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Blue Lightning

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Posts posted by Blue Lightning

  1. On my first day at high school I was really lost, I became freinds with this falla called ben, we were talking about random stuff, then I said something nerdy (i like computers to be exact), all of a sudden this random year 11 (meaning they are 16) starts punching me in the stomach, and ben is like :) .(wow that emoticon shows EXACTLY the look on his face)Has something similar like this ever happend to you?

  2. The US is a bit short sighted, starting a war is only going to create rebles.As far as I am consurned (is that how you spelll that?) Iran should stop making nuclear stuff, its kinda like winding up a vicious dog on a rope, you can annoy it for a while but soon it will bite you.( the US being the vicious dog)AlsoWars are to kill people! Not to make peace!

  3. There is this girl in my core class (the class that I do maths, english and stuff like that with) and she likes me, the only problem is that she is a bit.... well 'open' (that can get very annoying) about it, and I already go out with someone!How do youdo this without hurting your rep?No she don't listen to me when I ask her to stop being so open about it.....

  4. If someone has a mental deficiency large enough to make them want to kill someone else, I doubt that hearing about some unknown person being killed in some unknown room in a more than likely unknown prison (unless they've been before, then we have to worry about why such a person was ever let out) is going to deter them from doing anything. I would be more worried about being locked in a single room for the rest of my life.

    Depends, do you want them to live the rest of their miserable life i utter hell in a high security prison or put an end to their life quickly.
    I put don't care becasue its the closest option to depending on how they kill the person.

  5. I wish I took more photos of my dog when she was a puppy. Then I could show her off just as your doing! By the way is that a Smooth Foxy Terrier?Two of my freinds have puppies, One has a Bezion Freeze (i think thats how you spell it) cross King Charles spaniel. The other one is a pedigree Bezion Freeze....Omg! They are both adorable! But they are both 'outside' dogs so their 'mess' is never inside, its outside.

  6. Jesus dude, what kind of school are you going to? <_< No books!? Little homework!? Man...I have so many books...thank God for lockers otherwise I'd be walking around like freaking Quasimodo...ringing the bells.... :lol:

    Yeah! If it wern't for lockers my I would have to have 2 bags!
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