a file, it requires you to first see a counselor about possible alternatives.

    Ross Perot virus: Activates every component in your system, just before the whole thing quits.

    Ted Kennedy virus: Crashes your computer but denies it ever happened.

    Ted Turner virus: Colorizes your monochrome monitor.

    Terry Randle virus: Prints "Oh no you don't" whenever you choose "Abort" from the "Abort, Retry, Fail" message.

    Texas virus: Makes sure that it's bigger than any other file.

    UK Parliament virus: Splits the screen into two with a message in each half blaming other side for the state of the system.

    Warren Commission virus: Won't allow you to open your files for 75 years.

  2. I wrote this and sent this as advice to my buddies. lol think I no how to get a girl. you should make friends with her friends. Compliment them stuff like that. Soon when you guys are close friends ask her if the girl you like likes you. Well thats all there is to do simple as 123if they stop and look at you if they look at you alot if they laugh at you such as if you say jokes if they act like there dying if they gargle and act like drunk crazy girls and look at you and have that look that makes you think -CUT-when a girl likes you she seems to looks at you a lot, she may avoid you, ignoreIf you've noticed that she has gradually began to get closer to you......ex: sitting w/ you at lunch, talking w/ you more, asking if you want to go do something, or hanging w/ your friends.She may also be mean to you....make fun of you when you do something stupid or have a good come back when you've completely set yourself up for it.Staring at you and looking away or acting like she was looking at something else when you notice.She may begin to take an interest in things you like and when you are sitting by her and either you arm or leg "accidentally" touches hers and she doesn't move and if she does its to scoot closer to youWhen you talk to the girl you like, you should be able to tell if she likes it or not. If she laughs at the things you say, even it isn't that funny, and if she pays full attention to you when you talk to her. I think letting a girl know you like her is always a good thing, because most of the time we can sense it anyway, even if we're not sure about it. If she likes you back, she'll tell you, but if not, she won't think you're weird for telling her. She'll be flattered that someone likes her. So, flirt and if she responds well, tell her.Please remember this freinds, all girls are different, some are the shy type, some are the more active type as in acting a bit more forward, a girl that is just naturally a shy type will express her like for you by trying to ignore u, hardly speeks to u but u will notice her stare(give u glances) and u may notice her try to look away quickly so that u dont catch her , u may even catch her smile at u at times, it will seem very obvious by the way she tries to avoid u. You'll just notice. Now on the other hand a girl that is more active will tend to stand closer to u when u talk with her and stuff... she may wont to keep talking to a bit longer as in dragging the conversation i have much 2 say on this im an expert.They may touch your stuff and say they have same stuff as u. it's really annoying though. if a girl likesu they might complain about sitting with u so u don't notice she likes u.If you want to know if she likes you get a few people around you and ask them all who they like just so when it comes to asking the girl you like, it will seem natural that you're asking everyone. IF she stumbles for an answer or blushes or is like 'uh no-one' (giggle giggle) or looks at her friend for an answer, then you can be nearly 100% sure (not that good)if a girl you like tries to act like she isnt interested u shud ask her bcoz she may be actin like that just to try and make it not seem as opbviouse if u think a girl likes you u shud ask her wot she thinks ov u if she doesnt answer or looks to sum1 for help u can be sure she likes uwell there a few different ways... 1. ask her friends 2. ask her in person 3. flirt and find out 4. ask a friend to ask her 5. ask her on phone or computerthe only thing i can say about knowing if a girl likes you really depends on their personality. but in general, they will ALWAYS STARE! they will SMILE AT YOU A LOT! they will TRY TO TOUCH YOU (like wow...can i feel your hair, they'r like cotton! or...gimme your arm, i wanna see how long it is etc. )and her friends would come up to you and ask you questions about her...that just shows she's been talking about you to her friends (most girls do that...tell her friends about her crush i mean). they will SUDDENLY BE IN A LOT OF PLACES YOU'RE IN coincidentally..cough cough...but make sure if it's really a coincident or not....I know that lots of ppl have said this before but EYE CONTACT is like the biggest way that you will know if a girl likes you. But sometimes girls might not act like they like you because you might not make it obvious enough. But for the most part I would advise guys to (if you are always making eye contact with some girl ) make the first move.Word yo.--------------------

  3. God has no beginning and no end because God is unimaginable. The beginning and the end must be also unimaginable for an unimaginable item. The beginning and the end of the cosmic energy or space or the creation are also unimaginable. Therefore, the beginning and the end are unimaginable for the unimaginable item like God and also for the imaginable item like space. Therefore, the two points, which are the beginning-less and end-less characteristics cannot help you in understanding the real nature of God. If you start recognizing the God by simply these two points (beginning-less and end-less), you may think that God is an imaginable item like the space or energy or the creation. In fact based on these two characteristics people have imagined God as an imaginable item like space or energy or creation. This concept has misled people to such a low level that people think that God is the very infinite space or infinite energy or infinite creation. Therefore, one should filter the concept of God at this juncture itself. One should think that God has no beginning and no end because the beginning and the end of an unimaginable item are also unimaginable.


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  4. How much time do you spend each they on computer and why? Are you computer addicted?Those who spend a lot of time what thing do you do on computer and what opinion have your relatives and friends about your computer addiction?I spend a lot of hours each day on computer, but only because I have nothing else to do. (holidays). In fact, I spend so much time that I don't know what else I can do on computer. Internet and computer games bacame borring and I already saw almost all good movies. :D

  5. A forum script to mimic "certain look" is all in the forum skin. You can actually have phpbb to resemble IPB with just a change in the skin.


    I'm not sure if you have seen how IPB is controled, but in my experience any free forum script that best resembles IPB is SMF - Simple Machines Forum http://www.simplemachines.org/ . This is only because how SMF admin control and the behavior when it comes to customizing the layout of the board.


    However, SMF does not offer many mods for the board.


    I like SMF, but I also like IPB beacuse it ease of use and easy to use admin control panel.

  6. Here is are some links to an articles related to prditors on myspce:

    to the article:http://www.nbcnews.com/id/13437619/http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/






    I think these are s good example of preditors online using social networks like Myspace to get ther victims.

  7. Not only is the internet filled with perverts but some of them are really wierd. I saw on a show when people that work with the Police chat with other people online the catch people that want to have relationships with under aged girls.(With these cases I have only seen MALES)

    There are a lot of weird people online and I think that there should be cyber police to help get these people off the web before they do something stupid.

  8. Contact the FCC <_<. They're the people that force cell phone manufactures to print that warning.
    Mythbusters is a great show. I don't get to watch it often, but I feel that they always do a good job proving/disproving myths.

    Which episode was the cell phone myth on?

    Yeah call the FTC tell them that they should remove that warning label because cell phones and gasoline do not cause fires. Mythbuster is a great show, I watch it when I can, and I feel that they can provide if the myths out there are true or not.

  9. This is why I don't deal with cell phones. Everytime I buy one they say SIM Card included. I get it home and no SIM Card. >< I I have to pay like 50 bucks for a SIM Card, and activation kit. >_<
    Has this happened to anyone else...more than once?

    Your phone should have came with the phone, mine did! If it didin't then I wouldn't pay 50 bucks just to get one, I would cancell my service and go to another provider the provides the sim card with the phone.

  10. Remember when people could speak their minds freely without fear of small minded and biased individuals stomping on their creativity. Back then the internet was truly an open forum where idea's could be exchanged and brainstorming sessions brewed up exciting epithanies.


    No longer.


    If you want to talk down strange cultures like those shared by the ancient arabic nations then you have free reign but criticism of the United States in even the mildest form is a no no. That gets you called an anti-american for Uncle Sam can do no wrong. If you haven't got a McDonalds on every corner then you must be an anti-democratic state with ambitions to take over the World.


    Feeling crical of the way Israel bombs UN depots and children or starves entire villages with its indiscriminate bombing of neighbouring nations. Well, obviously you are anti-semitic so it doesn't matter what you think.


    Well, if that's the case then I think most of the world is quickly becoming anti-american and anti-semitic. The Middle East which makes up a third of the worlds population can certainly be labelled such. Asia can add the majority of North Korea and China which brings it to well over half of the planet. As for the rest of us? We are watching the carnage on television and reading about it in newspapers.


    I will always be a strong supporter of free speech and I will say what I think about history. Not as America or Israel would like it told. I'll expound about what really happened.


    I said in another thread that America has no balls compared to Russia when it comes to nuclear development. I stand by that claim. History backs me up. America didn't suffer through Chernobyl but it was they who crumbled to noisy minority ecowacky pressure. The Russians ploughed on regardless and are now world leaders in nuclear engineering.


    What are your opinions on free speech?

  11. 1. Many books have be written about Bill Gates, Amazon brings up 137,632 results.
    2. The first company he founded was Traf-O-Data.

    3. Microsoft used to be written "Micro-Soft".

    4. His great-grandfather was a lawmaker and mayor, his grandfather a national bank's vice president, and his father a successful lawyer.

    5. In 1968 when the first computers were installed in the Lakeside Academy, his grades degraded because he would spend days and nights learning the new device.

    6. Gates, Pual Allen and their friends caused the computers in Lakeside Academy to crash because of hacking activity.

    7. When he was young he used to rock back and fourth. Today he still does it when he's deep in thought.

    8. In Harvard he got bored and passed most of his time programming and playing poker.

    9. Gates told his teachers in university he would be a millionaire by age 30

    10. Gates turned into a billionaire at age 31.

    11. One of his teachers said about him "Bill was an amazing programmer, but a disgusting person".

    12. The reckless life in Harvard made him sick during summer 1974 and he quit his studies.

    13. His first programming job was in high school making a program that organizes an efficient schedule. He used it to sign up to classes that had the hottest girls and have easy fridays.

    14. Gates married his wife, Melinda, on January 1994 in an island in Hawaii which he rented for the wedding.


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    When copying another source use QUOTE tags

  12. More and more kids are being targeted by bullies who use technology like emails, websites (such as MySpace and Bebo) and text messages.

    The news comes in the same week that newspapers reported a 13-year-old was being bullied by two school boys who set up a website to attack him.


    A four-year survey of more than 11,000 children found nearly 15% had received nasty or aggressive messages.


    Researchers have seen a steady increase in the number of children suffering from cyber bullying.


    It was found that girls were more likely than boys to report being bullied by email and text messages.


    Researcher Nathalie Noret said: "Teachers and parents need to realise that a child's mobile phone or computer isn't just a communications tool - it is also a way for a bully to reach children in their own home."


    The boys who set up the website, which was live for several months, were suspended from school but have now returned. They received formal police warnings.


    The boy they bullied has moved to another school.


    from BBC.co.uk

    Have you ever been cyber bullied or have you ever been a cyber bully? What do you think on this matter?

  13. Hey Everyone,

    I wonder what kind of cellphone do you guys own? May be specs and why did you choose that particular one?


    Mine is LG4015 and it rocks.

    A little Info About the Phone

    The G4015 combines high-end features and undeniable style at a price you can't resist. Sleek and unique, the G4015 phone from LG offers the perfect combination of style and innovation. You'll have a hard time deciding what is most attractive about the G4015: its good looks, high-end features, or affordable price.


    Specifications and Features:

    Technology GSM


    Frequency 850/1900 MHz (Dual-Band)


    Data Transmission GPRS Class 10


    Dimensions 3.19" (H) x 1.69" (W) x 0.82"(D)


    Weight 2.84 oz.


    Display 65K Color STN, 128 x 128 Pixels, 6 Lines


    Standard Battery 780 mAh Li-Ion


    Talk Time Up to 4 Hours*


    Standby Time Up to 11.7 Days*

    *Certain features may use more power and cause actual standby and talk time to vary.


    Exceptional Style

    Ultra Lightweight and Compact (only 2.84 oz.)

    Unique and Stylish Design with Full-Color Internal LCD

    Handy 5-Way Navigation Key with One-Button mModeTM Access

    Essential Technology

    Built-In Web Browser

    JavaTM Support for Application and Game Downloads

    Send and Receive Text and Instant Messages

    Send and Receive Multimedia Messages with Graphics, Pictures, and Sound

    Enhanced Productivity

    Personal Organizer with Calendar and Phone Book

    Phone Book for 255 Contacts, each with Multiple Entries

    Speed Dialing for 9 Numbers

    Alarm Clock, Notepad, Calculator, World Clock, and Unit Converter

    Integrated Headset Jack

    T9 Text Input

    Entertaining Features

    Download Graphics and Polyphonic Ring Tones?

    Customize with 5 Wallpaper Choices or Download Up to 10 More

    Customize with 10 Ring Tones


    Features based on carrier program availability

  14. see if these old threads about FTP with FRONTPAGE can help you:




    (take note of remarks with regards to uploading to public_html)


    if that still can't help you, you may want to contact an admin to check if you have still the correct login information.


    Thanks i'll try it i'll let you know if I can't still upload my site from Frontpage

  15. I like frontpage is is easy to use and has some geat features, but it can cause problems when trying to publish your website, such as saying that the sever your trying to publish to does on have frontpage extentions installed even though you do. The coding system in frontpages is easy to learn, you can insert your own HTMl and edit it from within frontpage, so you don't have to use another editor.

  16. If that was easy, then it would be a scam. Now that this is difficult, (getting the min bal. to withdraw cash), I just slightly doubt if it is real.

    I have read such offers in many places.

    Some ppl offer great amounts for such things. Why do you pay ppl such large amount for reading silly mails?

    => They are proved to be scams at last!

    Some scam artist are clever and make it difficult, so that you won't figure out that is is a scam, so that you won't report them to authorities.

  17. Kinda simplistic with the vectors, but that's exactly how I like it. It looks good. :)

    It is kinda simplistic with the vectors, it's wicked cool. Have you tried it in diffrent colors other than Green? I wonder how it will look in other color, also have you tried diffrent designs? I think you should try diffrent designs? You should try to combine diffrent shapes to create a sig that is plain.
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