how does this work? does it work like if i post a ton of words it will ive more points or is it based on the rank or is it based on the amount of posts you have? i am a wonder person that is full of questions and would like someone to awnswer! Thanks in advance Fermy
well im am very much into the computing age, and technology. i am taking web design im my classes at school i know some but not alot and am hopeing to learn more. im really good at gaming and i dont know what else to put on here if you wanna know something tell me ill try my best to awnser it!!!
Im currently reading The Hackers Black Book. It is a wonderfull book full of information that everyone will like!!! tells you how to find out if you have a virus, worm, trojan, all that good stuff. (I wasnt sure if I could post this, cause it involves hacking but thought its a book and it can be usesed as a learning source.)I would recomend it to any one!