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Adi Dassler

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Everything posted by Adi Dassler

  1. After browsing or should I say using a search engine, I came across this. Before I start, I would like to say that I prefer adidas over nike anyday. Adidas has more style and focuses more on the performance in sports and lifestlye than Nike does. Sure Nike is ahead of adidas.. but that won't last forever. Anyway... I also like Nike don't get me wrong. But adidas is what I prefer and it's my taste of style. The adidas logo, both the lifestyle and performance are more detailed than Nike's check sign. I worn a couple of adidas basketball sneakers, and they're are extremely comfortable and lasts long... a3 technology, adiprene, and all adidas technology really works! Now... I always buy adidas products, jackets, sneakers, etc... I have a lot of adidas sneakers, all cleaned and fresh off the box. Why? I take good care of them and clean them even if they're not dirty. I always loved adidas and will continue to do so. I rock my adidas in school, parties, anywhere. I have the T-Mac's 5 in white/black and red/black and they're 10x better than Jordans. Adidas company is not boring as I read from the past posts of this topic, and I'm going to say.. "before you say something that stupid, prove it with enough detailed and facts" but you can't anyway, you just like to throw in stupid words thinking it's cool. Adidas comprehends their employees and has a nice facility and working enviornment. I suggest you read some facts kids before you post *BLEEP* like that. I know everything about adidas, just ask me anything and i'll be delighted to answer them for you. I'm an adidas freak if you must call it, or adidas addict. Adidas is love, passion, stylish, creative, I can keep going. Ok now for the reason why I quoted this fool. I quoted you because you must be the most idiotic, ignorant person so far in this thread with a few others. You saying adidas most expensive shoe only reached $70.00? Kid get out of here. Slap yourself. Adidas most expensive product for sneakers (not counting apparels) is over $250 bucks. Go see for yourself. You don't know *BLEEP*. As for apparels, it's over $130. Now shut the *BLEEP* up before I slap you. Also, if you browse through eastbay.com or adidas.com, you will see better kicks and apparels than nike. They're better looking and more stylish. Adidas has more players under contract than nike, for sports like basketball and tennis for example. I've said enough. Peace out. You may bann me, i don;t care, but when someone talks *BLEEP* and don't know what he/she is talking about is iggnorant and should go jump off a cliff. I will always wear adidas and protect/defend them as well. Thank you for reading! -Adidas Lover Okay, that was actually funny. Reebok is trash, garbage, crap. They're also cheap. They're not worth a dollar. I can guarantee you that they will work. Use the common sense. It's adidas and it cost $250. It has a micro chip instead which detects your every move, making you feel more comfortable. I recommend them. Your not funny, fool. you the one who looks like *BLEEP*.
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