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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. i would also have to assume that you are running dail up connection. It will be slow you can go and buy the most expensive around it will make absolutly no difference. If you are on dsl or a quicker connection like that then your cogfiguration settings are very wrong altho again it has nothing to do with the pc so if you not sure contact your isp and see what connection you have if it is dail up you must either upgrade or learn to life with the slower browsing. If it is a quicker connection then you must make sure all your settings are 100 percent correct or you will have very slow browsing.
  2. Reaper


    i do play those type games like world of warcraft and things like that but ijust find i lose interest in them after a while. Although word of warcraft is one one of the better ones. But i preferr the need for speed racing games and the first person shooter games aswell there are really cool like half life 2 FEAR and that type of game
  3. i just want to know has anyone using google adsense gotten any good money from using this google adsense and if you have what topics are the best to put on your site to make the most of this google adsense ?? I know any money from doing almost nothing is good but i just want to get a idea about what could work the best ??
  4. i would say at the moment the sony ericsson w800i must be one of the better standard phones you get not looking at all the palm pilot type things available. it looks much funkier than the k750i and has a whole lot more features one of the best being the walkman feature. You can turn off the phone and use as walkman. And then the fact that you get a 512 mb card with the phone is not too shabby either.
  5. i currently have a nokia 6230i and i think it is a cool phone with good features. I know alot of guys complain that it doesn't have a web browser or the camera is only a 1.3mp but if it so bad why did you get it ?? and anyway the idea of these things is for their primary function be a phone and secondary functions are thigs like browsing the web and taking pictures. So if you really want a phone that ca do all that go and buy a palmpilot or how about a laptop. And if you want to take professional photos go buy a camera !! If you look at it as a phone it has more than what you need. And it has some of the basic cool functions you can play with when you bored.I used to have a samsung v200 and i must say this phone is so much better the the samsung v200 way more features and using it is alot more user friendly. But when my upgrade comes along a phone that really looks cool is the w800i, that phone really gives you your money's worth !!
  6. Reaper

    Php Counter

    is it possible to use php to make a counter on a website and if it is does anyone know code for an effective one ??
  7. it is a really cool search the way that it ranks the sites is cool so you know if you have not found it in the first 5 pages you will not find it with the search variables you used. and that it is so quick when it searches the algorithim is really well desiged. i love it i won't use any other search engine
  8. The idea behind this is to get some sort of wireless way to transmit electricity this would make the process easier and when it comes to people stealing wires well there would be no wires to steal. it would have to be based on a bluetooth type technology but it would have to transmit much greater distances than bluetooth can abviosly. I thinking it that there would have be a unit that could convert radio waves and those type of things into a useable form of energy i know this is probolly really way out but no one said it had to be possible to be put on here
  9. i would think the best way to die would be to have your dreamgirl and yourself getting freaky and then just after you finish or just before you finish you just die and you will be the happiest guy after you die.the worst way could be one of two type the first one where it takes long and does not necessarily hurt but just takes for ever to happen like for example falling out a plane or parachuit failling you know how bad it will be to just be falling to your death and you can't do a damn thing about it. and then something taking long and being painful so where you get tortured and all you want them to kill you and they just wont
  10. i must say it is the first game that i have enjoy the whole time i played it. Some other games get boring half way through and after that you won't finish it because you are bored. But this games has some new stuff that was not in underground 2 and in this one the cops do chase you still but there are goals you must get to so it makes it alot better than hot pursuits idea. I would say if there is only one game you buy for a while i would buy that one i finshed it a few weeks ago and love every minute of it. It is a really good game and i think you will enjoy it alot.
  11. I would have to say the new graphics are definately awesome in quake 4 if you have a card that will allow you to use the graphics to the full but for me i have to slap almost everything right down to get any decent gameplay. And i definately agree with you that the quake3 mp is a hell of alot better to play but there is still only one game that really kills when it comes to mp that is unreal it is so cool !
  12. i would say advice for girls when it comes when it comes to guys don't try and give thses subtle little hints that you think we will be able to pick up on. If you see we are picking up on it by all means do it but if we not try be a bit more upfront about it. What happens is you girls see a guy that is checking you out, so you start trying to make these very subtle hints or gestures. Then us guys fir example wont see it and start to think that you are not interested so we move on. I mean you don't have to be too obvious but atleast smile a bit or even walk past us and say hi so we know you are interested and so we don't lose interest !
  13. i thought this was a very good and well designed game. I must agree that it was much better than u1 and u2 with the new missions it has and the way they have mad the races has added a new dimension to need for speed u1 and u2 where almost the same and got a bit boring after a while but i must say i enjoyed most wanted right till tthe end. one dissapointting thing was the last 5 or six cars where not that cool the lambo gallardo must be the best car to drive in that game !!
  14. the new video cards are crazy, they work like a charm if you don't mind paying more for them than the rest of your setup. these new cards have more power than some of the pc we used a few back and it is all in a much smaller space. It is really cool the speed at which technology is moving at the moment the only thing is don't try and keep up there is just no way !! But those new video cards are just awesome !
  15. this game must be the worst racing games i have ever played, the cars don't handle well, don't look nice and on top of all that you don't even have much fun playing it. I think that i will stick to need for speed much better and the new most wanted is awesome with it's new format it has. I suppose maybe we are to used to need for speed's racing games and when we play other ones there is little chance they will much up to the standards that need for speed have set !!!
  16. I personally preffer the amd chips as they give you much better performance when it comes to games and that is the main thing i use my pc for. The amd's are also alot cheeper for a equvilent chip performance. Some of the new Intels are good aswell but they are way over priced !!
  17. The nailgun is the best gun you can get for upclose and personal fighting style with it high powered and numerous projectiles but once the emnemy is is a few steps away the projectiles start to seperate and make it less effective. So to get this gun to work properly you need to get up and close to enemy and be fairly accurate.
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