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Posts posted by kylelnsn

  1. ummmmm welll for one this is where you show off sigs, form your post count i can clearly see that you are a bit of a newbie to trap 17, basically your post is very short and of no use to trap 17 here we beleive to post aslong a message as possible so that there is some content to is, if you look above the shout box you can see links to all the readmes and stuff, i very much recomment that you read all of these as clearly as possible so that you cna understand that this is not whats required! basically becareful because if you make to many short posts you will be warned,banned or worse! so please read all the readmes and rules and then you will be very welcomed here in the trap 17 forums! also short posts are considerd SPAM so read the rules please

  2. very ncie job some wicked brishigna dn stuff, very ncie job well done! thats wicked, and i really like it, splinter cell you just gotta love that game although it does get a bit teadious sometimes! anywyas back to the sig it looks lovely very ncie job!not to sure on the text but alround looks nice, good job well done keep up the good work!!!

  3. cheers sounds good maybe ill dig out teh psd and have another go at it, but i gotta find some more time! thanks dude and here is yet another that i ahev made i like this one just the effects work really well, thanks for comments and feedback still would love some font packs please, but yeha all comments accepted and want thanks alot here is the latest sig i made


    Posted Image

  4. yeah i got mine workin finally and it totally rocks it takes a while to load but i did install every package or module available, but it does wokr you just gotta keep trying, but when tou restore use the program that apple gives you becaue then if soemthign goes wrong you cna just say i used your program to reset it and they will be none the wiser, but if you unistall and try to rreinstall re downlaod the auto installer because that was what was corrupting my installation and now it works fine, and all my mates with nanos are liek dude how u do that show me do my and all this and im like uhh no its all mine, but im gonna do my best mates nano sone so i will post again when ive doen that!! good luck to everyone with their installs and i recommend it because its fun, you just gotta love the lost countdown clokc and features liek that, there is one major problem with teh 5g ipod video module list you cant install doom which is a bit annoying but all the other packages make up for this loss kinda, but any ways as i said good lucka nd have fun with ipod linux because its totally cool, nice job boys

  5. well i dunno whats wrong wiht yours but its working fine here, im seeing both of my sigs, this is poor ammount of people commenting and i wana know what everyone finks, thanks guys and i really hope you like them im working on another one as we speak with another wicked render, but its a bit of and odd shape so its hard to fit it inot the sig so ill just have to paly with it, has anyoen got some font pack which can be used anywhere, because i cant seem to find any fonts whiich complement my signatures, thnks gusy and hope to hear form you all with wicked replies and fotn packs!

  6. ok ive been playing agian and ummm well i got antoher to show you so here is my second new signatures, what you you think? which is better number 1 or number 2 i will hope to ahev more soon, but i need to know if im kinda doing the right thing, any give me a link to a zip flder with thousands of fonts, because i cantseem to find any in my small collection im pleased with????? thanks gusy and i hope you like my sigs, im willing to create sigs for anyone because i enjoy makings them, are they any good? thanks gusy and see you all kater!!!


    Posted Image


    what is it like any good or si it rubbish thanks guys, kyle

  7. heya guys ive been creating alot of sigs lately im kinda addicted and i liek it, lol anyways this evening i was fiddling around with photoshop and ive taught my self some new techniques by pure luck anyways i created this sig and i just thought that i woudl show you all for some critism and praise (mostly praise lol :rolleyes: ) any ways without further a due this si my latest signature i hope you gusy liek and i certainly do!!!!!!!!


    Posted Image


    thanks guys all tips and stuff psot here i wana know what you all think,dont be shiy step up and kick the hell out of my sig!!!

  8. you cna download some wicked powerpoint templates from microsoft website, which ahve soem nice animation and effects, there arnt many but the few they have that are really good!, anyways i still think it is better that you are trying to create your own because you can say i did that, look at what ive done!!!!its hard to find tempaltes on the web all google searches seem to give you ruubbish site that suck or you ahve to apy and for one sue of a powerpoitn presentation you dont want to pay for something you cna create, very ncie job and good luckw ith your powerpoint presentation!

  9. there are some wicked flash templates on web tempalte box, seriously, but i dotn like other peoples designs becaue you have to have there sponsor logo and text all over it and no one knows that you created the site when if you have your name at the bottom you have some serious satisfaction, although if you go on ebay you can buy dvds full of tempaltes without logos and names so you cna customize all that you like! anyways have fun with this thread and ill check abk soon to see if anyone has posted their template site, thanks boys and have fun creting your own tmeplates

  10. sweet i want to knwo that and you have helped me out dudes, thanks, i ahd problems with my site uploading but then i just re uploaded it and it seemed to work out fine so im not so botherd anymore which is god because i dont have to worry about it, my new site is being sorted by a friendly fellow on here and im going to pay him then its all sorted, wow thsi webdesign is easy, lol, thats a joke i like the ahrder work but with this problem i really would have know wat to do, sorry to knida hijack your thread now back to the public html and the www folder problem, can you disclose further what is wrong with you site and im sure we will all help to sort it out! good luck with it and ill check back later to see what is wrong wuth it!

  11. hey sounds good weve all got to rally together for people to pay attention adn get the mods to accept this idea, i think it rocks even if i do say so my self, and im glasd that others do asweelit just gives people another way to showoff, show their creativity and have fun, allowing everyone the oppurtunity to! come come on and start making your wallpaers so we cna have a wotm or wallpaper of the month competition, you gotta jion in and pm the mods and stuff so we can be reconised, come on boys and girls lets do this, todaloo

  12. yeah cool i suppose so, im pretty proud of it as im new to all this photoshopping lol, anywyas i like it and maybe the others will i really want to know the results now! ahhhhhh i need to know lol, anywyas i want to enter next weeks as well now! could be fun, thanks guys and good luck once agian

  13. hey i just finished your banner:


    i know you said not to have any renders but i had to because it looked a little rubbish, i am working on another one without the renders for you as i type this(well not at the same tiem in the backround!) but ill upload that later, here is the first oen i hope you like it i tryed to match the colours as close as possible:


    Posted Image


    any good i will post the one without renders later!


    okay here is the second one without renders, its a bit more modern and techy hope you like:

    Posted Image

    anythin else just pm me want me to change anythign just pm me! okay have fun with them, and if you put on a site tell me and i can have a look! cool have funwith them kyle


    okay ive just done a thrid one now that uses renders and the techy theme, one of these must fit the bill, lol, u now have a few to choose from and enjoy them!


    as i said before if u use them some where drop me a line so i can have a little look!


    ok here it is:

    Posted Image

  14. cool can it be the wotm brought to you by kylelnsn, ha lol that would be real funny, anyways im happy to have given the idea to you because it is another oppertunity for the people into graphics to show off their work and we get to see some wicked work, adn they get somethign from it as well, any one else with ideas can now psot them here i suppose for the graphics region of thinkin, anywayshoep that we cna soon have a wotm competition runnign and that it all goes splendedly, thanks guys and good luck with it!!

  15. i foudn thsi psted else where my saint michel and ive been trying it but i cant figure it out:


    Today, I will show you how to make a sig rotator similar to mine (refresh a page with my post, and you will see a different sig each time). We will use the sig rotator to display random sigs here at Xisto.

    1. [*]Create a folder called sig.png

    Actually, the folder can be called anything, but since we will be using the rotator here, it has to be called sig.png because Invision Power Board may not allow weird extensions. You can replace png in sig.png with any valid image extensions such as gif of jpg.

    [*]Create a file called index.php

    If you need help renaming a file to .php, post below. In the file, copy and paste the following code




    <?php Header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); Header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT"); Header("Pragma: no-cache"); Header("(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:)) image/gif"); srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $randnum = rand(0,1); if($randnum == 0) { readfile("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;); } else if($randnum == 1) { readfile("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;); } ?>




    then in your forum sig block but this code in



    [img ]http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/[ /img]http://forums.xisto.com/ make sure to have no gaps in your bbcode either.



    and if done correctly you will something similar to mine at the bottom.

    i have this


    <?phpHeader("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");Header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT");Header("Pragma: no-cache");Header("(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:)) image/gif");	srand((double)microtime()*1000000);	$randnum = rand(0,1);	if($randnum == 0)	{  readfile("kyle.trap17.com/pictures/mine/sig.png/;;	}	else if($randnum == 1)	{  readfile("kyle.trap17.com/pictures/mine/sig.png/;;	}?>

    and it dont work??????


    anyone give me a tutorial with pictures? or saint michal can you help me out please pm me or pst here all help needed thanks


    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    All codes go under CODE bbcodes.

  16. this is just a quick idea i had stirring around in my mind so i thought that maybe we could do this aswell for the wallpaper makers? basically it would be the same as sotw but it would be wotm (wallpaper of the month) that woudl rock because it would be another chance for users to show off their work,anyways it was just a quick idea that maybe you can take into account adn maybe use not offended if you dont, and i really hope i posted this in the right place, if not cna a mod move it to the appropriate place please, thanks and good luck woht the wotm and the sotw!

  17. wow thats way better than mine, i was confused and im only a newbie at sig design all mine suck so far and im ashamed of my self, looks as though you did way better than me, very good job just a shame mine wasnt anygood oww well good luck in the future and we will see who wins out of us! good job oww and good luck in the sotw contest this week, u seen my entrie everyone elses rock lol and im a little crappy one ha, oww well its all fun wicked

  18. okay i think this is kinda what you want and i tryed my best but i didnt really understand what you want if thsi is not correct pm me with extra detaisl of exactly what you want then i will sort it! ok i hope this is right:

    this is the first one with one text because you spelt it in two wyas so i made 2 in each

    Posted Image

    and this is the second with the other spelling you provided:

    Posted Image

    anyone who wishes for a sig just pm anyone who wants anythin just pm me!

  19. dude that really is cool, very nice job on that some of my favorite colours to use in a website have been used by yourslef, i love it and you have done a very nice job all round, very good and keep up the good work, i have liked your work before but nothing like this because this is seriously sweet and i like it very much, you gotta keep making them and that will be good, your name for it is very catchy as well, love it nice job well done

  20. you have all got me wrong, i just need women clothed or wat every i dont mind im only going to be using their face adn liek you say im not going to make any naked women sigs or anything, juts need faces adn stuff, im finding it increasingly hard to find them so any suggestion will be taken on board, thanks guys

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