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Everything posted by Huntington

  1. I know. I know. America is largest, festering boil ever to disgrace the face of Mother Earth. I suppose the U.S. military should have commercials saying, "Don't even think about joining the Army! We're filled with baby killing murderers, who wish for nothing but Satan to populate the Earth, and kill all the peace loving people of the world." Are you retarded, or just slow? Did that little pea brain of yours forget that it was America that helped defeat the Nazi's in WWII? Are you completely blind to the fact that America donates and supports more countries in this world (both finacially AND militarily) than any nation has ever even come close to doing in the history of man? Your post does not offend me. It lets me know that we shouldn't base our beliefs on what some 18 year old shmuck thinks of our country, because he heard it on MTV one day. You are an uneducated child. Enjoy the umbrella of peace the United States, and the United States military have provided you, while you sit and complain about how awful life is. Why don't you go over to Iran, where there is REAL evil and oppression, and try complaining about the government there, you putz. We'll see you hanging by your toes before you even get two words out of that pierced up face of yours.
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