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Brian Gillingham

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Posts posted by Brian Gillingham

  1. Decide for yourself, read Bin Ladens words: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I refuse to simply give up on us. We have more power than we think. It show no hope to simply resign to the thought that the ONLY way to get rid of war would be after we've gone.

    I have had a very tough time with "absolutes" - like never, always, etc. I have seen that there are many exceptions to the seemingly "perfect rule". So, I bring this full-circle back to John Lenon, and simply say "you may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

    I could just keep quoting various John Lenon songs :blink:

    The fact that you bring up 9/11 means that you only sympathize with USA. You really don't care what goes on in arab countries. There are many things worse than 9/11.... to name a few: Drunk driving (kills more than 50,000 per year - compared to a one-time 3,000+), cigarettes, pollution, severe weather (it's getting worse every year).

    I don't mean to get away from your point - I accept that trust is a major problem. What would help this trust? Certainly dropping nukes on Iran wouldn't help this trust -- it would damage it permanently, right? If we reach out and prove that we aren't on a conquest (anymore at least), and finally bring something positive to their land.

    We know how is guilty of attacking us on 9/11. Knowing this doesn't resolve anything. My contention is that the USA govermnet is guilty of much worse offenses. We bully other countries in order to get what we want. The fact that we spend more on defense than the next 11 countries combined is outrageous -- not with my tax dollars! (well, I actually just paid my taxes - and they are going to forward a percentage of that money to Haliburton).

    The things that we have done - are much worse. In an attempt to start the Iraq war with more international support, Bush wanted to paint a B-52 with UN colors to draw fire from Saddam.

    We have lied to all of the American people about EVERYTHING leading up to war with Iraq. Why did we go - had 5 different answers in the first 2 years (from "the reason that I keep saying that there is a connection between Saddam and Al Q is because there is a connection between Al Q and Saddam" to "spreading democracy" to "we have to fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here"). What ever happened to Mission Accomplished (they initially denied that they made the "Mission Accomplished" banner for the aircraft carrier Bush landed on... they said that the crew put it together.... LIE!) We lied to the UN - knowing the truth on many points, yet we tried to scare everybody onto our side.

    What we really need to do is prioritize.

    I am glad that you are not American. I think that I may move to Canada one day - and die of old age (rather than toxins in the air/water).

  2. ...belief that a "zionist should never be near their sacred land", and acting on "eliminating/removing that zionist, by any means necessary, no matter where they are, near (their sacred land) or far (even as far as the USA, remember 9/11?)".

    I am pretty sure that by what you said, you haven't read the whole texts of any of Bin Laden's rants. You know that we only were fed a small portion on the news... the specific complaining about America" was left out for the most part. Read his rants if you want:

    It is a really sad read. If you didn't look at Bin Laden's picture - or read that it was his statements, you might imagine that it is a simple arab living in a repressed land - with many complaints about America.

    I think that what you say here just demonstrates what I say about the trust. By how you bring up 9/11, you are playing into Bush's plan. We were supposed to reach out and be diplomatic.

    Anyway, I want a debate about ths -- We should end this war now. There should be an investigation into the actions of the executive branch of our government. We should all hold them responsible -- after all, they work for us - we are HIS boss.

    PS: I do like your humor with the "Long Live the Humans!" It reminds me of the Twilight Zone episode for some reason "How To Serve Humans".

  3. Not really something for the Technology part of the forums, more Gaming part.

    I don't know if I agree. If this gaming engine was something really new, it would be new technology. Perhaps there would be a virtual reality component that also lends itself to better training for surgeons. Has anybody else seen the Discovery Channel's bit about video games making better surgeons (kinda scary, but not really once you think about it - better hand-eye coordination) It all depends.

  4. The best way to get traffic is to pay for it - google AdWords is what comes to mind for me. Basically, you pay per visitor-click. If you pay for 300 visitors a day through google, you should get somewhere close to 300 new visitors (being realistic to what demand your site might have).

    There are many many sites out there that are designed to instruct you how to get traffic to your sites - and they work. It isn't as bad as the real estate commercials where they claim that they are making "$50-100k per month and so can you!!!"

    They basically created these sites with all of the service affiliates in mind - that is to say, when you read their tips on how to create a site, you'll see tons of ads for web hosting services, design services, domain sales, etc.

    The best one that I came across recently was one titled "Web Development" - with many sections dealing with your exact question - how to drive traffic. This web can be found http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    There are tips about URL submissions to search engines, writing press releases, getting listed in directories, etc.

    Good luck - let us know what else you learned.

  5. I realize that this may be something that people make lots of money at, but may not talk about it.My idea is that there are enough of these API developer type things out there, I may never have another boss again.Anyway, my early research indicates a broad potential for little search assistants for some of these. Has anybody here ever taken on anything like this - would be willing to discuss any parts of this - up to the point of certification?

  6. i signed up to recieve an invitation about 3 weeks ago. nothing so far so i will keep waiting.
    Xisto i believe uses this service. would be nice to hear from 'm to see how this service has worked for them

    It may be possible that they respond quicker to somebody who has multiple google accounts, or was an active member in earlier Google Beta testing. I know that I was one of the first to have a gMail account - when they were selling for $200+ on eBay.

    Whatever you do, even if you are not that much of a web administrator, get down with Google Analytics. If you don't do any advertising, or sell anything on your page, you really don't need the power that they offer. It really is geared toward a website that is making you money.

  7. I keep hearing John Lenon's voice and guitar in my head. Could we all just start spreading this around? "WAR IS OVER!" Just send an e-mail with these three lines. WAR IS OVER! If you want it PS: spread the wordI can't imagine that we are accomplishing anything by killing each other. This whole campaign in Iraq is now sold to us under the "spreading democracy" moniker. The truth is that we are on a conquest. There is no trust anymore. It seems this way, anyhow. I think that the force-fed "fear the terrorists" messages have caused us to have less trust in our neighbors. We all need to get along - and trust one another. We all need to make friends out of those who would harm us - rather than point the finger and say things like "islamic fundamentalist all want to kill us". This just isn't true. They really want for us to get out of their land - really. Read what Bin Laden or his #2 (Al Z. - forgot his name) said many times. They don't want Zionist anywhere near their sacred land. So, we should just respect this - and the problem would be SOLVED.Who cares what they believe. The key is that they believe something - it doesn't mean that they are right. You possibly believe some strange things about your religion (nothing specific implied) - at least to an outsider, it may be really strange. The point is that it is only a belief.Why can't we just mind our own business? I really think that it all boils down to this. If we could all learn to mind our own business, and have some of the trust mentioned earlier, "...and the world will live as one"

  8. So, would an attack on Iran using nuclear warheads make the United States the most dangerous government in world history?How can this argument have any credibility after what we know happened with respect to the time before going to war with Iraq? Iran has a much larger, more powerful army.Does the USA have the right to say who can have nukes, and who can't? If you read Fareed Zarcharia's latest article, we shouldn't have this right. There were a few countries that were allowed to have nukes after the 1960's cold war.The bottom line is that we know that this weapon is inhumane. How could a country that boasts about its peace-loving, humanitarian, spread of democracy -- how could we justify using any kind of a weapon like this?I have my problems with conventional warfare as well. The fact is - whoever is mightier is not always right... or "War doesn't determine who is right, only who is left".

  9. The Cause of Cancer: ...

    All brilliant. And from what I have read and know, all accurate. I even agree with the bit about government standing in the way of progress.

    Where I diverge is that I feel we should be putting a portion of our research energy into simply identifying the various chemicals that cause the mutations. Why in the world are we still producing ANYTHING that we know causes cancer?

  10. Hmm.... there were absolutely no noises associated with this sighting?I am leaning toward the brain playing tricks / tired eyes thing...Fu, is your vision going bad? Have you been exposed to any extremely bright lights (not your normal incandescants) before this?I really think that something similar happened to me not too long ago. I was already in bed, probably only 10 minutes - when I saw a bright flash -- like somebody took one of those old-time photos with the explosive phosphors. There was no noise... I panicked and think that my heart started pounding harder - not really skipping any beats. Hmm... these things really make you wonder about how much we really know.

  11. Ahhh... belligerence.... have you ever driven on any of the roads around NYC? So many rules, so little time... If I didn't drive defensively, I am sure that I would have been involved in an accident by now. Those people are crazy - and they are willing to wager their fender that they don't have to adhere to the rules.

  12. One way to check if they are spoof emails is to follow the link they suggest to where they want you to enter you personal details .... at this point look in the bottom right hand corner of your browser for a padlock icon .... if there isnt one then you are not on a secure site.
    With to regard to ebay spoof emails .... they would never contact you by email for your details , they would send you a message to your ebay inbox if they had a problem with your account details.

    Yikes! Don't ever click on these e-mails to confirm.... once you've done that, they know that your e-mail address is good. They keep trying that e-mail address (and possibly spread your address around to a few phishing friends. But, niloc is correct in what he says about them never sending you e-mails about stuff like that. You can see "How to detect spoof e-mail" at e-bay: http://pages.ebay.com/messages/page_not_found.html?eBayErrorEventName=p4fug%60fvehq%60%3C%3D%60mb6a54d.1773-2016.

    I think that my "feedback" e-mail address has been either scraped by bots - or simply added to a phishing list manually because my site had "Contact: mailto:x@y.com " -- easy to search for, and protect against if I had done what it takes (I think that it has something to do with editing the robots.txt file - confirm anybody?). In any case, 96% of the e-mails arriving at my feedback e-mail have all kinds of important sounding warnings about various accounts that I may or may not even have. All phishing attempts. All deleted immediately.

  13. I bet you that everybody was on edge for the whole year - 1340 years ago, or 666 A.D..Come on! It is just a number. So much study has been done about these special numbers - causing people to notice them everywhere.... I was once told that 11:34 was "HELL" time - if you look at it upside down on a digital clock. Right. Now, in order for this whole thing to work, we have to have numbers that look like letters upside-down on digital clocks. It is all ridiculous.In any case, I think that I must look at clocks only 10 times per day, yet I seem to see 11:34 just about once a day ---- ooohhhh.... spooky. Naaa... numbers are numbers are numbers. They simply have a cronological meaning - nothing more.

  14. I think that nearly anything should be considered. Possible sources of energy to drive these air compressers may be windmill, water turbines (dam), water mill (like wind mill, under water), solar, geo-thermal, kinetic, microwave.... (ok, getting carried away - Microwave?!).It is just great to see that there is much thought going into this. The sad fact is that this is only now being seen as a more urgent need. Most of the rest of the world has higher fuel standards for cars than America. It is just terrible to know that a large portion of people (making no assumptions about who posted here before me) are only now interested in these things because fuel is costing more by the day.If a country could pull together the resourcs to put a man on the moon in less than 10 years time, they could certainly solve some of our energy problems.I have heard about this car that runs on compressed air... can't remember any other details.

  15. Does google adsense work with subdomain names cause i would like to try it. Also if you had multiple sites with google adsense would you get multiple checks?

    I think that you would only be getting one check. I am 99% sure that you can use all of the subdomains you want, but I think that mine is all done under the main domain name.

    For product referrals (Google Adsense, and Mozilla Firefox), I think that it would drive the clicks if you place a blurb like "up to 20% of current Firefox users are a version behind". I can see that percentage by looking at my google analytics information (view by Browser version).

  16. I signed up for this service months ago but I have received no word from google. I am really looking forward to this service, and hopefully we'll get it sometime soon.

    Interesting that you haven't had a reply in such an amount of time... my response came with a month. I can say that it is worth the wait. Services like this aren't everywhere.

  17. Isn't competition great? I currently use PayPal for most of my sales needs, but I can only anticipate Google will create something much better.Perhaps from this, PayPal will compete with much better rates. I can't see how an ATM machine can even justify taking $2 or more per transaction, let alone a 8-12% steal on your sales.I can't get over the power of Google Analytics... of course, you have to add a little bit of HTML code to your pages, but the info you get is so worth it.

  18. We all know that the liquid that oozes from landfills is toxic. Also, we are learning that there are many enzymes that aid in the biological break-down of harmful chemicals. For example, enzymes are used when oil spills occur.Could a garbage bag be created that contains a variety of enzymes that assist in breaking down whatever harmful chemical they could?

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