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About new-world-order
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Air Power Cars We Can Save Oil And The Planet
new-world-order replied to new-world-order's topic in Science and Technology
well it looks like ive sparked a bit of a disscussion now im am sorry i havent been talking recently i have had computer problems and couldnt get on so i hope we can keep at it now i am back :(the thig is i havent realy heard anything related to this lately but ill keep you posted any way -
How To Create A Phpbb Fm Create a Fully Modded forum.
new-world-order replied to CopperZepher's topic in General Discussion
thanks alot dude it works a charm now i can finaly stop my forum being on google and breaching my security lol yeah there ppl that would want me dead if they saw my forums muhahaha lol thanks for awsume guide i could nr get my forum to work in anyother site you a legend if i wasnt straight id mary you im so chuffed thanks loads..... -
i cant wait !!! i realy want to know the finaly spec for ps3 and all the games already for it i just cant wait !!! im going crazy ahhhhhhh help me !!!!! seriously its so anoying !!!! i realy want to know and i want to feel them controlers its just so unfair like omg what are they thinking if tis ready then luanch it it would be a realy nice gift lol hint hint :lol:
i would like to warn everyone this kind of program is illegal in the uk at least i dont now about other programs but they all operate on the same basses it ends up when the person who started it is happy with the earned money they run and leave all the people who havent completed or havent got there money yet victims or the crime where as the people who cashed in using this sceme would be the ones who pay the conequences so i am warning you all!!!!
Long Time Sigger First Time Requester
new-world-order replied to Saint_Michael's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
hey dude mine is finnished hope you like it i have added the border put in a glow made the text gold and put a but more fcus on it hope you like if you would like anything else done please tell http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then go to my sigs and gfx and urs is the only one lol -
Air Power Cars We Can Save Oil And The Planet
new-world-order replied to new-world-order's topic in Science and Technology
Finally at last some one has had the time to do prober reseach for us thanks mate it looks intresting and check out all the links as well there is acualy alot of thingsgoing on pitty they havent been publised anought i might contact some of them and see if they need a more professional website cos there is some of the links the webys are atrosious lol keep up the good work ps i found a jet engine kart lol check this out http://www.lockandsafe.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ yeah it does look like a bus doesnt it i wonder if they could make a jeep like this and in stead of haveing the tank vertical behind the seats have it undernear the car but gaurded by a steel plate thanks very much if you find more info please tell us Notice from electriic ink: Merged double posts -
Air Power Cars We Can Save Oil And The Planet
new-world-order replied to new-world-order's topic in Science and Technology
The Compresser would be charged by a giro system running off the crank shaft it would be geared to take in anogth energy to power the compresser as needed due to the fact it wouldnt have fuel and even if ti did have fuel what a difference it woulf make think of how much fuel wouldbe saved all you would need is a small generater which can take about 8 hours to run dry from about 3 litres of petrol dont crititise other peoples ideas unless you ahve a better solution you self and albus thanks it is a rather cool idea besides there is an engine that runs on air as i have found out after googling for acouple hours ill post the blue prints for it and a pic of the engine dont automaticly asume everything will fail put a bit off faith into things:DPeace aaron -
Hey, ive made this topic becuase i want to know what my game collection is like to everyone elses so ill name then in groups for different genres of games and what i have for that genre lol and we can talk about what our fav parts in the games we all have so it should be funny we can share the thrills and spills of our collection and laugh at each other lol only kidden here i go.... (maybe ill finaly know how many i have from my 6 odd years off collecting) So What do you think whats this load like compared to yours? please ccome and talk and tell us what ur gaming life is like Notice from BuffaloHELP: Please review Xisto Readme > Forum Activity > Topics you should never make. When listing many, please use quotes.
Recommended Online Games Recommend a Game here
new-world-order replied to FirefoxRocks's topic in Computer Gaming
I would Strongly reccomend Travian At Address - Language - Servers - Server Staus http://www.travian.com/ - English - 5 Servers - 2 Open For Registration http://www.travian.de/ - German - 4 Servers - 2 Open For Registration http://www.travian.de/ - German - 1 Server - Close Due To Player Limit http://www.travian.at/ - German - 1 Server - 1 Open For Registration http://www.travian.net/ - Spanish - 2 Servers - 2 Open For Registration http://www.travian.nl/ - Dutch - 2 Servers - 1 Open For Registration its a very good game you start off by picking one of the three tribes and picking what quadrant on the map you would like to be in, the map is a global shaped map that spreads from pole to pole 250 feilds so in total it is a very wide spaced area that can fit ruffly 30 thousand players as they have to leave some space for you to expand cant have everyone cramed int beside each other can you:D the objective of the game is to protect and expand your empire while raiding other peoples if you wish.... Romans Teutons Guals RomansThe Romans are best for beginners as it is the in-between tribe it has good defence and good offence but the bigest advantage for the romans is there fast development due to the fact when you start a village you can up grade a resource feild and a buiding at the same time but this is the only time you can do this as once you have fully upgraded your resource feilds you can only make the one upgrade at a time in that village. the merchant of the romans is the smallest and second fastest it can carry 500 resources at a time at 16 feilds per hour Teutons The Teutons are the agressive tribe that can raid and plunder vast resources they have cheap infantry but they pay there price with speed as there fasted unit only goes 10 feilds per hour which isnt that much and then there is there defense which is laking but durable due to there earth wall which is the least defending wall out off all the tribes but it is realy hard to destroy compared to gual palisides and roman stone walls, they have the second strongest unit in the game The Teuton Knight whcih is beaten only by the roman Equites Caesaris but there troops die misserible if they are attacked so it is best to counter attack intead of defend when you our a tueton, there merchant is slow but big it carrys 1000 resoruses at a rate of 12 feilds per hour so not very fast but still a huge amount. Guals The Guals our a Fast And Broughtal Race if they use there over all best Raiding unit the Theutates Thunder Which is the fastest unit at a whooping 19 feilds per hour And carring 75 resources at the same time so they can pay for them selfs if your an agressive player but there main downfall is defense it is power and realy if you are attacked then get your Theutates Thunder out of your village becuase they will most probely die, but as for there other troops they are mainly defense with little attack and the most defensive by about 1.5 the amount of romans and well what can you say about there cranny it is twice as big as teutons and romans and well that cmes to a big advantage later on as well So what are the differences then in summary Romans Can raise or extend a building and resource field simultaneously. High Defense-bonus by wall Merchants can carry 500 units of resources (speed: 16 fields/hour) Very powerful infantry, average cavalry, development is expensive and takes a long time. Teutons Plunder bonus: the cranny of enemies only hides 2/3 of its content. The earthwall is almost indestructable, but only gives a minimal defense bonus Merchants can carry 1000 units of resources (speed: 12 fields/hour) Very cheap and fast trained troops which are excellent plunderers Weak defense Guals Speed bonus: Fastest troops in the game Average defense-bonus because of palisade Merchants can carry 750 units of resources (speed: 24 fields/hour) Cranny is twice as big Expensive siegeweapons Cheap settlers For More info go to the travian forum http://forum.travian.com/ -
Long Time Sigger First Time Requester
new-world-order replied to Saint_Michael's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
tahnk you very much its a cool thing a "gfx"er loike you can complment me on it i need to know who to put borders on it and what sort or border should go with that and do you want the sun to be a bit less or more ill be honoured to make a sig for someone i have only ever made 1 decent one and it was still crap compare to all yours and i helped make one for a guy called el diablo which looked legend but i only put the toad in i cant find it at the minute but when i do youll know -
Long Time Sigger First Time Requester
new-world-order replied to Saint_Michael's topic in Graphics, Design & Animation
is one i have done in 15 minutes what do ya thnk the image is acualy of a footballer in the looker rooms lol but he looked like he was iin a godly position ok so thats what i come up with ill chat more tomara see if i can imporove ive been stuying and i did that on the break so im tired now and im stariing to twich :S kk so ya this morning -
Size: 350x150 Theme: Roman Warfare. Render: Yes or no (i dont mind) Render Theme: Aciencent times. Color: Makers choice Preferably Gold Text:(title) New World Order (sub title) Taking The First World Like It Should Be... Other effects: A Warrior Charging Out From The Left Hand Side Towards You Yes I would like a sig please or a sig template for me to use as i am ok at photoshop but have only ever mad one good sig the rest were below standard:D if anyone would do this for me i would be very thank ful and if icould get the same sig only in banner size as well so i can put it on the web site illeven put a link to the person who made it:D Thank you very much hope you will do this for me Aaron if it is possible can you pleas euse this dude here as the solider i gave you a backgrounded one and just the solider and im aiming gor something like this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
I was watching the tele and the news came on so i just sort of watched the headlines and it was the usual stuff but still they are going on about oil and how its running out and i said to my mum "will they never shut up about this..." and then she replyed in the [its important though way]" its not as if our cars run on air is it"...and thats when it hit me surly you could power a car with air and i started to think about it and i thought of alot of different things and they where all your basic stuff nothing too complicated and then i realised if im going to come up with something big that might acualy come on i need to be more realistic so i thought about how the current engines work with the fuel being pushed into the pistons which made a small explosion which moved the pistons which in turn moved the crank shaft... when it hit me why not replace the fuel with bursts of air (just like a steam engine) and they would come out of a tank of compressed air.... i then realised how would the air be recompressed and had to sit down and think that on through and i cam up with a rather engeanious but simple idea, all you would have to do is put a pistion aside which powers another little motor and the motor would be used to recomress the air agian... of corse it would have to be stoped eventualy to recharge the starter motor but still i think i could get this to work i might even see if i could make a little go cart or sumthing like that lol ill post some pics if i can Please Talk excessivly on improvements i could make to my project
Yes i have returned from my adventures with something for you all to see... the peice below was the one i thought was closest to what we are talking about... there was companys that said they had towers like every five miles across canada alowing you to conect but it wasnt anything compared to this becuase this one is spread across thousands of miles take a look below
What Was The Last Boss You Just Defeated In Any Video Game?
new-world-order replied to Megaman's topic in Computer Gaming
The latest "boss" i defeated would have to be the person out of need for speed most wanted who steals your car at the beginning its so easy especialy on the psp i mean i even let my little brother do it as well he beat him by like 13 seconds it was so funny.. and the best part is he acts so hard in the gameand i could of beat him in the stupid fait punto if only he was real and every one could laugh at him