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Posts posted by ankitunlimited

  1. Intel inside was more than a slogan, it was a brand statement. One identified Intel with intel Inside,But no longer so. and there is nothing good about the new logo.Speaking of Intel Inside jokesi heard that AMD( dont know if its true) have a grave outside their office and guess whats written on the tombstone.Intel Inside !!!

  2. I am from New Delhi, India, i love this place9/10So many new things are happening here, the new underground metro, 2010 commonwealth games, lots of flyovers. Anyone who has been to central delhi will tell you about the beatiful buildings made of sandstone.This place is always ready to absorb new technology. However there are bad things about it too.The worst being corruption. I just hate to see policemen taking bribes or civil servants demanding money, make me want to rip them apart. Another minus is the thrash ( Unlike other countries there is so much garbage on the streets ), people lack civic sense and throw things on the roads.

  3. I agree with Mayank, its not just call centers, but software companies.e.gAdobe pagemaker was made by Adobe IndiaCompanies like Trilogy, Microsoft,Adobe,Google,Oracle,Intel,HP,TI,IBM etc.have development centers in India and many more are in planning.The chief reason of India's 'dominance'(if i can call it that) is the huge english speaking population, large no. of educated unemployed and great tech. expertise. Moreover as the dollar is strong versus the rupee US companies find it cheaper to pay Indians in India.But what makes me sad is, instead of encouraging this trend which helps both countries some people vent out their anger on call center employees(reference: the recent case in which an american radio show called up an Indian call center and hurled racial abuses at the employee, who in turned remained calm and never once did lose his temper.)

  4. I love the harry potter series, i read the 1st book in 2001 i think and i just couldnt get my hand off the book, i just had to read them all, and so i did. This time i went a step further pre-ordering HP6 from the internet , this required much persuasion, but dad dear gave in to my demands in exchange for better grades ofcourse. And mark my words, Dumbledore is not dead, and Sirius is good.

  5. Well i saw it in a news report that the Xbox handheld will be made. if its going to be i hope that its media is less expensive than the UMDs. Buy a few UMDs and your cost of games exceeds the PSP. Moreover Xbox handheld could be a response from Microsoft to delaying of the PS3, it would kill sony if Xbox handheld was also released before PS3(although i doubt microsoft's capability to make a bug-free world class product in so little time)

  6. Opera is a powerful Web browser for surfing the Internet indeed....Opera rulz...is better than IExplorer...because he run very quicly...page are downloaded in few seconds....it is good..i have a new version...it`s good

    wow, i too love the opera web browser, i love all its features right from tabs to wand to the voice feature, the skins too rule. however Xisto.com's forums things are not fully compatible, for e.g. i cant put the smilies here by clicking on them. And then most sites are not opera friendly , those who rely too much on asp.Microsoft ofcourse makes sure most of its sites are IE compatible only. I reccomend this browser too all, also try firefox.

  7. Wow, you think this is strange, i get 20 such emails every day, bl***y spammers+scammers. Emails range from Bank managers to kings to custom officials. Most of them suspiciously from Nigeria. Well i have also read about these a lot, they will keep asking you for earnest money to transfer the huge sum they promise, then one fine day they will run away and take all your money.Best thing is to report all these messages as spam

  8. Of course...
    But I have one question, Is there any personal blogging facilty such that I can search my own posts which I wrote long fefore?

    Cause I am stil lstruggling in deciding a bolg service whther to go for a CMS or a hosted blogging :P

    blogger which is owned by google lets you search your own blog only through the navbar, nifty tool.
    This can help you find your posts, but it sometimes doesnt work, because i tried searching for a topic about which i had written in my blog, it didnt show me the correct result, however a quick MSN search was able to do it. Also i think that google's blog search's feature sort by date/relevancy needs improvement in the relevancy part. I prefer technorati more than this. Plus technorati is the best tool for finding links to your blog, when i use google site link it doesnt show most blog links to your site. Technorati on the other hand does and moreover its index is updated in realtime.

    Hope this helps :)

  9. In India we dont have proms, just a farewell. We hire a DJ, convert the basketball floor to a dance floor and lose ourselves. I used to be shy of dancing too. But some encouragement from friends ,i tried to dance and now i never miss an oppurtunity.to dance, you must forget about everything else, move your body to the beat and make sure not to step on someone else.as far as ballroom dancing goes, even i cant do it (too shy !!!).

  10. Formula One is my favourite sport. Micheal Schumacher being my favorite driver and Ferrari my favourite constructor. williams is my second favourite.Karthikeyan is also a favourite because he is Indian.Who is your favourite ??

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Topic title modified and description filled. Search the forum before making a redundant topic. Merging.

  11. The worst thing has to be 1. no Tv for senior classes2. Small practical periods3. only 1 sports period in a week4. french teacher was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.Other than these I really love my school, and seeing other descriptions, boy Indian Education System might be corrupt, but hey there are no dogs in our schools.

  12. ok, so everyone hates My space, but thats the thing with all social networking sites, Hi5, orkut, mywallop.as someone said with great power comes great responsibility, in this age we are so powerful, we can share personal info at the click of a button ( hence we need to be responsible), but such sites, when used with discretion can really be a boon.For e.g. i use orkut to stay in touch with my school friends.

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