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Blue Lightning

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Posts posted by Blue Lightning

  1. Our sceince teacher is a psycho.Once he made a hydrogen rocket with a 2.5L coke bottle.After he finished filling it with 1/4 hydrogen 1/2 oxygen and 1/4 water we went outside. He told us about ummm actualy I wasn't listening but yeah I asked him if these rockets sometimes just blow up and not shoot fowards, he said yes. I was like blow up, blow up, blow up with everyone else he put the a match to it and.......... BOOM! The geeks in the library wet themsleves! And Our sceince teacher is like 'ahhh' and cluting his arm were it looked like a rather large peice of plastic was embeded in his arm. In the end I learnt that our sceince teacher is doesn't always care if the princibal is watching him make bombs........ Lol.

  2. Lol. I bought a HP case, I put two pentuim 2 slot 1s in it. and when I put that thing that the hard disks and cd drives back in *bump* it only went in halfway..... So it had looked weird. <_< Also.In that same case the psu when !BOOM! and when i tried to put another psu in it wouldn't fit! The screw holes were in the wrong place since the psu wasn't made by HP. :lol: All of those bad experinces make me definatly choose dell, they don't compress everthing like HP :lol:

  3. I like playing tennis at school.I hate people that annoy me at school.School isn't really that hard.Our school have a strange system for blocking websites. All websites are blocked...... And to get them unblocked takes about a week, and if your studing you usally don't need that information after a week.....Thats why I hate school computers <_<

  4. Well if microsoft are going to make a handheld i think they are a bit late. They should have done it before psp was released since people can't wait for sony. Seriously everyone I know who said that they wouldn't get a xbox 360 and would wait for ps3 to come out now have an xbox 360 (temptation is just to much <_< ).

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