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Posts posted by ankitunlimited

  1. i bought a Samsung Syncmaster 17" LCD monitor a few days ago its awesome and feels much bigger than my old 15" CRT and looks a lot cooler. Now i can afford to put large resolutions. And the colours and brightness is crystal clear.

    Which monitor do you have, reply.


    for those who have big monitors 17" and above, you need high resolution wallpapers, i found one such site

  2. i used to watch WWf about 5 years ago, all the friends in the neighbourhood would only discuss Wrestling, but now i dont like to watch it, everyone knows its fake and also the wrestling in India has a time lag, which makes it dull and boring as one can easily know what happened beforehand.

  3. i started blogging 3 years ago, then stopped and again started to blog. You can see my blogs in my signature, the 1st one is called tikna as it is ankit relected, my blog is a reflection of my feelings and thoughts. The other Formula one blog was started by me and my school friend Tejas, we both love F1, so we said why not make a site for F1 enthusiasts and hence blogf1 was born.

  4. here is my review of googlepages which i had posted on my blog

    So finally when google didnt send me an invite after 3 days of registering, i was fed up. turns out they tell you that they will invite you, but thats just a lie because i didnt get invited, but was able to register.Page Creator gives a yournamehere.googlepages.com URL.It gives a space of 100MB.
    When you first login, you see google is obcessed with AJAX, a good thing i think, because it ensures that while the initial load time may be large but subsequently the loading time decreases.Like Gmail, it takes a while to load but once loaded its fast as hell.
    That done, then i started to make my homepage, this service is a lot like blogger, with templates to choose from, so i started to make my homepage with a particular template. It was going good, i made about 5-6 pages. After that i decided to change my template, here came the 1st shocker, there is no option to change all the pages's template at one go(correct me if i am wrong). Then the 2nd shocker, i wanted to add a counter, but it seems google has done a lot to ensure people cant use javascript, when i added the counter to my side bar, in the preview only the counter was visible and the rest of the page had gone blank.
    as far as i am concerned, this is just a new toy from google, The GUI Editor is good no doubt,aimed at those who would love to have their homepage but have little basic knowledge of even HTML and would be happy with flashy-flashy colours. Someone may ask me why then am i using it, well the point is the only thing great about it is its 100 MB of storage, and best of all its free.You can see the page i made at https://sites.google.com/site/ankitsud/, although its still largely under construction.

    Google i think is making these services so as to have a large database of indexed material. Services like google base confirm that.

    The reliability of these is questionable nonetheless. I hosted my CSS and blog image files on it but to my dismay i found out that the site is down most of the time due to some error or the other. Geocities is good enough for me.

    Dear AdminI was unsure whether to put this in Reviews or Here

    Notice from mayank:
    Ankit You have to add quote tag to each and everything..which is copied.

  5. Hi everybody, i am Ankit, 18 , from New Delhi, India, recently passed out from school.I love computers, technology and gadgets. Have won loads of prizes in tech symposiums held all around the city.I love watching the simpsons and full house(reruns). My other favourite shows include click on bbc world and gamer tv and gamesmax.In sports i love Formula One, Football, cricket and hockey.Thats all about me

  6. I am stuck with blogger, as i started with it, now shifting would mean remaking an audience.So choosing the right platform is important, i would reccomend that you use wordpress which is definately the best around, so many plugins, large no. of themes and easy implementation. Fantastico has the module for wordpress.

  7. i beg to differ from the others, people barely ever <- snipped -> ads.i would recommend clicksor.com more, it converts text links in your website to hyperlinks, more people click these than static text ads.In clicksor you can also select the amount you want, minimum is 20$ by paypal or 50$ by cheque. Also Bulk of traffic must be from North America and Europe. Although i must warn you the quality of ads on google's adsense is much better. this is where i think adsense scores.}

  8. I used to have Symantec's Norton personal firewall but its license expired, then i installed Sygate and Zonealarm (2 heads are better than one). Zonealarm was the flashy one while Sygate i thought did the real work. But now Symantec has bought Sygate also, whioch means i can no longer get updates to it. So Zonealarm is my last hope( BTW it released a new version just 4 days ago, update your firewalls ).Another firewall i have used is the McAfee one, but after i installed it it corrupted my scripts, i could no longer use my HP print software, so i stopped using it.

  9. My answer is Gmail, Gmail i think revolutionized the whole email industry, customer was king now and was no longer at the mercy of email providers who provided about 2 mb of space. Talk : Unfortunately as i use WindowsMe i havent been able to use google talk.Google Earth : My brother introduced me to this service, he was in Bangalore when he sent me an email with a satellite pic of our school, that made my day. I showed it to all my friends and teachers and they too thought it was cool.Search : Although fast, i dont like google search, i just dont think much of their pageranking system.Mobile :: I use the WML version and its good, better than other WAP search engines.News is an awesome thing, made by Krishna Bharat, i use it very often to view the latest happenings.Video : The last time i checked google video, it didnt work in India.

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