How hard is it to fully learn javascript? People say it is easy, however, it looks pretty complicated! What do I know, you ask? I know how to make a button (that I describe in another post) so that when you click it, it generates something at random. I have the script for it here:<script language="text/javascript">var quotes = ["Insert what you want to be selected at random", <-- Separated by a COMMA, each QUOTE in QUOTATION MARKS.|||VAs many quotes as you want.];function getQuote(){var qs = document.getElementById("quote");var quote = quotesquotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)];alert(quote);}</script><tr><td bgcolor="Insert Colorname/hexadecimal value, here" align="center:><td>Describe button here.</td></font></tr><input onclick=getQuote() type="button" value="Button name goes here">.....Original script copyright by ROADDHOGG