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Posts posted by MusicOnly

  1. Hi to all! Well last five days i have been creating my banner but somehow i dont like results. i dont think they are really good so i usually get disapointed. hopefully someone will help me. Well i want to see can you solve this problem.i wont tell you how does it have to look, becuse i want you to create it on your own.Site is about music;guitars,rock and etc.fell free to use renders or anything you like. just make it nice( i know you can).the only things that must be are: banner size: 635x150banner text: "AllSounds" sub text: "Enjoy creating the music"Thanks guys!

  2. hi! i downloaded dragonfly cms( and i am having a problem with instaling it.i have xampp.what have i done:1.downloaded2.extracted it on d:3.i configured config.php$dbhost = 'localhost'$dbname = 'myname'$dbuname = 'myname'$dbpass = 'my password'$prefix = 'cms'$user_prefix = 'cms'$adminindex = 'admin.php'$mainindex = 'index.php'what next?please have in mind that you ll need to guide me step by step.can someone help me?

  3. Here s the thing. I have large number of folders with files in it. i need to copy folders but without files in it, becuase i dont want to write folders name manually( i have about 5000 folders) and i guess i wont be quickly finished.why would i wanted to do that.it s kinda like this:you have dvd file and you want to record the soundtrack into mp3 file. but you want to save them on other disc.its easy with 1-10 folders but i have situation with 5000 folders and i need to do this.so can anyone please help me?

  4. I wasnt very active on Trap past few weeks because i was working on my first site. This time i included css but the whole site isnt coded in css. So please tell me what do u think? dont be afraid to tell me if you dont like it or something else.Please take a few moments, look the picture and post.Opinion of T17 members is very important to me! :):P

  5. Well i dont know exactly how to say this but i ll try. So last few months i ve been discovering web design, dreamweaver, photoshop. I learned how to create layout and how to preapare it in dreamweaver but now i am stuck with php. I dont know how to put script in desired cell an lots of other stuff. yeah i am stupid, but i am who i am. all those tutorials are not helping me because they dont tell you how to install script where i want.
    i am going to explode. i tried to find finished script on hotscripts.com but i cant/dont_know which one will suite my needs. my layout is here.

    You see, i need shoutbox script, search script like one here where i can search by song or band names, script which will show the most downloaded songs ( top 5 songs on my layout), and script which will show last 5 updated items.. and so on.. list is quite big, because i have big plans for my site and php is my only problem wright now.

    My main question would be how to install damn script where i want?
    Second question would be can someone help me?

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