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Brian Gillingham

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Posts posted by Brian Gillingham

  1. This looks like a good idea - to make a graphical layout and eventually break the bits apart to make the graphics for the various CSS elements, right? I could imagine a few "habbo" icons in use throughout - example: email icon in that graphical style, and perhaps something else in the background of the green area (or are you representing transparent with that "lime" color?).I took the approach of making the CSS layout first - for example: use of hover and horizontal CSS navigation menu, "box" divs, and styled rows, etc. I just used an initial set of graphics for the CSS to work; the graphics have evolved several times long after most of my CSS was finalized. Am I not making sense?In any case, after making the initial style and graphics, I decided to incorporate a user-switchable control for selecting styles. I have four styles "Blue", "Green", "Simple" (no graphics), "Tan". If interested in how to code PHP and HTML for the styles select - PM me.

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    edit to remove un-neccesary "quote" tags. The referenced posting is right above this one

  2. I believe that some president in the future would not have made the same mistakes that Bush has -- especially given the historical lessons learned by Bush's mistakes (doh! :lol:). You must have missed Barack Obama on Meet the Press today; his answers give me hope for more SMART politicians one day soon.


    It really isn't a question of rebuilding houses in Iraq -- I don't remember that being stated anywhere in the lead up to the war or after it evolved into a war for reasons other than WMD and getting Saddam and bringing democracy, and stopping torture (we SAID that we were going to stop the torture. Big whoops there!).


    I argue in a previous post here that the Mission in Iraq IS accomplished, so we should LEAVE NOW!!!.


    What is the mission in Iraq today??? The better question seems to be "Is Bush hiding his reason for staying in Iraq?" You must be an idiot to not have a good reason for being there -- when all 16 intelligence agency reports pretty much agree that the US presence in Iraq is spawning new anti-American terrorist at a rate faster than we're killing them. Is Bush an idiot? No, I think that Bush must have a good reason for wanting to stay in Iraq.... but he can't tell us Americans for some reason. He only says that we must win this war - nothing else is an option. The reasons that he gives are mostly factually incorrect and logically bad arguments.

  3. I kind of agree with you, but not really. Yeah, it was wrong to go into Iraq, but what do you want the U.S to do. Pull out the troops now and let Iraq rot with terrorists all around. Since we began all of this mess, How about we finish it. It's like building a house. Since you started it, you must finish it even if it is challenging and difficult to complete. Don't call the republican party "terrorists" because I think Bush isn't the only person who would have done what he has! And also it would be damn hard to catch someone if a whole country like Pakistan and surronding countries are with this particular person. I do appreciate what you said and feel your anger and frustration!


    The analogy to the building of a house is only fair if you first state that this house was first lived in by some Iraqi family BEFORE our invasion -- and that the house has been destroyed (directly or indirectly as a result of our starting the conflict), and now we are responsible to rebuild that house, eh? We have absolutely every obligation to restore more than just their houses - how about their electricity and clean water? Many reports have these utilities at lower % levels than before our invasion (remember our "Shock and Awe" which really destroyed 99% of electricity for months and caused great damage to the water supplies). Not to mention that total deaths in Iraq are much higher than before our invasion -- it could be inferred that if Saddam were still there, the world would be better off (many international analysts agree).


    I said that the use of ads like "The Stakes" by the Republican party - are terrorist actions by definition. You can't argue that -- and you make no point by saying that Bush isn't the only one who would have done what he did. What he actually did was attack a sovereign nation under the collective drive to find those pesky WMD (don't you remember how Cheney and Rice were being terrorists back then? -- "we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud") and later blame the fact that we're there to those who gathered there to fight the occupation (we label them mostly as "terrorists" or insurgents). :lol:

    Look up TERRORISM in the dictionary - and you will have to agree that the latest RNC ad, "The Stakes" is a terrorist action. Can't you see that they are trying to scare YOU? You see, with terrorism, nobody has to die - by definition, they only must be scared enough to influence the people.

  4. Bush will go down in history as the most stubborn and least wise of all Presidents of the USA.


    I emphasize "least wise" because I feel that there is no wisdom being used - only bad intelligence (remember the scene from "Team America"? Spotswoode "That was bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E., very bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.").


    So, Bush said very recently "There is one thing we will not do: We will not pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete."


    I know that he is trying to straddle the line for support from moderate republicans, keeping up the "tough image". But it simply isn't wise. Read Bush resists course change in Iraq


    This all makes me wonder - especially after Bush spoke on the aircraft carrier with the huge banner "Mission Accomplished!" So, if the mission is not accomplished after you declared it - after we didn't find WMD, after we killed Uday and Qusay (sp), after we caught Saddam, after we brought democracy, after they voted....


    The real terrorist today is the Republican party. Now, in this desperation, the Republican party has come up with an ad "The Stakes" using images of Osama Bin Laden that clearly aims to terrify people into voting for Republicans. Watch their ad - and ask yourself if they are trying to scare you into voting for them. They are using fear in an attempt to control the minds of the people - basically the exact definition of terrorism. Be afraid!!! Just don't be afraid of what they tell you to be afraid of - more frightening things include: Mass Starvation, destructive Climatic Change, New Pharmaceuticals, Idiot youth damned to repeat mistakes of our ancestors (lack of unbiased historical education), health epidemics, depletion of resources including WATER and AIR.


    If you feel that Bin Laden is a threat, blame the Republican party for not having caught him already. It amazes me that they'd be so stupid as to remind people that OBL is a threat - when they haven't dealt with that threat in any real way (diversion to Iraq probably ruined the early chances to deal with the threat) (CIA branch to hunt Bin Laden closed) (Bush don't care about Bin Laden). We'd have to be really stupid to vote for the people who failed dealing with the threat.


    After Bush failed to follow Bin Laden into Tora Bora, Bush said

    March 13, 2002 "Well, as I say, we haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him. I know he is on the run. I was concerned about him, when he had taken over a country".

    Now, let me get this straight... 2001 - Bin Laden executed plan for 9/11... Bush said "Dead or Alive". Six months later, Bush says that he doesn't care about Bin Laden.... now, we are told that Bin Laden is a huge threat again (he is a star in their commercial, after all). Remember that a few months ago, we learned a few months after the fact, that the CIA branch that was set up to hunt Bin Laden was closed. Bush denied that the office closed (typical), and Kerry wrote a letter demanding that the office open immediately and get the resources that it needs to finish the job and hold Bin Laden accountable for his actions - who's the tough guy here?

  5. Thanks for the meaningful reviews.


    One problem that we don't know how to tackle is the duplicates. Software authors get around the restriction by either submitting under a new company name or a new title name. It doesn't look like there are too many duplicates in our database, but we are aware of the problem and are working on a better solution - your ideas are always welcome.


    We recently added some user-selectable themes. Blue is the default, but the simple one contains no extra graphics - and can load quicker if you have a slower connection. The "Tan" theme is my new favorite.


    Advanced Search | Grid View


    We finished the "Advanced Search | Grid View" that allows for more specifics when you are searching (optionally specify "Operating System", "Minimum File Size", "Maximum File Size", "Program Category", "Program Type", ) - with control over sort column and items per page. It is a much quicker way to navigate through the data and it may eventually replace our search results output page. There are still some features to be added to this, but it is currently published and ready to use.

  6. we can only use 10 percent of our brain?...well then maybe those people that are "magical" and stuff have a gift that makes them use 20 or 30 percent....some people can just not be so open-minded and say none of it is true....it makes it believable if you know that fact....thanks!

    I have personally had many "images of the future" come true for me -- and I can also seem to find missing objects (like car keys) without ever having had contact with the objects. It freaks me out a bit, but I kinda think that there is something that I am in tune with sometimes. It helps to be "zen" when I notice any of my supposed powers. I guess that this speaks to the deep trance that is part of some mage and especially shaman pre-ceremonies.

  7. You are funny. You didn't answer anything - other than raise a few more questions.

    If you don't have an answer, you probably shouldn't comment - like "You can't please everyone" doesn't answer anything for anybody.... we're looking for convincing proof - not suppositions. So, that one is a non-answer.

    It is barbaric to think like Leviticus -

    We all know life is in the blood. It is because of that life that allows sin offerings/sacrifices to atone for sins

    - this is as bad as the supposed bad quotes that the media in the west takes from the Koran. This is freaking insane - think about it logically for just a second - and ask yourself how killing one thing attones for something else = crazy freaking blood-thirsty savage behavior. So, I ask why sacrifice - and you say "because of BLOOD?!" I'd say that this certainly qualifies as a non-answer for me. Even if sacrafices continued as livestock, that's voodoo baby! It all gave me more questions about this thirst for BLOOD.
    There have barely been a billion christians to this current date -- through all of history, added up.

    Ummmm.... why did the gates of heaven have to be opened with a sacrifice? - no answer

    If you believe that energy can't be created nor destroyed, why do you ask "Who/what created God?"? However, this is said with the assumption that you do believe that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

    I have to quote you here -- because you fail a grammar check - and I need to have it here to reference.... what the hell are you trying to say? Are you saying that God created himself if I agree that energy can be created and nor [sic] destroyed? Not an answer. Not convinced... even more convinced that I am talking to a fool (like I predicted).
    I will have to give you a passing grade for the effort, but sadly - I am left solidly convinced that there is not a God - thanks to your ramblings. Does any Bishop or Priests want to chime in here???? I used to be an altar boy for 18 years, so you better be one of the non-abusing priests. (can you tell that I feel that the catholic church's official handling of known abuse cases has blacklisted them for me!)

  8. The blank stare would come from lack of knowledge of their religion. It is easier to pick on "newbies" than it is to pick on the experienced. I would suggest those who receive a blank stare to ask the person how long they've been in their religion. Though, i must admit knowledge comes (faster) with the more work you put into something. A person who has been in something longer than another can have less knowledge in that something than the other.


    When I was about 19 yrs - I had too many questions, so I asked my priest at the time to let me get a few hours of his time to talk about my questions about faith. Not a "newbie" to say the very least; he was my favorite at our old parish, and we had a few really holy men as "Father". I must add that this great priest was one who had seen time as a field priest (chaplain?) in Beiruit during the crazy periods (I think that some of it was during the worst period of conflict there during past 25 years - but, maybe today is worse). He had such perspective as he had held many dying soldiers in his arms.... yet, we discussed all of my questions in as great detail as we could - and he could not answer any of my questions to any level of my satisfaction. It all came down to "faith"... and I was similar to the "doubting Thomas - who had asked to see the wounds of christ".


    Why did there have to be a sacrifice of a living creature (I define Jesus as a living creature, wouldn't you?) - to open the gates of heaven? I wonder why does God need to see things from man's persepective - because I have been told many times that this is why God allowed his son to die.


    Why can't women be priests? I really thought that he'd have the answer for this one for me --- but his answer pretty much sealed the deal with my respect to further "Faith" on this behalf.... Women can't become priests because they have mensus! They bleed from the crotch - and that was once considered filthy and not to be on the altar - or something along those lines.


    Well, maybe he could explain the whole if God created everything, who created God??? Did he create himself? I really pressed him on this one - and again, "Faith". I say "there's more proof of alien visitors in UFO's than proof of God" - yep.


    God just - woke up one morning and decided he'd create himself? The real answer is - and this is historical fact for the weary, man created God - not the other way around. Don't even try to argue the fact that Gods were created by ancient civilizations long ... long ... long before Moses, Mohammed, and Jesus. No real surprise when some guy in a desert who has been without food and / or sleep for several days thinks that he talked to God (no specific guy in the desert, just pick your prophet).


    So, if you want to convince an athiest on the existence of God, you will most-likely be making yourself look like a fool to them. As to how to convince them??? Try answering any one of my questions above.

  9. In the end, it's not what we say that'll convince someone that Jesus died for him/her so that he/she can go to heaven. We plant the seeds, but the flower might not bloom yet. Another person might have to water it. But in the end, God allows that flower to grow by using the Holy Spirit.


    What are you smoking? I know that the connection about Jesus dying = opens gates of heaven bit came long after he died and the pope / bishops "connected the dots" - all "according to scripture".


    I also want to know - what the prophets were smoking?

  10. yes, dont even try, 1 - it is not polite, 2 - hundreds of years ago conquistadord were doing that, killing.

    i consider myself as radical atheist, since i dont belive, but KNOW there is no god(if you belive there is no god you are not troo atheist), you dont even have base to start convincing me, but what you can do is tell others why you belive god exists, thou they may laugh at you. no offence ment to anyone by this post. ty.


    Agnostics believe that there is a God, but don't adhere to doctrines. They just believe that something almighty is out there. The difference is that Athiests don't believe in God whatsoever.


    I agree with the last few posts - I think that even though people have freedom of speech, speech would all be better if it were limited to facts. Sure, it may be more boring speech, but at least it is factual. I am pretty sure that things were pretty boring on the planet Vulcan (Star Trek reference). :)


    Anyway, I have engaged christians and jewish people about their religion. I am curious what makes the believer's mind work like that - because they always seem to have these huge gaps of "faith" and contradiction. I have never once been convinced of anything about God by a christian or jewish friend of mine. I would talk to some Asians, Arabs and Eskimo about their beliefs if I knew any here in Pennsylvania, but that is what forums are really good for - talking with your extended neighborhood.


    The bottom line for me is : you won't ever convince me of God's supposed existence because I live in a world that is based on reality. My mind does not need to have a "god" character to help explain what I can't understand. There were many things that I didn't understand during my first year of college, but that all changed; I accept that there are just some things that I may never understand - but that certainly is not a reason to say that God did it.

  11. In my opinion, this is the most useful web tool that I ever used to improve my pages. Try to get all of your scores in the green - and you should have made the bots happy. :)

    Widexl - Meta Tag Analyzer v2.1


    This might not be that great of a help if you are running any php forum, but perhaps the settings are there to configure various meta tags per topic, etc. I know that I installed a MOD that achieves that with my phpbb forums.

  12. OK first off you can't just stop going to work when your in the army. When they say you are done you can also get called back in. Make sure to know your facts. The only way to quit after signing up is getting injured where you can no longer fight.


    Next why should we let them fight for America? You don't let gangs fight on the streets here and kill people. Why is it OK if we are in another country with camo on? It isn't. The only difference is the president said to. If the president told you to jump off a bridge would you do it? A big portion of America would just because he is our leader. Well *BLEEP* our leader. He is thee worst president we have ever had. Clinton got a bad wrap, but all he did was get oral. It's so aggravating and frustrating when people don't see this.


    Finally. America pays back EVERYONE not only the people who "screw" with us, but people like Iraq who did nothing, but really flip off America. Yes, the leader of Iraq was evil and a horrible person, but do we really have to go and kill all those inocent people? Tell me is this really cool?


    Posted Image


    Is it? Is cool, awesome, or funny? Two dead children? What if they were your children? The people that say, well it's war, are the people i hate. You are the people who follow anyone. The people who never question anything. You go along in life just seeing the world as you were brought up. Step out side the box and just look at how many people are dead. There was NO reason to go over. Their was NO WMD, they did NOT have the terroists, and lastly they had never attacked us. If they do not attack us why should we go over there and start a god damn war?


    Sorry if i get a little emotional, but i just can't see how you people think it's alright. I'm sorry. I would REALLY like the mods and admins to not take that picture off. It's not too bloody and nothing to gruesom. I think it would be good to keep it up and at least make my point of view stronger.


    If you agree with me then i salutue you. You are a TRUE patriot. Patriots don't go out and kill innocent people. They are the ones that are supposed to bring PEACE and FREEDOM not DEATH and MURDER.


    I agree that this picture should stay up. Please do not remove this image and assist in the censorship that we are subject to daily. We should already declare that this is a closed case - in light of the last picture especially. Thank you very much for making the point that we are looking like the overall bad guy here. Nobody can justify these killings to me.


    If you disagree with what we are saying here, you simply don't want peace. That's the conclusion I have to make. Especially, no christian on the face of this earth should agree that the path to winning this war is through killing; we'd have to kill virtually all Arabs and then kill all who sympathize with Arab complaints - and then we'd probably have to quell the rest of the earth as they voice their dissent.


    Tell your Senator that you think that we should leave the Arab world - tell the Arabs that our bullets and tanks will no longer threaten their holy lands, and they will have to adhere to their holy words that you should only fight the infidel as long as he is in your land.

  13. I have been a faithful NHL EA player since '92. Of course, I skipped a few years, but I am pretty sure that I played at least every version.I was really disappointed when they changed a lot of the menu response since NHL 2005. They didn't heed the creedo of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!".Anyway, I've just about played the hell out of Doom III by now (intended pun), and I am looking for some good hockey on my computer.Say, is NHL's latest version worth the $$$$$?

  14. well Xisto has been a pretty good host in my opinion. i've not had many problems here. I used to use some free hosting places with ads on your site but it makes it look tacky and unprofessional and you don't usually get as good a deal as you get here

    I will agree with this - Xisto hasn't seemed to ever time-out on me like another free host that I had. That host had 170 other sites running, but grew too quickly I feel ... large chunks of time without any service at times.

    I replaced that other free host with a virtual all in one dedicated server. That host rocks! I have as much bandwidth and space as the near future could ever demand.

    I think that you should be able to get a good feel for how good any particular free host really is - before you sign up. I would think that some research should be done as to the host's support, "customer satisfaction". Another important factor would be the host's server setup - and how much "horse-power" their machine has (eg: 4 CPU, pentium 4). You should be able to get some good information by looking up the host's domain on whois.

  15. I don't see why all of this political polarization is necessary. George W. Bush might not have a clue of what's going on, but he's certainly not the worst president. Just because I don't support everything the President does, it doesn't make me a whiney hippy Fereinheit 9/11 fellating liberal. Just because I support bombing the *BLEEP* out of Saddam and toppling him doesn't mean I'm a holy rolling right wing conservative. I'm using common sense instead of blindly allowing a political party make opinions for me. My opinion?

    "Terrorism" is a problem. Yeah, yeah. Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11? No. Was Saddam paying people to walk into Israel and blow themselves up? Yeah. Did Saddam have WMDs? Yeah, but old ones from the Iran War. Most of the others he had are most likely in Syria. Case in point; Saddam was a problem. We had to get rid of him. I'm behind our troops.

    Is blowing yourself up smart? *BLEEP* no. Anyone with common sense can gather up that's ending your ability to percieve reality. Your life ends. Nice going, dipshit. What did you prove? Nothing? Alright. That's right. You're dead, I'm not. America wins, *BLEEP*. Blow yourselves up more. In fact, I encourage it. Perhaps if all of the extremists did it at once, the world would be a nicer place. That includes you far-right and far-left people, along with Al Queada. Hop to it if it sounds like that good of an idea. War kicks **bottom**. It helps our economy. When the war machines get rolling, the dollar bills go along with it. If I had to worry about everyone who died, I'd be a real pansy. That's how I view things, at least. If you don't like my opinions, too bad.


    It is an educated guess of mine that you are NOT of japanese descent. If you were, I really don't think that you would support bombing anybody like you do. I believe that you are whining (you spelled it incorrectly also). You cry because you learn that a majority of people believe that the war in Iraq is bad.... it is just terribly sad that the majority wasn't before we attacked!


    War is bad. It is not a game that people play to decide whose belief is correct. It determines who is left - not who is right! I don't care how you try to justify war. Certainly, boosting the economy doesn't justify killing. Also, according to the Bible, killing is a sin, eh. On top of that - you don't even mention the future effect of fighting this unjust war. You certainly heard the argument that this war is creating new terrorists (that hate America). I am guessing that you are an idiot - about 22 years old, and you're still a virgin.


    You should try to focus on peace. Peace makes economies stronger in a real way. War causes the economy to produce useless weapons.

  16. I agree that a world with no religion would be better than one where allowances are given to religion. The greatest tragedy of religion is the clash caused when two strong "beliefs" meet (think about islamic and christian beliefs - and how they have clashed in the middle-east for well over 1000 years). Imagine a world without the wasted time dedicated to religion - we'd be much more advanced if we didn't waste any time praying. The waste also extends to the actions of the billions of misdirected minds over the history of humans, for example: building a temple. These actions do nothing realistically and measurably constructive.


    Now, I acknowledge the only beneficial part of religious practice that I know - it makes people feel less stress when they imagine that there is a superior force in charge. They feel less overwhelmed.


    I like reality. I don't mind feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all - it is a friggin' big universe. There is more proof for intelligent life outside our planet than there is proof of god.

  17. If you are looking for signs from god, I am pretty sure that he would use something that is more meaningful than goosebumps. I think that those who "believe" make amazing (and illogical) connections as to what god is saying; think about lightening - that mystery is the source of one of our first "gods". Now, there isn't a patron-god for goosebumps, but maybe there should be like "Cillyberus - the god of goosebumps and shivers".


    I get goosebumps when I have to crap really bad - does this happen to anybody else?


    Maybe you just needed to crap really bad during the sermon.

  18. For a second, I thought that JasperIk was trying to make things worse - when he starts off with "I hate 'your mom' too...". I was thinking, I can't believe that somebody has the nerve to reply to ... oh! oops.That "your mom" expression is juvenile.I wouldn't ever go as far as killing somebody for disrespecting me - you may want to be careful posting things like "I swear, I'll shoot him" - especially if you ever wind up shooting him. :) Who is the real loser when things degrade to comments like this?Just hang in there - and continue to be strong. He's probably just sore that you kicked him out of the computer room.

  19. the message is about people trying to impeach president Bush. The rules are that every State in the country has to vote on impeachment proceedings and in which the House of Representatives and the Senate have to vote in which to procede to the inpeachment and if the 51 to 49 (senate) 217 to 216 (House of Representatives) goes through then hearings start in which all hte evidence is shown as to why they are being impeach and if found guilty then they are kicked out.
    Now with that bit of information it would be next to impossible to get bush since he has the tendency ot make documents disappear or make people disappear.

    Everyone knows he's a lying SOB but when you got people to pass the blame on then people will believe it blah blah blah.

    So basically im saying it is impossible to get bush and most likly no president will get impeach due ot the corruption the U.S Government has made since WWII though alagations have been made that FDR pulled a bush and let Pearl Harbor happen who knows how long our government has been corrupted.

    But that's what happen when people gain pwer they think they are above the system and so they change the rules.

    Techniqually if someone wanted to bush could be charged with war crimes against Iraq since he had no properable cause to attack them.

    I have more but im cutting it there.

    I hear what you are saying, but I have to say that there are proceedings started by John Conyers. There are more organizations pursuing George Bush's impeachement than there are major league baseball teams. The process of impeachement is not exactly as you say, but there is lots of red tape.

    There was a massive push in Germany for their Federal Prosecutor to investigate Rumsfeld and company for the suspected War Crimes in Abu Ghraib and other places.

    The real question is -- has Bush done anything criminal? Followed by -- shouldn't we impeach criminal presidents (not just infidelity)?

  20. I think its aint going to work.. Specialy I wont do that, why? because I think there is no point lol I dont even have a clue what that means. I really dont like if this message is sent like a chainletter then even more.. I will run outside and scream that word If in that day I will see 10 or 5 websites with that name at index..

    While I completely understand why somebody wouldn't want to participate in something like this, I have to ask that you refrain from saying things like "It ain't going to work" until after the date has passed. The classic defense of Bush has been just this -- "you could never impeach him, the Republican Senate and House would never approve." To this I say, don't count your chickens until they vote!

    That's the point exactly! If even a low percentage of sites have this "Impeach." message, you hopefully will bump into the mesasge a few times during the day's browsing. It is not intended to frustrate you (as it shouldn't take more than a few microseconds for a 1kb webpage "Impeach" to load -- and the main index will be still reachable - temporarily at a different name), but it should be considered similar to a protest.

    If the policy makers in America see this action as disruptive, or spawns too many complaints - they WILL HAVE TO do something about it because the elections are coming up. All political momentum based on support of the Iraq war has already been lost. It is certainly not good for a country when the people repeatedly have to mass together in protest. If protest strength wanes at this point - I will have to move to Canada or somewhere else that really has democratic system.

  21. He will probably know about it and not even want to turn a computer on that day, he will probably go and do something else, so I dont really see what the point is, the only people who are going to be affected in the end are the sites' visitors. Though it is a good point, but I think its pretty harsh, I would prefer they put that page as an index, and a link to move on to their site.

    The point isn't for Bush to see a few web pages that say Impeach - and he'll suddenly feel sorry for all of his lies - and step down from power. The point is to make a statement. In this case, I am joining with THOUSANDS of real websites that will be making this loud statement - across the world.

    The signifigance of this event can not be just overlooked. Having said that, this really isn't supposed to result in anything but further discussion on the topic of impeachment. If you seriously feel that there is no reason to impeach - you have not been paying attention over the past 6 years.

  22. I don't know if anybody is planning on participating in the world-wide Impeachment Day internet black-out, but we are at BetterWindowsSoftware. So, if we are going to do it - so can you.


    (taken from an impeachnet.net email I got)

    Starting at noon ET on September 1, 2006, and lasting 24 hours, websites and blogs all across the internet are being asked to replace their front pages with the single word "Impeach" in simple white text on a black background. Here's an example: http://impeachnet.net/




    Visitors to those sites and blogs will be able to click and link to the sites' usual front pages. But first they will see a word that, standing alone, is as powerful as any word right now: it is banned by our political and media leadership but more popular among citizens and activists than perhaps any other. It is both shocking and welcome. For 24 hours, web surfers and blog readers will see that word first when they visit their favorite sites. In this way, we hope to get the public talking about the one tool guaranteed by the Founders to restore our Constitutional Democracy. Please encourage your favorite websites to take part in this action. If you plan to take part, please let us know here:


  23. Hey Ladies and Gents!


    I wanted to sort of just make an announcement here - and get some feedback as well.


    After much fixing / design / coding / testing and refixing, the latest features have now been uploaded to the web site. There's been some serious changes made. We've listened to all of the feedback that came from earlier posts here; we modified some of our graphics - made some things faster - fixed a few bugs and now it is time to get some constructive criticism of the newer features. I am looking forward to some good critiques and some questions. I have edited this post - and inserted some new content. We're still looking for feedback about usage.


    OS Filtering working!!

    The code has been added to allow you to filter search results for your operating system... Currently, you can only select one operating system from the list at a time. To avoid confusion, the filter is not part of the initial search form as of yet, but it will soon be added to the advanced searching form that is currently in development. The search filters can be seen at the top of any page of search results in our web, but you can start with our new listings and go from there.


    Operating system filters that are currently supported (other than Windows - doh!):

    404.png PalmOS404.png Java404.png BeOS404.png OS/2404.png OS/2 Warp404.png Netware404.png Linux404.png Unix404.png Mac 68k404.png Mac OS 9404.png Mac OS X404.png All Mac404.png MSDOS404.png Windows 3404.png Windows 95, 98, ME404.png Windows CE404.png Windows NT 3.0 or 4.0404.png Windows 2000404.png All Windows

    Latest Changes

    A complete database optimization has been completed; more than 50 queries have been made a couple milliseconds faster.


    File Size Filters

    Also, file size filters have been added. You can specify maximum or minimum file sizes (or both).


    Undecided? - check out Random Programs

    We added a new feature for those insomniacs who don't know what they want to download. It is a random program page and it can display a random program at any category level. For example, globally random program would be http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.


    Here's a few fun random links that are in a category:

    Random GameRandom Audio and MultimediaRandom Video ToolsRandom Browser ToolsRandom DesktopRandom System UtilitiesRandom Puzzle & Word Game

    Custom Lists of software added


    You have to create a login first. This is a login in the members area, not to be confused with the forums login which is separate. This is an interesting concept, but I have to explain how it works.


    If you have students in your class, or employees at your company, or blog members at your blog - you can create lists from our database of software. For example, if your blog members are involved in a certain hobby, you can probably make a list of a couple useful programs that they may want - and name the page, etc. - and voila! We generate that web page for you that you can provide the URL for your students to use in order to get all of the programs that they might need in one place.


    Here's an example list: My Company Recommended



    Author Feature capability added


    It may be impossible for you to review or critique anything here - since you have to be one of the authors of the software we list. This is where a software author can manage his / her software. Aside from being able to feature their software here, they can also configure some other bits of their web. The commerce is done via PayPal (wasn't that tough to code against their Instant Payment Notification). You can read about what an author can do here.



    Software Forums added


    We whamjacked some of the forum code so that the index page doesn't display empty subforums. There are a few other whamjacks in there. We extended the BBCode so that users can create instant linkst to a program that appears on our site by knowing the program's PAD ID#. The BBCode is simply [padid=8552]Crawler Games - dance George W!![/padid] - which creates the output: Crawler Games - dance George W!!.


    Discussions are opened to the public. These are mostly-empty forums right now; hopefully, we can have Questions & Answers full of meaningful posts. Once there are some meaningful posts in the forums - we plan to incoporate them into the software section of the website (eg: list any posts about program#1232 for the software listing page for program #1232).


    Other enhancements to our forums include: email Digests so that you can watch whichever topics (fully configurable), RSS Feeds for each subforum which really makes it easy to plug into any reader.


    Developers can make posts in our forums to earn credits toward getting software featured. One of the areas of interest for developers would be the Press Releases forums in each software category.


    Here's a link to our: Software Forums

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