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Posts posted by husker

  1. School isn't just about learning math and history, it is learning how to successfully transition your life into society. If you start throwing punches on people on the street, you better believe that if a cop is there he isn't just going to tell you to hang out in your house for 2 days and think about what you've done. I know that sounds stupid now, but in time you will learn that your principal meant nothing personal in his actions.

    That is an excellent point. Principals are not perfect. Sometimes the wrong kid gets hit with the blame. But believe it or not, your principal isn't trying to make your life hell. What will you do in the future if you hate one of your coworkers? You're going to have to live with them. And one bad experience don't make a person evil forever. I'm sure things will get better.

  2. I agree with everyone here. It is just one of those ideas that are meant to scare people. The problem is that the global warming supports will not give in. Since they are no absolute evidence that can prove them wrong, they continue to be in it. So this debate will continue for many more years unfortunately. And even if this global warming exists, it is too early to worry about it. There is such a minuscule difference in temperature that it is unimportant. Just my opinion.

  3. I love watching the Olympics like many other people. It is pretty cool to see athletes from all over the world compete in sporting events. However, it seems to me that the Olympics may be causing more trouble than what it's worth. The debate over drug involvement, underage gymnasts, tie scores, dropping s medal on the ground, and falling on the vault are all examples of things that have been debated. It seems to me that all of these things are ruining the Olympics. What's the point in winning a gold medal when everyone questions it? It seems to me that the Olympics are creating a dislike towards China for most Americans. Although it is very unlikely, a war could possibly break out over the Olympics. I was wondering everyone else's feelings are towards this. Do the Olympics create too much hate? Feel free to agree or disagree.

  4. I don't see why this is a problem. People shouldn't have that much to hide as far as their myspace goes, correct? As far as I know, I don't think people have raunchy stuff on there. If your myspace is clean, then why should you worry? I'm not sure why this is any of the school's business, but whatever. Privacy has just about disappeared, heck, just watch all that stupid news on the celebrities.

  5. As long as you trust your friends, age shouldn't matter. You don't want some 40 year old guy that is out there to abuse you. If you like your friend, then don't worry about age. Like they say about love, "it's who you are on the inside not the outside" or something like that. Age should have very little affect on a friendship.

  6. When dealing with vehicles, I like to lure them in (only do this if you have stickbombs or are a certified banshee jacker :lol:). I'll often shoot at the driver/pilot of the vehicle. Once I see them look at me or come towards me, I'll hid behind something. If they are coming at you with a ghost, you usually don't have to hide because they will try to run you over. Once They are close enough, pop out of your hiding spot and launch a sticky bomb at the vehicle, then jump. If you don't jump, you will probably get run over.That's my plan anyway, seems to work fairly well.

  7. A great philosopher once said (don't ask which I don't remember), "Democracy is the worst form of government - except for all the others."

    Funny thing is that when I read this topic, I knew exactly the right quote for it. And you stole it lol. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.

    That's by Winston Churchill. I agree with him 100%.

  8. rayzoredge, in all of those video games you mentions, the violence was more like cartoon violence. There's aren't ninja and elves and marios walking around. Video games today are way more realistic. You are killing other human beings in a lot of them. The graphics make it seem like you are there. Like I said earlier, video games may not have been the reason, but I would say they played a minor role in this.

  9. School can be boring at times, I agree. I am motivated to learn because of my future. I want to be the smartest man around when I grow up. If I don't learn now, when will I ever learn? I realize that I need to capitalize on the opportunities that are given to me. Being happy and successful in life is like the top of the ladder. School and education is the bottom. If you want to get to the top, you have to start at the bottom. That's kind of the way I see it.

  10. I try to convince myself that I don't fear death, but the reality is that I do a little. I'm sure with age that this fear will slowly fade away, but right now I am a little scared. I don't want death to come right now because I feel that I have not enough positives things with my life so far. But if I'm sitting in a hospital bed getting ready to die, I won't be scared. I guess it's more of a fear of dieing young than a fear of death.

  11. I'm not old enough to know if that's what the older generations were like, but you're pretty accurate with your description of the newer generations. If you ask me, it just shows that society is declining and one day the US will fall, just like the Romans and other great empires. A couple months ago, I was walking to the bus because the bell had just rung. On my way to the bus, I pass by this crowded hallway of students. I found it to be a little odd, but I pushed and shoved my way through the pack. Turns out that all of those people (there were about 15) were sitting around waiting for this kid to beat up another kid. How sad is that!! Adrenaline is conquering over moral values! Many teenagers are smoking and doing drugs nowadays. Sure this happened 30 years ago, but know we know better! We have the research that shows how harmful that stuff is! Teens would rather stare at a hot girl all class than actually learn. Just think about what these people will become! The three words that sum up todays generation are these: sex, money, and freedom. Those are the three things a teenager cannot simply get enough of! My outlook for the future is very pessimistic. My opinions are very strong regarding this, but please feel free to criticize me.--A 16 year old teen ranting about his own generation.

  12. Wow that is a little scary. I think the combination of violent video games and the lack of parenting leads to this kind of stuff. Sadly, some parents tend to give their kids more freedom, which leads to things like this. When a kid grows up, I think it's important that the parent grinds rules into the kid's head. Parents can't just let their kids make decisions by themselves. The idea of stabbing the teacher comes from video games I think. Halo, Call of Duty, Rainbow Six all involving killing enemies. There is a reason why these games are rated M!! Video games may have played no part in this attack however. If I was the teacher, I would be coming to class in a suit of armor from now on. :lol:

  13. I think this report is fairly accurate. Mitchell, the guy that printed these names, was a former US Senator, so he has some good credentials. Some of the people on the list seem like they did take steroids, and the others, well, I'd hate to see how they play without steroids! I liked Canseco's comment when he said something like "Since A-Rods name isn't on there, the list is not complete." Baseball is just a mess these days. Blame it on Pete Rose for starting it all :P

  14. Welcome back Husker. Where have you really been?

    I've just been caught up in school work and other websites. I pretty much forgot about Xisto until a week ago.

    I've always wondered, how does bear meat taste? (and please don't say like chicken)

    Like chicken fingers :P
    And thanks for all the welcome backs. I remember almost all of you!

  15. Some of you may remember me as that evil corn guy. If you do, then I'm sorry. :P


    Exactly 85 days ago, I made my last post. So now I'm back. I'm sure you all are just dieing to read where I was during those 85 days, so I decided to write a little story of everything that happened. Keep in mind, this story is not true.



    On September 12, the last day I was seen on this forum, I ventured out into the forest and ran across a bear. After a 2 hour fight, I ended up victorious. Once I was sure he was dead, I put his 1000 lb body on my back and carried him home. Needless to say, he was very delicious. That night, I went upstairs to get onTrap17. However, I tripped on the computer, fell down the stairs, rolled out the door, down the porch stairs, in the driveway, into the road, got ran over by car, then sat lying in the road, got ran over by a deer, and was then taken to the hospital by Chuck Norris, where he roundhouse kicked and set me out of the hospital bed, down the lobby, and into the road. Then, I walked of the road. I was cured! The next day I was kidnapped by Paris Hilton. She held a gun up to me and asked how she could get her electronic tracking device off of her neck. I told her to jump in the pool, so she did. End of story. For the remaining 83 days, I was lost in Hollywood. I met some weird people like Lindsay Lohan, Tom Cruise, Lindsay Lohan, Brittney Spears, and Lindsay Lohan. Eventually I met a really blonde and traded her a nickel for her plane ticket. From the airport, I rode on a camel home. And that leads me to where I am now.

    If you don't believe me, ask the magical, all-knowing tree (on sale for $49.99 at your local Walmart). I think the message to be learned from this is never venture out into a forest. And on a final note, I'm back (for a little while at least)!!

  16. We all have days like that. The people here are saying that you get more homework in high school. This is true, but with age it seems like you are okay with more homework. For example, when I was 10 there was no way I was going to do homework for more than 10 minutes. In middle school is was about an hour. Now (10th grade) I can stand about 2 hours of homework. It's something that gradually increases, but it's something you learn to deal with. At least that's my experience.There are always going to be annoying, difficult teachers. But in my opinion, these can be the best. They teach you more than you would get from most other teachers and they really improve you in whatever subject they teach. Last year, I didn't like my math teacher. One time, she took off all of the points possible for the problem even though I had the right answer. But that taught me how to do the steps properly. And this year, math is a breeze so far and I am really glad I had that class.Things like this happen, don't let it get you down.

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