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Posts posted by football123213

  1. I did it but you no it got rely boring after i brook the wood i mean it was so cool at first it was like so freking cool but then when i could do it 500 times it was kind stuiped but i mean i wont say i did not have fun cuss i did alot of fun i would tell people to do it cuss i mean when i got my red belt (Should of got my black) It just got stuiped If i could go back i would not of quit

  2. Yea my comp i had at 1st when i tryed to play css was rely laggy and bad but now on my new comp it runs rely cool and fast i think its so cool lol... also you need about a pentem 4 for it to work i think a 3 will be so slow i dont no about that AMD stuff dont got one dont no about it but a 4 works for me and atleast 256 ram cuss wit out it it wont play right or feal right when your play the game

  3. I use the same pass word on mine most of the time but i have changed them up befor i have had to change them latly because i got hacked and some one took my Passwords but one thing i do is e-mail all my pass words to my selff thats helps if i forget one i have also put them on paper and put it in a spot i can rember but i mean i rember most of my passess and if its on my own site thers sql lol um but on other sites i just stick with the pass i have most of the time

  4. Well i want to buy a mod chip for my xbox but they are not cheep lol as me having a moded xbox when i got mine they did not have moded xboxes lol i would of got one if i new about it but u no am kinda happy wit mine. if u get a mod chip u need to buy a new fan for your xbox and or turn up your fan

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