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Posts posted by shadowx

  1. i have just set the directory public_html to 777 and the same error still. its odd as it is able to read from another file yet when writing to that file it gives the same error that access is denied. So it must be something with the write permissions but i cant think why.And i add the BR and HR tags because its a plain text file printed into the html content so is parsed as normal html and this way i can stop people posting things like html tags and js scritps etc... im just not advanced enough yet to use commas and such <_<***EDIT: I had to change the permissions for the individual files in question which i have now done and it now works perfectly. :lol: thanks for the help. Hope other people learn from my mistake because that was annoying!Thanx

  2. its good to hear its walking. I guess that menas theres no serious damage to it. I dont know why it wouldnt eat but you could be right about its nervousness of people. You could try leaving a saucer or bowl of mlk near it and leave it be see what it does. if it still doesnt eat after another day or two you might want to try feeding it using a straw of if you have one a syringe. If you dip the straw in milk then put your finger over the other end you can use it kinda like an eye dropper and feed it that way <_<

  3. Hi all

    I'm having a problem when using php to read from a text file the error is this:

    failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/shadyx/public_html/index.php

    And this obviously stops fread and fwrite from working. the code i used for this is...
    $handle = fopen("ipstuffs/iplog.htm", "a");fwrite($handle, "date: $date <BR> $ip <BR>Referrer: $refer_url<BR><HR><BR>");fclose($handle);

    It runs nicely on my xampp IDE so i dont think its the code, possibly a setting in the ini file but i do not know how to edit that ( if its even possible ) online. Can anyone shed light on this problem? in the file manager in the cpanel i have set permissions for user and group to all as i thought this could be the problem but it had no effect.

    Please help <_<


  4. If you ask me its the fact that people WANT to belive in it. for example lets take the ship that sank called friday with all the friday associations. if that ship was called HSM wednesday and everything to do with fridays was gone e.g. the guy in charge was Jim smith the ship still would sink but no-one would pay much attention, they would just think its another accident...now the fact it was so associated with friday when people heard it they thought "wow it must be unlucky on fridays..." because of the old superstitions they realise the connections and make up a theory that friday is unlucky. Also :

    There are 13 witches in a coven.

    There can be any number of witches in a coven though traditionally you are right <_< But thats not a bad thing! One of my friends is scared of seeing one magpie (a black bird for any one who doesnt know :lol: ) on its own because she belives it brings bad luck and if she sees a magpie anything bad that heppens that day she automatically thinks its the birds fault because she saw it. its the same with friday the 13th, if anyting bad happens on or near it people blame the day.
    Interesting toipic though, never really been superstitios myself so id like to know what any superstitious people think

  5. Intersting, shame im not all that brilliant at programming and i have things like college to worry about :lol: Sounds like a decent way of getting open source projects to be known and to get people to understand them. I think the problem today is too many proprietry things like norton and such are just taking over we need more open source to make software more reliable and this seems like a good way of going about it. Also its great to see so many companies getting involved in this, they get free advertising and we get free open coursce with any luck. itll be interesting to see what software comes out of these projects and hopefully it'll lead the way for more things like this to happen. <_< Thanks for the info, its definately something to read over.

  6. Aww thats so sad ;) Dont take the blame I like cats, theyre great, atleast i think so. My mums always said they make my astmah worse but i dont see it. Mums eh? :lol: Still it wasn't your fault so you shouldnt blame yourself. You wasnt to know it was there. And after all the great things youve done for the strays like providing a place they can be safe and get food youre obviously not bad you're a nice person. most people wouldnt look twice at a stray but you do. And you dont even like cats that much but you still dont turn them away. You give them a hand when they need it. :lol: It must have been horrible I guess I probably would've screamed (not something you hear a teenage guy doin is it! screaming!) Hopefully it'll get better, it could be something like a twisted nerve or something in which case it should untwist itself in time and the litle one wil lbe clawing you to bits before ya know it. Either way dont take the blame on yourself its not your fault and on behalf of the cats youve helped I want to say thanx :lol: For being one of the few people who care enough about animals to help.Hope you feel abit better and I hope the kitten gets better soon ;) Fingers crossed

  7. why the fellow citizens of USA doesn't riot against the power!? that is supposed to be done by the people if something is ridiculous or attemp to the order and democracy of a country.

    Amen! Im english living in England otherwise i would...i know that blair is no better but jeez Bush is an evil 'man' I agree he is a dictator and wants total control over EVERYTHING I bet he keeps his wife locked in a dark room while hes not there! He doesnt care about America he cares about the east, and how he wants it so badly.... All americans vote him out the second you have a chance! For the good of the world, he needs to go! Spread the word through websites, psoters, word of mouth...anything, Amricans work on bush and English work on Blair!

    A quote from a GREAT film "People shouldnt be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people" (that would make a kewl siggy actually....)

  8. One thing to say, listen to the no-sayers.I found hibernation, thinking that windows would have sorted tiself out sicne 98 SE (the gold old days :lol:) but it hasnt. I used it a few times when switchnig from my mums hosue to my dads and got back one day pressed the power button to get thnigs back and the display was wrecked...then my laptop died completely. Personally i would use standby if its for an hour or two but if its overnight just shut it down go to bed and let it finish itself off then in the morning turn it on as you get up!I remember this was a problem in 98 and probably before but how can they not have fixed it! or atleast warn people! Just be careful! My laptop was out for over a month!

  9. Aha! Atlast someone willing to give me a few minutes on this topic to debate :lol:

    I also think that 911 COULD be a conspiracy. The main reason i think this is because that damn bush, I think the american government had information about 911 before it happened, eg they knew it would happen, maybe not exact details but i think its pretty likely they knew when and where and maybe how. Why do i think this?

    1) By allowing the attacks to go ahead bush has been able to spread fear and hatred of most of the eastern world ,evidence for this:

    That damn Bin Laden bombed us! We need to go find him and torture him and kill him!

    :lol: Lots of people hate Bin laden which gives Bushy and his little pet dog Blair a reason to go to war..it also gives them moral backup. If their countries belive that an invasion is right they wont revolt they will support the government and the armed forces will feel more happy about killing innocent people.
    2) notice how bushy and blairy have steadilly tried to increase their reign of terror over the east, afganistan (could be spelt wrong) iraq, now iran and i do belive there was a scuffle about china? or maybe im wrong but if i am it wont be long...

    American and english governments, for some reason are spreading propaganda about the east, how we cant trust them, about how they are against us. All the news tells us is things like " 10 dead in iraq" "Fears over irans nuclear projects"

    Also dont you find it strange that the whitehouse is still standing....personally if i was a terrorist against america id get a few likeminded friends, some tourist outfits and go walking past the whitehouse gates...pull out 2 rpg's each and hit it hard... strange how that never happened...strange how no attack against the whitehouse happened...and also how the president wasnt even there. Maybe he doubted his safety thee so went off to a school to listen to stories read by children. Bet he hasnt done that very often, if at all since or before the attacks.

    This could be a really interesting thread to hear both sides of this story...I also didnt know about the series of mini explosions in the towers which i will now research. :lol:

    PS i have nothing against americans, nor english (as i am english) but i do belive that our governmnets are evil, terrorist bullies and should be destroyed.

  10. I had almost the same problem. I solved it like this:

    $id = $_POST['id'];include("$id.php");

    That worked for me. It was weird because on my previous host it worked without the first line but on my localhosts with a PHP interpreter running it didnt, so I tried that and it worked. You could also try something like

    $id = $id + ".php";include($id);

    but im not sure about that. Your PHP script is basically saying that $id is empty so by doing the first thing (using $_POST['id']; ) it should work fine :lol:

    EDIT: I'm using XAMPP too so maybe its the PHP version or just the interpreter

  11. Tabbed Browsing and a Search Bar? A little too much like Firefox. They can copy off of Firefox's ideas all they want. I'll still refuse to use any Internet Explorers products

    Amen! I'm fed up woth Microsuck copying things from other people BADLY! I wont download the BETA version, I probably wont download it untill about a week after ts release so then they've had a chance to release about a million security updates to fix holes their 'programmers' didnt even know exsisted :lol: I dont have much choice other than to download it at some point though if I want to develop any websites I have to test, which is annoying. This topic is the first ive heard of it to be honest but from what's here i cant see that IE7 is worth the hard disk space it sits on. Altough it might not be all bad. As said competition is usually good and I bet as we speak the firefox gurus are meditating to a higher plane to consolidate with FireGod about a new version of firefox that wi lbe even better than the last version and a million times better than IE7, which is great because then we'll have an even better toy to play with :lol:

    And a strength of IE7.........erm....nope sorry!

    Also I barely trust the official releases of Microsuck's products let alone the BETA ones, XP completely killed my laptop and that was an official, legal copy! Grr

  12. Hi all

    Saw this article on the news last night about the hacker that hacked into the pentagon and NASA systems. A link to the story is HERE in case anyone hasnt seen it.

    Basically my question is do you agree with him being extradited to the USA and charged and sentenced to guantanamo? I heard he could face up to 60 years in jail for what he did.

    I STRONLGY disagree. I think we need more people like him. He did no harm ATALL! He's not a terrorist because TERRORists spread TERROR (hint their name :angry: ) I think he should get a pat on the back. I dont agree that all hackers are bad. What if a hacker destroyed a child pornography network. Hacked into an organised crime gang's website? That would make them good. And in this case I belive this man is good. If he wanted to do it to try and hold the world to ransome with america's arsenal of computer controlled rockets he could have, no doubt, but he didnt. Basically the american government is scared, the world is doubting them, atlast, as they try to rain terror over the east and theyre scared that more people might try that so theyre trying for a hard sentence. And this man was trying to expose the truth for all the world to see.

    I might just say that I'm english and I dont think my government is much better than the american one. :angry:

    So I would like to hear what other people think of this, do you agree? what do you think of the hacker himself? and what does it say for the security of the american government?

  13. If u think LOVE IS ALL, u r nothing
    If u can't live without love, u r useless

    Thats harsh and insulting, it really is. You can live without love, but you cannot be ALIVE. Love just cant be explained, as everyone before has said, if you are in love you know it but you can never, ever tell that person exactly how you feel. You can say "I love you" but it never explains what you're feeling. One thing i can say about love is it is the best and worse feeling anyone can ever feel. Its the best when your with the person you love, laughing, joking, talking, holding etc...but when you're in bed, alone while they are in their bed with their partner its the most lonely, depressing feeling you could feel.

    Here is what perfect love is. It is uncodnitional. It isn't shelfish, it isn't prideful. It is self-sacrifice. It is something you will be willing to do anything for.

    True words.

    By the way, interesting topic you've started here :angry:

  14. im just trying to send mail by using a very simple php function mail() but it is not working.the format is $to = "email@example.com";
    $subject = "Hi!";
    $body = "Hi,\n\nHow are you?";
    if (mail($to, $subject, $body)) {
    echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");
    } else {
    echo("<p>Message delivery failed...</p>");
    I think there is something wrong with php.ini setting..maybe something to do with SMTP settings.. i want to send email FROM either hotmail , gmail , or yahoo or any other web based email because i dont know my ISP smtp setting..so can anyone please help me , where to make change and what to make change ?

    I've used the mail function quite alot on external hosts and its worked fine. When i tried to run this script on my localhost i got an error saying i needed to configure my php.ini settings for the FROM address but im not confident with playing with .ini settings and such so i left that be.

    If you want to send an email and have the FROM address be anything specific you an use the headers variable in the mail() function.


    $headers = FROMaddress@whatever.com;mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers);

    now when the mail is received the from address will be FROMaddress@whatever.com. The only problem is if sending to a hotmail user, or possibly some other email accounts, but particularly in hotmail the email provider will notcie the diferene in domains, eg sending the email from subdomain.trap17.com but having the FROM address as me@host.com hotmail will notice the differences and alert the user that the sender cannot be verified. If however your website was me.myhost and the FROM address was notme@myhost there would be no problem. I hope that helped with changing the FROM address. Sorry I cant help much about the problem with it not working though.

    NOTE: it seems by editing this line

    ; For Win32 only.;sendmail_from = me@example.com

    in your .ini file you can permanently set the FROM address without using the $headers method. :angry: Although i suspect this will still have the problems with verifying the sender's ID.

    EDIT: Is there an error display when you try to use the mail function that is outputted to the browser? if there is could you post it and maybe it will help someone to see whats going on. :angry:

  15. Humm....I dont agree with either that 'God' created everything nor that everything came from a big bang. to be honest I dont know how thnigs came to be, nor do I really care, its here now so thats all that matters. But think of it this way. How come that every animal on earth is perfectly suited to where it lives. I'm sure that a polar bear didnt start in Australia and decide it was too hot so kept moving untill it found one of the poles. It was put there somehow, like I said I dont know how or why but it was.I dont think the question is HOW? its now WHY?Although it is very strong evidence for evolution it doesnt mean evolution is the only way. Religion is strong evidence for any creation theory, that many people belive one story is some form of evidence. Although a fossil is much stronger it doesnt mean its right.

  16. I'm not an expert with databases so correct me if im wrong but dont they have a limit to the amount of characters that can be stored in one feild?If they do, which I think they do, I would store each message into a file with an auto genereated filename, maybe a number which is one more than the one before it. Then using php to protect that file, maybe by using a session to see if the user is authorised to veiw it. Then in a database alongside the member who RECEIVED the message have a feild for message number and store the file name/number in that feild. Then when a user logs in have the database check to see if there is a message and if there is use php to take the file name/number and open the file to display the contents to the receiver. For storing multiple messages you could delimit (SP?) the file names/numbers by using commas and have the php script seperate them all out, example "filenames: 123, 456, 789" php would seperate them into "filename:123 filename:456 and filename:789" This would allow users to 'save' more than one message. And when they want to read one of them the php file will take "123" add an extension "123.php" and then display it to them. I hope that makes sense.I think this could be better than using a database because there wouldnt be a limit on the amount of chaacters that a message can contain however it might not be as secure as a database but if you used some kind of authentification.The best thing for you to do would be to look up database and file functions in php and make your own decision. This was just an idea to spark a plan :angry:

  17. It would be a bit scary to know that the government may possibly be watching us whenever they feel like it.

    The governments are always watching their people. They dont trust their people so they hide things from them, spy on them and lie to them, its what they do best. I wouldnt actually be suprised if this project has already been completed. The american government, like any other, is an expect in lying and hiding things so if they wanted to develop a top secret spy bird they could without anyone else knowing. But in this case someone does know and they have spread the word which means that the american government leaked information and if I was them I'd leak the information a year or two AFTER its been made and is working. Then the enemy get the idea and by that time I would already have made a spy fly!

    I cant imagine that the spy bird (as I will now call it!) could be very good at close range video capture as it would be moving pretty fast so is unlikely to bew able to hover or slowdown to capture close range video. Although from a decent height it could fly over a military base and collect extremely usefull video on the contents without the enemy knowing. So I think the public are safe if it does exsist unless Bush likes the girl next door, in which case there could be trouble :angry:

  18. NEVER use a large, centered image as a background! I always use smaller tiled images or just a background color set by HTML. Also dont use too many rollover images in things like buttons as they can take a lot of time to download both images on slower internet connections. Like the 'good' old days of 56kbps, it would drive me mad waiting for images to download!

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