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:: The Dragon ::

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  1. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ is good hosting service too. Post for host. Not bad. There is also domain for 6000 points.
  2. This is not a bad site at all!Can you send me the tutorial you used for leatning css, html and php?I mean, just two days?!?! Isn't that quick?
  3. Whoa!!! When i saw the results of this pool, i just fell of the chair! 16 users using AMD?!?!! Well, nothing strange, i prefer AMD too. Personally, i dont care of procesor brand, i just need it to work. I heard that AMD is much warmer processor. True? But performance is just great.
  4. Yes, i'm using winrar only because WinZip can't support .rar files, and most of cracks for todays games are in *.rar files.Also, there is a *.tar support, which is needed for those who mess with hosting pachages and there are themes for some portals, forums etc. in this file format.May i sugest TugZIP, which is something like WinRAR, but it's not shareware but freeware. It is quite fast for a compression tool. Free download here http://www.tugzip.com/
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