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About Madkat-Z
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- Birthday 07/10/1987
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Well, I have issues with Procrastination even in college. However, usually what gets me to do my work is I end up worry about not doing it for a good week and eventually I worry myself sick and I do it finally. Suggestions on how to get your work done when you try to do it. -Unplug your TV, Radio, other electronic devices or do your homework in a room where there is no TV, Radio or other electronic devices. If you can't do that. Unplug everything and move it to another room (Hope your TV isn't a 60inch).-Turn off the Cellphone and/or disconnect the Phone if you didn't count that in your electronic devices. If you can move your cellphone and/or phone into another room with all the rest of the stuff.-If you are using the computer, turn off all IM's don't even bother just changing your status message to studying, just turn them off. Same thing with any games that you could possible play. If you want to get really serious dis-install any programs that could possible distract you and/or if your using windows create a new log in that specifically blocks use of those programs.-If you get hungry well studying, basically keep saying "Ok, if I get the next 10 problems right and I will get food" or "I will study for 5 more minutes and I will get food". It makes you study a little more before you get food. Or keep a supply of small snacks up in your study room so you can use as reward for studying for so long or getting so many problems right. (Suggested food that work well: Gummy Worms, M&M's, Chips, Crackers, and any other food small food that your really like.)-Move all interesting books out of the place where your studying and make sure your textbooks fill the room instead.-Dust...well I don't have any solutions for that one, but basically I guess dust before you prepare to study or dust the day before you study.-Basically the one way to prevent your boyfriend from distracting you from your studies is to do one thing, ask him "How about we study together?", that normally sends mine to the other side of the world. Either that or just tell him you can't do anything because you have to study.-Remove any other things that distract you from studying from your area and put a do not disturb sign on your door.The only other suggestion I could give you is the same as the other person who posted. Study in the same place and same time. Hope this helps you a little.
As much as I would like to blame one person for the whole issue, but I refuse to blame just Bush for this. I would blame the whole government system for this actually since in order for things such as very religious bias laws to get passed the whole system must be corrupted. So aka: if you going to complain about Bush's beliefs and what hes planning to do you should blame the whole government system (Including those who vote) as well for letting it get threw.As a note, I do agree with you religious bias laws shouldn't be passed, but sadly there are a few exceptions to this rule which I think must be taken. Such as making it illegal to kill animals or humans for sacrifices and Polygamy (I believe you have the right to marry who every you want, but to me its unfair because its prevents others from having the same right to marry).
Well keep in mind in about one cup of chopped carrots is 52 calories, in order to lose weight you need to eat under 2000 calories a day by Calorie counting. 1500 calories (which is the normal number of calories a person should eat to lose weight) divided by 52 works out to be about 28-29 cups of carrots. This equals about 1.5 dry gallon of carrots. So think of eating a milk jug and a half filled with carrots. However a person who can't move as easily or is at bed rest needs to eat 1200 calories or less a day to loses weight which is more like just the milk jug filled with carrots. To me at least that is a lot of food, and plus you shouldn't just eat carrots in order to lose weight. It is unhealthy and unbalances your nutritional values, plus you would get sick of eating just carrots after one day. Anyway, what I'm saying is my mom before she had her bypass surgery, she tried every single diet out there, (this lists includes, Salad Diet, Calorie Counting, Carb Counting, Nutrisystem, and a few others.) and still didn't lose a pound even with doing 30-1 hour of walking every day (and even more at her work being a nurse and all). She even had to wait a few months to get her bypass surgery because she had already had some health problems that prevented her from getting her surgery sooner. So what I'm saying is some people just can't lose weight by changing their diet and exercising more and have to take drastic measures in order to lose weight. Some people can't even get surgery now like my mom because its too expensive since its no longer covered by most medical insurance companies, cause they believe the same thing you do. Plus, there are still people out there who can't get surgery at all because they are too unstable and would die on the table. I'm not saying that an excuse to not do anything about it, but just because someone is unable to lose weight and has to use a scooter to get around a store doesn't mean they aren't trying to. For all we could know they could be running laps around the hospital or doing simple bed exercises and eating just carrots all day long. Yeah I get your point that they should be walking instead but keep in mind some overweight people have the joints of 60 year olds because of the extra weight and can't walk because of pain.
For some reason I find this rather true and funny, but at the same time kind of offencive. According the Mass Body Index, I'm obese, even though I don't even look like I am even that fat at all. I do park pretty far away from the store I go into just for the shear fact, I can't park very well still. I am doing stuff to be able to manage my weight as well and walking all over my college campus is giving me more exersise then I need. However, there are people who actually can't do anything about there weight due to heritatary or other various health reason. Sure there are people out there whos main problem is their diet, but even still there are people out there even if they ate carrorts and walked every where they went they still wouldn't lose any weight. I know this board started out on the fact that obese people where using scooters at shopping centers instead of older people who needed them because of age. I'm finding it kind of odd that one in the posts that I've read has thought of this, What if the older person in question is too prideful to use a scooter or doesn't need to use it even though it looks like they do. Most stores normally have quite a few scooters on hand anyway, so whoses to say who should use it and who should?
Unfortunately I do agree with you on that part. I have a friend who is Pregnant and is due next month and I feel kind of bad we are all taking bets on how long her boyfriend is going to hang around. Whats sad is I know of cases where the boyfriend or even in some cases the girlfriend just take off and don't even pay child support and live on the run. Even when they get caught they just get thrown in jail, and who pays the money to help support the kid and the single parent? No one. I'm not saying that all of the bad decisions are basically a sin, but basically are stuff your mother would tell you not to do and the "sin" just supposively makes it sound worse. Its up to you wither you should make that choice or not, but you should be prepared to take the consequences of your action. Under the right circumstances a sin could be the right choice. I tend to disagree with that majorly. Wither you call a smart person a person with a high IQ or a person who just in general seems to have more knowledge and morals then the rest of us. Many serial killers have high IQ and last time I check in this reality serial killers are considered to be evil. Same thing with higher knowledge and morals, just look at those who bomb abortion clinics. Someone has to be some what smart to build a bomb and the obviously belive that abortion is wrong to the point where killing people is the only solution. Even some serial killers belive there actions are justified.
Islam, Not Terrorism Proving you wrong
Madkat-Z replied to sweet_princess's topic in General Discussion
This whole topic kind of makes me sick to know that there are people who are crazy enough to taint the name of a religious group with blood and try to justify killing in the name of their religious beliefs. To me that makes no sense that you should go off and kill someone because someone just told you or because it is written on some holy doctrine that you should. No matter what religious beliefs you follow, killing and murdering is not holy or godly in anyway. If I where told right now by some higher being to go kill someone right now, I wouldn't because I know that life is a precious gift and only should be taken away by that higher being. Anyway it makes me sad to know Islam, a religion that very name means Peace, is tarnished in such a way by these mad men who call themselves the servants of Allah. However, every religion has its mad men/women who try to bend religious scripts to fit/justify their own needs. -
Unfortunately communism was given a bad name by those who tried to implement the process. Mostly because either the leader abused their power or it wasn't implemented correctly. If I remember reading about the whole philosophy a communism should even be run by a dictator, but more like a democracy. So in a sense most of the attempts made in history haven't even been a true attempt at the system.The other thing is that many people don't like the idea that they would be getting paid the same as everyone else, because many people spend alot of time and effort into their jobs and feel they should get paid more then someone who hasn't put as much time and effort into their job. Which I understand. If you spend 4 years in college to become a rocket scientist and you get paid as much as a fast food worker who spent only 4 years in high school, I would feel like I was pulling the short straw.
I will give it a try, maybe it will fix my issue with FireFox crashing at random intervals. That has been bugging me since the last update. X.x
Ah, I remember that time in my life. Unforutenatly, most of the time theres not much you can do about it. All I can say is theres always the Internet. Most of my friends stayed in my hometown when they went to college, but most of our sheduals are so differnt none of us can see each other. So the only way for us to communicate is threw Email and IM. Plus theres aways breaks and stuff so you guys can visit each other.
I tend to agree with what alot of people are saying. 13 is really not a good age to go down to Las Vegas and actually enjoy the full experiance . I had a friend who went there when she was 17 and she said that she felt like she was missing alot of things because of her age (She couldn't even try the slot machines because she was too young). Plus I am agree with people saying that maybe your parents are just wanting sometime alone to themselves. Another thing some parents are have less stricked rules on their kids, then other parents. My parents would always tell me when my friends where allowed to do something and I wasn't, "Your my kid and you live by my rules, not *inserts friends name*'s Parents rules." So maybe keep that in memory when your Aunt maybe less stricked on her kids then your parents.
Yeah you make a point, with my luck we would end up with a riot and the whole town would go in to chaos. Either that the parents would go complain and take the issue all the way to supreme court. Interesting enough there was yet another artical written in the newspaper in the opinion section this week, about how unfair the ban was. Basically the artical was trying to compare old ladies playing golf well drinking wine. Unforutently, keep in mind, Old Ladies at least don't drink the whole bottle every time the get the ball in the hole. Plus the fact, to me at least, it doesn't seem like that good of a support artical, because I don't see old ladies running around protesting this whole issue. The fact is that most locals here don't drink at all, because the bars are always flooded by college students and when they are not they don't even drink that much at all. So I'm getting the image that the person who wrote this artical in is one of those students that is only here during the Spring and Fall semesters and hasn't seen my town when there are no college students around.
Just recently in my town an issue has come up that has my whole campus in a fluster. I was reading my colleges news paper and right on the front page, first article, in big bold letters, "OUTDOOR DRINKING GAMES MAY FACE A BAN"Ok, being a local to my town for the past 9 years and I am now also a student, I have realized how biased this "News Paper" actually is. To begin with, the reason this ban has been brought up because there is over 75 Beer Pong Tables outside on peoples porches (it is currently fall and its cold so there where a lot more). However, the article made this sound like they wanted to ban this because it is in order to prevent alcohol abuse and underage drinking. However, being a local and know the true reason, which was barely stressed in the article. There are a few reasons, I will list them as most important to least important. 1. Causes Noise Disturbance - My proof of this is I know quite a few local residents who live near the off campus housing and from Friday-Monday morning can't get a wink of sleep because of it being so noisy every night. Reason why its so noisy, according to my sources they can tell by what they are saying that they are obviously playing Beer Pong and other various drinking games outside of their homes.2. The Image of my Town- Com'on, if every person had a Beer Pong Table outside on there porch, what would you think of the town...if you said a town for of alcoholics you are correct. Its bad enough that Friday-Monday the town looks like a drinkers paradise because there's so much trash and beer cans everywhere. We don't need that Monday-Sunday.3. May Prevent Alcohol Abuse and Underage Drinking- This is last on the list because if my town was actually going to tackle this issue, they would close at least one of the 6+ bars in town.Anyway, most of the article was trying to prove that just because someone has a beer pong table doesn't cause crime, alcohol abuse, and underage drinking. Unfortunately, being someone who has lived in this town for 9 years straight years, not 4 half lived here years, I can tell there's a difference, when the college students are here and not. We use to not have that much crime, even when the college students where here, now for the past two years it seems like every time the college students come back we get put on the local news for some beating or rape.Reasoning? Just recently, I have never seen a beer pong table on someones' porch until last year, and I do stay in town and driver threw the college areas quite frequently ever since I got my drivers license. The crime issue didn't start getting bad until last year. Connection? Maybe, because drinking games cause people to drink more then they should, which then causes stupid actions.The next thing the article stressed is that college students don't have that much of a say in this town. I can defeat this in one sentence. "If that's the case then why do we have 6+ bars in town?" If anything they have more of a say in this town then those who actually live here 365 days a year. Most of the college students I know are saying this will never happen and they will be free to play beer pong outdoors when ever they want. However, my town has managed to ban all indoor furniture being placed outdoors and this caused the same frustration with the students. I'm just wondering what other peoples opinion is on this issue, since all I'm hearing from my student body is "That's just stupid. We should have a right to have our Beer Pong Tables outside.", either that or "You should write an article concerning this issue and send it in." To me this shouldn't even be considered second page news and the college students need to stop crying about it. Its kind of their fault to begin with because they made it in to an eyesore and earsore. :(Edit: I would post the link to the article, but the way the news paper has their website set up it makes people not registered unable to view the article.
I don't think its the United States is to blame for the problem, but I do agree with you that the fast food companies are part of the problem. I know that Mc Donalds can do a lot to at least make their burgers lower in fat and calories, but they don't choose to change there equipment, that leaves the fat and grease on the fryer and in your food. So in my opinion, the burger places have no excuse for having higher calorie/fat burgers. I'm currently dieting right now, but I still eat what would be considered fast food at least once or twice a week and I'm still losing weight, but not alot at once. Been dieting for about a good 5 months and lost about 10 pounds. Which to mean is better then those people on TV who only call a successful diet when you lose 50 pounds in a month. However, I have been avoiding places like Mc Donalds because there food has so high in calories and fat that I would have to eat one meal a day to eat there and that's there.