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Posts posted by Tailson

  1. This social bias discusts me. I am an agnostic. I used to be a theist, but certain events and more importantly, science, has led me to doubt the existence of a greater being. I don't deny the existence of God, I just doubt the possibility. Recently I came across this phrase. May have been in someone's signature on this forum:

    It is said energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Yet energy exists. This sounds like God to me!

    The same goes for the big bang. They say the entire universe came from an explosion of matter compressed into a pinhead sized ball. Where did that matter come from? And what triggered it?

    So many questions that may never, ever be answered.

  2. Ack, MMORPG? No thanks. If anyone here has played OGame or Utopia you'll see that they are text based games. Of course I would like one of my own, but why not spruce things up a lil? For example, when a battle is occuring, you have to command the next move of your fleet. Each battle can last days at a time. If the opponent doesn't respond in a day, you can make yet another move. This encourages you to log on every day. This makes the game more tactical, instead of relying on sheer numbers and ship strength.It'll take a hell of a lot of programming and scripting, and I can make the graphics myself. This could turn out to be something if I found the right tutorials and stuff right? Not to mention the game design course I'm doing in college soon.

  3. I've been looking through some of Lemon Demon's songs after I was initially caught by "The Ultimate Showdown For Ultimate Destiny" and have found many other songs. I thought I might share one of my favourites with you today, called "I've got some falling to do".


    So, what is your opinion on this song. Granted, it's only short but it's got a good tune to it.

  4. Ok here are my favourites:



    All the Sonic games. I'm a huge fan.

    Theme Park, great game :)

    Road Rash 2, damn you Public Enemy No 1. Damn you...



    Mario Party.

    Super Mario World.



    Half-Life 2, fricken awesome!



    Ok, here's where the list gets long.

    Half-Life, and all the addons.

    Empire Earth.

    Command & Conquer, every single one of them. Tiberian Sun mostly.

    Civilisation 2.

    Dungeon Keeper 2.

    3D Astro Blaster.

    Worms World Party.

    Plus others.

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