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Everything posted by rustybbs

  1. Okay if anyone knows alot about this its me... Me and my friends have been telling people about this day for about a year. Now there are 2 possible things that could happen. Whichever one happens the world wont officially end until 2,012. On june 6th a portal in the sky will open with demons pouring out of it. Satan will be recruiting people for his army because it will take gods army 6 days to prepare and arrive for this war. So pretty much they'll come to your house rip off your roof and say join us or die. If you join them then you'll turn into a demon but if not they'll kill you and you'll have the most painful death imaginable. When god's army does arrive there will be a 6 year long war and satan will summon a comet to come and destroy the earth. That is one possible way. This can be supported because a comet is said to be due to hit us. Also people made a giant crossword puzzle out of the bible and found "Bush, Twin Towers, Saddam" and also 666 with like death destruction stuff like that i dont remember it perfectly but you get the idea. Another is that the antichrist will come and claim to be the messiah for pretty muich every religion and he will try and gain everyones trust. Now the jews find out that he is destroying their temple and try and tell everyone but he stops them. He rebuilds the temple and they start having animal sacrifices in for forgiveness of their sins and bisexual orgies and stuff like that. He will have a christian holocaust and start a world war 3. In 2008 a comet will threaten to hit earth but it will be stopped and break up and mainly hit US Russia and Canada. Then in 2012 everyone will have pretty much killed everyone else and if that doesnt happen Satan will find a way t blow up earth. well those are 2 possible ways the earth will be destroyed so don't worry june 6th should't be your last day alive unless they try and recruit you first. You can also hide because they don't know where everyone is so if you hide for 6 days you might be saved. Just don't do anything stupid on june 5th like kill yourself or start riots.
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