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Everything posted by JdMxStyleZ

  1. I used the one that came with my computer..Photoshop 7..
  2. This is my latest tag in atleast two months. Tell me what you guys thik about it. (The 'NR' stands for another forum I visit. -JdM
  3. Today's society often looks down upon fat people. I am not fat. If you are a little overweight you are considered "fat". I don't have a problem with fat people but some people do. Post your thoughts. http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi/calc-bmi.htm That is the internationally accepted method of determining obesity. If you rank "overweight" or "obese" on that, tough luck. You're fat.
  4. y0. This is a tutorial on my latest tag. I hope you guys will learn something new from it. Direct Link:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial: PM me to get at any questions that need to be answered. -JdM
  5. y0. This is a tutorial on my latest tag. I hope you guys will learn something new from it. Direct Link:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Tutorial: PM me to get at any questions that need to be answered. -JdM
  6. well i passed out all the tickets to my friends. so they passed them to their friends. and then their friends tried selling them to some "goody good" kids and they snitched!
  7. hey guys just want to let you know. got suspended on friday for stealing $500 worth of food fair tickets. As the vp said " you single handedly *BLEEP*ed up our food fair." getting my expulsion hearing papers on Friday. dont know when the court hearing is tho. gonna be charged with Grand Theft. Ill keep you posted on what is happening!! hey atleast ill be on trap more often if possible!...........It was a joke my friend dared me to do..
  8. I recently just seen something like that.. It was cool at first until i seen the dude came out with a broken leg and neck..
  9. in my opinion Photoshop is the best for me. Although CS2 has more features I like Photoshop 7 more because 7 and CS2 bascially have the same feature but CS2 takes more space. If you switch you save like a total of 100 mb.
  10. hm, thats pretty good. I like it alot because she is so HOT!. The render can be blended in a bit. Overall I would give a 8/10. Good job-JdM
  11. Thanks for the rendersw. I was looking for something like this. Thanks for sharing..-JdM Notice from KuBi: Please refrain from signing off in posts! Verbal warning.
  12. What IS the best way to die? In my opinion I think the best way to die is in your sleep.-JdM
  13. I some what have something like yours but instead of Viets, I have lots of Thai people. We have lots of spanish americans, very nice people.. But at night time its ok because they are all friendly and we like all know each other.. -JdM
  14. Heres my entry and my very fisrt post:
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