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Posts posted by synapticflame

  1. Let's see... 17 is prime, and if we take the number of letters in "trap" (4) away from 17, we have 13, which is also prime. Now if we multiply....


    No, really though. It works well for me both as a community name and as a hosting domain. Especially for hosting, I'd much rather be something.trap17.com than something.freeintarwebhostingfordummies.com <_<

    And as has been mentioned many times, it is certainly short and sweet.

  2. For information on graphic design principles, go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - this is the site that produced the local zip file in Lyon's post.


    I think you would benefit from a redesign of the site. If you don't want to invest time in learning graphic design and accessibility and validation and all that stuff, you could use a design from OSWD (Open Source Web Design). Lots of simple, effective layouts there that won't make people's heads hurt.


    I can't speak for other people, but if I visited your site in a search for hamtaro content, I would go to a site where I could read the text more easily. I also disliked the "splash" page that I had to click through to get in.

    Keep in mind these are only my reactions.

    Hope the traffic picks up for ya!

  3. Action: Transporter - the main character there is just so... together. And he can drive. Man can he drive!

    Sci-Fi - Artificial Intelligence - I really identified with the robot kid... and when he gets "trapped" underwater it broke my heart

    Heroic - Gladiator - Now there's a REAL man. I wanna be as awesome as him!

    Horror - yech. no horror for me.

    Comedy - Wheels on Meals - a Jackie Chan... totally hilarious! Yes, I did get the title right.

  4. Although it would be a bit weird to go out by myself in a costume, I am helping my younger brother with a nice little costume. Let me see if I can explain it properly...He wears long pants, something he has two of. We put a small button-up long sleeve shirt around his legs as if his calves were his torso, so his legs look kind of like a little person. To complete the "little person" appearance, a fake head is crafted from a simple mask and a stuffed winter hat, and tucked into the neck of the small shirt. The extra pair of pants is stuffed and secured to the front of his actual pants by the belt loops, and the fake head is brought between the legs so it looks like he's riding on a tiny man. The arms of the small shirt are fastened to the top of the fake legs so it looks like he's being supported.The illusion is complete when he walks with his knees together, and pretends to lose control of his "driver" or other appropriate antics.Should be a TON of fun.

  5. I learned what programming was on a TRS-80 my grandfather gave me when I was a kid. When I started college classes, I learned OOP with Java, my first real programming language. Later I learned C, C++, assembly, PHP, and various other things... but I have always considered Java to be my "first love" <_< ...

    But don't use Java to program jet planes or other life-critical applications! Hehehe - I love that warning :blink:


    PS Anyone here use Ruby? And want to maybe describe how much (and why) they love it? It is tantalizing, but I think I need a nudge to actually go play with it.

  6. It looks too good to be true, but my initial snoopings haven't turned up anything particularly fishy. A co.uk whois search turns up reasonable results. The source code for the site suggests that whoever wrote it did so by hand, and was intentionally trying to make the site look more basic than it is. Things like the text "File/Directory" at the top of one of the pages, when it's not a server file listing at all, or the widespread use of a monospaced font, which actually styled in, and not there by default. I think this is a beautifully executed and well-thought-out hoax. Also there is a very polished feel to each of the videos - it's exactly as long as it needs to be, and no longer, and very well arranged and shot. Either one of the team members is a video whiz, or this is a super duper joke.


    But it would be really cool if it wasn't :blink::)
    Ok, that's enough time wasted. If this thing is for real, it will be on tech news sometime anyway.

    EDIT: I have played with the site some more. Try looking at some of the folders above the page in the directory structure. The root, http://www.r50rd.co.uk/, redirects to the actual content, http://www.r50rd.co.uk/research/internal/vngin/index.html .
    Also, intermediate folders simply have blank pages with no content.
    It's kind of fishy if you ask me. Oh, and the personal site looks a bit... erm... contrived.

  7. If you can separate the content of the page (the actual information) from the presentation (the appearance), things suddenly become very manageable.
    A List Apart has an article on the subject of separation of content and presentation which is enlightening. You could also read about media-specific stylesheets on the same site for another benefit to using CSS.
    IF the project is small and it won't need to be accessible or maintained, then it might be more work than it's worth. For example, writing a custom HTML wallpaper for your aunt's Windows 98 computer. But in general, it's very much worth the effort. Plus, it's fun!

  8. I use Textpad for small projects, and Eclipse for the more involved things. Way back when IBM had the RoboCode contest, I found eclipse to be invaluable.

    BlueJ is nice for starting projects off, and I found it good for when I was learning the ropes. I really like seeing my classes as objects.


    Hope this is useful to you.

    Oh, if you want more info about RoboCode, it has been revived! Check out http://www.robocode.ie/

  9. The future of monitors is coming, folks!

    If you saw Paycheck, you can imagine what we may be seeing in the future - that would be soo cooool <_<

    Actuality Systems sells a pretty straightforward "Spatial 3D System" for visualization purposes - not really what we'd need for HL2, but it is moving in the right direction. Maybe Popular Science's vision of a holographic entertainment booth isn't too far off?



  10. I always had the impression that the HP calculators are used more by professionals who need the calculator for "real life" stuff, like calculating phone line tension and crazy calculus stuff like that... and that TI calculators are more geared towards learning. That may be changing since HP came out with a calculator that actually steps through the solution of the problem symbolically - that's a pretty nice Ooooh factor <_<I have a TI 89, and have used in the past the 65, 86, and 92 at various times. All of those calculators were eventually passed to my siblings :blink: and I took my 89 to college.The 89 is pretty much Maple in a PDA. Good stuff.

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