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Posts posted by Sinari

  1. This post was meant to help? Could have fooled me..... Your options to have it run faster don't do a thing for my computer and the most basic ones along with some more advance and yet simple ones were still not listed. I'm not the world's best computer tech but I sure know how to make a better helping post about such a simple topic than the one above. Not to offend anyone or anything as I am not like that....

  2. I have that problem at my school as well. Our first day was just Tuesday, abotu two days from when I am writing this. We are the largest freshman class of 593 or some-odd kids and theres 9-12 at my school so, people got put into math classes and such that they didn't want. They put a few non-choir kids into the choir, a few students into the band that didn't belong and so on and so on. I guess with 1986 students in one school things get confusing, but theres four counselors and 12 office personelle. You'd think that they would get it together. Even the middle school wasn't even close to this bad with only about 800 students in it....

  3. Thats the reason that my cats, I have two, only get the skin conditioning stuff that kills ear mites naturally. I've done research on the product we had before and it was tested right and stuff, it just didn't work. Our pets are like family and you wouldn't use a shampoo that would kill your mother or something would you? companies can't put food that might kill someone on shelves, can't put hazardous chemicals on the market in everday household products- so why can they do it to our pets? Someone should file a formal complaint to get it off the market or to at least educate vets a little about the dangers.

  4. Ha.... Sounds like something I would say to my brother to get him to bug off.... Anyway, people are frequently in bad moods. They could be nicer, but still.... When you have tech questions, you shold find someone who knows technical stuff instead of the random people that you find in a bad mood. Maybe tell them that you care when they ask you that. sounds corny- but it works. My friends are unique and sometimes I ask them back "why?" just because I'm curious about why they're asking me or just why they want to know. You never know....

  5. Being a girl myself, I most certainly do not go to the bathroom in groups, but, as it seems to be mentioned several times above, the bathroom is a girls-only place, well- at least it should be. That means that girls can talk without boys hearing them, so they mostly tal kabout guys an dwho's betrayed who recently. Never been much into sob stories- had a boyfriend but dumped him a few days later. I guess some people are just into that..... Anyways, it is private, and other girls like me listen to it and talk to the guys about it. Fun most of the time.

  6. I actually know how that is.... My brother enjoys keeping his hair longer and yet he washes it every other day and only for about three minutes. He showers every day at least and yet he only actualyl washes every other. During the school year it's only about once a week that the water even touches him. I think it just may be faze as he's just about to turn 12 even. He wears more makeup than I do and yet he showers WAY less. Sorry you had to be stuck with him for a whole long time.... I still know how that feels... I went across country with mine....

  7. I understand as well to the babys crying in movies. As for church, most churches have a FREE child care program run by members of the church, well.... Mine does. Babies at that age can't be blamed for screaming in church because the parent should think ahead. It's almost the same thing as cell phones. You can leave them at home and you can turn them off but they sure are annoying if you hear them go off in the final amen of the church sermon. Movie theatres are the same way. You wouldn't bring your cell phone to a movie when you know that it is going to ring, so why bring a baby? I was a very quiet child and I never cried as a baby, at least as my parents say, but I know that the very first sound that I made I would have been out of that room no matter what the circumstances. It's just the difference between being a responsible parent and being a selfish parent.

  8. It would be interesting to figure out the truth right? If there was nothing there, you'd think that they'd let the media visit and find that out, versus they may just want their privacy and such so they want people to leave well enough alone. Who knows. Maybe someday someone will figure it out and then there would be no more boards about it... If you can find pictures, go for it....

  9. I absolutely loved those two books. After reading them, it made me anxious to read the next one coming in the trilogy and at the end of the last one, some shocking stuff came up. but I won't reveal that as you're not that far in the book yet. I really liked the authors other books as well, I can't remember them off the top of my head but it is a great series before the Eragon ones. It's not a precedent, but you get my point. I recommend everyone who loves to read fantasy and fiction stuff to read this series and stay into it. it's a great read and a good starter book if your just a being novelist-reader.

  10. My laptop has made a bunch of upgrades but....... If you want a laptop that is good for that kind of stuff, try to stay away from Intel Celeron chips. The celeron chip is much cheaper than most chips but it's mass produced so it has more problems than most chips and such. Try for an AMD Sempron chip as it's pretty fast and is a little less expensive than most.

  11. Hold on a sec.... What post was it? Where? and what was it about? Give us a little more info about this... It happened to me before and it turned out that I had clicked the submit button twice. Also, are you sure that it's really enough to be this angry over? Not to talk you down or anything as I hate when others do that to me, but, you have 64 credits remaining while I am just trying to get by with about two, currently I am negative, but i usually have about two. Is it that big a deal that you lose 4? I'm sure that you'll figure something out.

  12. I understand that too. I used to go right from karate to church youth group. People would talk and stuff but that was about it. People get over it. Just play it off with a smile. If they come too close, you can always pund them into Sorry I have no other words for you.... You really should have had to explain it to anyone. It is your business and the police shouldn't have even cared. They keep doing it, you go and talk to someone of higher power at the station and see what they get for judging you. It's just as you siad, it's just clothes.

  13. Hello there! I'm glad that you listened to them when they told you to come over her. Xisto does have some good members and everyone has always been nice and willing to help if they can. I just know that you'll love it here. Have a great time!

  14. Nice outlook Chez.... I agree with most of what you said, actually. The parents need to be forced to go to different movies than other people. At the movies near where I currently am located, they have a special seating for mothers. Every Wednesday morning at 11:00, they play all of the movies for parents and turn the volume down a little for the babies they bring with thme, have bottles and other kids friendly foods at the food stand, and they push the price down, little kids are free so that if the parent has to leave with their child for any reason, it's not as bad to leave. Plus, mothers know that kids will be making noise so it is just common sense not to get worked up over it. The only reason some parents bring their kid to the movies is because they have no babysitter and they still want to see the hotest movies. This solves that problem.

  15. Maybe you need to have a talk with your parents. It's your money right? My parents can't wait until I have a part-time job because it increases responsibility. Try telling your parents that and ask about getting a small part time job at the movie theatre or something. You don't have to work at a restauraunt. As for ISPs maybe there's a better ISP in your new area. Check that out and it might be a bit cheaper. Hope you figure something out.

  16. A world without religion would be scary. The human race just might not survive if they don't have anything to rely on for all of their problems. People would kill each other and steal other's wives and such. Not that it doesn't happen now and stuff, but it would be worse. Way worse.Example- The muslims don't eat cows, I believe. (Not muslim- this is an example) Without that religion, the price of cows would go up and killing would start over who gets food and who doesn't get anything.If people in the old times didn't believe in a God- we would still be slavers in Egypt or slaves. We would still be stuck behind the sea and we would still live in small bible era towns.Religion is important. One just doesn't think of such things like that when they think of religion.

  17. Good ideas and stuff, but is it too logical? Cars that run off of E85 stuff are expensive and people who barely have cars now because of money issues won't be able to afford them. The government would have to replace each of the existing cars and that would be expensive.Plus-What about ofther countries? Their government won't take actions against that kind of stuff due to the other problems that are worst for them. Poverty and avian flu and such. Like I said, good idea- just not too probable.

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