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Brian Gillingham

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Posts posted by Brian Gillingham

  1. If you are like me, you have a Google AdSense account. You would like to get more product referrals for Firefox, wouldn't you?


    I wrote some PHP script that will either displays the Google - Firefox Referral" banner to non-Firefox users or your "Google AdSense for content" banner.


    If you didn't know, I believe that you only get product referrals for Firefox when a non-Firefox user downloads and installs the program - the target audience is non-Firefox users. This smart script never displays the Firefox referral to Firefox users, but shows the Google AdSense for content ads.


    Important: you must configure the parts in the code below to match your google <script> HTML block that you get when you access your Google AdSense account. Also, be notified that all double-quotes have been changed to single-quotes in the separate "echo" blocks.


    <?php  // SET THESE VALUES!!  $yourpub = "pub-################";  $colborder = "2F5F91";  $collink= "4040DD";  $col_bg = "F0F2F7";  $coltext = "3F3F3F";  $colurl = "008000";   $browserinfo = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];  if ( strpos($browserinfo, 'Gecko') )  {	if ( strpos($browserinfo, 'Netscape') )	  $nonfirefox = 'YES';	else if ( strpos($browserinfo, 'Firefox') )	  $nonfirefox = 'Mozilla Firefox (Gecko/Firefox)';	else	  $nonfirefox = 'YES';  }  else if ( strpos($browserinfo, 'MSIE') )  {	if ( strpos($browserinfo, 'Opera') )	  $nonfirefox = 'YES';	else	  $nonfirefox = 'YES';  }  $showit = 1;  // initialize to show the Google Ad  if ( $nonfirefox == 'YES' ) {	// change the second parameter below if you want to display the Firefox  	// product referral less frequently... shouldn't really exceed 10 or so... 	// change random calculation and any comparisons as needed 	$showit = rand(0, 3);	if ($showit == 3) {	  // display the Firefox Product referral Ad, but give the user a small testimonial	  echo "	  <center>		<small><font color='green'>I believe they do it better... and they are ahead of the curve.</font>  		<b>Download the latest version</b>.</small><br>	  </center>	  <script type='text/javascript'><!--	  google_ad_client = '$yourpub';	  google_ad_width = 468;	  google_ad_height = 60;	  google_ad_format = '468x60_as_rimg';	  google_cpa_choice = 'CAAQtYiYhAIaCPydp1XAd3jZKOm293M';";	}  }  if ($showit < 3) {	// display the Google Ad	echo "	<script type='text/javascript'><!--	google_ad_client = '$yourpub';	google_ad_width = 468;	google_ad_height = 60;	google_ad_format = '468x60_as';	google_ad_type = 'text_image';	google_ad_channel ='';	google_color_border = '$colborder';	google_color_link = '$collink';	google_color_bg = '$col_bg';	google_color_text = '$coltext';	google_color_url = '$colurl';";   }  // common ending for both blocks of Google Ad code  echo "  	//--></script>	<center>	  <script type='text/javascript' src='http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js'>	  </script>		</center>	<br>";?>

    Of course, you should save this code as a separate unit - "googleads.php" and include it anywhere you want by using an include statement.


    <?php include "googleads.php" ?>

  2. I worked on the layout a bit more, but if something specific is bugging you guys - let me know what it is, because I can't read minds. The main <div> should now be centered better, but I don't know if it's right.

    I also just completed code that displays similar programs (on any "products-####.html" page, like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/).

    The code looks at the keywords for the source program and queries to find other programs that have the same keyword in the same category. It compiles a list, ordered by score (most-matches display first).

    This is a pretty nice feature, I have to boast. Consider searching for any type of software... seeing a list of a few similar software titles would possibly help you to find EXACTLY what you want (especially from a large list of possible matches like we have at BetterWindowsSoftware - 29456 titles and growing...).

    Also, for anybody interested in creating their own nearly-FREE hosted software download site, I wrote a utility that allows 5000 free submission attempts, but you can register for $25. It will import the list of PAD files into your PADkit website - all of the info is on my Auto PAD Submit utility page. You could alternatively purchase a pre-populated database for a bit more $$$$.

  3. vegetarians are more brainwashed than meat eaters. meat eaters don't go around shunning vegtables. Meat eaters eat both vegtables AND meat.
    In case you people didn't know, humans are built to eat both meat and vegtables. Which is why we are called OMNIVORES. We are not meant to eat JUST vegtables or just meat.

    The problem with people and society today is that everyone always takes things to EXTREMES. When people hear something is good for them, they will only eat that one thing. Or when they say something is bad, they will cut it out of their diet entirely. This is RETARDED.

    People are meant to eat BALANCED diets. Eat your veggies, meat, fruits, and grains.

    Who is more brainwashed? You'd say that it is me - a vegetarian... who, at his own will (which is a key to not being brainwashed), researched the matter and came to these conclusions.

    You meat eaters eat everything... that's right. You are just fooled into thinking that it is good for you. That's where the brainwashing comes in. Nearly all facts indicate that any human diet that contains meat is not as good as a vegetarian. If you believe what they tell you - you are brainwashed, that's all. So, do you really believe that meat is good -- high protein is better -- milk, at least two full glasses a day... I could go on...

    You say that a balanced diet is good. Here we agree - well, almost agree. Everything but the meat makes a very nice balance (but brainwashing has told you that the pyramid must contain a meat component, eh?).

    There seems to be absolutely no nutritional evidence brought forth by any of you pro-meat people, so I conclude that meat eaters ARE brainwashed - to one degree or another.

  4. ...There are many vitamins that you need that are always found in meat and non-meat eaters are the ones who are missing out on some important nutrients only found in meat.

    I just proved that you are brainwashed on this subject. There is nothing true to your statement. Name one nutrient that is only found in meat - and show me that I really need it. Also, you probably think that 20% of calories by protein is good for you (I'd recommend a change of diet, but I am not a Doctor.... he'll tell you that when you are an obese 60 year old in need of an angioplasty). Needing more calcium for stronger bones is also a myth (research indicates that calcium is absorbed and not available to the bones in those with higher protein diets - it is a linear graph ... the more protein, the less calcium your bones will get). Remember that they said that eggs were the best food for you... a little later on, they said that only the whites are good... later on, the whole egg is good again, now it is back to just the whites being good.

    I hate Communists more. The biggest devil on this planet that took the most lives was Communism and even the ieals of Karl Marx would work only in a perfect world which is not possible. Even though I think the working people deserve more rights, Communism did not give them that rather the opposite.

    I wouldn't really say that any communists were brainwashed. They all knew what the common goal was. Now, the Republicans - they are drinking the kool aid by the super-gulp. To say that they are not brainwashed would be to say that they are in full control of where they are driving, right? They remind me of oompah-lumpah from the Willi Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - a bunch of fat republicans, aimlessly wondering around while working on oil (or candy if you like).

  5. What? Does that make any sense? No. Religious people have no connection to any cults unless evil people trick them into joining one. Yet again, that makes no sense. Maybe you should research your facts before you make stupid statements that without thinking or having any behind the scene facts.

    Uhhhh... I am really sorry to burst your perfect argument, but this next quote should be all of the proof / research you need:

    1. a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
    b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
    2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
    3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
    4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
    a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
    b. The object of such devotion.
    6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

    n 1: adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices 2: an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season" [syn: fad, craze, furor, furore, rage] 3: a system of religious beliefs and rituals; "devoted to the cultus of the Blessed Virgin" [syn: cultus, religious cult]

    Now, take any definition you want. Any other takers on the Religion == Cult issue?

  6. I really get worked up whenever I am exposed to people who are brainwashed - and don't even know it.


    Here's my short list of groups that I believe to be brainwashed:

    Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein.

    Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members.

    Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment.

    White Men - even though they can't admit it, they assume to be better than everybody else.

    SUV drivers - they actually think that they need their large vehicle. How many times do I see a single person driving any SUV; it makes me want to cry.

    Capitalists - when they believe that profit is the most important driving force in our dynamic world.

    Hmmph... it looks like I just described my dad.

  7. My main beefs are with the following:


    * "Animal rights" ...

    * "Human rights" ...

    * "Protect the environment" ...


    I don't think that you allow yourself to see the good side. Vent it out buddy. I think that you feel excluded because nobody from these groups ever tried to reach you and embrace you (figuratively).


    Sometimes protests are good, sometimes they are bad. In the news over the past month, you probably remember the massive immigration protests across America. I believe that these protests were counter-productive. Other protests that I believe to be pointless is anything by the KKK; they want to redistrubute the rights according to their standards (ignoring the preamble to our constitution, "...all men (and women - should have been added to the preamble by now) to be created equal..."


    The animal rights issue - with your example, I think you are crazy. If we were lower on the food chain, you'd hope for something to be fighting for your rights - especially if those superior creatures were just dumb enough to enslave us all for them (think about a factory farm full of chickens - with each only given less than 2ft sq of space). Does anybody remember the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Human"?


    partial quote...I'd much rather have them be tested on than actual humans. Sure, it's cuel, but it's the only way to learn. And also, I am a very proud, very hungry, meat-eater. @_@ Give me more chicken! I want my beef!

    Well, absolutes like "always" and "never" and "only" seldomly occur in factual statements - usually there are exceptions to the rule. Imagining that testing on animals is "...the only way to learn..." is unfair and objectively way off-target. Did you ever consider that another way might be to actually test things on humans (in College, you can usually make some good money if you want to be a test subject).


    If you need to know the effects of a new "shampoo X" on your scalp, which of the following should you do?

    test the shampoo on a rat

    test the separate chemical components on rocks

    see what it does to your scalp

    make a chicken eat the shampoo

    Using the logic of testing products for their effects on animals is like Galileo making his theories about gravity by throwing two objects to the ground at different speeds.


    Now, the fact that there were environmental protesters that left a bit of garbage... it is good that they littered. Now, I will explain -- please don't take this the wrong way, but environmentally speaking - nearly all garbage would decompose faster if it wasn't buried in landfills, rather spread out over the surface (littering) of the earth - (this is due largely to the amount of physical disruption at the surface (wind and rain) along with the UV rays from the sun). The fact that we bury all of this garbage only makes it decompose slower not faster; I guess that we'd rather not look at garbage being broken down by nature "out of sight - out of mind."


    We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, rather we borrow it from our children.

    Native American saying.


    I think that protests and activism is good and beneficial to the development of a good democracy. Thomas Jefferson saw the value of rebellion and activism - it was their passion or their voice - similar to that person's vote.


    Remember, without activism we'd have never rebelled against the British (no Boston Tea Party. Without protest, we'd have a $3.50 minimum wage.

  8. I took a qiuck look and it looks really well laid out. Nice Work. I would love to know how much software you actually have on there?

    I have 21,359 software titles listed as of today.

    The filtering really is nice. You can start out by specifying the program type (freeware, shareware, etc), and filter results with the click of a button. (you could also specify the program type with the initial query)

    I recently was e-mailed an offer from another download site to create my own site based on their site's template and initial database of only 17,000+ titles - for over $1,000 sale. I created my database, and perhaps I could sell it for $1,001 or more. Ha! I really wouldn't sell my database - unless somebody offered more than that. What I got cost $0 - and has well over 3,000 more titles.

  9. OK, I see button for picking to view freeware and paidware, but when I click one of those links, I see downloads in all categories, not the one I was currently viewing. As I mentioned earlier, I like Download.com's filtering tools.

    Ok.... now the filtering buttons should work - as well as the "Next / Prev" page links -- maintain the currently selected filter. So, if you are looking for "DVD" and you have the Freeware filter on, you should be able to navigate all "Freeware DVD" selections - until you change the filter.

    Having said that, I have noticed that there are quite a few programs listed that have prices and they are categorized as "Freeware" (based on the author's PAD file specs). I think that I should modify the query to also require "price=0" when searching for Freeware.

    Now that the filtering works, it is much easier to find the kind of program that you need.

    Thanks to everybody for the kind words about my site. The design is getting better based on your recommendations here -- THANKS! Feedback is good - I hope to make the site good enough to get people to bookmark it.

  10. ... A feature recommendation: At the bottom or top of each category page, add filtering options similar to Download.com (OS, license, Size, etc.) That will help bring you more traffic as far as I can tell...

    I am working on the filtering for categories... I want to include features like those from download.com, but I think that http://www.softpedia.com/ has a pretty nice way to filter. I will have to look at download.com again... Thanks for the tip.

    I NEED to filter the list of software - it is getting to be HUGE. I initially thought that there would be only around 15,000 listings, but it looks like it will be more than 20,000 when I am done importing. I am working on extending the database a bit to handle download count and possibly add user ratings.

    I also want to add another form for submitting a listing - that doesn't depend on the PAD XML file format. The site shouldn't exclude those authors who don't create PAD files.

  11. It's alive! (some reason, the Frankenstein quote is so relevant... more on that later).

    I have a pretty generic software download site up now. It can be found at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

    If you are looking for ANY software, I am pretty confident that you can find a good shareware or freeware application. The site hosts a database of over 18,800 programs! I actually wrote some code to do the importing . The software is all imported from the ASP PAD file repository (ASP="Association of Software Professionals" .. PAD=Portable Application Description XML files). I should have a bigger number when I am finished importing the PADs. PAD sites allow developers to quickly list their software at multiple sites.

    I am currently developing the site to filter searches based on platform and/or software type (Freeware / Shareware / Trialware, etc.) Also, the look and feel of the listings is going to be improved. I am adding database tables / fields to allow for download tracking and developer advertising ("featured" programs). I am also putting together some code that reads / creates RSS feeds.... so, this "creation" is a real Frankenstein of different bits of code.

    I'd love to hear what you think about my new site.

  12. So, this has got to be nearning the end for this administration, right? It seems that there are enough scandals and investigations going on now to get ready for the chaos that will follow.

    I hope that the new speaker of the house (probably Nancy Pelosi, eh) will get straight to business with the impeachment. There is no reason to hesitate. If we wait much longer, there will inevitably be more damage done. The time is near....

    Bush / Cheney authorized declassification of Valerie Plame in order to make what Joe Wilson was not true. Joe Wilson is a hero. In fact, Bush's father as President in 1991 called Wilson a "real American hero" pointing to the important work Wilson has done as a diplomat ("A True American Hero" - Salon news story).

    Cheney can go to hell - or is that his secret hiding place? If his approval rating were any lower, he should QUIT! Isn't he dragging down the administration (just like Rumsfeld)? What a great story teller... too bad his stories all alway LIES. Cheney's lies are among the most-damaging to American credibility. Reports that Cheney got about Iraq's nuclear program said that it was decaying and He (Saddam) was further away from nuclear weapons in 2003 than he was in 1991. I am not even going to provide any link here for this -- you KNOW that Cheney is a liar.

    So, the head of the CIA just resigned (over links the "Duke Cunningham" scandal read about "Duke").

    A special report came to the conclusion that FEMA would be better off if they scrapped it and started over.

    The goverment spending is STILL out of control. Did you know that we are building a $0.5 BILLION dollar embassy in Iraq? With so much urgent rebuilding needed in Iraq, did you know that this is one of the few building projects that is ON SCHEDULE in Iraq? Read more about this here.

  13. Ahem!.... Now, Kioku, you really drank that Kool-Aid up there. Get a spine. :lol: I am pissed. I hate what America is doing. I am ashamed to call myself an American, but I feel that it is my duty to rise up against unjust laws and unjust wars; it is my responsibility as an American to speak my opinion. As Thomas Jefferson typed into his blackberry to William S. Smith Paris in late 1787:

    What country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?
    I guess that since I am a pacifist (and don't own a gun), I have to appeal to the nature of those friends of mine who are NRA ___(insert adjective here)___'s.The point I made with respect to Bush saying "If there was a leak out of my administration, I want to know about it" is to prove a point - Bush is a horrible despicible liar of the worst sort. The facts are coming out about this - and it doesn't look good for the administration (look at the 32% approval polls). The fact that they would declassify something for the SOLE PURPOSE of discrediting somebody who was opposed to the war... There was no truth to the administration's claims about uranium - Joe Wilson was not lying. You see - they declassified the identiy of his wife only to keep their case for going to war a stong case (Valerie was asked if her husbad would be able to go to Niger - she didn't recommend).Talk about a landslide victory. If people weren't so apathetic in this country, he wouldn't have been able to beat the spread. By beating the spread, I mean - how many votes they needed to manufacture to squeak out a win. Isn't it completely ironic that the past two elections were down to less than 1,000 votes in places? Experts agree that the voting results that came back from mostly democratic neighborhoods statistically couldn't have voted for Bush to that degree - considering that exit polls have NEVER been wrong (exit polls indicated that Kerry should win many places by at least 5%). People testified to the fact that they were forced from the building when votes were tabulated (in Ohio 2004).If they are willing to lie to the American people - and lie to the Senate, and lie to the United Nations -- what in the world would make you think that they wouldn't cheat on an election? :lol: I think that it is a widely accepted fact that politicians lie from time to time - not ALL THE TIME like Bush does. There are multiple investigations going on with respect to the things that this administration has been doing. The end of his reign is near - King George is MAD!So, long story short - after they stole the Presidency of the USA, they lied about everything .... we went to war because we believed them (in a time of great terror - and faith in our leaders) .... people are dying. This whole cycle makes us more enemies in the future, not less. It is very obvious that the "Iraqi resistance fighters" are not defeated.He should go back to cheerleading. At least, he was only cheering for a touchdown before. I can't stand when this *BLEEP* cheers for something like killing arabs because they are islamic.

  14. Bush on Gas prices -- pre 2000:


    Mr. Bush was critical of Al Gore in the 2000 campaign for being part of the administration that's been in charge while the price of gasoline has gone steadily upward. In December 1999, in the first Republican primary debate, Mr. Bush said President Clinton must jawbone OPEC members to lower prices.


    Hmmmph... he actually said this? There should be no surprise that his approval rating is hovering around 30% right now - as the price per gallon flirts with $3/gallon. This year, oil corporate profits per gallon was over 90˘ per gallon - yet last year it was closer to 30˘



    I told you so...


    I have felt like going to all of my friends and family who actually supported and voted for Bush. I told them all - at the time that he would lie, and twist the truth, and assert pressure on Arab countries - as well as not capture Bin Laden. Well, I joked that they would catch Bin Laden if Bush's approval rating dropped below 40%... maybe they are waiting for just below 30%.


    There were so many signs at the time that Bush would be following the path that he is on, yet so many people were supporting this WAR president - "remember 9/11?" ... "he keeps his word - not a flip-flopper".


    Well, he has proven himself to be what he is - a complete liar so far. He tells us what we want to hear.

    before first election, Bush argued against nation building and foreign military entanglements. In the second presidential debate, he said: "I'm not so sure the role of the United States is to go around the world and say, 'This is the way it's got to be.'"

    "If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know about it"... HE WAS THE LEAKER!

    Bush said, "I don't think you can win it" (on a war on Terror)... later said "We meet today in a time of war for our country, a war we did not start yet one that we will win." and "we are winning, and we will win"

    pledged to not touch the Social Security reserve -- oopsie daisy.

    on N. Korea - no offer of incentives to disarm... Ok, here's some incentives....

    originally against creating Homeland Security department - then proceeded with largest expansion of Federal Goverment since the creation of the Defense Department

    Both Bush and Cheney initially said that homosexuals could "do what they wanted to", now both are completely anti-gay marriage

    He is basically still just a cheerleader - for the Project for a New American Century. Wikipedia - PNAC Global domination is the plan.

  15. Here's a question that I always ask those god-believing pushers:


    :lol: If god created all of this stuff, who created god?


    :lol: What was here before god?


    :lol: Did god have a god?


    So, you really believe that god created the entire universe --- shortly after creating HIMSELF?! I mean, he couldn't exactly go about creating a universe if he didn't exist. I don't really care that if he created himself before there was a universe, he would have to be completely non-etheral... which I guess you already believe, but it leaves the question "who created god?".


    Another question for "intelligent design" fans, why did he put the male's testes where they could be kicked? That's not intelligent at all - I would have come up with something MUCH better than <;) OUCH!> that.

  16. Welcome to the building project for "You Save The Planet"


    My Wiki around You Save The Planet is now up, but I will need some time to configure it...


    Open house? I suppose that a website is not really ready for the "Open house" until everything is in place. I want to say that this is more of a "Welcome to the building project.... I'm the site foreman... don't trip over any of that HTML". :lol:


    The site can be found: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. if you are an envrionmentally conscious writer, have any ideas or comments, please use the Wiki's "Contact us" link.


    As for now, I plan to allow people to register as editors. I really don't know how to control this - I should also try to get some professional quality authors to contribute. Could you imagine if I could get Bill Maher to write an article on the subject of political apathy, or anti-corporate farming.


    I have been browsing around for some quality environmental RSS feeds - for News pages on various topics. If you have any recommendations, please pass on the RSS info.


    Registration is FREE - for now


    I plan to start charging for registered subscriptions in a couple months. Even though we'd still allow anybody to subscribe to our "Tips newsletters", the benefits of registration will be valued by the additional rights and privledges (like voting and competing in Banner competition, submitting directory links, most importantly - having more of a voice than anonymous users).


    The idea behind the banner competition would be that registered users could submit a banner in each size category (optional), and vote for monthly winners. Those winning banners would be used to promote our community in the ads we place across the internet. The winners would have the pride of having created the ad for whichever month. Hopefully, I could track stats - to allow users to view the actual clicks from each banner type. At the very least, we would keep a monthly of the winners.


    I know somebody who potentially wants to collaborate already (friend websites ~ swap content ~ cross promote). His website is all about alternative fuels - with a focus on bio-diesel.


    Notice from Brian Gillingham:
    Tiki update from 1.8.6 to 1.9.2 completed.... should have been completed in a few hours, but issues cropped up by trying to use the same directory.

  17. I just want to put out a little caution for everybody.Be very careful when using most FTP transfer programs. If you double-click on any file (either local, or remote) it usually transfers that file across to the other side. Be especially careful if you have set up the default to overwrite.I found this out when I was doing some admin with a PhpNuke site, and I wanted to view its config.php file, but I transferred that file to my local directory (which was a local nuke). At the time, I just thought it was strange that the file didn't view or launch.... but, it simply nested itself in a bad location. Apparently, my local nuke stopped working due to the different values contained within.I changed my setting in Filezilla - setting the action for a file's double-click (since version 2.19):

  18. The propaganda is all around us -- the short list of those to replace the press secretary include Tony Snow! That's right - FoxNEWS's own Tony Snow....

    This song sends chills down my spine every time I hear it. If you are not a folk music fan, you may not like Ani's music. It is her poetic way of saying some of the coarsest things - mixed with her amazing talent with the guitar.

    To The Teeth
    The sun is settin on the century
    And we are armed to the teeth
    We are all working together now
    To make our lives mercifully brief


    And if I hear one more time
    About fool's rights
    To his tools of rage
    I'm gonna take all my friends
    And I'm gonna move to canada
    And we're gonna die of old age

    Ani Difranco - To the Teeth lyrics (full)

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Please quote all copyrighted materials or when copying from another source.

  19. The site has to be better than the clan sites - if it is only average, it will be a failure in my eyes. This is certainly the kind of site I want to put my efforts into. I used to be more involved with activism in my college days. This has to be one of the best way to spread the word - education.Is this the type of site that people will subscribe to? I know that the urgency of doing something to "Save the Planet" has increased over the last few years. It is never too early, and better to error on the side of "we better do something now".If anybody has any ideas about what other content we should have, or features that we can (try to) include - I'd be greatly in debted for the thoughts. Keeping all of the clutter clear is a difficult job.

  20. Whaddya' think? I have to use the non-Xisto hosted because I am yet to request hosting.... very soon.


    I am developing this as a place where people can subscribe to newsletters, articles, RSS feeds - etc.


    I have the domain name already, but I haven't connected the DNS nameservers yet. I will be Xisto hosted - I am pretty sure that you can supply the domain name instead of having anything like XYZ.trap17.com, right?


    In any case, I will follow up this post - sometime shortly after Earth Day (April 22nd).


    It will feature a php driven CMS capable of nearly everything (gotta love TikiWiki) - it will take me a while to carve it down to size and customize it a bit. Here's a sample from our home page:


    Our Goal: educate


    Our goal is simple and possible to achieve. The underlying goal would be that together, we will save the planet. The current problem is that a majority of the people either don't care or feel that they have no power


    Through education, we can learn the better paths to take. Through education, we can teach others the environmentally conscious things we have learned.


    "Be the change you wish to see..."


    What can you do? How much difference can I make? What harm am I causing? All of these questions are addressed here. In our forums, we discuss these questions and more. As for specifics, we will have a "Glossary" section, where these terms and questions are defined. As an anonymous user, you will be free to search the forums, and articles.


    Membership Privileges:

    * post messages in the forums

    * submit event dates for our calendar

    * submit links for the Directories

    * create and vote for our promotional banners!

    * write articles

    * edit content

    * submit conservation tips

  21. ahhh... I thought that he was called Pan - Kokopelli it is - I think that the font's name was Red Rock. I have since lost the font - wish I had it again. I guess I could find it again if I needed it, but there were a bunch of characters - more like the one's you're familiar with, but I preferred this one for some reason - perhaps because it looked like he was tokin' on a big hookah.

  22. the question is: HOW DO YOU UNDO NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY? or more precisely: IS IT WISE TO UNDO NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY? it's out there already, for decades, which any nation with sufficient resources can develop and use to their advantage. as always, any technology is double-edged. good or bad, depending on who uses it, and how they use it.

    Anybody out there have an answer to this - "HOW DO YOU UNDO NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY?" :lol:

    What happens one day when a tiny third-world country develops the next weapon of mass destruction. This weapon would make nukes look like C4 explosives even though it would be less damaging. Perhaps it is the Hypno-bomb, causing no deaths - just confusion and impressionability. What about the super-sleeper bomb... puts everybody to sleep for 12 hours or so... enought time to accomplish a major WHATEVER.

    The day that any country develops something greater than the nuke, would the nuke be the FINAL WORD like it is now? :blink:

    Would that be what it takes? Were my ideas examples of chemical warfare?
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