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  1. Right now I am playing two games. FLYFF. Fly For Fun(FLYFF) is a game by the gpotato company. It is a free mmorpg. It's a basic game that you gain levels and do quests. In the begining you start off as a vagrant. When you reach level 15 you can do and start the quest for your job change. You can either become a mercenary, an acrobat, a magician or an assist. Then at level 20 you can finally fly. You can either buy a broom or a board in the game and fly from continent to continent. Also in the gpotato store you can by things like a hover bike. It's a fun game with a good comunity.Ragnarok Online. Well i don't know if you can count this as playing. At the moment I am rebuild anothers ragnarok server. But eventually I will be playing it... So yes I guess it does count . Ragnarok, for those who don't know, is an mmoprpg. You can do fun quest, have fun jobs, and play with a great community. I love playing this game.
  2. After your site aplication gets screened and approved, it says to click the link on the activation email to activate your account. I am just wondering when does this email arrive? Is it supposed to be imidiate or does it take some time?
  3. I have all three next-gen consoles so I think I may be of some help. The Wii is actually my favourite out of the three. The reason is because it's just much more fun. Even though I spend more time on my 360 I have much more fun playing the Wii. The games for me are more interactive and some can even getg you some exercise. But if you are a hardcore gamer this isn't much of a system for you. So basically if you are looking for a system that you can have loads of fun with, then yes the Wii is worth money.Also its only 300 bucks.
  4. I love this game. Ever since I got it, about half a year ago, I am still playing it. I've beaten on every difficulty, beaten the game while in co-op, and even got all the dog tags and still haven't stopped playing. Now I play online. I can't stop playing for a couple reasons. First, I love playing against people who talk alot of crap and then beating them. Someone needs to bring them down a peg. Second I love playing with my friends. We all play ranked games online and manage to find the same game. I love how we own the other team. And third, I love the community. I love that from inside my house I am able to have conversations with people i don't know from all around the world, without paying long distance .This is a game with an amazing story, gameplay, graphics, and multiplayer action. I cannot wait for the secual.
  5. I got final fantasy 11 for my xbox 360 a couple months ago. I love the final fantasy series, but i honestly did not enjoy this game. In the begining I honestly got lost. Then when you start to get quests they tell you to go somewhere like you should know where they are. Maybe im just a little dull or this game was just bad. I also thought that i was in no way getting my money's worth. I decided to cancel my subscription and I do not plan to every play it again. It probably is easier on the pc, but i guess i'll never know. If you're going to get it i suggest you do not get your hopes too high. I honestly do not this it lives up to the final fantasy name.
  6. I've had my share of fun with private servers and I just have one bit of advice for people building RO servers. Do not try to become some huge uber-server. Once you get alot of members you will make Gravity(the makers of RO) angry. They will treaten to sue you and whatnot. Also it you get many members you will have to get a ddedicated server. When you do this gravity can easily contact the owner of the host and they will tell them to shut the server down. So i am just warning you guys to not get ahead of yourselves... By the way i heard eAthena is legal, but it just pisses gravity off. Because of this information I've also heard that gravity cannot really sue you. eAthena runs on a different system so it's differnet. Anyways I wouls still try to stay on the safe side.
  7. I remeber the original game. It was loads of fun for a while. It eventually got boring but it's always fun to go back and play it every once in a while... I have a DS but I never got the game. I've been actually been considering buying it ever since it came out. I just have one question about it... About the WiFi, do you have to use the silly friend codes, or can you just go to random cities and meet random people that you can interact with. Also is the DS microphone thing compatible with it? What I mean is, is the extra acessory that you can talk to other people with it compatible with the game?
  8. I have decided that I want to try this game, but I figure that i might as well do someone a favor by doing this. So if anyone that will be playing this for a while, not someone that will quit in like a month, will send me certificate I will use it and join. This way I am having fun and Helping Mankind!! I'd perfer if you'd send me one penny but I'll accept any.
  9. I used to play popo. It honestly is a great game. I love the fact that it's free too. But if you pay you can get a VIP membership. Then you can start your own business and only preform in your own club. I loved how you're able to go from city to city, while just becomming a better band. I remember getting to the top 100's before i quit. I quit the game because eventually, after a couple months, it does start to get repetetive and somewhat boring. One way that I could see someone playing for a long time is if a person got a couple of his friends together and they played together. This way they would all be responsible for the band and would even start talking about it outside of the game. This way for them it would most likely never become boring... Well never is a long time... More like they would be interested for it for a long time.Also I have two questions for anyone playing popomundo at the moment. Have they released the universities yet? And also have they released the stock market yet?
  10. GPotato has 6 games:Fly For Fun(FLYFF)This is a basic MMORPG with quest and job changes... The usual, but with one twist.... At level twently you can fly using a board, broom, etc... I love it Space Cowboy OnlineA game were you pilot a shuttlecraft and you can travel around fighting against the environment or others.RappelzLooks like a basic mmorpg. Fight, fight, fight, level, level, level...CorumIt seems to be another basic mmorpg game.Shot-OnlineHeh it's an online golfing game... um where you golf.Upshift StrikeracerA new racing game by them. Still in the testing stage.If i find out more info. I'll share it with everyone.
  11. Wyroba

    New Rpg

    Okay before you read this I just want to tell you what i think of that title... I'm not trying to be mean. That title to me Honestly sounds like a game involving old veterns traveling around a retirement home or something related to that. I would consider changing the name to something that sounds more exciting and will make people want to play the game.
  12. This game is actually one of my favourite games of all time. My sister originally got it but when i started to play it, I could not stop. In the game the mission are really fun and during them you learn alot more about what's really going on. Then you decide: Will you side with the humans? Or will you side with everything else. This game honestly leaves me almost speachless about how amazing this game is... But of course what else can you expect from the people who brough you Star Ocean?
  13. I personally loved both series. I though not only was the gameplay fun but I loved the story lines. I loved how the story lines from the animes and the games all mixed together one way or another. I also loved the battle controls. In these games you can actually move in a battle so you can actually dodge attacks. Not many games had that when the first .Hack game came out. I also love how the game is virtually unbeatable. Even after you finish the storyline there is still a whole world to explore. To actually completely finish the game you would have to go to every single map... And there's millions of them. But my favourite thing is in the new game. You are a adept rougue. This means that eventually you can use a broad sword, twin blades, a GIANT awesome looking synth, and then a special something... which i'm not sure what it is yet... But still, I think both series are quite amazing.
  14. I love glitching!!! In Gears Of War me and my friend used to be the kings of glitching.. untill ours 360s broke and they got rid of the olds ones and got new ones... I don't glitch all the time though... There is a time and place. I personally will not glitch unless I am extremly bored, about to lose, or the other team is boasting and i want to make them angry . I don't get mad at glitchers though. If someone glitches in one of my games I badmouth them because i know that they have no skill and they need to cheat to win. They never beat me though .By the way... GO NARUTO!!!
  15. I've personally only tried Habbo for only 5 mins after playing cokemusic and concluded that... I hate it. I find cokemusic much more fun. I joined cokemusic during it's beginings. It was a great game even then. I loved that i could make my own music and play it to everyone... And got money off it too! I honestly think cokemusic looks much cooler too. To me habbo looked to much like a square world. We all know the world is round! But the thing i loved most about cokemusic was the coke couch!! I loved that it looked awesome in all its coke redness.
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