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Everything posted by seez

  1. Well I can definetly see what you mean but... read my post.
  2. Everybody should go to school. It is for your future, yourself, for everybody, for the future of the world. NOBODY QUIT. It may be awful sometimes, but you really should. Shame if you quit. That's like you're admitting you're defeated, like your'e just backing out, giving up. And that's horrible. Feel proud when you graduate. Like you accomplished something, because you did.
  3. I enjoy my school... except for the learning part. See my other post for more info.
  4. yes, I like my school alot. Especially on dress-downs (my school is uniform, kinda sucks). My teachers are all cool and I enjoy school, except for the whole learning part.
  5. I enjoy skateboarding alot, and I like Xisto because I feel committed to it. But what do you mean our favorite sites? Like web design or info on it? Any? Well the RS site has good web design, a bit disorganized, but good none the less. I appreciate Google.
  6. I love pirate MMORPGs, and I wish there were more. I am not satisfied with the ones I know. I just love making a pirate character and owning ships, getting piratey clothes weapons and getting crews and stuff. It's so much cooler than the usual medieval MMORPG. The ones I know in this GENERAL category: 1. Zepirates (lame, not live, text based, I don't like it) 2. Puzzle Pirates (Addicting and cool pretty much, I guess, but I want more) 3. Pirates of the Burning Seas (Looks sweet, but I can't figure out how to sign up!, also still in beta testing) 4. Dogs of the Seas (not that great, can't walk around) 5. World of Pirates (Graphics are bad, costs money and looks dumb) 6. Pirates of the Caribbean Online (Comes out later on) 7. Tradewinds Legends (bad graphics, boring gameplay) 8. Avast! (bad graphics, boring gameplay) 9. Sid Meier's Pirates (great graphics, great gameplay, but not MMORPG) 10. Pirate King Online (how do I download and sign up?) 11. Tales of Pirates (how do I download and sign up?) 12. Voyage Century (how do I download and sign up?) 13. Age of Pirates (text-based and horrible) 14. Caribbean Tales (not even sure if it exists!) I also know of custom games like the one in "VMK", or the ones in "Warcraft Three, Frozen Throne" or something. Not good enough, like others. And some medieval-themed MMORPGs let you do stuff that's kind of like pirates stuff, like where you can go on ships. However, I am not satisfied with this either. I also like MMORPGs where you can WALK AROUND. Dogs of the Seas and Zepirates (what kind of name is that anway?) don't let you do that. Don't tell me "you should be satisfied with what you have." because I'm not and I never will be. Please post all and/or any pirate MMORPGs you know of!!
  7. You said this: "When most Western people think of consol RPGs, they generally think quests, fighting monsters...." Why did you say "When most WESTERN people"? Why only western people? We eastern people think the same that western people do.
  8. I haven't played it, but I am registering for the game right now. I am always trying out new RPGs or MMORPGs. I hope it is as good as you and other people say! I downloaded the game, but somehow, in some way, I missed the part where you MAKE AN ACCOUNT. Geez this thing is confusing... and right now the site is under construction or something ... (man I hate that)... so I can't play it. WHICH IS VERY FRUSTRATING!! Because I am an MMORPG freak. This looks fun and I REALLY WANT TO PLAY IT!! But I can't right now. Which sucks. Bye. Notice from jlhaslip: Merged two posts. Please read the - Xisto Readme - . Thanks.
  9. Cool I'm first to post!!Sorry, I don't know any service that can tell you which sites are most popular, but I'm sure you can tell what those sites are. Like: https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl http://www.runescape.com/ Or something like that.Anyway why do you want to know?? Just to go to the sites?? If so, just find a list of cool sites. Look up a list on Google or something, or ask someone. Just wanting public opinion?? If so, you can ask people what sites they go to.Hope that helped!!
  10. Please don't get me wrong - I'm not an attention seeker, but I would like to be more popular at my school. I'm not a loser and I'm friends with some of the populars. That's generally my position - I am friends with some of the dorks though, which I guess brings me down on the social system scale. Please TELL ME HOW I CAN BE MORE POPULAR. Thank you. I appreciate it.
  11. Very helpful to many, I'm sure. Nice of you to put that on.
  12. Those are probably all true - did you add that all guys like to do is ..........................?
  13. People shouldn't dance pervertedly, it makes this world a horrible place, dance nicely and APPRORPRIATELY. Of course you are all too immature to do that though probably.
  14. Question: Learning Php -- Where Do I Start?Answer: You face a hard dilema. like other computer codes, Php is very complicated. I would reccomend HTML. It is easier, and although you can't do as much with it, I think you should master the code HTML first. Well... actually if you are trying to learn Php then you have probably already mastered HTML. If not, however, then try HTML. But if you already did I don't know what you can do. I am no position to give advice, really, because I don't know PHP.
  15. Question: What Are Parametric Equations?Answer: I HAVE NO IDEABackground Info: I am not good at math, I got a B on my report card for it. Although I'm not necessarily proud of that grade at all, so I should change that smiley, but I wont, cuz I'm too lazy. Here you go. Better??
  16. AOL... has Im, very reliable, lots of features. Thats what I use. But I guess everyone reccomends what they use... otherwise they themselves would change services. Ok whatever!
  17. Well, cool sport I guess, but I only went to one hockey game in my whole life... Islanders verse Rangers, NY verse NY. Good game. Very... how should I put it? ... bloody. The vomit and blood bounces on ice if its cold enough but I didn't see that. Just read it somewhere. There's hockey fights often in the games though. Which is kk I guess.
  18. It should be "Easter Eggs ARE A Symbol"Other than that yes, you're right.Why is the fish a symbol??
  19. All addiction solutions are hard to carry through with, but I guess addicted people deserve it. They're the ones who got themselves into the problem, and they gotta get themselves out
  20. laptops are probably better, can take them around, otherwise just like desktop basically.
  21. I dunno, I dont think you can use it offline... like alot of other programs it depends on Internet and connection from Internet to get satelite images I am pretty sure
  22. Hard to get jobs with Google, hard to get jobs with Disney
  23. Well cats are all slinky in the shadows, all "hiss hiss", not that friendly and not social. Freak me out - they're all like "purr, purr....." UGHHowever dogs are cute and fun and social, nice and friendly, MUCH more affectionate and loveable
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