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Posts posted by matto

  1. I find it tremendously outrageous and feel embarrassed for those who are still denying the existance of global warming. The facts were printed on paper by the scientists a while ago now, and we're seeing evidence of this. Every. Single. Day. Some are more drastic than others, with the hardly noticeable (to the regular humans) sea level risings, and the hurricanes repeatedly hitting Florida and everyone in that area. Those damn hurricanes should be good enough examples. Rising temperatures = more storms because storms, and wind, receive their source from the unequal solar heating. So now that we're seeing more storms and more heat, it should be obvious to everyone that the temperatures are going up. Gosh.

  2. Based on the height and weight entered, the BMI is 21.9, placing the BMI-for-age at the 75th percentile for boys aged 14 years, 9 Months. This teen has a healthy weight.

    I still don't got that six pack, though, so therefore I'm not considered perfect when I'm in the locker room at school -.- And I'm soo close too. But yeah, I've been gaining muscle recently... started working out... once ever other week =D I'm too lazy to go to the gym all the time. But I try to run and excersize daily, and eat only healthy stuff.

  3. I've been strictly a runner now for about 4-5 years. I participated on the cross country team for my highschool this year, and have tried my hardest to keep on practicing even though I'm not currently on a team nor running with anyone else... which isn't as fun.But I've also recently gotten into basketball. Since my P.E. teacher is a complete moron, all we ever do is play basketball in the gym, so I've now been playing basketball almost every single day for at least one hour (I've started playing at the park up the street from my house with some friends almost daily as well). Getting closer to touching the rim every week... but then again, I'm still using my old running shoes to play bball. I need to get me some basketball shoes...And as well as running and basketball, I've played a bit of tennis since one of my better friends is on the tennis team at my school. I just play a little, though...And of course, I play all these made up sports with my friends all the time. "modified" warball on the tennis court, lavamonster (oh yeah classic...), "The Thing," fooling around with airsoft guns... you name it we've done it (except for almost everything you guys name.)

  4. Good morning everyone. My name is Matt, and I'm a 14-year old 9th grade student in San Francisco. Yup. I haven't done much in the sense of web-design in the past few years, as I've gone astray to play around with OS's and other programming languages... but I'm back!! I'm planning on making a website for this Jewish youth organization I have become involved in. Yeah. So, that'll be cool. Gonna see how much PHP I can remember...So yeah. Nice to meet you all, and I look forward to becoming a full-fledged member of this community... eventually. =D

  5. as a ninth grade highschool student, I can safely say that I do plan on completing highschool before going to college, simply so that I am able to fulfill my college career. I enjoy learning, and I enjoy learning most of the things that will be taught to me in high school, then built upon in college (specifically higher levels of math and certain sciences). I'm fine with waiting for a good job and having to scramble for money while in college, because I enjoy learning at the pace I am taught in highschool, and I'm willing to wait a few years so that I am able to do work at levels that I would not be able to if I did not finish high school.Plus I like all my teachers and some of the teachers I will have (The AP Statistics teacher is sooo cool, and my math teacher is also cool... If my teachers sucked **bottom** I would probably be feeling similar to the way BooZker is/was/w.e)

  6. I have got to say that my favorite book, or at least the fisrt book that comes to mind when asked what my favorite book is, is 1984 by George Orwell. It lets me release my emotions in a way that no other activity nor book is able to do. The ending literally throws you a punch, and you have nothing to do but take it and sort of stare at the last sentence in awe. And... the first time I read it I got a kick out of the first sentence, which, if I remember correctly, is: It was a cold sunny day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. I think. Something like that, anyway.Oh right, the main reason I like George Orwell's 1984 is its strong statements (indirect statements, that is... ugh how I love yet despise implicitity) about how society is, or how society will be because of how society is. And the ending.... gotta love the ending, in a hateful manner.

  7. I was jsut thinking, you know how you can type someones name into the Google search engine and get they're address, their phone number. Just about anything you need to know about the person. I think this is a series infringment on ones right to privacy. What does everyone in the Trap 17 community think about this matter. It will be really interesting to find out. Thank you for your opinions.

    Though I do agree it could be considered a violation of privacy, what goes on the internet is legally considered public domain, for the most part (I think ...)

    And it can lead you to fairly interesting results when googling names of yourself or others. Who would have thought that three other people (at least) have the same exact name as mine (I don't have a "common" last nor first name)

  8. I have got to agree with the original post. Google translate has provided me with a much faster reference than using some other english-spanish dictionary, and though it isn't always 100% accurate, it sure is time-efficient. I can safely say that I would never had been able to right such a distinguished 150-word "journal entry" without Google Translate.Plus, if you are actually understanding what you are getting in class, but just don't want to spend the time it takes to write something long like what I use GTranslate for, then double checking and correcting the mistakes isn't really that hard...

  9. This web-based app doesn't seem to be very stable, as I'm unable to connect (though it was able to tell me that the password was incorrect the first time, the second time I tried logging in it said there was a connection issue, and I never got it working...), and I don't really see the point of this since it is already included in GMail now. Not to mention that, once in gmail, there is a much smaller chance of losing a connection or something than going through a third party. And also, you always feel more secure when connecting right to google instead of you --> third party --> gtalk --> third party --> you...

  10. There are a lot of possibilities for which anti-virus software google (and/or gmail specifically) is using. I would not rule out that Google, being Google of course, made their own anti-virus software. It is definitely not above the high abilities that everyone has seen of Google.But... even with the amount of programmers they have, do they have time to do that? I'm not sure. They might have used Sophos, or some other anti-virus. I would not be surprised at all if they bought the rights to more than one anti-virus program (or several) and used the code in each to compile their own unique version that highlights each of the anti-virus program's good abilities.But..... maybe they're just using Sophos =D

  11. At one point I was using McAfee's firewall, which seemed to be pretty good at the time, but when I finally upgraded the heck off of my dial-up connection (not to long ago...) it had some problems with the wireless connection. When I uninstalled it, everything magically popped into place and started to work. So, since then, I've been depending mostly on my McAfee live-scan thingy to block trojans that download onto the computer (it's been pretty good in doing that, though it doesn't block them from coming onto the computer in the first place), the windows firewall, and the firewall built into my router.

  12. My computer is far from high-end, with a lame intel video card and a single dvd/cd-rw combo drive, but as a 14 year old kid living in the city, I probably don't "deserve" (or haven't worked hard enough to deserve) anything better, though.

    I have a Dell-made Dimension 2400 with:

    512MB Ram80 gigabyte hard-drive
    a "weaksauce" motherboard with but three PCI-slots and a few other things...
    Intel Pentium 4 processor running at aproximately 2.6GHz
    a crappy intel-made 64mb graphics card

    I hope to buy some old pentium3 system and make a few upgrades, then use it as a server or workstation of sorts to do stuff on.
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