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    The Ghost of Christmas Past
  • Birthday 10/24/1989

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    Music, guns, investing.

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  1. The new layout looks fantastic. Now where are all the users??
  2. I used notepad for about 13 years to do all of my HTML coding. I learned about notepad++ in a c++ course. Notepad++ is now my go-to editor for all coding. I don't like editors like frontpage or dreamweaver because of the extra mark-up. I don't need a program to code for me - I can write it out myself quickly and easily.
  3. Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my website. Any ideas, criticism, etc are very welcome. I am looking to constantly improve this website. https://www.researchchems.org/ Now, my website is about questionably legal drugs called Research Chemicals (or designer drugs). It is only a discussion forum intended for people who are looking for information and to chat about regular stuff. It is completely legal, so no worries. The query "research chemicals" on google is fairly common and buying the domain name should give me an edge over other websites without this in their name. So hopefully the SEO benefits from buying the domain name are great. I have submitted my website to several search engines and I am waiting for them to index it. As you can see, I'm using the newest version of vBulletin: Version 4.0.2. A few years ago I bought a 3.0 forum license and it was only a small fee to move to upgrade to the next version. I used some of the benefits of vBulletin, like mod re-writing the URLs. If you make note of the links, they are optimized for SEO (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). vBulletin now has a CMS and blog option which I installed and should be really useful for news and trip reports. I created the banner in photoshop using radial gradients and a gradient stroke over the text. I might change the banner text soon though. I decided to use Google Adsense since they have been quite good for me in the past.
  4. Well, unfortunately there is no way to prove who is right. There's only waiting until we die. But this is my opinion.
  5. I went to the University of Oklahoma on a Navy ROTC scholarship, majoring in EE. After three semesters I lost my scholarship and decided to leave the college (it would have been waaay too expensive).
  6. Hi everyone, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my website. Any ideas, criticism, etc are very welcome. I am looking to constantly improve this website. https://www.researchchems.org/ Now, my website is about questionably legal drugs called Research Chemicals (or designer drugs). It is only a discussion forum intended for people who are looking for information and to chat about regular stuff. It is completely legal, so no worries. The query "research chemicals" on google is fairly common and buying the domain name should give me an edge over other websites without this in their name. So hopefully the SEO benefits from buying the domain name are great. I have submitted my website to several search engines and I am waiting for them to index it. As you can see, I'm using the newest version of vBulletin: Version 4.0.2. A few years ago I bought a 3.0 forum license and it was only a small fee to move to upgrade to the next version. I used some of the benefits of vBulletin, like mod re-writing the URLs. If you make note of the links, they are optimized for SEO (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ instead of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). vBulletin now has a CMS and blog option which I installed and should be really useful for news and trip reports. I created the banner in photoshop using radial gradients and a gradient stroke over the text. I might change the banner text soon though. I decided to use Google Adsense since they have been quite good for me in the past.
  7. When I was using adsense I did fairly well. Between September of 2005 and August of 2007, I made a total of: 1731.28. It's a pretty decent amount of money for a small hobby website. As long as you can get a decent amount of traffic to your website, adsense is fairly profitable. They show good advertisements that are usually related to the content. I never had to deal with any trouble or hassle from them at all. It took a couple of days to get my website approved.
  8. No one remembers the time before they were conceived. It's impossible. People who claim this are plain crazy, scamming you, or are acting this way for some other ridiculous reason. Remembering a past life is ludicrous. What I intended to say was conceived. We never did not exist before we were conceived. We won't exist when we die. Life definitely ends at death. Brains are the reason people have rational (and irrational) thoughts. Without brains, people are nothing(which is one reason I am interested in cryonics, but that is something to discuss later). There's no soul, spirit, or entity which is inside of us.. When I said to imagine before being conceived, it was only a point to prove that there was nothing.When one is conceived, they start out as just a cell. No one has ever lived before they were conceived.
  9. Nike is my preference over Adidas; however, Asiics is my favorite brand of shoe.The main reason I am a fan of Nike is because of its rich history with Bill Bowerman. He was the co-founder of Nike. He was one of the main components in the Jogging boom of the 60s. After traveling to New Zealand and learning about the physical training technique called jogging from Arthur Lydiard(and don't get me started on him, he is the father of many modern running training ideas), he published a 90 page book called "Jogging" and sold over a million copies.While at the University of Oregon, Bowerman coached over 30 olympians and won a number of NCAA team wins. He was in charge of the creating and designing the first Nike shoes. He once used his wife's waffle iron to create a pair of lightweight racing shoes which became a huge hit.
  10. This was my bus the day after I bought it in November. She cost around $700. I washed her just before this picture, and she was almost black and covered in pine needles. the bus had been sitting for about three or four years before I picked it up, and has only been owned by 2 people: mike and his dad. what i've done to the bus so far:cleaned the carburetor and fuel tank, changed the fuel filter and oil; ripped out the nasty carpet and rotted sub-floor; plexi-glassed over the rusted front panel; took out the wood panels(not bad too of shape but could be better) except for the ceiling; sanded, rust treated, undented, bondo'd a couple spots and primered. About three days ago I put in a brand new windshield (previous one was cracked and there was rust all around it). Today I painted the rims and tomorrow I'm going to have brand new tires put on her. In a week or so I will be putting a new paint job on her (blue and white two-tone, or maybe paint it up hippy style). And soon I will be putting on a 4" lift so I can keep up with my two friends with Jeeps when they go offroading.
  11. I don't know if this belongs here, I'm not sure what fits under the category of "self-realization." I have spent the past few years of my life fixated on death. I constantly wondered what happens when someone dies. The following is my *opinion* on dying:Do you know what it was like before you were born? That is what it will be like when you die. The only purpose to life is to live while you can. This is called existential nihilism. Dying may be the most peaceful thing that could ever happen to anyone. Living has no intrinsic meaning. It's all about being here now.
  12. What kind of features are you looking for in your CMS? You could turn your website into a simple CMS very easily.As for the RSS, most CMS have a feed implemented, but I don't know much about that.
  13. I would suggest using a simple include function from php instead of an iframe for your navigation. That way you can just have navigation.php and edit that file by itself to change the navigation. http://php.net/manual/en/function.include.php You could definitely turn your entire website into a CMS. I'll check out that topic.
  14. It's pretty fun. I got to level 5. On these kinds of websites the simplicity you have is great. I would definitely link to a css stylesheet though instead of putting it in the code.
  15. Your website is an eyesore. There is random text that has no need to be there. most of the images that you use are rendered smaller by the browser (because of the html) and it makes the images look terrible. i would suggest using photoshop or gimp to resize the images instead. I see dozens of stock photos everywhere. They slightly relate to what you are talking about, but they are way too ambiguous. Your website is reminiscent of a spam e-mail or spam website. Your homepage states no goal. Once you get past the front page, things look a little better. This is in the wrong forum. Reviews here are for websites that are NOT yours.
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