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About DaeFenris

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    Member [Level 1]
  1. Um...did you specify what game(s) this clan is involved in? And ouch with the caps >_<
  2. It's rather amazing that he has gone this far. I wasn't able to view the whole website, but what I did see of it shows a clear point of "one man's trash is another man's treasure". I think this is a wonderful project for someone to TRY let alone get this accomplished with.
  3. I think we are confusing the terms "noob" and "newb" here. Noob being the stupid user that asks basic questions (generally a thousand times) and generally uses bad spelling and grammar. While the newbs are the nice little fun-goers who know how to ask the appropriate questions and often times find most of the information they need for themselves. Being an avid MMORPG player, I definitely hate noobs. My list could go on with lots of other little things, but most of these problems come from noobs. Grrrr...I'm mad just thinking about it. And GiantRoy: OMG HUGE SIG But it's pretty
  4. I really enjoyed playing Wind Waker, but I guess I'm just weird. I admit that it is slow at times, and the ship system isn't the funnest (even after getting the typhoon transport thing).Truth is, I've played almost every Zelda game, but I've never even beaten one. I enjoy the game, but every one seems to lose my interest at one point or another.
  5. Heehee, I just realized the thread topic says "Game" in it. Too much RPG goodness on your brain eh?I've yet to see White Chicks, but everyone tells me it's so funny. Maybe I'll end up picking both movies up and having a party for myself! Weee movie night!
  6. That might be it. I only remember that it is after the card tournament, and it involves staying behind as Vivi. I'm sure there is an FAQ that you can find that will give very detailed instructions on this. I suppose if you are starting over tho there is no need to go reading that.
  7. Oh geez, this is indeed a hard choice. I don't think I could ever really pick, because I love so many of both of their movies!
  8. I have yet to see it as well. I can wait until either it comes out officially, or someone burns me a copy of the subbed one. I'm too lazy to download it, or knowing my luck, I'd get cheap foreign porn and I'd be furious.
  9. On Disc 3 while in the Desert Palace there is a Namingway card behind a stack of books in Kuja's room.There is also another way that requires you to view an ATE and make the correct decision. I don't remember the exact one, other than it is in Treno, but I do know it's also only available on Disc 3.So...it's either go back a Disc, or continue forward a Disc. Your choice
  10. Oooh, I've heard the term copyleft used somewhere (can't remember where at the moment) and I always thought it was just coined for that particular discussion.Never knew that is was defined as so. Very interesting.
  11. Ooooh fun. I love quirky math like that. I'm going to read that wiki info as soon as I get some free time.
  12. Oooh Fall is the best. Right when the heat dies down and the cold is still holding back. It's nice at that time to go to the park and enjoy the multi-colored trees. I remember spending so many days outside in my backyard as a child. It was a relaxing time, especially after the heat of summer.I live in southern Texas, so yes, it gets quite hot. Even now in the beginning of Spring, I'm already hating the mild/overly mild heat we are having. I've already begun to enjoy the Winters around here for the past couple of years. Especially last year when it snowed on Christmas Eve. It was beautiful, and considering the fact that is was the first snow I had ever seen, it was amazing!Back to Fall tho. I just bought a bike for myself, after not having one for years now, and I can't wait to get the chance to ride it in the Fall. It's going to be so nice to take in the cool breezes and the low sunshine heat. Is anyone else ready for a picnic?
  13. Mmm it's nice.The texture of the sig is rough, like Ed. It's almost as if the texture of the picture represents his outside feelings to the world.We all know he's a big softie tho <3
  14. A good storyline is the base of an excellent RPG, tacked together with above average (doesn't have to be AMAZING) graphics, free-roaming (non-linear gameplay), and interesting in game systems (like cooking, or crafting weapons).A good story-line is a must tho, otherwise it just becomes a haze of leveling up to beat the final boss, not "I must become the strongest in the kindgom in order to defeat the grand dragon and the dark wizard!"Regarding the free roaming/non-linear gampleay...some RPGs don't have much of this yet still are able to hold my attention quite well because they don't allow the intensity of the adventure to dissapate. Some RPGs on the other hand allow you to free roam almost immediately, which is a lot fun. You get to learn about places that will later become an integral part of your journey.Immersion into the gameplay is something hard to do sometimes. Some games just their hooks in your flesh before you even know it.
  15. It actually reminds me of looking down at the road while driving real fast. See what I mean?I've seen several tutorials on how to main rain effects and they were similar to this, but this one just isn't for me.
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