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Posts posted by MusicOnly

  1. Hi everyone!
    I whould like to know more about free hosting:
    first of all: how do this thing of points works? I'm not sure I understand that.

    Secondly. Some one can maybe tell me sincerly if it is true that if I get the 10 points, I will have a free host space with no banners?
    please reply me or send me an e-mail to allezsepich@yahoo.it

    Well i`ll try to explain you and if i am wrong i am sure that one of advanced members will correct me.

    Points: you post on fourm and you get for that post credits. That doesnt mean that one post is one credit.
    How much credits per post? Well you need to have quality post, that means that you wont get credits for posts like "lol","and?" and other short posts.Basicly, you ll get more credits for longer posts. Then when you get hosted, one credit 1.0 = one day of inactivity on forum. If you go deep in negative credits your account will be suspended. Hope you now understand credits?!

    Secondly, yes it is true. You can check other users sites and see that this is true.

    Hope you now understand, and welcome to Xisto fourm.

  2. I also worked a lot on this list. These are the bets freeware programs in 2006.
    To make things easier i devided it in groups: Desktop, movies and multimedia, comunication, photo, safety, internet, office, for coders, the best of the rest.

    DESKTOP: 1.Webshost desktop 2.5
    Huge archive of desktop wallpapers.
    2. Gadwin printscreen 3.1
    Name says it all, program for screen capturing. you can capture whole screen, part of the screen or picture of some other application.
    3.Logonstudio 1.064
    Change windows login screen. You can create your own login screen or download it from internet.
    4.Yahoo! widget engine 3.0.2
    Huge number of widgets which are also useful.
    5. Bootskin 1.05a
    Change windows boot screen(for Windows XP and 2000)
    6. FlyakiteOSX v3.5
    Transform windows in Mac OS-x but only visually
    7. ObjectDock 1.2
    Good replacement for taskbar
    8. Samurize 1.63.1
    Change the look of your desktop whith this app
    9. Uxtheme Multi-patcher 4.0
    It will change part of the code in Windows XP to enable instalation of themes
    10. Xentient Thumbnails 1.0.2


    1. VLC MEDIA PLAYER 0.8.4A
    Multimedia viewer with huge number of codecs.
    2. DVD SHRINK 3.2
    The best program for copying DVDs
    3. ffDSHOW 2006-02-26
    Whole bunch of filters and other stuff. Replacement for DivX codec.
    4. MP3TAG 2.35
    Edit your mp3 collection
    5. AUDACITY 1.2.4b
    Sound editor
    6. BSPLAYER 1.39
    Multimedia player.
    Application for CD rippping.
    8. LAME 3.97 BETA 2
    MP3 codec
    9. VirtualDub 1.6.11
    Video editing software
    10. Winamp 5.2


    E-mail client, news and RSS client.
    2. 40TUDE DIALOG BETA 38
    News reader
    3. Google Talk
    4. Haimachi
    Great tool for creating secure virtual private network
    5.Hydrairc 0.3.151
    IRC client
    IM client
    7. POPTRAY 3.1
    8. Skype
    Maybe the best VOiP program
    9. Spamhilator eos
    Spam terminator.
    10. TEAMSPEAK 2
    Free client for voice comunication in games.

    1.Paint.net 2.6
    3. IRFAN VIEW 3.98
    8. GIMP 2.2.10
    9. PICASA 2
    XNVIEW 1.82.3


    1. TRUECRYPT 4.1
    Tool for creating virtual crypted discs
    2. AVG FREE EDITION 7.1.375
    Well it is freeware so its good antivirus tool
    Keeping your passwords safe
    5. AVAST! HOME EDITION 4.6.763
    Free antivir tool
    Create backup for your files
    7. Spyboot Search and destroy 1.4
    8. SPYWARE BLASTER 3.5.1
    9. XP ANTISPY 3.95-2
    10. ZONE ALARM 6.1


    1. AVANT BROWSER10.1
    4. BITCOMET 0.63
    5. FILE ZILLA 2.2.18
    7.OMEA READER 2.1.4
    RSS reader
    8.OPERA 8.53


    1 OPENOFFICE.ORG 2.0.2
    Microsoft office alternativ
    2.CHANDLER 0.6
    Calendar and organizer
    3. foxit pdf reader 1.3.1413
    faster than adobe reader
    4. rainlender 0.22.1
    5.ABI WORD 2.4.2
    6. ACEMONEY LITE 3.8.3
    7.ESSENTIAL PIM 1.71
    8. EVER NOTE
    9. PDFCREATOR 0.9
    10. TREEDBNOTES 1.0.180


    2. ASP.NET WEB MATRIX 0.6.812
    3. INNO SETUP 5.1.6
    create instalation procedure
    4. XAMPP WINDOWS 1.5.1
    Apache, php and mysql in one package
    7. HELPMAKER 7.2
    8. NVU 1.0
    Visual HTML
    9. PSPAD 4.5.0
    10. WINMERGE


    2. BLENDER 2.41
    4.INKSCAPE 0.43.2
    5. JALBUM 6.3
    7. PIXIA 3.3B
    8.PUTTY 0.58
    9. UNLOCKER 1.8.1

    WOW, i did it. i can hardly see what i have wrote but i am sure that it will help a lot.

  3. Well even those this is old topic, maybe someone will look for tips. So i ll share my tips.Please note that all of this tips are working on my computer and i didnt had any problems with my computer.SPEED UP YOUR INTERNET!Well today we have a lots of software which will speed up your internet speed but you dont have to buy that apps because you can speed up internet speed with a little corection on registry key. Lets start!Open REGEDIT(Start->Run->Regedit)Now you ll need to find a key on this location "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - Software - Microsoft - Windows -Current Version - Explorer - RemoteComputer - NameSpace"When you got there you ll need to delet this key (D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0O60F5BF}You dont need to restart your computer.LOCK YOUR COMPUTER WITH SYSTEM KEY!1. START->RUN->SYSKEY->OK2. IN FIRST OPENED WINDOW CLICK ON UPDATE3. IN NEXT WINDOW BE SURE THAT "System generated password" IS CHECKED(MARKED)4. INSERT EMPTY FLOPPY DISCET AND PRESS OK5. EXIT THE PROGRAM, EJECT THE FLOPPY DISCET AND RESTART COMPUTERWhat happens? Floppy now contains hardware key, so you ll need to have floppy if you want to run the windows.CHANGE USER PASSWORD WITHOUT KNOWING IT!To see all user accounts:1. Start->Run->CMD2. Enter NET USERS in comand promptTo change password:1. While you re logged on computer as an administrator do the first step from" To see all user accounts"2. In comand prompt window enter NET USERS and name of user account + * , press enter to confirmExample: net user administrator * or net user "Joe Smith" * ("" are important if user name contains spaces between words)3. Now computer will ask you for new password, enter new password and reenter it to confirm.If you get this message "command succeeded successfully" you have changed password.Hope this will help!

  4. First of all i would have to agree with other members, this is one silly idea, and only kids still do this hiding stuff. If you want to be with that girl you shouldnt hide her in public. She will think that you are embaresed when you are with her. If you wanna be with her you need to know that you will need to go out with her, buy her presents for her birthday, valentines day, christmass and so on. You need to know that you cant visit girl once a week and dont even say hello on street. My friend is 20 yeras old and he scored a really nice girl but he was dumb so he is now single because he "used" your advices.

  5. Recently called Ewido anti-malware, product of Intel and Grisoft, has changed his name in his 4 version. Last few months users on forums are posting about this software.New version got better look, but it is also does the better job. It is also good when you install it on already infected computer. Of course, installed earlier he prevents adware, spyware, malware, keyloggers, worms, trojans and other crap.App could be better in graphic look, but ad this program to your antivirus and firewall package and you will have great level of safety.Price: 27 euroScore: 4/5

  6. I have 5 best friends for last 10 years and we are like one huge familly. We spend a lots of time together. For past six months two girls are going out with us. One girl(Ann) has fall in love for my friend and the other girlHelen) is coming with her for no reason. in the begining i didnt like Ann because she teased me for being year jounger than anyone else in my crew. i didnt payed attention on her, because i am 30 cm higher than she so i also teased her. then something new happened. We were in disco, they all were having great time except me. I was sitting in the corner and drinking my beer asking myself why am i still going with them out. it was obviously that guys dont need me anymore. suddenly, helen joined me. we started talking and we get to know each other better. i tought that we could start dating because i really liked her, and she liked me. but next saturday she was drinking bear with my friend from band. i sad wtf is she doing?Wtf is he doing? I tought she likes me, and i tought he is my friend he wouldnt do that to me. But it happened. They are now official together. She is coming on our concerts and i cant stand this anymore. i know that i am losing my friends, and my band is falling a part. My whole life is now empty. i dont know what to do. I really dont wanna lose my friends but most of it i dont wanna lose my band when we are close to record our first cd.music is everything to me. i live for guitar. But i cant look her motherfu***g face anymore. i hate to see her on our concerts. she fu*ked me.any advice? how to keep band? i dont care anymore for price. if i lose my friends fine, but i really wanna keep my band.I feel lot easier now. because i have friends here on t17. well i cant lose you guys!

  7. O.K. I have seen somwhere topic about this but i cannot find it. I tried search but didnt find it(wrong keywords maybe). Well i am starting my new site and i got one problem. I will get hosted on T17 but 150 MB space is too small for me so i need extra space. I need free file hosting which needs to have this:-at least 5 GB space-account on that server-no file size limit( or 15 MB file size limit)-and no deleting files from their side( if files arent used/downloaded in ex. 30 days)I need this to store mp3 for my site.This project is something like test. If people would be very interested in this i will consider getting a paid web hosting.So, please help me.

  8. i think they dont support adsense for some countries thats why they send cheques,when someone earns $100 and receives their cheque and go into bank they say we dont accept us cheques etc.. then google saves that money <_<

    But they cannot do that. They must pay you that money, because you agreed to their EULA. you can sue them if they do something like that, cant you?

  9. What do you hate on mobile phone? Yours, neighbours...I personnaly hate joystick on Sony Ericsson. It works for 3 months and then you need to change it. :) I dont like EDGE, i mean i dont need it. I actually heard that someone doesnt like mobile phone with camera. well if you are 70 years old its ok, but when you are teenager and you say something like that, you should consider going to shrink. i mean, the best moments of my school days are captured with SE k700i... I dont like huge phones because i have feeling that i am having brick in my pocket.

  10. Did you heard for Speegle. It is something like Google but you can hear the results of your search. When you enter on site speegle.co.uk you can choose betwen female and male voice. i dont know what is wrong with it. I think it is junk. I tried their search, entered letter a and it says No matches found. Took him 3.9 seconds to tell me that. take a look and tell me.

  11. Ever since I had switched to Mozilla Firefox, I had never thought of going back to Internet Explorer. The main reason is security. Internet Explorer has just too many holes, enabling spyware and software to be installed quite frequently.

    I agree on that. Since i started to use firefox my computer is lot more safer than when i was using IE. It automaticlly cleans history so i dont have to do that. I dont know anything about the IE7. i heard that there will be changes in security but i personally dont think that it would be something big. I am satisficted with Firefox and i wont change it soon. or maybe never.

  12. I'm not sure what it is you are proposing. Is it like a portal site to all our Xisto web sites? Sort of like a search page that links to our various sites that no doubt covers a lot of topics. If this is what you are thinking of, I like the idea. Can you please expand on what you have in mind?

    Yes, exactly. So, what do you think?

    This is just basics, but we can expand the whole idea together.

  13. i think that today is practicly impossible to invent something new on internet.

    why would we create something that already is on net and it has got a lot of visitors.

    example: why are people creating pages with 100 tabs and 60 chords when there is mysongbook.com?


    Why are we creating sites?


    For fun? that is stupid. then we are creating garbage on net.

    To inform people? Lets face it, we all Ctrl+c on cnn.com and then ctrl+v on our site. scroll the site and then you will see copyright yourpage.com. Or we disable right click to prevent copying from your site. good one, you can copy but everyone else cant. copyright is just sentence on the bottom of your page.


    create a large web site, but i mean very large site which will have everything. we, trap members need to create our home page which will have links to all trap member sites, have short rewievs of page, and we can even choose the best designed page and other stuff. we will increase internet traffic to our sites with that page.


    With that way we can help each oder.


    What do you think of my idea?

    We have the best free hosting on whole world, we have great members who knows how to create great graphic( they created our sigs, thank you guys!), we have programers who are familiar with php, and we have great admins(OpaQue, BuffalloHelp...).

    I give my credits for that homepage, and i will continue collecting it.

    What do you think? Are you with me?

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