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Posts posted by kylelnsn

  1. cheers im going to have a read of this and see if ic an integrate my site into this sum how maybe in one way or another!!!, any ways thanks for the link and im nowing goignt o read it and see if i can incorperate this into my site, if i get time i will post back here with a link to my site with a working version and then you can all have a look at it, thats if iu ahve time and if i can get it to work, although once again thanks for the link adn i hope that this will be of help to others and plenotonic not just me,lol yeah so wish me luck im goign to go and give it a little whizz now and see where we cna go from there!!!, HOPE this works cus this could be very very veyr useful to me!!! thanks and im goign to say it agian thansk for the link and i hope it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. yeah thanks just got the pm and i gotta say thanks if u want u can put a llink on the iamges back to Xisto forums, and see if we cna get a few more members or somethign, but yeah thanks for the pm just recieved and i ahd a little look, nice job, i can see alot of improvement from the first sig i did for you to the one i did today, wow its quite amzing actually to look back on my work in such a way, anyways like i said im happy to help and make sigs for anyone!!!! just glad i could be of service and help you out a little bit, if you need anything or you need a hand then pm and ill see what i can do!!! any ways thanks for being a loyal customer and rember to maybe link back to Xisto or when i get my site link to my website!! yeha thanks though and agian if u know anyone who need a sig then give me a bell or ge them to contact me through Xisto and see what happens!! yeha i may start up a personalised sig site, but ill ahev to see if i get some time!!! any ways once again thanks and wear that signature with pride cus it rocks, ncie job mate and hope your are satisfied wiht your signatures!!

  3. sorry yo say that i cannot see your working example and i cannot dowload your complete tutoral, seems as though your site is down or you have moved the files else where, would love to download and see the working example and give this one a little wizz to see if its any good!! great postother wise extremely informative and very detailed, if i get porblems i will post here and i look foward to seeing some more brilliant tutorials in the future from you hopefully, thanks so much for sharing and a great addition to the Xisto family and trap 17 community, thanks

  4. omg that is so awsome and really quite funny, must have taken ages to make that , as others have said bookmarking, its so funny all the sound effects and the animations owwwwwww that was so cool, nice find where you get that anyways, you got any more and u got a link, i wana see more of these they ars so lush, the way he rubs out delete, ha, lol, exit exit run away! ha lol, gotta admit that was awsome wiat im going to watch it again, thanks for sharing i like it ha lol, see ya im watchin it again lol

  5. hey i just finished it for you it looks wicked, i think, lol, oww yeah where are you using all these cna i see them in action???? cus i wana look where ur usin them, any ways here the latest installment in your range of kylelnsn sigs and banners!!



    Posted Image


    any ways if u could pm me or tell me where ur using them that would be brill!!



    hope you liek them

  6. well i went to the link you provided and it asked me for your username and password, so from the looks of things your cpanel and your ftp should be working fine, or well it deos on my computer, i really hope that you cna get online to your account because Xisto is a fantastic service and is well worth posting for, but yeah its all working fine at my end and no it does not matter what country your form im form the uk as well and mine works perfectly, maybe as you say it could be your isp or your host that is mucking it up, try logging into your account with firefox and ie because im using both and it works fine on both on my pc, so good luck and i hope you getin soon, maybe you could pm a mod or admin and see if they can reset your hosting account, it may cost you a few credits but its worth it to get this great hsoting (sorry im not trying to rub it in its the truth) any ways pm a admin or a mod and go form there they shoudl be able to sort out the problem, also one other idea mayeb its a long shot but try turing off your firewall and stuff see what happens then!

  7. okay i ahd another little play around adn came up with some more, wow what a selection you have to use, oww and i did antother render ill post that later in this post, oww ok here they are:


    number 6

    the blue new one:

    Posted Image


    number 7

    the new red one:

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    number 8

    the new green/yellow one:

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    okay and number 9

    the new purple one:

    Posted Image


    there you go i think youve got enough to choose from there, anyways as i said i did another render and here it is:

    Posted Image


    p.s teh renders are png format to make the backround transparent, just thought i would remind you of that, any ways hope you like the banners and again if you need anythign changed then just pm me and ill do it right away, hoep you liek there you go


    edit: if you want them darker just pm me cus i can do that aswell, thanks then

  8. okay i have finished your banner or well should i say your banners, ok i desinged one then thought what if they dont like this colour so i made them in a range of colours, okay so without further hestitation here they are,


    okay number 1

    the blue one:

    Posted Image


    okay number 2

    the red one:

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    okay number 3

    the yellow one:

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    okay number 4

    the green one:

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    okay and finally number 5

    the purple one:

    Posted Image


    okay those are the banners i ahev made if you want somethign changed or altered tehn i will hapily do that, if you require anythign else then you cna om and ill be happy to help oww and someone requested the render well i only renderd on because i thught i would use that one more; but yeha here it is for you

    Posted Image


    oww yeah im working on another banner for you aswell but this is going to tkae a little longer so bare with me, it better though, if you need anythign just pm me and if you use it then can u tell me so i can have a look lol thanks hope this has helped!

  9. im doin it dont worry, just doing the renders now,gonna take a lil while but ive got the banner done just need to do the renders and apply them to the banner and it is finished, could be done in aobut 30 mins maybe, ill have to see, looks good though, will hit back when i have finished with the result, see ya later and hope you look foward to seeing your new banner, i think it rocks lol, anyways i better get onwith it or ill never finish!

  10. well i think i know what you mean, ok ill explain what you cna do, you can buy the fan which you need, and depending on what tyupe you get (ill explain later) then you cna take it from several places, okay heres my mini guide on installing a fan:


    okay depending on where the fan is going and which connection it has then there are a numebr of things to do, okay so you purchase a new fan and its got a connector like this:


    Posted Image


    then you can plug this into your main power supply unit (incase you dont know this is it):


    Posted Image


    okay then you will usally have a pass though with the fan which allows you to connect more devices to one connector, but this is the common case for a fan that doesnt call the cpu just the system


    here is a system fan:


    Posted Image


    and this is a fan which cools the cpu:


    Posted Image


    okay so those are the fans and if you are talking aobut a system fan then you need to plug it inot you motherboard with a 3 pin connector liek this:


    Posted Image


    okay hope this aas helped and to generally answer your question yes it is possible to add more fans to your your system and there is quite a range if you need any other help then pm and and ill be pleased to help you!

  11. nice job but there are a few areas whcih you need to cahnge and ajust, basically as others have said you need to lower the opacity of the scanlines and then you need to add an overlay of a eclippsie shape in white with a lower opactiy to give it a 3d effect and get rid of the bevel border thing!


    oww yeah umm well i got a little annoyed with the thigns wrong with it, and ive never done a userbar before but well i amed one so here it is is this any better?


    there it be:Posted Image

    and another:Posted Image


    well u just need to put ur logo ontop or wateva ok hope this has helped out a bit


    if anyone else needs one pm or ill make the others you where talking about if you want?? any ways hope this has helped?

  12. okay with our more details we cannnot pin point the problem i can only suggest that you make sure your adresses re correct for example you cpanel is at http://ww38.yoursite.com/cpanel or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and you ftp is ftp.yoursite.com or ftp.yoursite.trap17.com adn your user name is what you set it to earlyer in the proccess and the password is what you set earlyer, if you have only just activated your hosting package in the last few hours then you may need to wait before you cna start usign it! this happend to me but a bit of patience and then it started working, if you cannot get it to work then pm a mod or admin and they can help your further by testing your account, for example see if they can loggin to it, so yeah give it a little whizz and see what happens adn you will soon have some of the best hosting around!!!

  13. well that is a very common problem aroudn the web building industrie getting your site to the target audiance that you need to keep your site going, well there is lots of advice we cna give and help you out but then again you may need to apy for some advertising adn getting your site to the top of google and yahoo and msn, well when i had my old site with my old host what i did was tell everyone i knew that i had a brand new site, i emailed them and told them in person, got them to sign up and if your offerin the right thing then they will sign up and then tell there mates, give your users the ability to recomend a site to their mates, also make them signing up to your site sound like a good deal for them for example when i advertised my old site i said come to bla bla free sign up today, come on in and sign up today, that is another way of gettin the word out for your site? but really consistanct and tiem once you get a few members you should sllowly get the amount up, but really you need to get to the top of google and yahoo because then poeple who search for the things that are on your site will go to your site, if yhou give me the url ill sign up!!! and tell a few of my ,mates, other ideas are putt your site url and a little add on your msn adn signatures on other sites, liek have a signature then at the bottom have somethign like click here to go to my site and join today, that would generate some traffic, thats about all i ahev at the minute but if i think of anything more i will come back and post again and tell you anymore idea that i ahev had, but i do wish you luck wiht your site and member hunting, and i hopethis post has helped in soem way or another?

  14. well i am a subscriber to mdsn and i could not find any way of downloading the longhorn beta, but now im downloading the vista public beta, because i have the link and the porduct key numebr thing and stuff, they give it all to you when you sign up, im going to install it on my portable hardrive which is bootable and take it to schoolso then i wotn have to have all the filters and stuff that they have, so ill be surfing all the web with firefox instead of using ie and all this and then all my mates will be just gawping, ha losers, yeha its a pretty heafty download and i started it yesterday but i had to go out to meet some girls, so i couldnt continue the download so it didnt continue yesterday, but ive done a little bit today and im gonna let it go throuhg the night, then i should have windows vista only 3.3 gb lol, its going to be so cool, oww yeah and back to the topic yes you cna get a public beta of windows vista now, this one will have a lot less bugs than longhorn becuase it hsa been continuely developed and made better all the time!!, but to answer your question yes you cna legally own a copy of windows vista at the moment and there are probably a limit number of slots for the public to aqquire it so if you want to get your hands on this beta then i would go for it now adn get it as soon as possible, the beta is going to rock so much adn i will update you all how it is when i have got my edition!!!, should rocfk totally, any ways will return soon to tell you all how it is!!!

  15. gota love avalons, i dont like tech borders but you just gotta love that clean and contempurary theme, you just gotta love it, thats great ncie win there avalon well done, good job, so whos up next for a battle to the death with avalon, to win or not to win that is the question, nice one though as ive said you just gotta love it, and you are the winner, hurray my vote goes liek this:saint:0Avalon:2becasue yours resembles the game more i think, ive never palyeed it and i didnt read the title but when i looked ar avalons i know because of the logo, once again avalon you ahve done a fantastic job, good show and keep up the good work!

  16. ok boys and grils heres the scenario:ive juts bought my self a brand new alphacool usb display, and its well cool,except i cant get it to work, its powering up and all that with the screen going blue then when i try random stuff in lcd hype i cant get it to do anythign i did get a number one but i cant memba how i did it, any one who knows how to get it up and running wiht some cool stuff all help need thanks guys and i hope to hear from you soonive checked the lcd hype website but i cnat work it out, i really need some help and please help me, i want it to work!!!

  17. wow its working im downloading it as i type this message, and omg its 3.2gb omg thats gonna take a long time on my boradband, oww well should be worth it, hopefully i can install it on my portable hardrive and take it to scool, that should be fun, lol, anyways thanks dude this rocks u get a key and everything, nice job thanks very much, u did good, thank so much for this contribution and i like it i like it alot, im downloading adn i cant wait to get into windows vista should like totally rock, as it is going to be the next os for windows, can anyone pm and tell me how i could install it on my portable hardrive, then i would be most greatful, like could i partition it or summin, im no computer newbie but i just got the portable harddrive and i dotn want to muck it up, anyways any help with installing this on my portable ahrd drive would rock and htanks for the help, look foward to hearing from someone, thanks guys and great post, ow yeah ive downloaded 11mb in 9 minute so i got a fair way to go, so wihs me lukc and i hope to hear from someone!

  18. heya boys just though i would drop you all a line and say well done and good luck owww yeha almost forgot, here is my little entry not the best but i did a lot on it and i really like it so, here we go!


    Posted Image


    there it is oww and thats my own render of a eagle and the plane is ajuts a random one, but yeha i did the bird myself took AGES yeah ages, but anyways has a nice effect and looks good so there is is and good luck to one and all

  19. one question about your sig, ummmm well what does it have to do with flight, owww yeah and my entry is soon to be here, just finishing it all up then it will be here, i hope this is ok and i cant wait to see others entries, although i just have some concern on what your sig has to do with flight? but other than that cant wait to put my entry up!! youll all just have to wait!!

  20. very sweet job ncie one i like it thanks for your great contribution to the graphics world, is it possible for us to make some of these because i fancy my hand at one, but only if im aloud then i would have a little go at doing one, aslong as soemone gives me the info they want and whats to put on it, did you do this layout in photoshop then get it into dreamweaver or something, if you want you cna pm me and ill have a little go, but only if you want me to i dont wnat to stand on anyones toes as such, but anywyas thanks dudes ad look forward to hearing form you!!thanks nice design keep up the good work you totally rokc nice job!

  21. ive just got laods of brushes and ive updated my photoshop, which is fantastic and great because i have a newer version, then i dug out my file of brushes and DUN DUN DUN i cant laod them all at once, and doing thousands one after the other is going to be tediosu so i was wonderign if there is a way to put them into one abr file or load them all at once? thanks for the help with my brush problemoww and i ahev tried pasting them in the brushes directory in photoshop but it just ahs a long list of presets which is gay so any idea or not all msot welcome and please help me!!!

  22. yeah i used it for about 2 months but it was okay but i didnt really like it becasue you dont get anything back liek points and thigns that u can use, you only get a rating and that always sucks, so i deleted it ive treid loads of other distrubuted computing things but they are all the same if there was one with a rewards system, then i porobally be more inclined to participate but any who its pretty good but if you got hte the bbc site you cna tke part in there thing which finds out about climate change over hundres of years

  23. yeah thats definatly how its works, thanks dudes got some good info there as im looking to park a domian here at Xisto soon, so that has helped me greatly, but either way you are going to loose 15 credits but it should be worth it really, so anyway htanks boys because i need the info that you ahve provided but once again buffalo you have helped greatly and ncie job on that keep up the brilliant work on Xisto and i hope to park my domain soon, when you say change your coding i guess you mean


    yourdomain.com/link and that is liek how it would work instead of


    wateva.trap17.com/link yeah i guessing that this is right but thanks agian hope to hear back soon


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