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Posts posted by Csshih

  1. I'm guessing its the megabyte charge?Some plans charge on a per-megabyte basis.One plan I know is 1 MB = 2$,so If he downloads a full movie DVD, then4.7GB = 4700 MB 4700 * 2$ = allot of money.more than 1 dvd = allot more money.I remember my first phone bill, it was $300+, turns out that the people at the cell phone store assigned the wrong plan, lucky me :P

  2. Hm. I see that phone alot.It's hyped as the "iPhone-killer". But they don't give me reasons why.The reason I like it is that it runs on the Verizon network, much more reliable around by Saratoga area.There is also the LG Venus, which is more music-player based, in my opinion, better.It has 2 touch sensitive screens, and a standard numpad.It's like a LG DS :P

  3. When I was smaller, I always dreamed of hacking into computers and playing around, back then I didn't know what hacking really meant, just thought it sounded cool.Now my thoughts about hacking are: o_O.oops.Childhood dreams rarely come true, but I'm just being a pessimist again.

  4. Bthaxor,Did your school block google translate? It is technically a proxy through the google servers.Just use the translate a web page option, put in the website, pick any language, and bam!You can access most things.If your school blocked google translate on the other hand..Nothing I know that you can do besides the admin thing.

  5. I agree with BuffaloHELP,I was a great experience reading your post, It made me think of what I've the internet.Not many good things :PYou are a bit hard on yourself.Take pride that you have admitted this, and have sometimes tried to correct this.It is much more than many people do/have done these days.*Sits back in awe.*

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