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Everything posted by actiontekjackson

  1. Ok, so the question was do I, or do I not think something bad will happen June 6th of 2006. This is rediculous. Of course something bad will happen! Something bad happens every second of every fricken day. I see no reason for any religion to have any more accuracy with regard to spiritual definition of beings and/or predictions of things to come than others. I mean really, there is so much in this world that could happen any second that could destroy us all. If it happens on that day, I still would be unable to make that event connect with anything from any religion. It merely happened that day. I could happen tomorrow, who knows. Further more if you really wanted to get into the christian belief, Revolutions states that the end of the world will be AFTER the third world war, and "men will have homes amongst the stars". Also, the end of the earth is supposedly not supposed to happen until AFTER the rapture, which is not supposed to occur until every being on the earth knows of Jesus Christ. This means there will have to be a rather large uprising of chrisitian believers and they would have to become missionaries. I do not see this any time soon, specially as science progresses, and we understand our own genetics. The entropy of the univers has been theorized to be reversibly, which would result in some event that could possibly have created the earth as we know it. My real point is, go on with you life, don't worry about all this crap. If you're gonna believe something make sure its so utterly rediculous that people can't argue. Such as norse mythology.. WOO! The God's sprang from a giants armpit... hell yes!
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