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Everything posted by Estupido

  1. Hi there,Sorry i have to say it but i really dont believe it. I do not believe anything what is mentioned in ebooks about making money online. The only one who really makes the money is the person that sells these ebooks. And making money on ebay is not so easy at all!!
  2. For the people who used the free 50 dollars from leetpoker.com and last their money, here i have a new one with also free dollars, so do not panic when you lost it al the first time. PartyBux has an exclusive deal right now with CarlosPoker.com which allows you to give 125 dollars for free for all new sign ups. You will get those free dollars within 24 hours. Go chech this out at http://partybux.com/ and sign up. You will get the free 50 dollars within 24 hours and when you play 500 raked hands (ffp) you will get another 75 dollars for free and from this moment your are allowed to cash out. If you have questions or problems to get it than email support and they will answer you within 12 hours maximum. So good luck everyboby with this one!!!
  3. Hi there,Playing poker is indeed not fixed! You are playing pokerwith other players for real. And its not like the casinos that they have a house advatange. When you lose at plaing poker your money goes not to the poker room but to the players who win. The only money that goes to the poker rooms is the rake the players pay and with most pokerrooms the rake maximum is three dollars.I am now playing poker for three years and i am wiining enough to pay half of my bills, sure its not enough for making a living but its a nice extra.So good luck for the players who will give a try.
  4. Hi there,I now see that i made a mistake mentioning the site its not http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but leetpoker. com . Sorry was my fault. And next time i will post it in the right section, I thought free dollars could be in this section but indeed poker is about making money online. Good luck than at the tables!!
  5. I think thats a lot of work with expected earnings that are not even sure. But if you are good in building websites and can create lot of traffic than its worth trying. Good luck!
  6. Thats also nothing for me, i have not enough knowledge about computers ,websites and diffrent softwares. I earn my money on another way online. I joined some different affiliate program which give around 1500 dollars a monnth. And that for nearly no work, thats easy money.
  7. Thanks for your post! Then i will have to do a lot of registration and posting.. I hope all the effort will be worth it. But if i wont try i will never knew, so i will give it a try
  8. Hi,I am interested but before i join i would like to see your screenshot from your paypal payementbecause I tried many programs like this and often they did not pay me. How much can you earn by this program?Thanks
  9. Sorry i didnt knew there was already a topic about this. In the futher i will look beter for it. Thanks for the links, i will check them and to try open and running the file.
  10. Hi there,First of all this topic is maybe in wrong section but i didnt know where to start it. I am building now my own website but i hear that lot of people have problems to send people to theit website. Does anyone have some suggestions for me to get more traffic to my website?Thanks Notice from BuffaloHELP: Topic title and description are VERY important. Make your topic title as though it summarizes the total of your post or key focus of your post with much detailed as possible.
  11. hi there,I also think that is not worth it because you sepnd hours of reading mail and you earn only 10 cents per mail. There far more esier ways to earn money like nice affiliate programs.
  12. Hi there,Its not an offer about free domain names or the internet but maybe somebody here is intersted to earn some free dollars. On http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you can get 50 free dollars to play poker and you dont even have to make a deposit or to registrate a creditcard. So if you never played poker before and interested how the gam works than this is a great opportunity to learn the game.Good luck at the tables!!
  13. Hi, Where can I find out what Google is going to pay me when i put their ads on my website?
  14. Hi peopleI am planning to buy myself a new laptop but the thing i am asking to myself is what are the minimum requirements for normal use. How much memory and speed do I need to have for normal use. The laptop i want to buy is not for playing any games.Thanks
  15. Hi there,Just search in google "domain registration prices" so you can see what the cheapest is! There is a lot to choice out, so good luck!
  16. Hi everyone,Iam new here and are still learning how to create a website, its not so easy i thought!! But anyway what are the best ads to put in a bonus site and where can i find these?Thanks
  17. Hi there,How do i have to open a file with extension .daa Somebody told me to copy it on cd and to run it from cd rom but i got the same problems. What dp i need to do to ppen the file?Thanks
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