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Posts posted by synapticflame

  1. I don't think we nead a spel chek... most of us kan spel just fnie! I thikn the real preoblem is that peoplw dont care aboue the quality of they're posts so they jsut type in whatevre their thinking asnd dont look to see if its right or not. Or else they dont know any better.

    The use of apostrophes is a very, very widely misunderstood concept:

    they're : means they are (if they don't stop they're going to crash)

    their : means belonging to them (that is their company)

    it's : means it is (I say it's about time we had some lunch)

    its : means belonging to it (He found its reset button and pressed it)

    An apostrophe is used to combine multiple words. The apostrophe shows ownership when it's attached to a noun, but not when it is attached to pronouns (they, me, etc). But you probably know this already.

  2. Karma or respect systems have several motivations. Primarily, they give you a sense for the community's opinion of the user. Additionally, they motivate individuals to improve their own ranking by being more personable, knowledgeable, and in general better forum members.

    Do you have any ideas on the role or nature of forum karma? Let's hear them!


    ---- edit: explanation ----


    The current reputation system is a single number, which any member can increase or decrease at any time. When you change someone's reputation, you have the opportunity to include a short sentence or so saying why you changed the reputation. Also, the particular thread from which the change was made is displayed. You could check this out - if you were to increase my reputation by clicking the green plus to the left of the post, you would see the mechanism in action.

    In a karma system, instead of simply rating someone as good or bad, you could rate them more specifically, for example {+4 personality, -4 expertise, +2 relevance}.

  3. It's important to nail down what's really being asked here. 'Intelligence' can mean a lot of different things. Older folks tend to use their experience to make quick, intuitive decisions, and younger folks tend to adapt quickly to new ideas or ways of thinking. These are just different kinds of intelligence (experiential and rational).
    There are several systems for classifying intelligence - I had only heard of the first one before today.
    Be careful not to equate knowledge and intelligence. Even an idiot can memorize information, but it takes intelligence to put it to use. And let's not forget wisdom... wisdom and intelligence are closely related.
    "Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad." (unknown)
    So we have knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. And multiple kinds of intelligence.

  4. Toyclergy, maybe your mom was talking about necrotizing fasciitis. :( Just kidding.

    Actually, this random web page says that adults need about 3500 mg of potassium daily. Bananas have about 700 mg of the stuff apiece, so if that's your only source, you could eat as many as 5 bananas daily without experiencing potassium-induced side effects. A bodybuilding website I found says that "Taking too much potassium can result in an upset stomach, flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and burping. An excessive amount of potassium can result in a heart attack." Lovely!


    Whenever I am working on the computer, whatever I'm working on, I save it out of unconscious habit every minute or so. I haven't lost any important document due to a lockup for several years now, and I'm a computer science major.

    It's a good habit. Saved me many times.

    Condolences on your lost paper though.

  6. Sounds like a good reason though why don't any of you actually turn to your good friends at times of need?

    Spawn, this is an unsupported assumption.

    Speaking for myself, I do turn to my friends when I need someone to talk to... but my friends aren't perfect, and a lot of times when I need them to counsel me or encourage me, they have their own problems to deal with, or they give me bad advice, or they aren't around, or they can't be bothered. Since God doesn't have any of these shortcomings, I can turn to him when my own strength has run out, and when my friends aren't enough.

    We are encouraged in the Bible to pray at every opportunity. Since God has the role of father for his children, it wouldn't make sense to only talk to him when we need something.

  7. C.S. Lewis characterized prayer nicely: "I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time, waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God; it changes me."

    God knows everything (if he didn't, he wouldn't be God), so prayer isn't going to somehow give God new information, and change his mind. God's character and purposes are unchanging, so if something changes when I pray, it's me, not him. God gives us free will... with that free will comes responsibility for our own actions. You can't blame God for the consequences of things you do. But you can come to him with your needs, and he will act.

  8. When I see an advertisement, I ask myself what I learned about the product, and if I wanted the product before I saw the ad. If these answers aren't both yes, I do my best to disregard and forget the ad. I especially avoid telling people about ads... I am not going to do someone elses' marketing for them for free!!!

    But you're right.... these ads do have an unfortunate success rate, what with all the psychology and stuff.

    GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! :(:(:):(

  9. Spawn, I thought you didn't want this to turn into a discussion of whether or not God is real... you seem to be doing that anyway.

    Unfortunately, that question (is God real) is fundamental to the issue of prayer - having a stance on prayer is meaningless unless you also have a stance on the existence of God. If there is no God, then your prayer goes no further than your own ears, and you're just talking to yourself. But if there is a God, the effect of prayer depends on what God is like.

    I think we can agree that God, if he exists, is omnipotent and omniscient. So if God is impersonal, caring nothing for your welfare specifically, then your prayers are useless, since he already knows everything and has dominion over everything. But if God is personal, things get more interesting.

    The God written about in the Bible has instructed his disciples to pray to him. Since he already knows everything, there has to be more to prayer than simple communication. Prayer (me, coming to God with my needs and praise and whatever else) puts me in an appropriate attitude for God to work in my heart. Since God has chosen to give humans free will, prayer is a way that we can relate to God appropriately (as children, coming with needs, not imagining that somehow God owes us something).

    If anyone's interested I can edit this later to include the relevant Biblical references.

    Toyclergy, your last post was right on. I couldn't agree more.

  10. My friggin kid brother got to play it before me. :(

    When I was in college not long ago, I played the original Halo several times a week with friends. But now that I have a real life job... :( :( no more time for games! No! No! A thousand times no!!!

    I must not allow this thing called "life" to interfere with my ability to waste my time in the fruitless, addictive pursuit of "enemies" which are actually my friends, represented on screen as hostile aliens, or even hostile humans!

    (yes, that is sarcasm. but also it's partially sincere. which is sad.)

  11. The connection speed you can acquire is limited by money first, and then by power consumption, and then by available space. A single desktop computer probably can't get the full benefit of anything faster than, say, 100 megabits per second. One way you could experience that kind of speed in your home without laying new cables would be to use a thin client to connect to an off-site server in a server farm which had its own private internet backbone. Server farms like that are sure to have a nice fast connection - much faster that the average individual user needs or wants.

    On the more practical side, I have a friend who has cable and DSL, and is using both connections simultaneously. He is paying for it though, to the tune of about $70 per month if I remember correctly.

    The fastest internet connections worldwide are using fiber optic cables to transmit the data. If you are wealthy, and feel the need or want for an unnecessarily large data pipe, you could pay to have one of said optic cables installed up to your doorstep. But it would cost a lot of money.

    So, your limiting factors, in increasing order of difficulty, are money, power consumption, and available space.


    (If you took things to a theoretical extreme, you would reach a point where the information could not be processed fast enough with current technology, and until further advances developed, going faster would be meaningless.)

  12. Once upon a time, ads were about products, not about the person for whom the product is intended. Over the years, ads have become projections of an image, rather than demonstrations of a product's quality. Take for example any one of the plentiful medicine ads. The whole time the voice-over is going, we see happy people dancing in green fields in the background. Medicine will not solve all your problems!

    The root cause of this change, in my opinion, is the loss of identity in today's culture. People today are finding their identity in their possessions - in a sense, their stuff owns them. So commercials have changed in response to the cultural shift. We're not just buying products anymore. We're buying an image, and hoping that that image can transfer in some way to ourselves.

  13. Toyclergy,You mention that God oversees, permeates, and orders all things, which implies omnipotence. You stated that we can turn to God when we are confused about our role in the order of things. But does God care about us, or is he more of an unknown scientific principle?How can we deal with the suffering around us, and what is the source of that suffering?Is there good and evil? Is God good?

  14. In a word, Linux.

    If you want a modern operating system that offers the possibility of much greater efficiency as you invest time learning how to use it, I would suggest Linux. Linux is built around a command line interface, which usability experts have long recognized as the interface of choice for expert users. Fortunately for those of us who aren't experts yet, Linux has recently become much more user-friendly. I would recommend MEPIS (a free distribution of Linux) to both expert Linux users and to beginners. If you want the benefit of technical support and other perks that come with a paid product, I would suggest Linspire, a rapidly growing Linux distribution aimed at users who are already comfortable with Microsoft Windows.


    As a side note... people who are very good with computers don't usually call themselves 'elite' - many prefer the terms 'superuser', 'poweruser', or 'expert'.

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